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Glad to hear there are still bird/birds present.
We seem to be receiving reports of some unusal timings for Black Redstart to be singing, but the places are generally the same.
I wonder what the possibility of a co-ordinated survey would be one morning this week to try and pin down presence numbers, then we can obviously officialy record this. PM or text if you're interested and we'll pick a morning.


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Ian McKerchar wrote:

As it is these Black Redstarts are very poorly officially recorded.


Despite a dozen postings on this thread since April 29th - seems a shame cry


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David Walsh wrote:

Does someone submit City Centre records - I very rarely visit?

No, unfortunately, a small minority of county birders submit the vast majority of the records we receive David so records from areas like this generally go unrecorded, which is especially unfortunate given the amount of development going on in the city centre. Please submit any and all your records David, doesn't matter if there from an area with 'regular observers' (many site regulars don't submit records) or indeed if you think someone else will submit it; always best to be sure. As it is these Black Redstarts are very poorly officially recorded.

Thanks for your consideration as always smile


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Black Redstart currently singing (10.03am) high up on one of the buildings in Richmond Street between Sackville Street and Chorlton Street, couldn't locate it but quite loud


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It's a bit of a late posting now, but a bird was vying for position with 4 Goldfinch at 2.30pm on Monday, in Albert Square, at the highest point of the building which houses the Slug and Lettuce (other wildlife, I know!), opposite the Town Hall.

Does someone submit City Centre records - I very rarely visit?


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Seems to be showing a pattern of favourable singing locations as that's twice I've seen it there now, and heard near Rain Bar opposite Bridgewater Hall recently.
It just so happens I've got a delivery near there again later so will post an update / sighting as soon as I can


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Singing once again this morning behind Mr Thomas's Chop House next to GAP.
Nice way to start the day.

My blog: The Early Birder

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Thanks Rob and Ollie. I made my way into Manchester and managed to clock this handsome male singing on the roof tops around King Street and on Thomas's Chop House. At 5.30 the bird flew onto the town hall and I think it shot off in the direction of the Bridgewater Hall area.



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Watching a Black Redstart currently singing on top of high building behind Thomas's Chop House near St.Annes Square.
(Watching it from right outside Rapha Cycle Store)


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Black Redstart heard singing in Albert Square at about 9:15am.


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2.40pm today

Black Redstart was singing from the highest point of the Old Exchange building round the back of St.Ann's Square.
It's the building that adjoins Rapha Cycle Shop and goes over St.Ann's Passage.
It was just a silhouette against the bright sun before flying off!


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Black Redstart singing for a good 5 mins on Canal St this morning between Chorlton and Sackville St.


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Hi Steve,

Black Redstart was reported on RBA at c11.00. Singing on Chepstow Street behind Lee House and Rain Bar.

Cheers John

Which they got from this forum John; see Rob Creek's most recent post a few down this thread wink

Oops! Sorry folks, I should read the forum more thoroughly smile

Cheers John


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Just Dunnocks singing for me over the past few days.
Peregrine mobbing a Buzzard shortly after 4, a welcome distraction.


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I was looking in this area at 1.00 p.m. today and saw(or heard) no sign of any Black Redstart.
Cheers Ian


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John Rayner wrote:

steven burke wrote:

No sight or sound of any black redstarts between 8.15-10.30am this morning in any of the recent areas mentioned & a few other known areas.

Hi Steve,

Black Redstart was reported on RBA at c11.00. Singing on Chepstow Street behind Lee House and Rain Bar.

Cheers John

Which they got from this forum John; see Rob Creek's most recent post a few down this thread wink


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steven burke wrote:

No sight or sound of any black redstarts between 8.15-10.30am this morning in any of the recent areas mentioned & a few other known areas.

Hi Steve,

Black Redstart was reported on RBA at c11.00. Singing on Chepstow Street behind Lee House and Rain Bar.

Cheers John


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No sight or sound of any black redstarts between 8.15-10.30am this morning in any of the recent areas mentioned & a few other known areas.


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I've been on Chepstow St. 3 times today due to timed deliveries. A Black Redstart was heard once but only faintly around 11am and seemed to be coming from the rear of (and between) Lee House and Rain Bar.
Lee House does have an open courtyard in the middle of the offices so the song could've echoed from around that area.

...and just to add there were 2 or 3 Dunnocks in the same area and all singing too, so these will probably be heard more readily than the Black Redstart.
Cheers, Rob


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went to Chepstow street yesterday and the same as rob the black redstart was very vocal but also quite invisible

b. hooley

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Tried to post yesterday but had problem with emails, data, etc
Since Phil's post from Sunday 19th April I've took a few tacho breaks on Ducie St. without success for a Black Redstart.
I was telling Steve Burke and Simon Gough this Sunday that I would keep trying this week.
Then yesterday approx 3pm a Black Redstart was singing near Ducie House. I tried to locate the bird but it just didn't want to be found.

