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Lesser Whitethroat still present late this morning and located it from a path through the hedgerow to the west of Astley Point. Saw it briefly before following the song for another 20 mins walking along the cycle path towards Astley point, but it proved too elusive to see again.

-- Edited by Kevin Cook on Saturday 2nd of May 2020 03:31:33 PM


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The Lesser Whitethroat was still singing away on the East Lancs road and a Blackcap was singing in the next bush to it. On the pools there were 12 House Martin's and 2 Swallows feeding over it and a bonus bird I wasn't expecting when a COMMON SANDPIPER walked into view !!. The usual Gadwall, Mallard, Coot and Little Grebe were on the pool. By the farm there were another 4 Swallows and a single Tree Sparrow,plus plenty of House Sparrows.
Further over plenty of commons warblers, still more Reed Warblers singing, and now 12 Tufted Duck, Mute Swans, Canada Geese, Little Grebe and Coot on another pool. Several Lapwing holding territory in a suitable area, and 4 Sand Martin over.At least 5 Buzzards up in the air,and a few Lesser Black Back ,Herring and Black Headed Gulls over.


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Just a short walk this morning as it's shopping day!!!,can't have too much excitement in one day,it's not allowed!!
Managed to see the 2 GREY PARTRIDGE in the same field my missus saw them in 3 weeks ago,looked every day since when passing and first time they've showed. Whitethroats, Blackcaps everywhere now,and last night heard a reeling GRASSHOPPER WARBLER just down near the canal.


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Plenty of Reed Warblers they're in every patch of phragmites now,at least 3 new Sedge Warblers on my walk today,obviously just arrived in,in last couple days.As usual lots of singing Chiffchaff, Willow Warblers,Blackcaps and Whitethroats about,and a few Swallows and Sand Martins feeding over the pool which held the usual ducks,Mute Swan and Canada Geese.
Flyover Lesser Black Backs and Black Headed Gulls,a few Stock Doves over, a couple of Buzzards ,and a Oystercatcher flew past.
A new bird today was a RINGED PLOVER,in suitable breeding habitat,I'll be keeping my eye on that.


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Thought I'd head over to sewage works in the hope of a Swift,but still no joy,well over 100 hirundines feeding there,Sand and House Martin and Swallow. At least 10 Pied Wagtails around the area,and lots of singing warblers. 2 Tree Sparrows near Morleys Hall and a Kestrel hunting the adjacent fields were the only other birds of note around there.
On the pool was a Lapwing and the usual waterfowl. Good numbers of Lapwings sitting in the recently planted fields just south of the canal,and the usual plethora of Pheasants every,mustn't have shot that many this last winter judging by the numbers still around.
Forgot to mention yesterday that I had a new bird,a SEDGE WARBLER was singing away in a damp,stubby area.


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A quick walk this morning ,the Lesser Whitethroat was still rattling away on the East Lancs road, it must have turned the volume up a couple of decibels as I could hear it above the traffic noise from 100yds away.
A Mallard with 3 young on the pool,plus Little Grebe, Gadwall, and Lapwing on the island. A lot more Whitethroats about today,plenty of singing Blackcap, a single Chiffchaff and 3 Willow Warblers were all in song.On the small pool a pair of Moorhen with 3 small young,and at least 8 Swallows around the farm.


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Just a quick dash out this morning as I've got loads of tomato and pepper plants that need planting in greenhouse.
Plenty of Reed Warblers singing and all the other common warblers,but the only thing of note was pair of Coot feeding 2 very small young,probably no more than a couple days old.


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After a couple of tickless days it was nice to get a couple of new birds this morning.
Plenty of singing Goldfinch and Chaffinch, a singing LESSER WHITETHROAT in the thick Hawthorn hedge along the East Lancs road, which was just about audible above the traffic noise !!. A few Pied Wagtails in the fields,and 2 Tree Sparrows again. At least 10 Swallows on territory around the farm,nice to see so many back already,and plenty of House Sparrows around the farm as well. The pool still held 2 Gadwall,Coot,Mallards,a couple of Moorhen and whilst I was watching it 2 SHELDUCK dropped in,an unexpected but welcome addition to my lockdown list.

