A Reed Warbler singing from the phragmites reed bed this morning and the Cettis Warbler again round the fishing pond. No sign of the Garden Warbler today,but still good numbers of common warblers including a Whitethroat. Couple of Buzzards over and a Jay seen briefly.
A Garden Warbler singing this morning near the canal. Cettis Warbler still singing round the fishing pond,and plenty of Willow Warbler,Chiffchaff and Blackcsps still singing in good numbers.
3 Swallows over the horse fields and a Raven around the colliery. The Cettis Warbler again around the fishing pond,plenty of singing Blackcap,Willow Warbler and Chiffchaff in the general area and a singing Goldcrest near the entrance to the Meadows.
The Cettis Warbler again round the fishing pond. Good numbers of Willow Warbler, Chiffchaff and Blackcaps in the area,and 3 Buzzards thermalling around .
3 singing Blackcaps this morning, plus a singing Willow Warbler were new birds in. The Cettis Warbler again round the perimeter of the fishing pond and at least 6 singing Chiffchaff again A single Redwing was feeding on the horse paddocks and a singing Nuthatch in trees opposite my house. The 2 Ravens were still in the area,Sparrowhawk and Buzzard were both seen as well.
The Cettis Warbler still around the fishing pond. At least 8 Chiffchaff singing but still no Willow Warblers yet.Raven was in one of the horse fields behind the colliery and a Nuthatch was singing from trees round the village green
-- Edited by pete berry on Tuesday 2nd of April 2024 12:04:11 PM
A singing Cettis Warbler by the fishing pond ,also in the general area of the Meadows south of the canal 2 Chiffchaff Willow Tit Couple of Bullfinch Plus all the usuals
A wander round local patch this morning. Plenty of singing Warblers inc Reed, Sedge,Blackcap,Whitethroat, Chiffchaff and Willow Warbler. Also 4 Cettis Warblers in the general area of the fishing pond and 6 Tufted Duck,2 Little Grebe on the private pond.
A wander round my local patch turned up trumps with at least 3 CETTIS WARBLERS singing at more or less the same time from totally different areas. Also 3 singing Willow Warbler 4 Sand Martins At least a dozen Chiffchaff Sparrowhawk 2 Grey Heron 8 Tufted Duck,6 Coot,and 2 pairs of Little Grebe Plus all the usual suspects
And just as I got back Ring Necked Parakeet in the back garden,still a rare bird round here
-- Edited by pete berry on Sunday 2nd of April 2023 11:17:41 AM
Walk on canal this time, no bike. 10.00am - 11.45am WhiteHead Hall Meadow Astley to Vicars Hall canal bridge and back on opposite side.
Went in search of Willow Tit and my first Mistle Thrush sighting of the year! Only heard overhead to date while riding. Dipped on the Thrush but happy with the following highlights;
A walk round local patch produced at least 7 singing Chiffchaff, A singing Goldcrest ,Great Spotted Woodpecker drumming a couple of Bullfinch,and a Grey Wagtail on the roof of one of houses on the way back were the main highlights.
Thought I'd have a wander round my old lockdown route this am. Chiffchaffs everywhere ,at least 4 singing Willow Warblers and a single Blackcap were the only summer migrants. A singing Cettis Warbler was still present after over wintering,hopefully it'll find a mate. Brief views of a Willow Tit were pleasing as it's the first one I've seen locally all winter. At least 6 Buzzards seen include thermal of 4 together,a female Kestrel and a massive female Goshawk which is almost certainly a falconers escape,although no jesses were seen. On the pool 18 Tufted Duck, 4 Little Grebe, 2 Coot,43 Black Headed Gulls and a pair of adult Mediterranean Gulls.
The Cettis Warbler still present today by the fishing pond, calling occasionally. Also 3 Buzzards up together, Sparrowhawk, Kestrel,several Jays and a Great Spotted Woodpecker in the general area.
A calling Cettis Warbler at the rear of the fishing pond on The Meadows on Lower Green. Also at least 150 Jackdaws on the fields by Vicars Hall Bridge but no sign of any winter thrushes yet.
A wander round local area today was interesting with the highlight being a calling Water Rail from a phragmites reed bed. Other birds seen were 3 Buzzards up together on the thermals A female Sparrowhawk joined them in the same thermal On the small lake 4 Little Grebe,10 Tufted Duck,4 Gadwall, 6 Teal,2 Mallard,2 drake Goosander, a Comorant,54 Black Headed Gulls and 2 singing Reed Buntings in the nearby reedbed.
Popped down to my friends garden/allotment where she has a lot of feeders ,20+ Tree Sparrows were visiting her feeders this morning,also plenty of Goldfinch, a few Greenfinch, 3 Collared Doves ,Blue and Great Tits,and a few House Sparrows.
The Green Sandpiper again on the same flood on a flooded area just off the East Lancs diagonally opposite the One Stop Car Shop this morning presume it must be a potential overwintering bird.
Thought I'd take a walk after rain stopped around my local area and had a new bird for the list with a Kingfisher on the farm pool, it's the 86th bird for my lockdown list.
Plenty of Swallows, House Martin's and Swifts over the pool and a pair of Tufted Duck. On the nearby small pool the Moorhen that fledged 3 young now have a 2nd brood.
Just had a quick walk after tea and had a new bird for my walk list when a Nuthatch showed well on a solitary Oak by the path. Plenty of Swallows, a couple of House Martin's and a few Swifts hawking insect and plenty of young birds on the pool, couple brood of Mallard, Coot and Moorhen.
2 Lesser Whitethroats singing on the East Lancs road this morning, one in it's usual place by the public footpath sign and one on the other side of The Lancs nearer to traffic lights. That's probably why I thought the bird was covering a large area ,there's obviously been 2 birds there for a while,but this is the first time they've both sang at the same time.
Quick walk this morning down the East Lancs road, the Lesser Whitethroat has moved back to its original tree to sing from,after ranging at least 300 yds away,including a couple of forays over the East Lancs road itself !! The 3 Moorhen young still present on the small pool and looking half grown now,plenty of Swallows still around the farm including a couple sat on the wires and singing. Couple of broods of Mallard chicks on the big pool,together with adult Gadwall and Little Grebe. A few Swallows, House Martin's and Swifts feeding over the big pool ,and plenty of common warblers around the area.
Had a wander over to the sewage works, there were at least 250 hirundines plus a few Swifts feeding along the southern edge as the wind was blowing all the insects in that direction. Quite impressive to be stood in the middle of such a big feeding flock. Apart from that it was pretty quiet as most birds were keeping a low profile in the cold wind,a few Pied Wagtails in the fields and the Lapwings were chasing off every passing Crow as usual.
-- Edited by pete berry on Tuesday 12th of May 2020 03:57:37 PM
A walk down the East Lancs road produced a new bird when a Great Spotted Woodpecker flew across the Lancs and landed in a tree above my head. The Lesser Whitethroat has moved even nearer my house,I could actually see my house from where it was singing, I'll have to stand at bottom of the garden and see if I can hear it !!! Otherwise just the same warblers in song,plenty of Swallows around the farm, the Moorhen still has 2 chicks,which are quite well grown now,and venturing around on their own.
-- Edited by Ian McKerchar on Saturday 9th of May 2020 12:18:50 PM
Made a bit earlier start this am to avoid crowds and managed to find another 2 singing Yellowhammers bringing my total to 10 territories !! Other birds seen were 2 Linnet,a pair of Reed Buntings and 4 Grey Partridge (in 2 pairs)plus all the usual warblers, plenty of Whitethroats in the little pockets of scrubby areas left by the farmer