There were other birds seen and heard singing in same area including...
and Blue Tit


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Originally posted today by Fred Ford:

Black redstart singing and seen in trees opposite side to Peveril of the Peak, Chepstow St., yesterday 11am.


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Surprised to hear a Black Redstart singing on a building opposite Ducie House, Ducie Street. It flew across to Ducie House and another none-singing bird flew the opposite way. Didn't have any binoculars, so not sure if they were a pair or 2 males.

Phil Greenwood

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Black Redstart seen late morning and early afternoon yesterday (Friday). No singing. None seen or heard at other previous locations frequented by this species.



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Heard presumably this bird around 15 minutes before this. Also, f. Peregrine on the tower with kill before heading back up the river. thankfully looked like a pigeon.


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Male Black Redstart seen on Manchester Cathedral briefly at 4.30pm today; on the east side of tower.

Info thanks to Tony O'Mahony


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Black Redstart (male in breeding plumage) seen today on Manchester Cathedral. Only distant views since it spent all the time on the tower roof. It sang frequently from early morning to noon but did not sing a full song. It made a few feeble noises in the afternoon and was last seen at about 5.00pm.

-- Edited by Adrian Dancy on Wednesday 14th of May 2014 08:41:19 PM



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Whilst in the gym this morning (which over looks Mosley street) a Black Redstart was seen on ledges of the RSA building on west Mosley street and then flew towards the town hall.


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Male Black Redstart just seen briefly from my office window (Town Hall).


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Despite being a Schedule 1 breeding species I am currently happy for this individual's movements to be published on this public forum. Observers should be reminded though that posting in here does not constitute an official record and they still need submitting to me personally; even if we find half a dozen singing in the city, if they're not officially recorded then they can't and won't be used officially for the National Rare breeding Birds Report, County Bird Report and any future conservation/development issues.

More importantly though, they are only to be published on this forum in certain instances for which this current wandering male meets the criteria. The moment anyone observes anything even slightly tantamount to true breeding evidence then it should be witheld immediately and passes on to me privately ASAP, bearing in mind that secrecy in such instances is paramount.

If in doubt please check with me first before posting.

-- Edited by Ian McKerchar on Saturday 6th of July 2013 09:55:55 AM


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I have now down loaded my images and sent them to Ian, so the age of the bird I saw will be his call.

I would , if I may, make one request. It will not be the first time that it has been speculated how many Black Redstarts we may have in the city centre at any one time. A few years ago we had a breeding pair and I watched a second year (+) male bird see off a first summer male( the latter having similar plumage detail to a female Black Redstart). In order that we can best nail what birds we have it would be very helpful if possible for a description and an exact time and location of sighting to be cited and for it to be called in as quickly as possible. As some of you know I am a bit nuts with this species. It is one of the rarest breeding birds in England and is a Schedule 1 species and my only interest is that our birds get monitored so that they can be afforded maximum protection especially if they are nesting. Of course it will not always be possible to offer a description if the bird is only heard and not seen (or partially seen ) but giving a time and location may help.

Many thanks




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I heard one again while at work - first in the vicinity of John Dalton Street (and I also felt the song was missing a couple of notes) then briefly, same as yesterday, on the roof of 123 Deansgate (my building) - this was just before 4pm. My department is on the second floor and the windows look out onto a skylight with another floor above, then the roof... I'll see the little beggar one of these days!


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I got into the city at the break of dawn and did all the black redstart haunts then did them again. I finally got to the Cathedral having got myself a well earned cappuchino and enjoyed the noise from the nearby water pump (not) and the twittering of Goldfinches (yes) then at 9.45am heard the sound of a Black Redstart coming from on high (pun intended). I could not see it and its song was intermittent and seemingly lacking one or two notes but I was still 100% sure it was made by a Black Redstart (I sent Ian a text to report find). I suggested to the guy running the pump that he turn it off for a moment and he said it will be turned off permanently in a couple of minutes. True to his word the pump was turned off...but alas silence from on high. I checked out the north side of the cathedral but the machines were very noisy...so I went to the back of the cathedral and eventually heard the stunted song briefly again. My bins finally rewarded me with a nano second glimpse as the elusive bird dropped from one of the highest cathedral uprights so I could not make out detail. Things went a bit quiet for a while then I heard the bird again then later on the Corn Exchange roof and so I went round the building several times and eventualy found the bird singing at a high level. From the angle I was at I could only get the bird's head and a fraction of the upper breast through bins but what I got looked distinctly pale suggesting that the bird was a first Summer male. It flew over to theArndale Centre at 11.25am I took photos and checked histogram for exposure which was spot on...then sent Ian another text indicating that it looked like a first Summer male. I later heard the bird around Harvey Nichols but since I had other things on my agenda I gave up looking. I later met Steve who went to check King Street for the bird later in the afternoon. I have not downloaded my pics yet and when I do I will let Ian decide on the year of the bird (if that be possible) I await being torn down a a peg or two<img src="www.sparkimg.com/emoticons/no.gif" border="0" alt="no" title="no" />

Forgive spelling and other errors I'm bushed it has been a long day and spellcheck does not work.



