the mute swan nest was on the left of the sheldon pool as you look towards the garden centre on the edge of the willows in was still there on easter monday but as was said before SOME dog walkers treat the area as there own we saw LRP only because a dog walker was on the main part of the golf course behind the invisible fence with keep out signs do you think the swans where not quite old enough to sucsessfully breed ??????????
Thanks Steve. These appear to be brother and sister although the situation is a bit complicated as there was a menage a trois (excuse my French) with a second male attending the female so they might only be half brother/sister!
Could anyone visiting again please check the ring numbers of the pair of mute swans? If it is the same pair from earlier in the winter they are brother and sister .
They are SHB and SHD, Steve
The male was being very territorial and moving the Canadas off the pool when I had a look on Good Friday, but I could see no signs of nesting.
On Sheldon pool Mallard Canada Goose Black-headed Gull no sign of Mute Swans - Looks like the dogwalkers have finally scared them off.
On Mockridge pool Coot Moorhen
On Rayner Lane and Moss Lane Reed Bunting pair Goldfinch Greenfinch House Sparrow Dunnock Robin Magpie Carrion Crow Jackdaw Woodpigeon Collared Dove Starling Blackbird
.....Anyway I thought the big pool could be refered to as Sheldon pool, the one opposite mockeridge garden centre, wait for it mockeridge pool the ones on the golf course who knows
Sounds good to me Nigel. I was thinking of exactly the same names. Best not get too attached to them as they might disappear if the golf course ever gets finished.
went on the moss 13.00 parked up first bird was a kestrel that flew from sheldon way onto golf course then hunted usual stuff saw kestrel hunting over ashton park garden centre one ringed plover on sheldon pool both swans where on the water
saw the little grebes last year not this year yet!!! as for yobs with guns i for one will phone the police straight away not seen anybody down there doing anything like thatjust one bloke sunday with a german shepherd who though it was funny to let the dog chase the geese the male swan thought different and i had no camera with me. Anyway I thought the big pool could be refered to as Sheldon pool, the one opposite mockeridge garden centre, wait for it mockeridge pool the ones on the golf course who knows
I don't know of any names for the pools. The large one will remain as it was built into the terms of the planning permission when they destroyed the moss. The smaller ones at the back change shape and size every year as they move the earth about - Little Grebes nest there every year though. I don't hold out much hope for Swans nesting on the larger pool - the local youth seem to enjoy using the site for target preactice with their airguns - though this might change with the new police HQ nearby (or maybe not!)
hi steve good point the pool/pond i have been refering to is the large one between rayner lane and sheldon way. are there names for these pools or do they need some so we all know where we are supposed to look thanks for your info will use them in future been down tonight nothing out of ordinary just chaffinch as a new patch bird for me on moss lane at the feeder
The lane that runs roughly parallel with Lord Sheldon Way is Rayner Lane. The lane that runs from the Ashton end of Rayner Lane across the railway is Moss Lane.
By Mockridge pool do you mean the one between Rayner Lane and Lord Sheldon Way or the pool on the other side of Rayner Lane by Mockridge Nurseries?
6.00pm - 6.45pm took my son down to help put up some feeders and fat balls at the motorway fence site and one in the hawthorns near the farm/stables
mockeridge pool :- could not see rings on the two swans one on nest the other is patroling the pool chasing away everything that dares to enter is quite fun to watch the postures he does. canada geese, mallard, coot, moorhen
Could anyone visiting again please check the ring numbers of the pair of mute swans? If it is the same pair from earlier in the winter they are brother and sister .
up date for ashton moss these are my sightings so far 29/03/2009 nigel charlesworth and phil logan mockeridge pool area magpie, mute swan (2),mallard (6) moorhen, coot, canada goose (2) black headed gull, lapwing (6), feral pigeon, skylark on the lane kestrel, blackbird, bullfinch, longtailed tit, reed bunting, carrion crow, wood pigeon,grey heron mockeridge nusery end mistle thrush, wren, greenfinch, dunnock,collard dove, stock dove, on golf couse (up the divide path) linnet, and jackdaw.
05/04/2009 nigel charlesworth mockeridge pool area mute swan (2) (1 on nest), canada goose, mallard, moorhen, coot, lapwing, kittewake (juv) (report email to ian mc) golf course skylark, LRP(2), golden plover(1), wood pigeon, on the lane grey heron, carrion crow, jackdaw, dunnock, goldfinch, magpie, long tailed tit, blackbird, common buzzard(2) (over golf course HIGH), mockeridge nusery end house sparrow, linnet, greenfinch, robin, collard dove, wren
local patch list stands @ 33 species with only two outings and still the summer stuff to come could be in for some great outings
All my posts refer to the Rayner Lane side of Ashton Moss only, to differentiate them from Paul Bambroffe's Daisy Nook/Ashton Moss posts.
The pair of Mute Swans were back today. One had a blue ring with white 'SHB' writing on it as seen last summer by Paul Carroll. Does anyone know if I should report this to the North West Swan Study?
Lapwing Skylark Meadow Pipit Long-tailed Tit Blue Tit Great Tit Goldfinch Greenfinch House Sparrow Robin Dunnock Magpie Carrion Crow Mallard Coot Moorhen Woodpigeon Collared Dove Starling Mistle Thrush Blackbird Canada Goose Black-headed Gull
Skylark Meadow Pipit Long-tailed Tit Blue Tit Great Tit Goldfinch Greenfinch Chaffinch House Sparrow Robin Dunnock Magpie Carrion Crow Mallard Woodpigeon Collared Dove Starling Blackbird
No sign of the two Mute Swans that have always been here before.
2 mallard on the pond next to Ashton Park Garden Centre
further up the same lane on the right is another pond that is fenced off not much going on only saw another 2 mallards. Got a great suprise as i walked up to the ditch on the left hand side a Kingfisher was sat on the side on the ditch as bold as brass, 1st time ive seen one here and only the second i have ever seen.
I live within walking distance of this site and on the 17th Feb this year my wife suggested we just go for a walk around this area to see what birds were about, instead of driving to somewhere further afield. I was a bit dismissive thinking that there wouldn't be much at all. However, I was pleasantly surprised at some of the species recorded.
Canada goose Mute swan Black-headed gull Common gull Lesser black-backed gull Lapwing Kestrel Blackbird Magpie Carrion crow Mallard Collared dove Greenfinch Blue tit Woodpigeon Skylark
and the most unexpected to me, a female Stonechat on the far side of the spoil heap near to the estate where the trotting track used to be.
Who knows what a more experienced birder would have spotted.
Maybe I should make it my local patch. It might be the only place I can afford to get to soon.
The same two swans were at the same site last May, but didn't stay to breed to my knowledge. The Little Grebes managed to raise one young on that pool. As Andrew says, it's a pretty good birding site in a most unpromising area.
Was in the same area week before last. There are a ringed pair of Mute Swans on the enclosed pond near Mockridge Nurseries, they are blue ring on right leg "SHD" and "SHB". Also a Sedge Warbler calling from a ditch near Moss Side Farm.
not much time for birding lately and even less time to spend posting !!.
spent 10 mins looking on the pool on ashton moss next to the garden centres this afternoon.
4 lapwing 1 ringed plover 1st ive ever seen here 1 little grebe 1 heron 2 lots of canada chicks 8 mallard chicks 40 plus stralings at least 20 juves greenfnches sparrows blue and great tits
not bad for a pool that is 100 mtrs x 20 mtrs and next to a dual carriage way