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Yes, that Alpine Swift record at Hulme is in the 1993 report but I just thought it was a bit too old to include...

Judith Smith __________________________________ Lightshaw hall Flash is sacrosanct - NO paths please!

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The Red-rumped Swallow was found by John Ireland late afternoon over the Central Causeway, (sadly whilst I was at the opposite side of the County at the Wigan Flashes!). Unfortunately it quickly moved on to the disappointment of many Audenshaw regulars, a cracking well deserved find though for John.


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RED-RUMPED SWALLOW 5PM by the central well. Just spoke to Rob Adderley and it's unlikely that you'll see it from the adjacent roads.

Quite a decent weekend in Manchester!


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Sun 4/5/08 am

SANDWICH TERN - 1 flew through NE at 7.45am

Sanderling - 1
Turnstone - 1
Dunlin - 5
Wheatear - 2
Yellow Wagtail - 3


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Judith Smith wrote:

. Steve Collins' photo looked really good in the camera, so looking forward to seeing it on the forum

Photos now on the website (this forum doesn't have photos on it wink.gif) and superb they are too.

It seems we are forgetting an Alpine Swift record though...

Alpine Swift, 1863, St.Mary's Church, Hulme, Manchester, 17th oct, captured (Zoologist, 1863, p.8846)


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I live in Audenshaw but for some reason decided to go to Pennington to try and see Little Gull or Black Tern. Unfortunately, I didn't see either despite the Little Gulls being there according to Gary Gorner. I had a good look through all the BHGs but couldn't see any that looked smaller. I did find what I am reasonably sure was a Garden Warbler in the scrub opposite the Teal hide though.



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Thanks for that information, John and Nigel - fills in a few gaps! All credit for today's bird, though, to Paul Hammond who puts so much time in at Audi and this was a well deserved reward. Steve Collins' photo looked really good in the camera, so looking forward to seeing it on the forum - have seen Rob A's too, which is also pretty good considering he doesn't have a big lens.

Judith Smith __________________________________ Lightshaw hall Flash is sacrosanct - NO paths please!

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think if i remember correctly the pennington bird was first seen by patrick baglee,followed about 10 seconds later by myself and paul brown,it was first seen above what is now the back of the new hide.think dave wilson and frank horrocks saw it with us about 10 mins latersmile.gif



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Last Saturday, I was at Audenshaw between the hours it was showing ; this Saturday I was shopping in Stockport. I guess that's bad timing. There goes another one that will probably never grace my G. M/c list. Life's cruel.


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Nice to meet you Riggers. Pity about the timingcry.gifStill glad I tried for it though. I didn't get any consolation prizes down King's Road eithercry.gif Anyway at least I found out I'dve been even more disappointed slogging up Pendle Hill as the Dotterel buggered off at noon.


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JUDITH NIGEL, Very interesting information, but blooming heck todays Alpine swift the 3rd May 2008 was a cracker and the lads who found it should go down in history, might even let the come in the 200 club for a pint.
well done that hammond
keep birding (swiftly)biggrin.gifbiggrin.gif


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The Alpine Swift at Compstall NR was found by a visiting birder from Kent, on August 17th 1970. It was the first record for Cheshire.


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For those who are interested: the last Alpine Swift (s) were in 1981, when one was at Pennington Flash 23-25 May and one was at Blackleach Resr 21 July. In 1970, one was at Compstall. At that time, Compstall was in Cheshire (pre local government reorganisation) and I don't have the Cheshire report for that year, but no doubt someone can tell us when it was.
The observers aren't given in either the 1981 county report or the 1981 Leigh OS report for the Pennington and Blackleach birds. LOS did cover Blackleach, but don't mention that record in their 1981 report, whcih suggests they didn't know about it.

Judith Smith __________________________________ Lightshaw hall Flash is sacrosanct - NO paths please!

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Many thanks to Ian, Ian, Rob & Sonia - despite their help I dipped this one missing it by about 5 mins, c'est la vie.


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cry.gifcry.gifAlpine Swiftcry.gifcry.gif


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Sat - 3.5.08

ALPINE SWIFT - showed well on and off until c10.35am but no further sign by 11.15am at least. Initially the bird fed along the north wall of no 1 Resv often over the road and houses but as the skies cleared it started to feed at higher altitude and became harder to locate.
Congratulations to Paul Hammond on a well deserved find.


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what a corker, the ALPINE SWIFT was last seen approx 10.35 when it drifted high with the swifts, no sign since according to the unfortunate working Riggers and not many swifts left.

Well done Hammy!!worship.gif


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alpine swift from approx 8:30 this am and appearing to linger, also bar-tailed godwit (for its 2nd day) and whimbrel through.

Please note the reservoirs are permit only but the airspace above can easily be seen from outside the perimeter fence from the surrounding roads


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Sun - 27.4.08

1 Arctic Tern + the 3 Common Terns mid afternoon


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Saturday 26th April 2008
Southerly breeze

Goldeneye 8
Ringed Plover
Common Sandpiper
Swift 8
Dunlin 3
Female Sparrowhawk
Cormorant 2
Female Wheatear

Sunday 27th April 2008
Light Rain
Moderate South to south easterly

Ringed Plover 2
Wheatear 3
White Wagtail
Yellow Wagtail 3
Dunlin at least 11 maybe 18 as flocks never landed
Common Tern 3
Whimbrel calling as it flew through

Paul Hammond

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Wed 23.4.08 am

LITTLE GULL - 1 adult
KITTIWAKE - 1 adult

Black-headed Gull - summer plumaged leucistic bird.
Yellow Wagtail - 3
Wheatear - 1
Pochard - 1


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Tues 22.4.08

17 Arctic Terns this morning with up to 11 lingering early pm


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Mon - 21.4.08 am

GLAUCOUS GULL - 1st winter bird flew through NE at 8.20am.

