Late post for Wednesday 3rd Feb Approx 1.15 - 1.45pm
Around the main pool
- Black-headed Gull 50+ - Common Gull 15-20
In the marshy vegetation at side of smaller pool near the road
- Skylark 2 - Reed Bunting 1 fem - Jack Snipe 1
The Jack Snipe flushed from right under me and scared the life out of me, it gave a bit of a faint strange squeak call as it flew up. I had my bins to hand so was able to pick out the stripes on the back, fairly short bill, it didn't fly far landing around the side of the bigger pool, but perhaps more importantly were the slightly rounded wings. Wasn't 100% to call it at first, many thanks for the pointers on this Ian.
birds seen today are,,,teal 8 females/1 winters,,,,,.black-headed gull 6,,,,,.swallow 1,,,,,,.house martin 3,,,,,.woodpogeon 35+,,,,,jackdaw 15+,,,,,.magpie 25,,,,,.c.crow 5,,,,,.meadow pipit 3 in flight,,,,,.blue tit,,,,,.goldfinch14,,,,,.canada goose 50,,,,,.dunnock,,,,,.wren,,,,,.mallard 22,,,,,.grey heron 1,,,,,.willow warbler 4,,,,,.great tit 5,,,,,.long tailed tit 9,,,,,.moorhen 8 AD/JUV,,,,.grey wagtail 1,,,,,..two new species for me at this site thay are kingfisher 1 ,and nuthatch 1
,thanks john webb
a quick look round before work birds seen are bullfinch 2 AD,3 JUV.....,grasshopper 1 reeling.....,willow warbler 5.....,black-headed gull 1 JUV.....,goldfinch 7.....,sedge warbler 2 in song reed bunting 5 female\JUV....thanks john
a quick walk round birds seen,,grasshopper warbler 2 reeling.....,blackcap 2 in song.....,whitethroat 7 in song.....,willow warbler 2 in song.....,chiffchaff 1 in song....,sedge warbler 4 in song.....,skylark 3 .....,swift 2....,reed bunting 4 in song.....,greeenfinch 5 .....,mallard 7 .....,moorhen 5 .....,goldfinch.....,woodpigeon.....,c.crow .....,robin.....,magpie.....,jackdaw.....wren .....,dunnock....., house sparrow 6.....,collared dove 2...., black -headed gull 1 juvenile.thanks john webb
-- Edited by Ian McKerchar on Saturday 11th of July 2015 07:03:53 AM
birds seen at kingsway business park on the 10 july 2015,skylark 3.....,pied wagtail 2 AD,6 JUV.....,house martin 16.....,sand martin 1.....,whitethroat 3 in song....,linnet 2 .....,starling 14....,reed bunting 4 in song.....,woodpigeon....,jackdaw.....,magpie.....,c.crow.....,swift 3.....,sedge warbler 2 in song....,long tailed tit calling....,blue tit....,great tit....,sparrowhawk in flight 1....,swallow....late news from sunday 5 july 2015 grasshopper warbler reeling,and seen well at this site thanks john webb
birds seen today are ,skylark 2 in song,,,,,.redshank 3,,,,,.lapwing 2,,,,,ringed plover 4,,,,,.mallard pair +1 m,,,,,.house martin 20 +.....jackdaw....,whitethroat 2 in song.....willow warbler 3 in headed gull 3.....swift 9.....kestrel m hunting 1.....sparrowhawk in flight.....reed bunting 2 in song.....pied wagtail pair..... goldcrest calling.....greenfinch 3..... robin.....blackbird...c.crow sparrow.....thank john
walk round kingsway business park just to count warblers,,,blackcap 7 singing mate,,,,common whitethroat 9 singing mate,,,,sedge warbler 5 singing mate,,,,willow warbler 8 singing mate,,,,chiffchaff 1 singing mate,thanks john
Of note... 2 Dunlin in beautiful summer plumage 2 Common Redshank 2 Black-headed Gulls 1 Whitethroat in full voice and full view (surrounded by flies but not seen flycatching) 1 Lesser Whitethroat in full voice over near the little brick building (sub-station???) but NOT SEEN 1 Goldfinch 2 male Reed Bunting Few Corvids around
