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It's still New Cross though


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I was watching Black Redstarts in the city centre before they'd invented the "Northern Quarter" smile.gif

What was it you were saying about my grey hair, Ian? disbelief.gif


Steve "Make your birdwatching count!"

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Ancoats Steve . I hope you're not referring to the Northern Quarter as Ancoats! New Cross perhaps but Ancoats...


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King Street? Are the Ancoats birds going up in the world?

Knew something had to turn up soon. Well done Adrian!


Steve "Make your birdwatching count!"

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Black Redstart confirmed as singing from the Lloyds Bank building this morning (first heard briefly last week) at the junction of King Street and Cross Street. The bird was then seen to fly towards Deansgate along King Street at 9:30ish.

Info thanks to Adrian Dancy


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I feel a song coming on! What ate the Peregrine?


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That wouldn't be the Kestrel that was killed by a Peregrine was it? cry.gifcry.gif


Steve "Make your birdwatching count!"

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There remains the (real) possibility that the Northern Quarter male (which probably toured the city centre on occasion) was taken by a Kestrel and fed to it's young!


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I was wondering about the black redstart(s) - no sightings for several weeks? cry.gif


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Nothing seen or heard in Spear St area all week cry.gifcry.gif


Steve "Make your birdwatching count!"

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Singing at 1.05pm from buildings on George St heard from the China Town car park but once again by teh time I'd gone back to the office for my bins he was gone. Busy boy I hope he strikes lucky soon.


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Historically they have bred in the Portland St area as it's near the canal.

Judith Smith __________________________________ Lightshaw hall Flash is sacrosanct - NO paths please!

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I'm new to this forum but have been reading it to help me find black redstarts so I thought I'd return the favour!

I heard and saw one singing on Thursday 16th evening, around 930pm on Faraday street, on the large building near to Lever street. He was previously on Spear street.

I also think I heard one in the distance when stood outside the Premier Inn on Portland street the following morning, has anyone heard them in this area before?


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I feel we should have a police incedent room type whiteboard with his movements tracked on it!


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l heard and saw the male (presumably) at 9pm, last night.

l was on Clarence Street and he was on the top of a building on Tib Lane at the top of Cross Street.
Very vocal and flitting around.


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Rob Smallwood wrote:

What time Mark?

Sorry it was 8-30 again. He seems to like that time for his evening chorus.


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What time Mark?


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Male giving his usual Friday evening performance. This time on building where Spear Street meets Back Piccadily. Sang for few mins and then flew off towards Stevenson Square.


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Well, it would be nigh on impossible to seperate two second calender year birds on plumage so the chance of two (or more) birds is far from unlikely. That said, having combined working and birding in the city centre for the past 17 years including regularly being privvy to many priviledged views from high vantage points it is very easy to underestimate just how big the city centre of Manchester is. It is actually tiny, particularly as the Black Redstart flies!

Having pondered seriously over the current situation in an attempt to decide how many individuals may be involved I too have come to the conclusion that it is perhaps most likely all sightings relate to just one bird. Of course this may, hopefully, be proved wrong in due course

The majority of sighting come from the 'northern quarter' of the city but the sighting from China Town is not that far down from Lever Street (where the bird has been tracked to). China Town is of course very close to the town hall. The town hall is very close to Bridge Street which is in turn just down the road from St.Annes Square and is on the way back towards the northern quarter. Even the Boddingtons sighting is but a short flit from the northern quarter too. Could this male be on a circuit of the city centre, expanding it's chances of attracting a mate?

It seems feasible although I wouldn't be surprised if there was two or even three

-- Edited by Ian McKerchar on Friday 18th of June 2010 10:20:15 PM


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In one of the fastest u-turns in history I have changed my mind.

The Bridge Street bird so closely resembles the bird I saw in the Hilton Street area that I am comfortable that there is every chance that they were one and the same.

The Bridge Street bird showed well late afternoon.


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I saw the BX singing from the Law Society building on Bridge Street between 2.00pm. and 2.30pm... a first year male. The last time I saw two males singing there was an almighty clash and one bird was seen off (that was last year) . I do not think than one male will tollerate another in such close proximity as suggested. I have tracked and double tracked our bird to a point of obsession and given the period of time that I have done this I have formed the firm conclusion that there is only one bird in the City Centre that has attempted to set up any territory and attract a mate. Of course I cannot dismiss the possiblity (indeed liklihood) that other males have passed through.

I might add that I too have been on top of the car park on Tibb Street and on occasions a lone bird singing can give an impression of there being two birds owing to the fact that high pitched sounds rebound off walls with little loss in volume.




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Likewise Rob, last heard calling 5pm

Cheers Dave McIntyre


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15:29 and still audible on Bridge Street - nice to meet with you Dave!


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its now 2.40pm and the Black Redstart is still flying and calling around the top of Bridge street.

Dave McIntryre


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Saw BX flit up onto building on Spear Street, sing briefly and then flip down over rooftop.

No sign after, in spite of thorough grilling of area.

Only the obsessed understand!

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Black Redstart singing its head off on Bridge street on top of the old childrens mission opposite my work place , keeps flying around then coming back to the same place for over 30 mins now .