-- Edited by pete berry on Thursday 23rd of April 2020 12:55:20 PM


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Decided to do a westerly walk again today to check the sewage works out,no joy again with any Yellow Wagtails, but a big increase in House Martin numbers ,similar number of Sand Martin's as last visit, but only 1 Swallow,most of the Swallows seem to be on territory around the farms. A nice surprise on the way down there was a singing GOLDCREST in a little conifer copse,first one for my lockdown list. A Whitethroat was in song near the works,a Kestrel was hunting the fields and a Grey Heron flew over.
On the pools now 2 Little Ringed Plover,2 Gadwall still and a Mute Swans was the first I'd seen on there.
2 Tree Sparrows again,a Moorhen and a Grey Wagtail around the little field pool. Overhead as we walked a few Lesser Black Backs and Black Headed Gulls and the ever present Buzzards.


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A fairly short route today as plenty of gardening to get on with. A couple of Mistle Thrush and Lapwing still in the sheep fields and a Yellowhammer on the perimeter hedgerow,and a new Whitethroat in same general area.
On the pools the Tufted Duck numbers had increased to 12,the 2 Gadwall were still knocking about, a Mute Swans and a couple of Little Grebe were the only other birds of interest on the water. Still a few singing Reed Warblers in the phragmites, and the usual Chiffchaff, Willow Warblers and Blackcap everywhere. The only new bird today was a Oystercatcher flying around and calling.


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Walked the same route as yesterday with a little add on that took me down to sewage works in the hope of a Yellow Wagtail which are rare on the moss north of the railway, in spite of their good numbers on south side .No joy with the Yellow Wags,but at least 20 Sand Martin, 15 Swallows and 8 House Martin's were feeding over the works,a few Black Headed Gulls and Pied Wagtails on the circular tanks. Plenty of Buzzards over the fields being harassed by the Lapwing.
Elsewhere the Little Ringed Plover was still present, 2 Gadwall,Coot,Mallard and Little Grebe were on the pool,and 2 Tree Sparrows nearby. A Raven was being mobbed by a Crow,and a Whitethroat was setting up territory.
First time for a few days I haven't had a new species, but finding the 2 Tree Sparrows more than made up for that.


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Decided to head off in a different direction and head west instead of east today,first call was at a friend's feeding station, half an hour there produced 3 flocks of TREE SPARROWS coming in for food,a flock of 4,5 and 12 appeared in the time I was there.
Afterwards I walked along the side of some farmland where there were 4 Lapwing holding territory, and at least 100 Woodpigeons feeding on the recently seeded fields.Plenty of singing warblers in the hedgerows but no sign of the hoped for Lesser Whitethroat yet.
A large pool had 4 Coot,3 Moorhen,Mallard, Canada Geese and a single Little Ringed Plover and a TREECREEPER in a nearby copse of small trees. A GREY WAGTAIL on a small pond on my way back was the third new bird of the day.


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Same late morning walk as previous but headed to Higher Green Lane on return where I was pleased to see 5 Wheatear in ploughed field beyond the kids playground field.

Willow Tit heard calling in 2 areas.


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A couple of Mistle Thrush ,a few Lapwing and 2 Pied Wagtails on the sheep fields.Still plenty of singing Willow Warblers, Chiffchaff and Blackcap in the hedgerows, and a few new Reed Warblers singing in the phragmites.
The pools held a pair of Gadwall,,4 Little Grebe,Tufted Duck ,Mallard and a pair of Canada Geese. Elsewhere a few Linnets,Reed Buntings Buzzard and the Little Ringed Plover still on territory.
The only new bird of the day was a HOUSE MARTIN which flew over back garden just after I got back.


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Just a quick walk this morning as I managed to get loads of veg seeds from Lidl yesterday and need to spend a few hours planting up my veg plot. Only new bird was a MOORHEN on one of the pools,amazed I've not seen one before, also a single Swallow,plenty of singing Blackcap, Willow Warblers and Chiffchaffs but little else of note.


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Didn't manage to get out till mid afternoon which is usually the worst time to go birding as most of the birds aint singing. With this in mind I decided to just do a shortish walk and check out the pools, and was rewarded with another lockdown tick in the shape if a pair of GADWALL .Not much else really apart from a singing Reed Warbler in a new area of phragmites reed bed.

-- Edited by pete berry on Wednesday 15th of April 2020 05:28:25 PM


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Tried another route again this morning and was rewarded with 2 new singing Yellowhammers in different areas than previously . Also a single Swallow flew over,several singing Skylarks, a couple of breeding plumage Reed Buntings, still plenty of singing Willow Warblers,Chiffchaff, and Blackcap.
The only new bird today was a Whitethroat which obliging gave a short aerial song flight before disappearing back into the brambles.