a walk round today 12 april 2015.blackbird....,wren....,robin....,dunnock....,great tit....,blue tit....,canada goose 2 pair....,chaffinch 4 in song....,woodpigeons...,c.crow sat on nest....,lapwing 3....,linnet 3....,skylark 4....,meadow pipit 1....,mallard 5 pair....,moorhen 2....,reed bunting 3 m in song...,magpies...,jackdaws...,b.h.gull 3...,l.b.b.gull 1 1st winter...,goldfinch 6....,grey heron 1....,chiffchaff 2 in song....,willow warbler 3 in song....,teal 2 pair....,song thrush 1....,h.sparrow 4...,pheasant calling....,starling 7 and 1 fox.thanks john
birds seen today are ,oystercatcher 4 in flight....,lapwing 4....,h sparrow 5....,chaffinch 8...., long tailed tit pair building nest...,blackbird....,skylark 2 in song...., meadow pipit 2....,c.crow....,woodpigeon 15....,great tit 3 in song....,reed bunting 2 in song....,moorhen 4 birds....,redshank 1....,mallard 2 pair + 1m....,coot pair...., chiffchaff in song....,bullfinch 1 pair.thanks john
a walk round today,,,mallard 5,,moorhen 4,,skylark 7,,long tailed tits,,great tits,,robin,,wren,,meadow pipit 3,bullfinch calling,,blackbird,,chaffinch,,reed bunting 2 in song,,kestrel male,,magpie,,canada goose 7,,redshank 1,,teal 2m,1f,,goldfinch 5,,water rail calling,,coot pair,,chiffchaff 1 in song,,redwing 4,,starlings,,b.h.gull 13,,heron 1,,l.b.b.gull 3,,ringed plover note of interest,i ve been watching kingsway business park since 2008,and so far i have seen 81 species of birds, john webb
Afternoon tacho break, 45 minutes produced very little except a male Sparrowhawk that came dashing towards the wagon and perched up close on the 'Private Land' signpost at the parking roundabout providing an excellent opportunity for a decent photo!
Other than that the only birds were flyovers... 2 Black-headed Gulls 2 Carrion Crows A few Jackdaws and Magpies
A lone sand martin flew through this morning, heading SE, at circa 8:50 am. I'm fairly confident that this is my earliest ever in Milnrow and its environs.
All the Gulls were put up by the sudden appearance of a Kestrel but I also think the LB-b Gull may have spooked them. Only the Common Gulls returned with the LB-b Gull still flying round.
Not a single bird on the main area which has plenty of water now. 1 Carrion Crow balancing in the wind on road sign at mini roundabout 1 Magpie on boundary mesh fencing near to factory 4 Black-headed Gulls over but didn't stop
Approx 11.30am, quick look in whilst on way home from Huddersfield. Lapwing - probably around 70 Black-headed Gulls - around 40 Few Carrion Crow Kestrel - 1 hunting near last roundabout before M62
Nice to record a single Water Rail on one of the various small ponds.They all look good for this species .Perhaps there are more? Water Rail 3 pied Wagtail 10 meadow pipit Cheers Alan
Kingsway does seem to be a good location for Jacksnipe,it was nice to record this species today.Its strange that this time last year we had counts of over 100 common Snipe.This year we are lucky to see two or three ,what has happened? 1 Jacksnipe 3 Snipe Here's Alan
Hi Alan,
Weren't the very large flocks of Snipe at Kingsway around two years ago and not one year? I know as we all get older we try to be a bit more economical with the truth about the years using your formula of one for every two, I'm pleased now that I've still got my 30th birthday to look forward to!
Pleased to read that you are still digging out some good birds like Jack Snipe at Kingsway.