In past damaged by fire but is recovering interest is a bit of Pennine Moorland in the Middle of Salford, reports of Crowberry but couldn't find any lots of Ling, Orange Hawkweed, Sorrell, Speckled wood, Peacock, Gatekeeper, Meadow Brown, lots of Bees including Tree Bumble Bee, -- Edited by Ian McKe...
We have a special offer starting next week with the Kowa 8x33 Genesis Binoculars previously with an RRP of over £1000 being available at only £498. This binocular features the Prominar top specification Kowa optical glass, is a pretty compact 8x33 and has a close focus under 2m. This makes it a great s...
We have just taken in to sell on commission on behalf of a customer a mint condition pair of Leica Ultravid HD Binoculars. They are 8x42's, perfect for birding and are boxed with carry case, strap, rainguards, objective covers and receipts included. These would make a fantastic first binocular at a k...
BTO Goldfinch Feeding Survey Why do we need a survey? With 70% more Garden BirdWatch participants reporting Goldfinches now than 20 years ago, its apparent that they are far more common in our gardens than they used to be, but we don't fully understand the reasons for this. How important is th...
My apologies for the forum downtime today, due to server issues with Sparklit, the hosting company. Thanks to all those who let me know (I've not been online all day!) and for your patience.
The Whitethroat nest showing attempted predation by a snake last week. I may be totally wrong but it appears that foliage around some of the nests that have been featured on Springwatch, now and in the pas,t appear to have been moved so that unobstructed camera shots can be obtained. Having seen a fair...
Today whilst sitting at my computer,a Female Goosander flew around the surrounding house roofs for 5 minutes and landed on 2 separate chimneys.It seemed to dip its head down them both,but it was harassed off by the resident the only reasonable explanation I can think of is that, as we ar...
Spent a soul-stirring 10 days in the Uists and Barra in early July - our second visit to this area, and loved it even more than first time round. The Uists and Benbecula are spectacular places scenically and equally spectacular for wildlife, given the low population density, the rich resources of the...
As per my Norfolk report I called in here on the way down as it's well known for Nightingales. I wasn't disappointed as I soon picked up the first calling bird near to Haydns hide. Despite hanging around though I could only manage a very brief view of this enigmatic bird. Further down the path though near...
On a circular stroll from Th' Haugh, taking in Two Bridges, Coronation Lodge, Jubilee Bends, Bone Heys and Top o' th' Hill, I saw the following flowers of note: marsh marigolds, Coronation Lodge, bogbean, Coronation Lodge, bluebells (aplenty), pignut (locally called harenuts), below Bone Heys....
A collection of "BIRDS" magazine from Jan 1996 (vol1 no1) to Dec 2015. Obviously the later magazines are 'Nature's Home' Each complete year is in a two ring binder. The owner is offering them FREE but is keen that the collection remains together.
Hi All, Can anyone recommend somewhere in the region that will adjust the prisms on my bins after I dropped them !? The only places I've found are at the other end of the country, with 2-3 week lead times. cheers John
We seem to have more swallows than ever this year At Holdens Farm. Someone from I think the RSPB used to come and ring the young, they have not been for 7 / 8 years do they still do it ? If so who do I contact please ?
Doesn't seem to be a thread for this region, so here goes. Just back from a short holiday in Copenhagen, with a day trip to Malmo. Not really a birding holiday, a few hours on one of the days aside, but had my bins, and was noting what was about in any decent birding areas I happened to be in (and both cities do...
A patch concerning ex-building land on the in between Thorpe Road, (Moston/Newton Heath borders) and the roundabout, near police HQ- pools have formed and attracted some interesting species. It will be a site of promise and I trust it warrants its own thread! Sightings today: Lapwings - 25 Pied Wag...
For those of you who signed Mark Avery's petition and know what its about check out the following link, for those of you who have not yet signed please consider doing so it takes less than 5 minutes, in the last few months at least 5 Red Kites have been killed in Yorkshire and a further 3 in the North East. h...
Working up in the lakes a lot at present and went over to see the Ospreys at Bassenthwaite.
Well worth he effort if your up there!
Whilst watching them on the nest, a Kestrel flew onto a nearby treetop. Approx 10 yards away. The Ospreys never flinched. However, whilst watching and waiting to see what w...
see link; I've just entered the Stockport Birdwatching Societies field trip to Attenborough Nature Reserve today. Anybody uploaded a GM record??
Twitter is alive this afternoon with requests for people, particularly photographers to stop disturbing some of the rarities that have turned up. People now talking about suppressing sightings because of an irresponsible few.
Recently I have noticed a small flock of between 6 and 10 birds circling together at the top of Wash Lane near Bury centre. Right over that cafe/diner place on the left hand side.
They look like pigeons and circle about 50 foot high. Bear in mind I am stuck in traffic and can't get a proper look.
Are they p...
The Dalmation Pelican in Cornwall has got me thinking, am I mistaken or is there an old record from Pennington Flash? Sure I remember it in an old report, but without digging them out of storage can't be sure.
There will be a Kowa In-Store Day on Saturday May 14th 2016 Everyone is welcome to pop along and meet the experts from Kowa, our rep John Mackintosh and Digiscoping Guru, and local GM lad, Paul Hackett There will be free refreshments available (if nothing has been put out yet then just ask, no-one lik...
It was with considerable interest this week that I tried to keep tabs on the passage of terns and waders through some of G.M 's premier sites, (waders especially being close to my heart). It was intriguing that the Little Stint found by Simon Gough and his friend Jim on May 6th at Audenshaw cunningly swi...
13:45 -- 14:15
Ring-necked parakeets - 2
Greater-spotted woodpecker - 1 (drumming loudly)
Treecreeper -1 (methodically going from tree to tree on the Lime walk)