Swift - 1
Yellow Wagtail - 1
Otherwise fairly quiet.


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Thurs -17.4.08 am

Yellow Wagtail - 4
White Wagtail - 3
Wheatear - 2

Common Sand - 1
Dunlin - 2
Linnet - 1

-- Edited by Robert Adderley at 16:20, 2008-04-17


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Tues - 15.4.08

Fairly quiet

Wigeon - pair
LRP - 4
Ringed Plover - 3
Common Sand - 3
White Wagtail - 1
Wheatear - 3
All 3 Hirundines.

(2 Kittiwakes and a Yellow Wag seen last Sunday (13th) - info P Wren)


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Should have stuck around hammy,
large flock of pipits moved through about 11 ish
30+ meadow pipts
3 rock pipts
17 pied wagtails
2 goosander
1 canada goose
2 ringed plover
4 wheatear
hirudines galore to many to count or maybe i was too cold.
keep birding


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12th April 2008

Wind South Westerly
Light rain showers

2 male Shoveler
Pair of Tufted Duck
3 Goosander
Pair of Wigeon
c150 Sand Martins flying about in close pack for much of the time with 7 Swallows and 8 House Martins
At least 2 female Wheatear
up to 8 Meadow Pipits including a couple harassing a weasel

Paul Hammond

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35 goosander
7 wheater
1 ringed plover
1 dunlin
2 wigeon
20+ goldeneye
keep birding


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Huge flock of hirundines
5 R. plover displaying at side
2 L R Plover
15 wheatear
meadow pipits
and a couple of angry dog walkers who were not best pleased when I asked to see there permits.
keep birding


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Sat - 5.4.08 am

Wheatear - 4
LRP - 2
Ringed Plover - 2
Swallow - 5
Sand Martin - 115 counted over no 3 mid am


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Mon 31/3/08 pm

Wheatear - 2
Sand Martin - c20
Chiffchaff - 1

Redshank - 1


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Thursday 27/3/08
5.15pm- 6.15pm

1 Dunlin
1 Ringed Plover
1 Wheatear



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After yesterday's excitement back to reality with a bump

2 Curlew
14 Sand Martin

Paul Hammond

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Nine Wigeon on No1 first thing before 10 more dropped in. Two small flocks of 7 and 6 flew over

2 Redshank
7 Sand Martin

Grey Plover circled the reservoirs, calling, climbing height all the time before appearing to head off East
Teal 3 pairs
Common Scoter on No2
Knot on No3 still present at 10.00 am
pair of shoveler

Paul Hammond

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Little Ringed Plover
Rock Pipit
2 Ringed Plover
3 Sand Martin

Paul Hammond

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Tues - 25.3.08 pm

MED GULL -1st winter (usual bird)

Yellow-legged Gull - 1 adult
Ringed Plover - 7.


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Pair of Shoveler
Pair of Tufted Duck
8 Kittiwake on No1, 7 still when I left in NE corner

22 Skylark which John Ireland appeared to flush, flying off east across No1

there must have been anything between 30 and 40 Meadow Pipits
2 Rock Pipit
2 Cormorant

Paul Hammond

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22/3/08 early pm

KITTIWAKE - 1 adult

Rock Pipit - 1
Sand Martin - 1

(No sign today of the Common type Gull displaying a pale Iris)


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I hope all visitors to Audenshaw take note of Racheal's post of Thursday and drop a line of protest to United Utilities. How much more will they do to further the wildlife desert that Audenshaw is becoming, and all to prevent a few kids from breathing in a few flies the poor babies! If we sit back and say nothing a vital migration fuelling site will be removed from the chain and numbers of all birds will continue to dwindle. Please act now!


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Possible adult Ring-billed Gull seen very briefly this afternoon on no 1 Reservoir.


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Robert Adderley wrote:

Anyone fancy a sweep at the end of day count?

Yeah, go on, I'll have a go. I think 16 will be the final count for the day, now what do I win smile.gif


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16 kittiwakes was my last count.
Also 9 ringed plover came in on No2 as the weather went worse.
Earlier were 1 rock pipit and 2 sand martin and the common scoter still present.
Considering the weather forecast it was a good afternoon!(must be mad!)


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Now 16 Kittiwakes on Audenshaw no 1

per text from Steve Collins

Anyone fancy a sweep at the end of day count?


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Now 14 Kittiwakes present!

Info thanks to Rob Adderley


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13 Kittiwakes on no.1 at around 13:30.

Info thanks to Steve Collins (should have waited a little longer Paul biggrin.gif)


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21st March 2008

The wind arrived but not the drizzle promised

3 Sand Martin
2 Rock Pipit
Common Scoter
6 Goosander

Plenty of gull movement but no Kittiwake as yet.

Paul Hammond

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Hi, I saw in today's advertiser (p30) plans to tackle the fly plague at Audenshaw reservoirs including spraying land/gardens but also 'other chemical products' to kill eggs & larvae (presumably in water)..... wondered whether this would harm the birds too, though hopefully it shouldn't be too lethal as it would be in drinking water.


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THURS - 20.3.08 am

COMMON SCOTER - male showed very well by the Central Well on no 1 Resv.

LRP - 1
Curlew - 2
Redshank - 2

Rock Pipit - 1
Sand Martin - 2

Teal - 3


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Tues - 18/3/08 am

Rock Pipit - 2

Curlew - 1

Sand Martin - 7


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Rock pipits( standard ones) x2
Great crested grebe 16
Sand Martin 30+
and 3 Whooper swans flew in to Number 1 res then flew off again 10 mins later.

so Rob no need to look in the morning
keep birding

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