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RE: Black redstarts

Good work Adrian, Nigel, etc

I have been checking last year's nest site on a twice-daily basis with "not a dicky bird" to be seen, apart from the occasional pigeon. Just below the old nest they are replacing the tram tracks which means quite a bit of disturbance. The Grey Wags which nested in the same street last year are also absent.


Steve "Make your birdwatching count!"

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Some good info in there Adrian thank you, i think we will get the chance to have a look at them ourselves this weekend, i kind of find it ironic that the last time i saw them was in and around the old martial arts shop before it moved and the new nesting area is again within a stones throw of the new martial arts shop! I have searched high and low through all my old photos and cannot find any of the old area they nested in which is disapointing for me as i know i had some if not lots!


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I took the afternoon off work and spent 7 1/2 hours at the location...so here is my take on what was seen and I will be as brief as poss. Tim wilcox was with me for a good part of the afternoon.

On arrival at the site (China Lane) the first bird I saw and heard was a black redstart (BX). The BX was singing on the chimney mentioned in first post. About a couple of hours later I heard two BXs singing from different locations. I contacted Ian to inform him. When I was in mid conservation with Ian I witnessed two BXs having a fight just above the martial arts centre roof! (Back piccadilly) the birds took the fight to mid-air. This was more than a checking out drama but all out aggression with one bird seeing the other off out of territory.

Later in the afternoon Tim and I saw a male and female together content with each other's company and they flew together over Dale street.

Very late afternoon I saw two birds mating high on a roof in Dale Street.

I have to admit that at the time of writing I do not know if the female ever sings. If she does not sing then it seems obvious to me that we have two males in Manchester. Given the level of aggression I saw between the two birds fighting I am inclined towards thinking that we have two males even if the female sings.

Given the above I think it may well be worthwhile for birders to see if we have a male singing around last years site.

Some of the activity I saw may well have been the female looking for a nest site. Depending upon where the nest is made it may be that steps may have to be taken to protect the site from disturbance.

Given that I watched the area exensively over the weekend I am confident that the birds arrived yesterday though previous reports may well be valid. So thanks to everyone reporting. I must admit to wearing out a lot of shoe leather trying to locate these little rascals!

Please be aware that these are Sched. 1 birds.

These birds and the nest site will be very closely monitored by me.

Nice to meet Nigel who found the bird and of course others who turned up or showed interest.

Other sitings around the site were pied and grey wagtail, kestrel flying high above, peregrine high above , magpie and carrion crow too close for comfort.

I also witnessed human behaviour too discusting to report here, some folk have no shame.

Hope the birds breed successfully and everyone gets to see them in the course of time.


-- Edited by Adrian Dancy on Tuesday 16th of June 2009 09:19:09 PM



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great news.


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Fantastic news Nigel and well done. I did two extended visits this week-end and only got a pair of grey wagtails. What we need now are a male and female BX!



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Well done Nigel.

Judith Smith __________________________________ Lightshaw hall Flash is sacrosanct - NO paths please!

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Black Redstart found in Manchester City Centre this afternoon!

It was a case of Murphy's Law, since I was in some hurry to get home and could ill afford to spare any time.

As I was cycling along Dale Street, at 15:00, in the direction of Piccadilly Station, I heard the song very clearly. I turned around and targetted the source as the high buildings on China Lane.

After five minutes of searching China Lane and Back Piccadilly, I located the bird: walk twenty yards down China Lane, from Dale Street; look upwards to the top of the first building on the right; it was singing from the ornate chimney stack.

I also saw three Peregrines in the air together over Stevenson Square, about five minutes earlier.


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Did all areas twice over weekend but nothing to report...sadly. I'm sure we have them ...somewhere.



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I saw Black Redstarts here maybe 10 years ago, before they rennovated the buildings along Portland St where I suspected they nested (the old Kung-Fu shop - now Jumpin Jacks) on the corner of Dickinson and Portland St.

that "old kung fu shop" was owned by my wife and her uncle it was called chung yee sports, it was on 110 portland street then took over the old allied irish bank building on the corner in about 1990 and moved to newton street in '93 now renamed van dang martial arts! The redstarts used to nest above the car park round the back now not there. You used to be able to walk through from portland street through an archway but alas no more.

-- Edited by brandon mulhern on Monday 8th of June 2009 06:54:56 PM


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Had a look around Canal Street, and the old Dale Street area, and then round the back to Shudehill and last year's site.

Nothing to report other than near constant Peregrine activity overhead...


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Unfortunately there's a lot of renovation work going on at our offices alongside the canal (nearer the Palace Theatre) so they probably won't venture this far.

I saw Black Redstarts here maybe 10 years ago, before they rennovated the buildings along Portland St where I suspected they nested (the old Kung-Fu shop - now Jumpin Jacks) on the corner of Dickinson and Portland St.

I'll keep my eyes and ears open the next few weeks


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I'll try a couple of early morning visits on my way to work.

I've seen them at the old NCP site near there before - and the canal side buildings that haven't been rejuventated seem ideal..


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The Court is the Minshull Street end. If you look to your left at the top of Canal Street you'll see a car park over the canal. I saw a female and 3 young there few years back with my partner and she is certain she saw a female black redstart there yesterday.


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The Crown Court is off Aytoun Street (which is basically accessed on foot off Piccadilly Grardens). The canal runs down from here through the Gay Village and out along Whitworth Street. There were reports (substantiated I think) of juvenile Black Reds just off Sackville Street very close to the canal (and only a few hundred yards from the courts) a couple of years ago. Of course a traditional and old favourite site was along the canal at the back of the NCP car park off Whitworth Street many years ago and this is also only down the canal from the courts. With so many buildings, so much noise and activity, so many nooks and crannies, it's no surprise they perhaps go mainly unnoticed.

-- Edited by Ian McKerchar on Friday 5th of June 2009 03:45:18 PM


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I will try too. I'm not familiar with the area (honest!) - where abouts are the courts?


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I will check this out. It would be fantastic if they are here.



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Very strong possible sighting in Canal Street of a female Black Redstart today at 2 o'clock at the End by the courts. Flew off down the Canal.

-- Edited by Ian McKerchar on Monday 22nd of June 2009 12:55:08 PM

-- Edited by Ian McKerchar on Saturday 15th of May 2010 09:00:09 AM

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