Dave McIntyre


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I would be surprised for two males to be singing so close from within the same territory

A further report from Kevin Singleton of a male in the car park at the site of the old Boddington's brewery off Trinity Way opposite the M.E.N. arena on Sunday the 13th June. Along the brick wall furthest away from the car park entrance.


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My fiver is on more than one bird, but then again my track record with punditry is not good!


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Have been discussing this issue with Agents Dancy and Foulkes of the Black Redstart Investigation Team (BRIT)!

Luke says he heard 2 singing simultaneously. I was almost fooled into thinking the same thing the other morning until I realised one of the birds was simply an echo of what was in fact just the one bird cry.gifcry.gif

I'm not saying that Luke was wrong (I would love to think that he was right) but it's easy to be mistaken - I was!


Steve "Make your birdwatching count!"

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Adrian Dancy wrote:

Thursday 6.45pm heard bird sing briefly from Stevenson Square then from Faraday Street when it dropped down a wall to feed. I did not get any BXs anywhere else.

For what it is worth, it is my view that there is only one bird that has tried to set up a territory in the centre of Manchester. It is no more mobile than what birds have been in previous years. Can't help feeling sorry for the poor thing though.

Except that Luke had two singing earlier so at least at some stage there has been more than one bird.


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Thursday 6.45pm heard bird sing briefly from Stevenson Square then from Faraday Street when it dropped down a wall to feed. I did not get any BXs anywhere else.

For what it is worth, it is my view that there is only one bird that has tried to set up a territory in the centre of Manchester. It is no more mobile than what birds have been in previous years. Can't help feeling sorry for the poor thing though.



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12.55 - 1.10 at least male singing with gusto from the top of Griffin House on Lever St. Took some time to find though perched slightly out of sight on an aerial. No sight nor sound in China Town. A brief visit from the Lever St. bird Tuesday?

In strong sunlight this bird perhpas looked even more washed out but it seemed to be the same probable first summer male described by Rob

-- Edited by Tim Wilcox on Wednesday 16th of June 2010 01:50:30 PM

-- Edited by Tim Wilcox on Wednesday 16th of June 2010 02:29:00 PM


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Hi Ian and all just to confirm Chinese Car Park = China town car park. It's just what we call it in the Gallery. Having another wander this lunchtime


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I don't think so although I sure some birders are 100% certain of the warbler's identification. Maybe it should be re-submitted?


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Was there ever a positive identification of the warbler?


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Singing loudly from corner of Lever St/Faraday St this morning.


Steve "Make your birdwatching count!"

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I had a good long look (last night) for BX around China Town and other usual places but only heard BX singing on roof of Next and along Shudehill.

-- Edited by Adrian Dancy on Wednesday 16th of June 2010 08:35:21 AM



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Ian McKerchar wrote:

Rob's tracked bird proves just how much this seemingly unpaired 'Northern Quarter' male can roam though although there's no real surprise that they do. Any visual descriptions of these males may be essential to assist in eliminate this apparent first summer bird from other sightings and proving just how many birds may be involved. That or a mass Sunday morning planned search by several birders wink.gif

That sounds like a planaww.gifbiggrin.gif



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I wouldn't go looking in the Chinatown car park, Ian. You never know what warblers you might find there confuse.gifbiggrin.gifno.gifsmile.gifdisbelief.gif


Steve "Make your birdwatching count!"

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Is this the car park in China Town Tim?


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Singing from Chinese Car Park at 12.40. Went back for bins and couldn't relocate. None found in Northern Quarter in next half hour or so.


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Rob's tracked bird proves just how much this seemingly unpaired 'Northern Quarter' male can roam though although there's no real surprise that they do. Any visual descriptions of these males may be essential to assist in eliminate this apparent first summer bird from other sightings and proving just how many birds may be involved. That or a mass Sunday morning planned search by several birders


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Putting on a good show in Faraday St this morning - seemingly in vocal competition with a Grey Wagtail which seems to be unpaired as well.

I still reckon there's more than one, Adrian smile.gif


Steve "Make your birdwatching count!"

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Black Redstart heard singing from St Annes Sq at 9.50am

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One tracked from Little Lever Street and across Hilton Street then finally tracked down from roof of Hilton Street Multistorey singing from the roof of Sacha's on Tib Street this evening.

Very dull bird, had it not sung I'd have been thinking female on the brief views we got on the various rooftops.

Both adult Peregrine showing on CIS, and 3 + 2 Goldfinch over.


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Described to a birdwatching friend who was here from Stoke where I'd seen the BX on Friday evening. She went for walk in the area this afternoon at 1-30. Saw a male BX on a window ledge on the building with scaffold on it next to building that burnt down on the corner of Dale Street and Little Lever Street



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Male heard singing whilst walking through Stephenson Square at 8-30 pm Friday. We tracked him down to the top corner of the JD Willams Group building on the junction of Little Lever Street and Faraday Street. Observed him for 5 mins on the building singing before he flew off towards Stephenson Square. A first sighting for the other half.


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Well, Luke Brown heard two simultaneously (see below). My money's on 3 minimum!


Steve "Make your birdwatching count!"

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Has anyone got an opinion as to how many different males are singing in the City, if it's just one it's very mobile.
Cheers Ian


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Black Redstart singing from the top of the Triangle building at 9.35am today

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