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Post Info TOPIC: KINGSWAY (Business Park), Rochdale.

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RE: KINGSWAY (Business Park), Rochdale.

Kingsway does seem to be a good location for Jacksnipe,it was nice to record this species today.Its strange that this time last year we had counts of over 100 common Snipe.This year we are lucky to see two or three ,what has happened?
1 Jacksnipe
3 Snipe
Here's Alan


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Virtually nothing at all.

1 Carrion Crow
2 Jackdaw (over)
2 Magpie
1 Black-headed Gull (over)


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On tacho break pm today

-2 Skylark inadvertently flushed at close range
-1 very active Wheatear
-Linnet and Goldfinch in small groups
-Magpie / Carrion Crow / Jackdaw few of each
- 2 Woodpigeon
- possible Redstart heard near the old brick building

...and a 'possible' Ring Ouzel over in direction of M62. Blackbird shape and giving a kind of a 'chuck' sound, could've well been a Blackbird but my thought was it was flying higher than I'd've expected a Blackbird to, possible R.O. on it's way out?


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Greenshank was showing well at 11 am


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A Greenshank currently (08:30) at the back of the area.
Not much water to attract the birds and there's lots of vegetation that could be hiding any others that may be present.


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Just looked at some of the poor distance shots of some of the Linnet flock and as suspected it looks like there's Redpoll (presume Lesser) and what looks like Chaffinch in there too. The dark wing bars on these 2 species have given the illusion as being a lot darker. They were at distance and very mobile so that's my excuse.


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Today 1.30 - 2.15pm

Huge flock of Linnet with some other finches noticeably darker brown in colour, very mobile over the pools which have retained quite a bit of the rain. At least 40+ birds
4 Goldfinch
1 Kestrel
4 Lapwing
2 Black-headed Gulls
2 Herring Gulls
3 Swallows
1 House Martin
2 Meadow Pipit flushed within feet
3 Skylark flushed within feet
4 juv Pied Wagtail
Carrion Crow and Magpie dotted about


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a quick visit from 1.15pm

1 juvenile little ringed plover
1 snipe
3 chiffchaffs
1 reed bunting
several house martins & swifts over
1 swallow


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Tacho break 1.50pm - 2.35pm

Surprisingly, despite the warm weather, there's actually some remains of the pools.

No waders of any sort seen
4 Skylark (flushed accidentally within feet)
2 Reed Bunting
1 male Kestrel (hovering then hunting low over ground)
1 Jay
5 Carrion Crow (2 sunbathing)

The following I can only give approx numbers due to flight nature of the species or the birds being obscured at ground level by vegetation...

Sand Martin approx 5 - 10
House Martin approx 15 - 20
Swallow approx 25+
Black-headed Gull 10+ flying in but lost them

...and on the ground...
Pied Wagtail


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1 Green sandpiper
2 Ringed Plover
2 Little Ringed Plover
Cheers Alan


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Ian McKerchar wrote:

Rob Creek wrote:

Ian McKerchar wrote:

Green Plover Rob?

Sorry, I mean Lapwing, I used to call them Green Plover, mental block!

What, in the Victorian era biggrin

I'm not exactly spring chicken mate!


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Rob Creek wrote:

Ian McKerchar wrote:

Green Plover Rob?

Sorry, I mean Lapwing, I used to call them Green Plover, mental block!

What, in the Victorian era biggrin


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Ian McKerchar wrote:

Green Plover Rob?

Sorry, I mean Lapwing, I used to call them Green Plover, mental block!


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Green Plover Rob?


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Quick visit whilst up at Hollingworth Lake, had trouble posting this due to poor signal, seem to get an on and off data signal up there. Was hoping for a Green Sandpiper but didn't manage one whilst I was there.

Of note...
2 Skylark
6 Green Plover
Oystercatcher heard, I looked up and as suspected it was just a flyover, it didn't land probably due to the ever decreasing puddle as you rightly point out Chris, there's hardly anything left of it!

Other birds...a few Meadow Pipit, Pied Wagtail, Jackdaws, and a flock of about 20-25 Starling.


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Green sandpiper present at circa 15:30, right on the far side of the almost gone puddle.

Cheers, Chris J-B.


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A Green Sandpiper present this morning an adult bird.
3 Redshank
But no Kittiwake!
Cheers Alan


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Late news for yesterday, when an adult Kittiwake was present at 5pm.

Info thanks to Dave Ousey


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Finally caught up with a Rochdale bird that as eluded me for many a year.I was out checking the flash when Simon fantastically found a couple of Little Egrets.The birds only stayed a short while flying off to the East around 1100hrs.
Well done Simon another Kingsway bird.What will birders think in years to come when they eventually build a large shed on our ever surprising Kingsway.Cheers Alan


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Although it is quite late for Barnacle Goose, I have noticed on birdguides that there have been some fairly late flocks passing along the east coast during May, and it has, of course, now been proven that wild Barnacle Geese have made it to Greater Manchester :)


Mancunian Birder https://mancunianbirder.wordpress.com Visit my YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCtWoAs4geYL9An0l6w_XgIg

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No sign of any Barnacle Geese at Kingsway at 1-20pm today
Dave Ousey


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I have to agree with Alan that these birds were striking both in their pristine plumage and their very wary behaviour, and were quite unlike the 'plastic' Barnacles you often see - their appearance during heavy overnight rain also makes me suspicious they could be wild birds on migration, but unfortunately without a wing tag or ring I guess we'll never know. Bet they are gone tomorrow though, and in Svalbard by the end of the week!

