3 separate sightings of singing Male Black Redstart - High Street on Arndale, then further along on Fountain Street and back on High Street on building next to Debenhams. Probably the same bird.
Both Peregrines in flight together - before one flew back to nest site and the other flew away towards North West.
The bird was very mobile. It never really held a post for singing as it was trying to feed during light rain. It occupied the roof tops around Turner St. We also viewed the bird from the top of the NCP carpark Hilton Street. Before Phil arrived it was also singing from the Arndale car park. The bird was a drab male.
The Spear St / Faraday area was checked out but I could not find any black red. Nor was there any near King Street.
Met Adrian Dancy this morning in Manchester who kindly showed me the areas to look for the Black Redstart.
Thankfully after hearing a Male singing away several times and trying to locate where it was coming from, we managed to pin it down singing from one of the rooftops.
After that, we got at least two more sightings of the bird with good views as it flew from roof to roof.
Also seen were Peregrine, Grey Wagtail, Blue Tits, Magpie, Lesser-Black Backed Gulls and a Goldfinch.
I'm not sure of the Street names and locations so will leave the rest to Adrian.
A nice morning in Manchester followed by a cup of Coffee, a Sausage Buttie and a look round the shops
-- Edited by Phil Owen on Sunday 6th of June 2010 06:45:29 PM
-- Edited by Phil Owen on Sunday 6th of June 2010 06:46:00 PM
I didn't see any black reds in the usual locations this afternoon. I also looked extensively elsewhere going as far as Piccadilly and beyond with nothing seen. However I got one singing high on a building between Tib Lane and King Street (near Town Hall) at 7.30pm. It flew down out of sight only to be replaced by a grey wag.
Cheers for the info, I did think I must have looked like a bit of a nutter wandering round an empty car park. I'll have a look at the article... still no definite sighting of a female then?
I've used the car park as a viewpoint in the past, but I know that someone (Tim Wilcox?) had a bit of hassle from the car park security staff the other year, so take care.
I don't want to cast aspersions on anyone's observations of a female this year but, as far as I'm aware, none of the males seen this year has been a classic dark bird with a bright wing panel.
I'm going to have another look at Ian's "Back to Black" article on the species study pages and view Adrian's photos again. If you haven't already read the article, I thoroughly recommend you do so.
PS - if anyone does find a nest site, please inform Ian and/or Judith but don't post the location on this forum.
Went up to the top of car park on Tib St this morning and discovered that there are at least two males. Both singing simultaneously from different directions. One from a block between Oldham St and Spear St, the other from the bottom of Thomas St (near Arndale).
Add to this that an RSPB staff member (outside the triangle for the Peregrines) informed me he had seen a female recently and things are looking quite good for them this year
Just a Grey Wagtail at the favoured site. Having decided to abandon the search for the day, I set off back to work only to find the male BX perched on the railings outside the Wheatsheaf on Oak Street. He flitted off through the flats behind the Craft centre and I found him again on Hare Street, yards from my work's front door!
Thanks for solving a mystery for me. I work on Faraday Street and have been hearing something singing that I didn't recognise, but distant sitings of it on chimney pots have only occured when I have not had my binoculars handy. Saw a pair of Grey Wagtails on Spear Street this morning on some fenced-off waste ground.
all these recent sightings are in the city's 'northern quarter'. If you read back several posts the birds recent hang-outs are all there, you'll just need an A to Z or google map search to work out which roads are which. There is no specific location though as the bird does move around so a search of the areas mentioned early in the morning perhaps at weekend (though any time of day/week is possible), listening for it's song is the only chance of catching up with it.
That's good news Steve...I have not had the bird since last Thursday although I have had a grey wag singing from the same posts. Worst time to go is Sunday evening when Gullivers on Oldam Street have a karaoke night the singing is loud and positively awful.
The black redstart was singing from usual vicinity. The fact that it has remained in the same area is encouraging but given that I have not seen two birds despite frequent and long visits suggests that there is no female sitting...I would love to be wrong. Beware of goldfinch flying nearby in pairs.
Male singing from junction of Faraday St & Spear St this morning at 9.00. From there it moved to yesterday's perch to continue its attempts to attract a mate.
After several attempts to locate the Black Redstart whose song I kept hearing, I pinned the bird down to a rooftop between Oldham St. and Tib St. at 12.30 today.
How many people can step out of their work's front door and see Peregrines circling round their eyrie and hear a singing Black Redstart?
There's also a nice thriving colony of House Sparrows...
No sign in all of the locations mentioned in brief scans this morning. More time needed probably but has anyone else seem them recently?
