Thurs 17th. Village graveyard. Blackcap 2, Longtailed tit 40+. Over the village less than the 790 yday 100+ swallow south. Along lafford lane Lesser redpoll 3 and few pied wagtails with 1 Grey wagtail. On stubble field 30+ Linnet. Goldfinch 45 emptied the feeder in the garden again. 5:30am Tawny owl 2 at knowles farm.
-- Edited by Ian McKerchar on Thursday 17th of September 2015 09:58:25 PM
Short spell of viz migging froim the Beacon 6.30 More productive that the last few days - when there has been little on the move Crossbill 3 E Tree Pipit 1 S Meadow Pipit 35 S Skylark 1 E Alba wagtail 1 Siskin 8 S Linnet 5 S Swallow 3 S House Martin 5 S
Sept 15th. 8:30-10:00 am... Swallow 790;Sand martin 4 and House martin 499 moving south. Lafford lane,school lane,graveyard,gardens and east edge of the golf course 76 call,also lafford lane 3 lesser redpoll.
Yesterday sept 13th. 217 Swallows, House martin 19 , Sand martin 1 (south). Also over the golf course area meadow pipit 70(south). On the golf course Goldfinch 100+ with 40 in the garden also of note Greenfinch 16 in the garden.
patch Teal 2 at the lake Grey Wagtail party of 5 grounded by the lake Kingfisher
Moth - Blastobasis rebeli is only fourth Lancashire record (this record has been accepted by the country recorder), it's also fairly new to science and worldwide has been found in just a few places in the UK - plus Madeira!
Fri sept 11th the gardens rear of the houses 1 Spotted flycatcher..made up with it as i managed to get half dozen photos...last time one was in the garden i dont think digital cameras had been invented!!!!!!!!!!!!!.Excellent!.
Wed sept 9th. Flushed from between the golf course and the rear of knowles farm(near hedgerow with ditch,over grown boggy field)...7:05am....crake species ,at first and brief look, thought spotted crake....not 100% sure.
Monday sept 7th. 1:30pm... 2 c buzzard low over fields along lafford lane;over the main road 13 C Buzzard drifted North.. Hobby over the same area feeding on the wing, briefly mobbed a couple of the buzzards before it drifted off south. House martins 80+ and Swallows 100+ also over lafford lane. Broken cloud,sun.
5.45 am Corn bunting 1 near Beacon - patch first for me
Tree Pipit 1 south Number of ticking Robins and Contact calling Dunnocks at first light - an influx? Though early? Chiffchaff seemingly everywhere - 24 heard / seen Willow Warbler - 3 Blackcap - 11 Whitethroat - 3 Goldcrest 4
Redpoll sp. 2 over my first for several months Linnet 3 over Bullfinch 2 Siskin 5 over Goldfinch c50 Yellow Hammer 1 Buzzard 1 Tawny Owl 1 Kestrel 2
7.00 Osprey - watched for about an hour - seen to fly on to tree in Rough Park Wood (watched from just below the Beacon) Seemed in no hurry to go (until I unfortuntely flushed it) conceivable it had been fishing in nearby lake
While watching it 2 Tree Pipits - south Meadow Pipit 1 - south (my first on the autumn 'migging' 2, 2, 6 siskins over
also Kingfisher 2 flighly contact calling Song Thrushes may well have been early migrants
do you think the osprey is still about or did it head off?
7.00 Osprey - watched for about an hour - seen to fly on to tree in Rough Park Wood (watched from just below the Beacon) Seemed in no hurry to go (until I unfortuntely flushed it) conceivable it had been fishing in nearby lake
While watching it 2 Tree Pipits - south Meadow Pipit 1 - south (my first on the autumn 'migging' 2, 2, 6 siskins over
also Kingfisher 2 flighly contact calling Song Thrushes may well have been early migrants
Sept 1st. Knowles farm and Golf course..6am. C whitethroat 6; chiffchaff 2; willow warbler 3; willow tit 1; long tailed tit 10; Blue tit 9; Coal tit 4 and Great tit 4 in mixed loose flock. East edge of the golf course edge of rough park wood 1 female Pied flycatcher. Early showers,sun light NW..
