May 16th.
East side of the golf course.Graveyard.School lane.
singing..wren 27 ;robin 34; blackbird 26;song th 5;mistle th 2; blue tit 6 ; great t 8; willow warbler 17; c whitethroat 11; chaffinch 25; house sparrow (pairs 13); greenfinch 3; linnet 1; blackcap 8;goldfonch 3 and 2 pairs of lapwing. Early showers sun /cloud;light fresh northwesterly.
4.45am College Lane - lake - south part of patch A male Grey Wagtail seen on several occasions carrying food - very interesting
At the lake 2 male Garden warblers were having a big sing off Very good, this year for Garden Warblers on the patch with 6 singing males found so far (4 last year) On the other hand Sedge warblers and Lesser whitethroats are down.
Grasshopper warblers are down as well - 3 so far, compared to 6 last year (although I had 7 reeling in a strip along the top of the patch on April 23 - some of these were probably on passage)
The vegetation is less advanced than this time last year and everywhere seems a bit drier - which would also explain sedge warblers being down. Last year some took up territory in the overgrown fields once the vegetation had grown - so there`s still time
Also singing Willow Warbler 9 (numbers on the patch up on last year) Blackcap 7 (numbers on the patch up on last year) Whitethroat 11 (numbers on the patch about same as last year) Chiffchaff 6 (numbers on the patch up on last year)
May 1st.
Golf course/graveyard.
c whitethroat 9.
L whitethroat 1.
Chiffchaff,willow warbler (numerous)
Few alba wagtails over.
Tree pipit 2.
Lafford lane area.
Lapwings (lost eggs to jackdaw).
Numerous chiffchaff,c whitethroat.
no sign of yellow wags today.
Linnet 2-m,2-f.
Nuthatch 4 pairs found,seem to have
more about this year.
Raven 2 east.
Hi Phil, have you had any plovers over as we've had a few golden plover over Billinge Hill in the last week or so and today I had 4 unidentified plover over high my garden this morning?
5.45 A large grey brown female Wheatear with long primary projection, perched in a bush on the Ridge - makes it rather Greenlandy, but not a cut and dried one (I'm not sure there are cut and dried ones)
5.30 Breacon Country Park - Lake - Ridge - Golf Course - Farley Lane - Beacon Country Park (s)- singing Sedge warbler 1 (s) Grasshopper Warbler 2 (s) (looks like some of last week`s have moved on) Lesser Whitethroat 2 (s) Whitethroat 12 (s) Willow Warbler 22 (s) Chiffchaff 13 (s) Blackcap 10 (s) etc
April 27th.
Garden warbler 1 (seen/singing).
lesser whitethroat 1 (singing).
C whitethroat 5 (singing).
Lafford lane.
Yellow wagtail 1-male,2-female.
flying north...5:36 am..Hen harrier
male...only 2nd male seen over the
village in 36 years.
April 24th.
Lafford lane.
Numerous pied and white wagtails
and 1 female yellow wagtail.
24 swallow and 16 sand martin flight
north. Numerous chiffchaff,willow warbler and c whitethroat. Tern species flight south east and cuckoo heard.
5.45 - 8.45 Breacon Country Park - Lake - Ridge - Golf Course - Farley Lane - lake again - Beacon Country Park (s)- singing A male Wheatear was a very welcome, if distinctly overdue, patch first It was perched on top of a mole hill in the middle of a field - it then took off and flew round, then in very tight circles rapidly gained high, a bit like a skylark, till it was out of view - presumably to continue it`s northward journey - A brilliant encounter with a migrant bird...migrating
In late April it could easily have been a Greenland wheatear, but in fact looked very much like Northern
Later on I saw 3 more male Northern wheatears - which amounts to a minor fall
Grasshopper warbler 7 reeling - mostly in the very extensive patches of brambles near Mill Lane Lesser whitethroat 1 (s) Whitethroat 6(s) - seem to be slow to arrive in force Lesser whitethroat 1 (s) Willow warbler 20 (s) Chiffchaff 20 (s) Blackcap 7(s) Goldcrest 2 (s) 16 singing males now found on the patch Treecreeeper 2 (s) 8 singing males now found on the patch
there has been remarkably little moving overhead over the last few days today just one Swallow and one Meadow Pipit this morning
-- Edited by Phil Barnett on Thursday 23rd of April 2015 09:29:34 AM
5.25 - Stoney Brow - College Farm - Mill Lane - Beacon Country Park - Ridge - Golf Course - Stoney Brow - a very beautiful morning S - singing
Lesser Whitethroat 1 (s) - 8 days later than my first last year Blackcap 9 (s) Whitethroat 6 (s)
Grasshopper Warbler 6 (s) - higher than any `day count` I achieved last year (see below)
Willow Warbler 37 (s) - this is a lot higher than any `day count` I managed last year and in fact my estimate of the total number of singing males on territory on the whole patch (148 hectares, link to map below) was 35
- this was a cumulative total based on lots of dawn visits to different parts of the patch throughout the spring
My health is very much better this year so I`ve been able go on much longer walks, in fact this morning`s walk covered most of the best habitat. Even so there do seem to be a lot of Willow Warblers around - some may be passing through, but on the other not all will have arrived yet .