Sadly no birds have been seen since Tom Willis saw a bird. It is not known if there had been any attempt to breed again and if so where? I imagine the digging up of China Lane by UU may have created so much noise that breeding may have been put off. However we just don't know and we just have to hope that the birds have escaped our attention and some chicks pop up somewhere....on an optimistic note there is a lot of very good BX territory and they may just turn up.
was in luck again last night (Monday) - within a minute of looking, one appeared at the top of renovated building, before dropping down into the building site (but remaining visible). Had my binoculars with me again and managed to get my best views yet so very pleased. There was no singing, and from Adrian's description I would guess that it was the female but am far from certain!
I did not pick the best day to try to see the Black Redstarts and sure enough no sight nor sound of them in a 2hr rain watch Birds seen 3 Pied Wagtails 5 Canada Geese 1 Goldfinch Feral Pigeons And a Pop Video was being shot on the Tram Lines s/o Piccadilly Station by Ian Brown so i wasnt the only one to pick a bad day
Male and female seen again tonight about 400 yards away from the China Lane site. I was unable to track down where they went. However it was nice to see a black red on a fence and a peregrine circling over Manchester in the same view.
It is clearly obvious that we have no chicks as yet and for what ever reason the nest site that was taken up in mid June has proved a failure. Of course I am gutted. It would seem that if there had in fact been two pairs then the other pair would have had chicks ( on the balance of probabilities). It would seem that these birds cover a much wider territory than I expected for feeding and I have a strong suspicion as to where they might be feeding when not on roofs . Each day I see the two birds brings a sigh of relief and the hope of successful breeding otherwise I imagine they would disappear.
On a slightly different note, I have met quite a few local and out of town birders, some who have come a very long way. It has been a pleasure to have met all of you. When ever I have seen a lost soul looking like birder I have usualy managed to get them to see the birds and for a few folk these birds have been lifers. It's always nice to see the look on the face of someone who has just seen a lifer...so really, it has been my pleasure.
Thought I'd struck gold this evening - passed the China Lane area at 6.30pm and immediately heard some noise, looked up to see a bird feeding a juvenile high on a fire escape. My long-distance identification skills aren't particularly strong I'm afraid, but this was most likely a wagtail I think (certainly plenty of tail wagging). The adult flew back and forth a couple of times, leaving the youngster at the top of the fire escape.
My wife and I were passing just now (9pm) and I suggested a detour through the area, more through hope than expectation. My eagle-eyed wife spotted one immediately! Fortunately, I'd brought my binoculars out and we were both able to get a decent view before it (I think probably the male but not really sure at all) flew out of sight. It wasn't calling at all, but had a bit of a preen on a window ledge allowing us a decent view.
Firstly, nice to meet you today with my companions, the two Johns (Rayner and Tromans) and thanks for your help in relocating the Black Redstarts, (a new Gr.Man. sp. for me). I last worked in the city centre 1988 to 1990 and never was aware of the presence of Black Reds then, following which, I moved to the N.E. - so great to belatedly catch up with them!
Kind Regards Mike P.
Challenges are inevitable, but failure is optional.
At 6.25pm male bird singing in China Lane. 10-15 mins later joined up with female (?) and both birds fed in close proximity with each other on buildings behind the hoardings giving distant views till about 7.00pm.
Great to see that they're still about. Adrian - we had a chat during the Wimbledon men's final recently and I was enquiring about black redstarts. Many thanks for taking the time to talk. I live in the northern quarter and get the train from Piccadilly every morning and since we met I've been trying to keep my ears and eyes open in the China Lane area. On the way home I've been stopping around there for a few minutes at a time (approx. 6.30pm) but not seen or heard any so far. Will keep trying!
Just heard (and then seen) peregrines from our balcony. Superb!
-- Edited by tomw on Monday 13th of July 2009 08:20:48 PM
Male bird seen this evening. He sang one third of a song, repeated twice then went off to feed around the building being renovated on China Lane...out of view it then began to rain.
If you go to 'Species Study' on this website you will find an excellent article by Ian McKerchar called 'Back to black redstarts in Greater Manchester'.
Also google up '331 black redstart' Yes indeed Adrian an excellent article by Ian that I have already seen - some nice pics as well.
If I recall correctly the Balloon Street/Federation Street male last year was very pale and caused some confusion - could this year's bird be that returning male making the male and female difficult to distinguish. I am reasonably confident that the bird I saw a couple of weeks ago was a female but....
If you go to 'Species Study' on this website you will find an excellent article by Ian McKerchar called 'Back to black redstarts in Greater Manchester'.
If I recall correctly the Balloon Street/Federation Street male last year was very pale and caused some confusion - could this year's bird be that returning male making the male and female difficult to distinguish. I am reasonably confident that the bird I saw a couple of weeks ago was a female but....