10th August 2008 06.15 to 08.35 Moderate West by south west breeze
Goosander 20 Oystercatcher Great Crested Grebe at least 20 Tufted Duck at least 50 Common Sandpiper 2 Ringed Plover 2 Dunlin Coot 2 Lapwing 9 Pochard male Linnet 6 Cormorant
Many thanks Rob and Sonia for the call regarding the Sandwich tern , it makes it a very special year list bird for me, glad you were there to share the moment.
As for now taking up cloud spotting might do that next year ( sorry little joke you had to be there)
A Greenshank was present this morning info via Roy Travis , but I was unable to relocate it, silly thing is had one on saturday morning but that was flushed off by dogs before i could completely get all features on it for the year list, begining to get fed up chasing the buggers around now, shadows of greenshanks and quails tails, funny lark this hobby of ours,
There was also an influx of similar species at another permit only site not too far away which included 18 GCG, 5 Goosander, Male Common Scoter, LRP, Common Sand and good numbers of Swallow, Swift, Sand & House Martins too!
Things looking good today, 2 male common scoter 1 redshank 25 tufted 30 plus Great crested grebe 18 goosander 1 common tern Swifts, sand martins swallows and house martins.
Boats tents sunbathers and kids swimming, considering all the trouble and expense they went to to put a big fence up, it appears not to have worked.
1 lapwing several GC Grebes etc.
Other reservoirs of Manchester today quite as well, noted that you can still get good viewing of Gorton res via the pub car park there. water levels very low, we may have missed something here.
Sanderling - 2 (diff to monday's birds) Dunlin - 4 Ringed Plover - 3 including a bird possibly of the Tundra race being smaller with darker upperparts than the other Ringed Plovers, it seemed to be associating more closely with the Dunlin/Sanderling "flock".
Drove past on the M60 Saturday lunchtime and I've never seen so many Swifts. Couldn't count whilst driving but there were certainly thousands rather than hundreds.
Obviously a day of Tern passage today with small numbers of Arctics and Commons going through during the afternoon. A maximum of 9 Arctics and 4 Commons recorded this afternoon at one time but undoubtably more went through as birds disappeared and were replaced by new birds a short time later.
The bar-tailed godwit was present- I will send a photo to Ian which should show it to be a dfferent one. At first 2 Common Tern then 3 then 4 and eventually an Arctic Tern on Number 1 which all moved over the wall to number 3 as I left. 1 Ringed Plover 1 Little Ringed Plover 1 Dunlin 1 Wheatear Not a ripple on the water- very spooky! Cheers Steve