3 Mute Swan yesterday (2/11/13). It looked as if the adults were in the process of chasing the third juvenile away, there being no sign of the other two juveniles!
Just amazing how good a place for birding this is. Visit to Mockridge Nurseries cut short to go look at Sedge warbler Blackcap Skylark calling in distance Pair of mute swans Swift x3 Whitethroat
Reed Bunting (singing male) At least 2 Common Whitethroat Blackcap Sedge Warbler, an uncommon species in Tameside! Lesser Whitethroat, I initially heard this bird whilst trying to find the Sedge Warbler. As I managed to get on the bird he moved, being a typical Lesser Whitethroat! He sang about six bursts and seemed to move on
Quick stroll round starting near the path near the sheldon arms. Robin Song Thrust, singing deafeningly loud! c10-20 Starling c10 Swallows Swift 1 Kestrel flew over and was subsequently mobbed by everything, poor thing. 1 Little Grebe, couldn't see any of the chicks, hopefully they were huddled in the reeds with the other parent. Mute Swans still on Mockridges pond with all 5 cygnets. Mallards still got plenty of ducklings. 1 Grey Heron
Also, whilst walking back down the dirt road had a lond distance staring contest with a fox.
Glad to hear that the cygnets are doing OK - think Rachael said there were 6 originally. The guys working on the Metro have been keeping an eye on them.
There are a few Reed Bunting around, but the bigger flocks in the area last time I visited were Linnets. A few pairs of Lapwing seem to have bred as usual but it won't be long before the roost starts to build up again.
Not sure if anyone is still posting in here but seems to be the only thread on the forum for this general area.
Walk around near mockridges yesterday afternoon, around 4PM, for the first time in a while.
Mute swans have successfully bred, 5 signets in tow. Mallards have also bred, i think i counted about 9 ducklings. They were so tame, obviously used to being fed, that they literally crowded around my feet. Coot with one chick, past the downy stage but still obviously young and being fed by both parents. 2 Grey herons unfortunately didn't have my bins but I'm sure there was a flock of reed bunting about but couldn't get close enough to see. also saw a few greenfinch and goldfinch. 1 lapwing on a strip of grass in the middle of the dual carriageway, only one i saw. are they still roosting in the area or have they been deterred by the metro work? not much else of note.
-- Edited by Sean Molloy on Monday 11th of June 2012 03:09:20 PM
Blackcap - 2 sets of parents feeding young, at least one more singing Willow Warbler - 3 singing Whitethroat - 3 birds singing including one displaying Reed Bunting singing Mallard with 8 well grown ducklings Grey Heron Lapwings still around, not sure how much Metro works have affected them, no obvious sign of any young birds Skylark in full song 8 House Martin
Male Reed Bunting singing when I first arrived 5 Willow Warblers all heard only 4 Blackcap (2 males singing in close proximity to one another with 2 females also in the vicinity) 2 Sand Martin over 16+ Lapwing 8-10 Linnet c4 Skylark singing and another one showing well perched on post Also quite a large passage of Meadow Pipits appeared to be going through c50 birds in total
4 Lapwings displaying despite the fact that they were working in the area 1 Skylark singing 2 adult Mute Swan on Sheldon Pool Also 2 Coot and a Moorhen
At least 3 Greenfinch displaying Plenty of House Sparrows also
Two flocks of Linnet (6 and 10-12) At least 3 Skylarks singing including 2 having a mid air battle for territory 2-3 Meadow Pipit, a bit thin on the ground in Tameside at the moment 2 adult Mute Swans arrived on Sheldon Pool, one had a silver ring on, couldn't read number though Pr Tufted Duck on Sheldon Pool also 1 Buzzard displaying towards motorway 1 Kestrel, hovering near Metro works 3 Lapwing displaying
Good numbers of birds singing, nothing out of the ordinary though
Still some good habitat in the area despite the works
Sheldon Pool 2 adult Mute Swan when I arrived, a first winter bird then arrived, stayed briefly and then flew off. One adult bird was definitely unringed, but I didn't see the legs properly of the other, but the first winter bird was ringed. Unfortunately I was unable to read the ring as I only saw the ring when the bird was in flight.
Also present: 20 Lapwing 1 Grey Heron c20 Black Headed Gull 2 Mallard 10 Canada Geese
Mockridge Pool
2 Moorhen 2 Mallard
30 Linnet opposite KFC feeding on ground
Greenfinch displaying near Mockridge Garden Centre
Areas which were potentially good for Lapwing breeding last year now look unsuitable as there is lots of digging going on, it looks like several breeding species will be lost from this site and the workmen were taking a keen interest in Sheldon Pool today.
-- Edited by Karen Foulkes on Monday 24th of January 2011 01:32:29 PM
c150 Pink Footed Goose, probably same skein reported on Pink Foot thread times etc tie in 2 Lapwing with 1 Golden Plover calling loudly over towards Ashton, no birds roosting on Gala Bingo though Meadow Pipit over calling plus another unseen bird Common Buzzard dislodged by Crow near motorway/Leisure area Grey Heron around Sheldon Pool 1 Herring, 2 Common and c40 Black Headed Gulls on Sainsburys roundabout. c40 Jackdaw on Sainsburys Roundabout
22 Lapwing over in two groups of 12 and 10 Steady stream of Gulls flying over towards Audenshaw
When I was waiting for the bus, there was a flock of 50-100 Pied Wagtails which landed first on Nexus House and then across the road on the Snipe Retail Park perching on the road side of Argos and Comet, looking like a different roost perhaps?
Quick mooch today about 2.30pm Lots of digger movement on Moss so a lot of disruption. On the plus side that got a few flying 80+ lapwings 60+ Black headed gulls 30+ starlings 8+ carrion crow All circling
Sheldon Pool c35 Lapwing - more may have been hiding in long grass 15 Mallard including duck with 8 well grown young 1 Moorhen 10 Canada Geese 1 Grey Heron - juv 8 House Martin low over pool 2 Sand Martin over 1 Swallow
Skylark singing on the moss 3 Pied Wagtail over
Also around
Greenfinch House Sparrow Wren Collared Dove Woodpigeon Feral Pigeon B H Gull Swift
It sounded like there were young birds Moorhen or Coot? on Mockridge Pool, but the cover on the ground is so thick, only small parts of the pool are visible.
had a wander across part of the moss: greenfinch, goldfinch, chaffinch, blue, great and long tailed tit's, pied wagtail, whitethroat, wood pigeon, blackcap.