Chiffchaff 17 (s) Including one with an unusual song, the rhythm and pitch was normal, but in tone it was more like a greenfinch call
This is short clip of it (volume needs to be turned right up) I predict this won`t be winning a whole rash of wildlife cameraman of the year awards in the near future - in other words it`s crap
In the same area last year I heard a Whitethroat that sounded like a Redstart! - maybe there`s been an escape of radiation resulting in a load of Chernobyl-style mutations. I`ll monitor the ongoing situation.
Goldcrest 7(s) - 11 singing males now found on the patch Treecreeper 5(s) - 7 singing males now found on the patch
Lake Shoveler - pair Tufted Duck - drake Little Grebe - pair
-- Edited by Phil Barnett on Tuesday 21st of April 2015 03:18:01 PM
5.30 Stoney Brow - College Farm - lake - Mill Lane - Ridge - Rough park wood - Golfcourse Stoney Brow - one of those glorious, glad to be alive spring mornings S - singing
Tree Pipit 1 near Mill Lane singing sub song 3 Trushes flying together near mill lane looked right for Ring Ouzel (i.e black, pointed wings), but I wasn`t able to get the bins on them
Common Whitethroat 6 (s) Grasshopper warbler 2 (s) Willow Warbler 28 (s) - a pretty remarkable number Chiffchaff 19 (s) Blackcap 11(s) Goldcrest 5 (s) Greenfinch 2 (s) Stock Dove 1(s)
April 15th.
White wagtail 3,pied wagtail 2, willow warbler 5, chiffchaff 8,linnet 61, blackcap 2,c whitethroat 1(16 days later than last year).,l redpoll male+
Female and Garden warbler(slacks area). Garden-willow tit 2.
5.45 Stoney Brow - College Farm - lake - Rough park wood - Stoney Brow - still, warmish S - singing
Common Whitethroat 1 (s) 2 days earlier than my first on the patch last year and in exactly the same place Grasshopper warbler 1 (s) in a new location - i.e. I heard groppers at 12 locations (probably around 6 different birds) on the patch last year and this wasn't one of them Willow Warbler 19 (s) Chiffchaff 19 (s) Blackcap 5(s)
Goldcrest 3 (s) Great Spotted Woodpecker 3 drumming
It`s always very striking at this time of year - the dawn chorus being dominated by the residents - Blackbirds, Robin, Song Thrush, Wren etc. A couple of weeks later the summer migrants have almost taken over - a massive input of avian biomass from Africa - and it`s glorious!
-- Edited by Phil Barnett on Wednesday 15th of April 2015 07:47:13 AM
5. 45 Stoney Brow - College Farm - lake - Mill Lane - Rough park wood - Golfcourse - Stoney Brow - a gorgeous morning (s - singing)
3 of the the local Swallows have returned to Stoney Brow - 2 were involved in a prolonged aerial battle - most likely 2 males and I'm wondering if one is a displaced bird from the now demolished convent (just up the road) where they regularly nested.