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Male Black Redstart seen on the Corn Exchange building at around 11am and then on the Harvey Nicks building around 12pm, I then spotted another singing male, could be the same one though on Kings Street where it was photographed by myself and Steve, this was around 3ish

I have put a few pics up on my blog if anyone wants to check it out austinmorley.blogspot.co.uk/ Cheers


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First summer male seen and heard on the Cathedral and later on the Arndale early afternoon today.

Info thanks to Adrian Dancy

Typically for young males (the bird, not Adrian!), it is covering a fair old area in its quest to attract a mate (presuming it hasn't already!); something similarly aged birds have done previously at other city centre locations.


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Definite at least a single Black Redtstart this morning singing in Exchange Square (Market Street end) - it was close, but not seen, and either on the French Connection building or Royal Exchange Theatre. UK-first for this species on my end.

Keep calm and carry on birding....

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A Black Redstart was singing from the roof of 123 Deansgate, mid-morning. Heard it, but couldn't see it.


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steven burke wrote:

black redstart was heard and then briefly seen on the corner exchange it then flew off over next and the arndale at around 3pm

Nice to know that I wasn't confused or mistaken with my hearing last week smile

Steve "Make your birdwatching count!"

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I had a brilliant day on the Manchester Peregrine Project today as we were joined by a male singing Black Red. It turned up on top of the Corn Exchange building around 12ish and then I spotted two over the top of Harvey Nicks half an hour later, when I then followed of on to the Royal Exchange Theater building were I got a very poor record pic.

On my lunch I looked around for it again and walked over to the Town Hall and Victoria Station but I didn't hear or see one again.



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black redstart was heard and then briefly seen on the corner exchange it then flew off over next and the arndale at around 3pm smile it was then seen again briefly by the rspb staff at 3.40pm. no signs again up till 6pm.


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no signs of any black redstarts around canal street area and other known sites between 8.10- 10.30am. just like Adrian mentions there was a very vocal grey wagtail in the canal street area on several occasions.


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I have visited all the known Black Redstart sites several times over the past 10 days with nothing seen or heard. I have paid particular attention to the location indicated on the 'Other city birds' thread. All I have been able to get is a very vocal Grey Wagtail which sometimes sings from the roof tops if it is not chasing insects down the Canal or flying off to Whitworth Street where it has another song post. However the habitat in the area is absolutely ideal at the moment with the construction site between Canal Street and Whitworth Street offering an ideal feeding ground.

For those that see Black Redstart ...any chance of description?

-- Edited by Adrian Dancy on Monday 27th of May 2013 07:05:41 AM



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It seems Canal St is the place for the Black Redstarts. Seen and heard whilst walking down to the start of the Bupa Mcr 10k today. Heard on the way back on the Law Courts Building.

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took shelter here between 12.20 and 12.40 p.m. but only succeeded in adding a singing Goldfinch to the site list

Bus pass birdin' great innit?

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Mark Rigby wrote:

Another fruitless search for the Black Redstart with Miss Foulkes.
It was a bit unnerving when a drunk hobo started waving at us, so we beat a hasty retreat. Sorry Adrian-nice to meet you again.

Good to see you too....I do like to blend in

I will be in Manchester soon for another search.



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Hello cycling home from work this evening along chapel street/ black friars area in town a black redstart was singing Whilst at the lights.heard only as I forgot I had cars behind me and had to continue. Will keep a look out tomoro I had one last year in that vicinity, and behind Piccadilly station area in the past similar area to the posts below! Cracking bird I'll go earlier and try and locate!


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I've also drawn a blank over the last two days, both in the mornings and at lunchtimes. No sign in the Dale Street area nor by the town hall where it frequented last year.
The search goes on.

My blog: The Early Birder

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Another fruitless search for the Black Redstart with Miss Foulkes. It was a bit unnerving when a drunk hobo started waving at us, so we beat a hasty retreat. Sorry Adrian-nice to meet you again.


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I had a look in Manchester last Friday and got nothing. Went to Derbyshire Saturday. Spent several hours at the location yesterday. Arrived on location at about 12.15pm today and on all occasions got zilch. I asked a local car park attendant to keep an eye out. I hope my luck changes soon. The wren was lively and there are several recently fledged magpies.



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While on an errand did a quick circuit of the usual haunts, ending up at Dale Street. A brief bust of song, but no sign of the bird, which may have been disturbed by work on a nearby building, or maybe a meandering moggie. The local Wren and Blackbird certainly took exception to it!

Bus pass birdin' great innit?
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