August 28th. In the slacks area of walthew green an imm Redstart.. few willow warbler about and swallows. In the garden 3 Great spotted woodpeckers and 30+ House sparrows.
-- Edited by Ian McKerchar on Friday 28th of August 2015 05:42:45 PM
Fri August 21st. Golden plover 3 over early am flying east. Goldfinch 100+ knowles farm. Eastern edge of golf course 13 ad/juve c crossbill flight west towards the beacon. Sparrowhawk, 2 c buzzard. 50+ swallow and 30+ house martins over lafford lane. Garden 4 Great spotted woodpeckers. Few willow w,chiffchaff, c whitethroat and blackcap about. Wrightington lakes early afternoon 1 imm hobby, not seen adults for a few days now, mute swans, mallard, tufted ducks and the odd Great crested grebe.
August 12th. Knowles farm. Early am c whitethroat 6. Chiffchaff 5. Willow warbler 14. Swallow 186. House martin 100+. Bullfinch 4. Garden Blue tit 16,Great tit 11,Coal tit 4, chaffinch 17. School lane Yellowhammer singing 1, Goldfinch 100+,mistle thrush 5. Towards Dean wood area imm HOBBY.
Grasshopper warbler Singing very persistently this morning (and the last several mornings) photo here
Female giving alarm calls nearby - clearly still nesting - another pair seen which looked like they might still be nesting
I saw 5 Grasshopper Warblers in total - don't think I've seen that many in one day (As opposed to just hearing them) When I'd have expected a lot of them to have departed
Fledgling Buzzard Kingfisher Crossbill 1 over Coot with 3rd Brood
c150 Goldfinches 2 days ago feeding of thistle seeds - of which there are a lot also male siskin on window feeder
the scarce Black tailed skimmer and Emperor dragonflies seen at the lake recently
Friday August 7th. Lafford lane area near holland hall lapwing 100+. Knowles farm c whitethroat 4, willow w , chiffchaff ad1+3 juve and juve lesser whitethroat. Also 50 + goldfinch. School lane chaffinch 35 feeding in cereal field with yellowhammer.
August 5th. Lafford lane area... 2 Hobby 1 ad/1 imm..moving between wrightington lakes and lafford lane area. Also imm sparrow hawk, swallows 20+, house martin 50+ and 20 swift moving south. Good numbers of chaffinch in the garden with over 30 birds at one time,also good numbers of blue,great and coal tit. It has been a good year for house sparrows with most moving to near by cut cereal fields. Few more chiffchaff than of late with a few singing males. Ad female and 3 juve great spotted woodpecker regular in the garden. Most of note Red kite over this afternoon flying east.
July 17th. Slightly out of the village at wrightington lakes...1 ADULT HOBBY..(around the lake on the south side). Few canada geese, tufted duck,mute swan and great crested grebe. Good numbers of swallow,house martin and black headed gulls.
July 7th. Rough park wood/golf course...few willow w,chiffchaff, c whitethroat ad/juves. Stand of pine trees 6 c crossbill ad/ juves flew off in the direction of the beacon country park. Between college farm and mill lane 4 Tree pipit , c whitethroats ad/ juves.
4 Crossbills calling over (several have been seen around Billinge Hill as well recently) 2 Siskins over Grasshopper warbler 1 reeling lesser Whitethroat 1 singing (suprisingly)
5 Siskins on garden feeders
Also 1 Bee Orchid
Red-necked footman - a new moth for this 10km square - last week
-- Edited by Phil Barnett on Monday 6th of July 2015 01:02:57 PM
Sat July 4th. West over lafford lane this am 3 c crossbill. 2 Hobby, 1 sparrowhawk, 2 adult + 1 juv kestrel and 3 c buzzard. Chiffchaff, c whitetroat singing in new areas. Nuthatch with young. Swallow 4 adult+ Ringed plover flew west 1pm.. calling in flight.