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I walked a different route today,one of the first birds I saw was a SWALLOW over the sheep fields,a couple more Lapwing now taken up residence on the fields,hopefully get some breeding success if the Buzzards don't wipe the young out.
A fishing Comorant was on one of the pools,and on another one a pair of SHOVELER were present, together with 6 Tufted Duck, 2 Coot,Little Grebe,and a few Mallard. Over another pool 4 SAND MARTIN were feeding,and nearby the Little Ringed Plover had increased to at least 3 birds.on the way back a REDPOLL flew over my head calling,and 3 Snipe were seen.Most of the warblers weren't singing much due to the cold easterly winds, but 3 Reed Warblers were vocal at a different Reed bed to yesterday,and a Sparrowhawk gave great views as it drifted low overhead,and at least 10 Stock Doves were noteworthy.
That's another 4 new birds to add to my lockdown list.


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Walk from home behind Chaddock Lane trading estate to Whitehead Hall Meadow and back. 38 Species seen or heard the highlights being;

Male Sparrowhawk - over trading estate

Willow Tit calling - north of canal near the railway line/sheep fields behind the colliery. BLACK CAP not noticeable. The head resembled a crested tit. I am no expert so don't know if this anomaly has been seen before. Has anyone else seen this particular bird?

Wheatear -female in nearby sheep field.

Pair of Grey Wagtails in ever decreasing pool of water next to East Lancs crossover point

Willow warblers and Chiffchaffs too many to mention


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Having stayed home for a couple days cabin fever was severely setting in,time to brave the crowds of people using the canal which I have to walk along at some point,and resembles Piccadilly circus at the moment.
Anyway it was well worth the effort with 3 new birds for my lock down list,and an enjoyable time reconnecting with my old patch.
Still several Lapwing on territory in the sheep fields and as I was scanning through them a nice male WHEATEAR popped up on top of some furrows in the field.6 Yellowhammers seen,including 2 singing males in a different area from previous sightings was hopefully a sign of potentially a good breeding year.Willow Warblers were in virtually every other bush and I gave up trying to count them they're were that many plenty of Chiffchaff as well,and at least 6 singing Blackcap today.
A singing REED WARBLER was my first of the year as was a singing GARDEN WARBLER,which sang (gargled)for at least 5 mins without stopping. Other birds of note were 2 singing Reed Bunting,3 Jays,and 4 Buzzards .


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Decided to walk the farmland again as my wife had seen a couple of Partridge recently, unfortunately no luck with them but had a total of 11 Yellowhammers inc a singing male and 2 pairs of birds.
Several pair of Lapwing holding territory on various fields which have all now been ploughed and seeded ,other birds of note were 3 Jays,6 Mallard,plenty of singing Willow Warblers and Chiffchaffs,also a few more Blackcap today.
Can't remember ever seeing so many butterflies,hope it's pointing to a bit of a recovery, lots of Orange Tip,Peacocks,a female Brimstone and a single Comma.biggrin


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A good morning's birding with 5 new birds seen:-
Raven(mobbing a Buzzard)
Goosander (1st summer male)
Linnet, 2 small flocks flew past
Mute Swans (2)
And the one I'm most chuffed about a pair of Little Ringed Plover which appeared to be on territory
Also a singing Yellowhammer,Blackcap,at least 20 singing Willow Warblers and 12 singing Chiffchaff, couple of Pied Wagtails, etc.
Also lots of butterflies mainly Peacock but at least 2 Orange Tips (with one yesterday)


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Having stayed home yesterday I was raring to go this morning, especially after the clear night. Managed to see 3 new species today,Willow Warbler (lots),a singing Blackcap and a male Reed Bunting. Other birds of note were a fishing Comorant, 6+ Buzzards making good use of the thermals,Stock Dove and Willow Tit.


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Afternoon walk 2.45- 4.00 from East Lancs to behind Astley Colliery and over the Bridgewater canal and back. Sightings of note;

2 Sparrowhawks circling south of canal over pool with reedbed.

1 Willow warbler in song alongside canal

2 Swallow together flew low towards East Lancs Road -Indian Restaurant!

2 Yellowhammer North of canal.

Several Chiffchaff


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Just back from my daily walk,was hoping for a Willow Warbler but no luck,I'm sure they'll be here in numbers in next few days.
Nice to see/hear 4 Skylarks in song,and a few more Lapwings on territory. A couple of Snipe flushed as I was walking across a damp area,and the usual pair of Willow Tits seen in the usual place.
The only new bird today was a Peregrine Falcon which gave some superb views as it circled overhead for a couple of minutes. Almost certainly a male given it's smallish size.