Chiffchaff 21(s) Willow warbler 1 (s) Great tit 15 (s) Linnet 2 (s) (4 singing males now found on the patch) Goldcrest - 1(s) (8 singing males now found on the patch)
Greenfinch- another singing male found
Lake Shoveler - 1 drake this time Little Grebe 2 Teal 2
6.00 - Beacon Country Park - College Farm - Lake Mill Lane Ridge - Beacon Country Park - still, bright
Meadow Pipit 45 > N Linnet 31 > N Siskin 1 > N `Alba` Wagtail 2 > N
Long Tailed Tit 2- (7 probable breeding pairs now found on the patch) Reed Bunting 1 -7 (singing males now found on the patch - surprised by this as I only found 3 last year) Bullfinch 2 - (5 probable breeding pairs now found on the patch) Jay 2 (5 probable breeding pairs now found on the patch ) Great Spotted Woodpecker 1 drumming (4 drumming males now found on the patch) Mistle Thrush 1(s) 4 singing males now found on the patch) Nuthatch - only 2 singing males found so far on the patch Greenfinch - only 1 singing male found so far on the patch
Chiffchaff 7(s) Linnet 2 (s)
Lake 3 Tufted Duck 2 Little Grebe
Sparrowhawk - Male `rollercoaster` display
-- Edited by Ian McKerchar on Thursday 2nd of April 2015 09:09:52 AM
-- Edited by Phil Barnett on Thursday 2nd of April 2015 01:39:29 PM
7.00 - more filthy weather Shoveler - female Little Grebe - 2 Reed Bunting -1(s) 7 (singing males now found on the patch) Goldcrest - 1(s) (7 singing males now found on the patch) - also 1 singing regularly in the garden and another near Beacon Country Car Park - both just outside the patch Linnet 2 (s) Pied wagtail 1 pair, I've only located this 1 pair on the patch so far Grey Wagtail 1 over Just the one Chiffchaff heard
6.00 - A remarkably unpleasant hail /gale combo this morning, which in my infinite stupidity I decided to brave, of course it was quite nice when got in.
on the lake - female Shoveler still and pair of tufted ducks
A few Lesser Black Backed Gulls were going south, correspondence with a very helpful Peter Alker has shed light on the spring phenomenon we get here of Lesser Black Backs going south in the spring in quite large numbers.
He has ringed them at the tips in Leigh and Hindley - breeding birds in Bowland and Walney. So they are commmuting between the roost and feeding area.
"The birds get thermals and updrafts from the ridge from Dalton to Billinge and that is probably part of the reason we get so many rather than it always being the most direct route from A to B. Basically the daily movements are birds commuting between the big colonies and roosts in north Lancs and tips and other food sources around the big conurbations. "
Thanks for the below's excellent and most appreciated! I'm an ultra novice so spotting anything around that area would be good for me! I've just said to Phil that I don't get to see much in Highfield and going off what you have listed below, I would love to get those ticked off! I'm that novice, I've still not been to Martin Mere! I appreciate Barn Owls are protected etc. so I'll just mooch about and keep everything crossed for a sighting! Only seen 1 in the wild on the East Lancs about 4 years ago!
With a long weekend coming up it seems like the perfect opportunity to get out birding in Roby Mill (and maybe a pint in the Fox!).
Hi matt, regarding birding in the Roby mill area and Barn owls. The best place to see Barn owl in the area is probably at martin mere wwt reserve.
Roby mill and area, you can park at the graveyard in the village or at the beacon country park car parks(at own risk)). I have bird watched here for about 36 years, not a lot of rare birds are seen here but we do get a few, it can be good during the migration times. As for breeding birds and finding out about what is here locally its just a question of getting out as much as you can. Please if you use the college land stick to the footpaths, there is a history of building applications and access rights the ramblers did a lot of work keeping the paths open over the years. As for the birds down walthew green area on the small pond over the last few months a kingfisher has been seen, during the winter the golf course is good for woodcock ,winter thrushes and finches. The end of last year the pine tree area held common crossbill for a while. The summer lesser whitethroat,common whitethroat,willow ,garden and grasshopper warbler are present, the golf course and lafford lane(rear of the fox off school lane),is good for reed bunting,yellowhammer and bullfinch. If you are looking for raptors we sometimes get passage osprey,marsh harrier,hen harrier and hobby. The last few years peregrine have become more regular, as have raven. Hope this is of some help to you any questions feel free to ask....GOOD BIRDING!. LEE.