-- Edited by Ian McKerchar on Saturday 4th of July 2015 06:19:42 PM
Wed June 24th.
field between the dis-used tip and old golf course....2 ad + 2 juve Tree pipit..they have moved down from rough park wood closer to the old golf course. Still think more than two young but difficult to see,all of them are a bit flighty. Also near the same field ad lesser whitethroat. Sun/cloud/slight breeze.(4:25 am).
Tues June 23rd.
Golf course/rough park wood.
small numbers of blue,great tit with young. Willow warbler,blackcap, c whitethroat (males singing+with young). Lesser whitethroat ad1 + 2 juve,swallow 4 ad+ 4 juve. Tree pipit 2 ad + atleast 2 young.
Lafford lane. Singing skylark, yellowhammer. Good numbers of starling ad/juve.
Garden. Willow tit ad 2,nuthatch 2 ad +3 juve,house sparrow ad 26 + 24 juves. Great spottedwood pecker 1 ad + 1 juve.Bullfinch,linnet,goldfinch, greenfinch and numerous chaffinch ad/juves. Over School lane 3 c buzzard. Mistle and song thrush singing, 33 pairs of blackbird some with young. (Sun,broken cloud...early morning).
Tree pipt 2 (flushed by dog walker) both birds with food, flying short distance then returning. Good numbers of lesser black backed gull 1,400+(upto 8:45 am,and still birds passing). Nuthatch 1 ad+ 2 juve in the garden,few blue,great and coal tit with young,House sparrow 24 ad+ 10 young,goldfinch,linnet also with juves. Cool Nw,cloud.
June 17th..Willow tit 2adult in the garden early am. Around the area two other adult +1 young and one pair with 3 young. Both pairs with young have lost some juveniles and are still feeding within sight of the area they nested. Lots of c whitethroat with young also few blue,great tit ,blackcap and willow warbler. One Tree pipit seen again today,also a pair of Tufted duck heading towards the college lakes. Possible that the Tree pipits have bred as it is the first time in over 30 years i have seen them at this time of year. 2 oystercatcher on lafford lane,they have bred there before and once on the old golf course. Cloud, heavy drizzle.
7.45 2 Oystercatchers calling over 12th June Cuckoo heard near Farley Lane 11th June Crossbill calling over near the Beacon - I've had Crossbills here between July and November - but the middle of June seems an unusual date
Wednesday june 10th. I would like to add to phils report ,as well as the willow tit mentioned today are two other pairs nearby. One pair have 3 young and the other 4. All fledged around 8 days ago,i have not put this out until news of the pair that are in the area phil covers. I dont know if any of these birds are the 4 adults in the garden yesterday..i think they most possibly are. Thankful that the news is out.
Most interestingly though, 5 Willow tit fledglings with 2 adults. The Willow Tit box which I'd placed nearby had been used, as all the wood chippings had been removed.
In fact when I looked inside I saw it was still being used - by Blue Tits with 6, few day old chicks
Estimates of bird populations on Roby Mill patch (number of pairs ) map: area 148 hectares; 2014 totals, for selected species, in brackets an explanation and discussion is given below
sensitive species have been removed from this list
These estimates are either: 1) number of singing males (e.g Whitethroat) 2) number of discrete locations where birds have been seen regularly seen / heard - far enough apart for it to be reasonably assumed that they constitute separate pairs (e.g Long-tailed tit) and not counting birds which are unlikely to be part of the breeding population (e.g Pheasant, Magpie flock in the breeding season) 3) an educated `guestimate` (e.g. Jackdaw - a guestimate because of access issues)
They are the result of around 50 visits this year to different parts of the patch, usually around dawn, and arriving at cumulative totals. They are provisional as the breeding season is still in full swing. These numbers may well be amended -last year, for example, I was still finding new Grasshopper warblers in June and July. Also further evidence may come to light regarding breeding or non-breeding.