-- Edited by Simon Hitchen on Thursday 22nd of May 2014 11:27:22 PM


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Originally posted today by Alan Nuttall:

I added another site record for Kingsway this morning.Two splendid Barnacle goose with no rings and behaving for all intense and purpose like wild birds.Plastic I thought...fail the bread test..but why?its the correct time of the year for migrants,winds correct,low cloud over the Pennines.No Canada's for them to associate with.Why can we not record these birds?
I know that it is very difficult to decide if any goose or duck is truly wild but these are the closest to wild Geese I have ever observed in Rochdale.Cheers Alan


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A possible Garden Warbler was the main highlight, roughly in the spot last year - in the bushes along the path leading to the 'old house' from the main road - however it was not seen and subsequently stopped singing.

Also, 1 House Martin.

Keep calm and carry on birding....

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hundreds of hirundines whizzing around majority swifts & house martins with few swallows & sand martins, the swifts were awesome as they were whizzing past me within a couple of feet smile
1 oystercatcher
4 redshanks
3 dunlins
4 lapwings
2 willow warblers
2 linnets
4 reed buntings
1 skylark


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This lunch time 12:00 till 12:30

2 Redshank
1 Oystercatcher
3 Dunlin
2 Common Sandpiper
1 Yellow Wagtail fem.
Lots of Swift, Swallow, Sand and House Martin.


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Had Grasshopper Warbler reeling on both sides of the roundabout this morning (c. 5:45am) Managed my first record shot of one

Good number of Sedge Warbler on the Turf Hill side of the Roundabout

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Greenshank present this morning along with,2 Oystercatchers,4 Redshank.
Cheers Alan


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4 reeling Grasshopper Warbler on the opposite side of the road/roundabout from the main pool plus the usual's this morning


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Superb breeding plumage Bar-tailed Godwit present currently at 3:10pm, along with single Dunlin and Yellow Wagtail.

Info thanks to Alan Nuttall


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Cheers for that Rob

-- Edited by Steve Thomson on Wednesday 23rd of April 2014 04:22:00 PM


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Steve Thomson wrote:

Hi guys

Could anyone tell me the best place to park for here have never been and not quite sure where it is

Come off the M62 at Milnrow and there is a turn off for Kingswsy Business Park. I normally park on one of the roundabouts as the business park is incomplete and the roundabouts have mounds of earth acting as stoppers on some of the exits if you get my meaning.


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Hi guys

Could anyone tell me the best place to park for here have never been and not quite sure where it is


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Two yellow wagtails at 15:30 and a sedge warbler singing across the road from the giant puddle (towards Turf Hill).

Chris J-B.


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3 Redshank
5 stunning Yellow Wagtails
1 White Wagtail
male Wheatear
1 reeling Grasshopper Warbler
1 Blackcap singing


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Originally posted this morning by Alan Nuttall:

Two Grasshopper warblers singing one individual showing rather well.
Cheers Alan


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A brief sojourn this aft' yielded:

3 little ringed plover
2 ringed plover and
2 redshank.

Regards, Chris Jepson-Brown.


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Quick stop off en route back to the M62 after getting the Garganey.
Cold and windy, not that much about.
A few Lapwing
A handful of Lesser Black-backed Gulls and Black-headed Gulls
1 Common Gull standing out from the rest.
1 Skylark above.
A handful of Meadow Pipit over.
A few Pied Wagtail.
Redshank heard but not seen.


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Originally posted today by Alan Nuttall:

Shelduck present early this morning,Cheers Alan


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Quick visit this morning

Redshank 1
Ringed Plover - pair have been present all week
Lapwing 17 (67 on Wednesday)
Teal 18 (there were 31 on Wednesday)


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Teal 19
Mallard 6
Black Headed Gull 79
Common Gull 6
Herring Hull 51
Lesser Black Backed Gull 9
Ringed Plover 2
Lapwing 18
Meadow Pipit2


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An adult Yellow-legged Gull was present this afternoon loafing with other gulls on the frozen pool here before flying off east at about 1430. Presumably the same bird was also present last Sunday afternoon, although viewing conditions were much better today.


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26th Dec 13:20-13:50

Much of the water frozen, so very little around.

- 2 Meadow Pipit
- 1 Snipe over
- 200+ Lapwing in several groups flying around before heading off towards Milnrow


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Pair Shoveler for second day
19 Sipee
14 Teal
Cheers Alan


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Sun 22nd Sep - quick 10 minute visit around 13:15

Very low water levels on the ground, so not much action

- 2 Snipe (flew off)
- c8 Mistle Thrush (several small groups)
- Magpie
- c2 Meadow Pipit heard calling.


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Singing birds across just part of the site this morning included 1 Grasshopper Warbler, 3 Sedge Warbler, 2 Willow Warbler, 1 Chiffchaff, 1 Blackcap, 5 Whitethroat and 13 Reed Bunting. biggrin




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Late this afternoon

Ringed Plover 5
Dunlin 7
Wheatear 1


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Singing birds across the site yesterday morning (6/5) included 4 Grasshopper Warbler, 3 Sedge Warbler and 9 Whitethroat.




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1 Yellow Wagtail
1 White Wagtail
male Wheatear
Grasshopper Warbler reeling


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Visit this morning through to 2pm - Sparrowhawk, Kestrel, some singing Whitethroat - Alan Nuttall (nice to meet you Alan) had a Garden Warbler on the lane coming from the car-parking spot, but I couldn't relocate it, - 1 Coal Tit, 1 Grey Heron, Skylarks singing etc etc

Also, 2 Redshank, 2 Little-Ringed Plover, Lapwings, 1 White Wagtail

Keep calm and carry on birding....
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