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Forgot to mention in my earlier post that I also saw a leucistic Starling in a flock of approx 100 birds,the Starling had a sandy brown head and pale bill,similar colour to a juvenile Rosy Starling but was progressively paler towards it's rear end,with the tail being pure white.Gave me a few seconds of panic when I saw it initially head on,but soon as it turned sideways I realised what it was. Quite glad in a way it wasn't anything rare as obviously with current restrictions couldn't have shared it with anybody.


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Thought I'd vary my route today and concentrate on the farmland and canal which paid of with another 3 new species to add to my list.
New birds were Mistle Thrush, Pied Wagtail,and 3 Curlew which flew low over my head off a nearby damp field.Unfortunately at this point the heavens opened and I beat an hasty retreat towards home without really seeing anything else.
This brings my species total up to 46 .


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Just back from my health/sanity walk,again same route as yesterday. Total number of species seen today-36,including 4 new species which are in capitals
Blackbird,Goldfinch, House Sparrow,Starling,JAY(3),FERAL PIGEON,Wood Pigeon,Great Tit,Robin,Magpie,Blue Tit, Song Thrush, L.T. Tit,Wren,Chiffchaff, Buzzard (4),Bullfinch, Grey Heron,Lapwing, Tufted Duck(7),Coot,Little Grebe,Mallard,B.H.Gull,Carrion Crow,Jackdaws,TEAL,Skylark, SNIPE(8),Comorant,L.B.B.Gull,Stock Dove,Pheasant, Willow Tit, Chaffinch and CANADA GOOSE.
Never thought seeing a Canada GOOSE would give me so much joy!!!
Good birding and keep safe and sane.Reckon by weekend there should be a few new migrants in if the forecast is correct with southerly winds.


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Did more or less the same route today and saw 35 species with the highlight being a singing Willow Tit ,plus at least another 3 Willow Tits.
New birds were
Yellowhammer (2)
Grey Heron
Long Tailed Tit
Little Grebe
Also still at least 6 singing Chiffchaff and at one point I had 8 Buzzards in the air at the same time.


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Decided to venture outdoors for a bit of exercise now that the garden work is nearly done. My walk from my house passes farmland, 3 fields of sheep grazing,plenty of hedgerows,with some damp willow scrub areas,several pools and some nice areas of phragmites reed beds,a canal and some nice overgrown bramble patches.
Today I managed to see 25 species in my hour or so walk,nothing out of the ordinary but nice to see Buzzard,Kestrel,6 singing Chiffchaff, a Lapwing on territory in sheep fields,8 Tufted Duck,4 Coot,Bullfinch etc.
Hopefully as spring migration progresses with the varied habitat I should record quite a few new species.


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Swallow perched on wires in the village this am,3 weeks later than its earliest date!!


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Approx 250 Fieldfare at top of village this am(largest flock I've seen locally this winter)


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At least 3 singing Chiffchaffs in area,
A Raven over village
and a calling Green Woodpecker(present for at least a week) in copse behind colliery


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Barn Owl hunting over the horse fields behind the colliery just before dusk tonight.


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A Little Egret on the canal opposite T.E.R. Peel Lane at 6.10 am today.


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A Wheatear in the horse field behind the colliery
Chiffchaffs in every bit of suitable habo
and a Brimstone butterfly through the garden today


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A pair of Ravens spending some time around the pit winding gear this am.


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Singing Chiffchaff in copse behind Boathouse pub this morning.


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Brief and distant but still great to see it flying about this evening

Dave Thacker

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The Short eared Owl still present,but only showed briefly,and distantly a couple of times tonight,


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Would I be right assuming the fields adjoining Whitehead Lane are the fields referred to here?

Some pictures on here

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Short-eared Owl still showing very well at 5:15pm yesterday in the fields behind the colliery.

Info thanks to Pete Berry


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Yep, PM with details sent Robert.

-- Edited by Martyn Jones on Thursday 15th of March 2012 04:43:05 PM


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Yeah, great to meet Pete Berry, Mike Baron and Pete Hilton watching the Short-eared Owl tonight.

Also one Grey Heron and two Kestrels over and Skylarks dropping into the field. A lovely evening.


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Short Eared Owl showing well again tonight from 5pm onwards.


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Short Eared Owl was out again tonight from 4.30 till dusk hunting the same general area


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A Short Eared Owl was present from 5pm till dusk hunting the fields behind the colliery and giving views down to 10m,completely unphased by the dogwalkers and dogs.

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