Some large `days counts` of summer migrants, early in the season (e.g 37 Willow warblers singing on part of the patch on 21 April, 7 Grasshopper warblers singing on part of the patch on 23rd April) have been discounted because of the likelihood that some of these birds were passage migrants. On this basis most of the estimates of populations of migrants are from birds counted in May rather than April.
How do these numbers compare to last year? Most species weren`t surveyed to this level last year. But where they were, several show increases (e.g. Bullfinch, Chiffchaff). In some cases this may be a real increase, but I think some of it is explained by the greater coverage this year. It follows therefore that, where there is a decrease, it is likely to be a real decrease (e.g. Lesser whitethroat, Whitethroat, Grasshopper warbler, Sedge warbler).
I have been surprised by some of the counts particularly Goldcrest, Treecreeper and Song thrush - considerably higher than I would have imagined (not having previously systematically counted them).
How do these numbers compare with published data? Quite a lot of these counts are high enough to get a mention in the Lancashire Bird Report. In some cases (given figures from the last few year`s reports) they are likely to be the highest in the report (e.g Whitethroat).
Some species (e.g several Warblers) are present in numbers which are important at a county level. A lot of the high counts are, I think only seemingly high, due to size of the patch but also the relative paucity of other such counts in the county (especially common resident species) - only a fraction of Lancashire`s birds get monitored.
On the other hand, and paradoxically, quite a lot of the counts of commoner species (e.g. Blackbird, Blue tit) are lower than expected when compared to published data of breeding densities, given the size of the patch, the location and the type of habitat. This is, I think, probably due to the simple fact of birds being under recorded (point 5 below).
How accurate are these numbers likely to be? This will vary with species between `very` and `fairly`. Factors which are going to be at play in affecting accuracy include: 1) The larger the population, the greater the margin for error i.e. where there are only 1 or 2 this is likely to be accurate (e.g. Coot). On the other hand the count of 51 Wrens is fairly unlikely to represent a population of exactly 51. 2) Some birds are, of course, easier to survey accurately than others for all sorts of reasons. 3) Variable `effort`. Or to put it another way, bias on my part - for example, I find Goldcrests a lot more interesting than Pheasants! Once I realised that the Goldcrest count was going to be a lot higher than I`d imagined I made a special effort to find them. 4) Double counting /over counting. 5) I think the biggest factor affecting accuracy, however, is likely to be under-counting, i.e. birds that have simply been overlooked.
Habitat The patch is 148 hectares of former farmland, now reverted to scrub and rough grassland as well as woodland, a few small bodies of water, as well as small areas of active farmland and dwellings. It also contains the extensive, former grounds of the now dilapidated St Joseph`s College (NB there is no public access to the College building or grounds and this is enforced by security guards and CCTV) and what was previously the adjoining golf course - now also turning to scrub. I`m going to produce a more detailed map indicating habitat types.
Other Wildlife As well as birds, the patch is rich in other forms of wildlife. In the coming months I intend to get an idea of the list of plant species as well as some other groups such and butterflies and moths.
Conclusion The patch is rich in birdlife and is home to populations of several species which are important at a county level. This will hopefully be taken into consideration when future decisions are taken regarding the management and development of the area.
-- Edited by Phil Barnett on Tuesday 9th of June 2015 06:54:02 AM
Thursday may 4th. 4:25PM over joining of school,lafford lane 1 Adult Hobby, mobbed c buzzard before dropping into woodland. Am rear of the methodist hall 1 cuckoo (loud bubbling call). Garden Willow tit 2 (flight direction noted,the same for a few weeks now).
Excellent garden bird watching yesterday evening 2 Fledgling Tree sparrows in fed by parent Willow Tit Male Bullfinch All a couple of feet away on feeders near the window
-- Edited by Phil Barnett on Thursday 4th of June 2015 08:46:12 AM
May 20th.
Golf course.Graveyard.School lane.
willow w 15,blackcap 11,c whitethroat 14(singing). Cuckoo in trees along the stream in the graveyard. Grey partridge 2,yellowhammer (singing 2). Mistle thrush 2 ad+3 juve.(Slacks area 1 spotted flycatcher). cool with rain showers,light-mod westerly.