5.45 am - College lane - south part of patch - mill lane - lake - College Lane (s) - singing
Lake Shoveler - female - an unexpected patch first Teal - female Tufted Duck - pair plus pairs of Little Grebe, Mallard, Coot, Moorhen For this small lake (which on a bad day would get called a pond), this constitutes a veritable Martin Mere of a Wildfoul collection!
Overhead Good movement of Meadow Pipits - c100 North
Long Tailed Tit - 2 (5 probable breeding pairs now found on the patch) Reed Bunting -2(s) 6 (singing males now found on the patch, which is twice as many as last year) Bullfinch 1 (5 probable breeding pairs now found on the patch) Goldcrest - 2(s) (6 singing males now found on the patch) Jay 1 (4 probable pairs now found on the patch ) Treecreeper - 1(s) (6 singing males now found on the patch) Chiffchaff 4(s)
I've just actually sent Phil a private message asking about which area the Goshawk was spotted. I live in Highfield but haven't been birding at Roby Mill and surrounding area, although I drive through it enough! Where would you recommend the best place to start off around there, taking into account that I don't really have any decent bins! I'd love to catch sight of an owl up there, especially the barn owl! If there is a good place to park that would be great to know too!
Hi Phil, good sighting the Goshawk, had 3 possible sightings over the last 30 years here myself, its about 8 years since my last sighting. Peregrine was an adult possibly a female due to size,they did breed locally about five years ago but haven't since, the five sightings I have had have been 4 adults and a juve all have been heading northeast. Any more sightings of the little grebes?. I can`t make it up that far to the rear of college farm its hard going the ground is so boggy. Good birding,,,,,Lee.
6.30am 1 Goshawk or at least 99% Goshawk at tree top-hight east over the ridge - probably female
I'm aware that this a species which is often misidentified and a lot of Goshawks go down as probables and I think this one will have to as well.
However well seen in good light and most of the diagnostic features noted i.e size, shape, flight pattern, wings, tail etc Good enough for me but not 100% which I'd have to be to submit the record
grey heron 2( towards the college lakes). jackdaw 58. c crow 6. wood pigeon 12(singing)/6. blue tit 2 (display). great tit 3 ((singing). blackbird m-22(singing). song thrush 4 (singing). robin 18 (singing). chaffinch m-14 (singing)./f-2. dunnock 1. goldfinch 4. c pheasant m-1. magpie 4. cormorant 2(north). lesser black b gull 15(south). herring gull 4(south). Canada g 2 (north). bullfinch m-3,f-2. c kestrel m-1,f-1. c buzzard 1.
wood pigeon 13. blue tit 16. great tit 11. coal tit 5 long tailed tit 1. wren 2. robin 5. dunnock 5. starling 4. house sp m-8,f-7. goldfinch 2. collared dove 3. nuthatch 1. willow tit 2. WILLOW WARBLER 1 (HALF HEARTED SONG/CONTACT CALL.).
5. 50 Stoney Brow - College Farm - lake - Mill Lane - Rough park wood - Golfcourse - Stoney Brow - still, frost
Chiffchaff 1 singing (9 days later than my first on the patch last year) Little Grebe 1 back at the small lake, also trilling call heard Reed Bunting 3 (s) Yellowhammer 2 (s) (4 singing males now found on the patch) Treecreeper 2 (s) (5 singing males now found on the patch)
Some viz miz going on this morning Several Meadow Pipits, Fieldfare, Redwing, alba Wagtail + 1 siskin north
-- Edited by Phil Barnett on Thursday 19th of March 2015 07:32:09 AM
6.00 - Beacon Country Park - Farley Lane - Golf Course - College Farm -Beacon Country Park -- still, dull, cool S - singing
Song Thrush 10 (s) Blackbird 8 (s) Mistle Thrush 1 (s) Dunnock 7 (s) Wren 15 (s) Robin 6 (s) Great Tit 4 (s) Coal tit 7 (s) Blue Tit 6 (singing or territorial behaviour) Chaffinch 8 (s) Greenfinch 1 (s) Goldfinch (1) Nuthatch 1 (s) Treecreeper 1 (s) Wood Pigeon 4 (s) Goldcrest 2 (s) Long tailed Tit 3 (different locations, probably represent 3 breeding pairs)
Yellowhammer 1 Bullfinch 1 Redpoll sp. 3 over Linnet 1 over Kestrel 1 Buzzard 1