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Post Info TOPIC: KINGSWAY (Business Park), Rochdale.

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RE: KINGSWAY (Business Park), Rochdale.

27th August.

9.10 - 9.45 am.

For late August still a decent number of Swifts counted here this morning. The largest single tally was of 6 but smaller numbers were noted spread out over this small time period, which may or may not have been the same birds?

Plus 13 Common Gull, 1 Meadow Pipit and 1 Skylark.




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Late morning visit to the site

8+ Snipe
1 Lapwing
1 Common Gull amongst the 30 or so Black Headed Gulls which were present
Handful of Swallow and House Martin flying over

Only the obsessed understand!

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3 Teal
290+ Lapwing
15+ Snipe
1 Swift S


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Single Ruff still this afternoon

Also 1 Common Sandpiper and a Sparrowhawk


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Alan Nuttall wrote:

I was pleased to meet Bill on Kingsway this rainy morning.Sad to say we could not relocate this mornings Ruff but we had to make do with 2 Green Sandpipers!What will turn up next! Cheers Alan

17th August.

Great to catch up with Alan this morning ......even if the Ruff wasn't around! Immediately after lunch I thought I would try again and the Ruff was found actively feeding amongst the large flock of resting Lapwings. That was until an ambulance with its siren blaring came through the business park and with the sound reverberating loudly off the walls of the large industrial unit all the birds, bar the gulls, took to the air and the Ruff was gone......hopefully just temporarily. It was interesting to note the large flock of Lapwings in the air which appeared to number c400, which was far more than had been present on the ground, possibly suggesting some may have been roosting on the roof of the industrial unit or elsewhere on the business park? A single Green Sandpiper remained early pm. We thought the other Green Sandpiper of the morning may only have been present on the ground for a short period of time (say 20 to 30 mins), feeding up briefly, before flying off strongly SW at 10.50 am. Other things of note - the Starling flock fluctuated in numbers, with possibly as many as c150 present at one stage. The passage of Swifts appeared to be continuing early afternoon, with small numbers seemingly heading SW too.




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I was pleased to meet Bill on Kingsway this rainy morning.Sad to say we could not relocate this mornings Ruff but we had to make do with 2 Green Sandpipers!What will turn up next! Cheers Alan


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Posted today:

0700hrs Male Ruff still with Lapwing flock also 11 Snipe 1 Common Sand piper,Cheers Alan


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I male Ruff mixed with Lapwings,1 Common Sand,1 imm Little Ringed Plover,2 Swift Cheers Alan


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15th August.

The best records from 3 visits today!

11 Teal, 1 Common Sandpiper, 27 Common Gull, c120 Starling, c20 House Martin, c5 Pied Wagtail, 2 Meadow Pipit and 1 Kestrel. The Snipe were very flighty today for no apparent reason, with the largest wisp of 16 noted, although there may well have been more than this present on site.



-- Edited by Bill Myerscough on Wednesday 15th of August 2012 07:25:53 PM


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14th August - am.

2 Teal (still waiting for a Garganey to drop in!) and c130 Black-headed Gull.

13th August - am.

c230 Lapwing, 7 Snipe, c60 Starling, 3 Skylark, 2 Swift moved through, single figure numbers of Swallow, House Martin and Sand Martin. 1 Stock Dove was more unusual. Several small flocks of Goldfinch feeding on thistles, the largest of which was c20, plus c12 Long-tailed Tit. Willow Warbler, Chiffchaff, Whitethroat and Blackcap still present.

The first returning Common Gulls noted were 3 adults on 29th July, with 8 here on 31st July.

Whilst the mudflats here are a frequent attraction for good numbers of loafing gulls, unfortunately Herring Gull is not usually a regular visitor, even in wintertime. Therefore Alan Nuttall's recent sighting of 5 birds here on 12th August - 3 adults, one of which had two juveniles in tow and which were seen begging for food, was an interesting and unusual record for Kingsway.




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Without prejudice, could any further exchanges take place by private message please.


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Only irrelevant if, say, based on the premise (which obviously you seem to hold, at least in the slightest degree) that this section is completely restricted to 'x y z seen today', and nobody can put any kind of other comment or observation trivial, boring, enlightening or otherwise, which isn't and should not be the case - this section doesn't work like that, nor does the MBF, which relies on insight, information and helping each other share the mutual passion. My defense of me just doing that - enthusing on the array of waders which the site is lucky to receive and announcing out loud I should visit. Not the most entertaining post in the world, I admit, but only as inane as your sarcastic response. I guess you could say the two posts were equally as unwanted, but at least I was talking about birds, that site in particular without going out of my way.

Keep calm and carry on birding....

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John Doherty wrote:

Mark - I think it's a bit snidey to insinuate that my post was boring or irrelevant just because it wasn't one of the usual 'list the species I've seen' jobs?

County bird sightings forum??? Nothing to do with being snidey, Irrelevant


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Stop telling us all and just do it


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0700hrs,1 Green Sandpiper,2 Dunlin,10 Snipe,405 Lapwing,5 Pied Wagtail,11 Swift.
Cheers Alan


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Mark - I think it's a bit snidey to insinuate that my post was boring or irrelevant just because it wasn't one of the usual 'list the species I've seen' jobs?
What makes your: "Stop telling us all and just do it " comment any more or less interesting, valuable or required to the forum's greater good????
I appreciate that I'm enthusiastic to take note of a place I've not made it to and am encouraged by the diversity of the waders there - ergo it's worth a look but haven't for various reasons. Isn't that one of the dilemmas of birdwatching, not being able to get to everywhere at every opportunity??????????
I'm sure we've all had a moment where we've looked at posts and thought as exactly as you've done without going on to post it - because it's a bit naughty to pass an equally (no a MORE) inane comment, which, depending on who you are dealing with, might invite a riposte or not.

There, I'll wind my neck in now.

-- Edited by John Doherty on Sunday 5th of August 2012 02:02:13 PM

Keep calm and carry on birding....

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I keep kicking myself that I haven't made it here as it seems a great drawer for waders.
Must do so soon.

-- Edited by John Doherty on Sunday 5th of August 2012 11:44:05 AM

Keep calm and carry on birding....

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Just in case anyone is thinking of contacting the local MP, the current chap is in fact Simon Danczuk (Lab'). He replaced Paul Rowen in 2010.

Regards, Chris


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This is such a great little site. I wonder does anybody know the legal status of the land, and whether there are any ongoing attempts to conserve it? It would be a sad day indeed if it was swallowed up into the business park .
(am pleased to confirm that the football-topped 'birders' weren't me&Bill. We probably need to brush up on 'field skills' though!...)

"Is it a bird, is it a plane?" probably a plane (this IS Brun Clough..)

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Think I've answered my own question..
There is an extensive report compiled by Ecologists on behalf of ASDA for Plot 'J' in the business park.

Here's the link to it if anyone is interested.

PDF for ecology report on Kingsway Business Park

I wonder if anyone is interested (as I am) in writing to the local MP (see above post!) to ensure this land is protected as much as possible. I'm not convinced that the report goes far enough at all.

Apologies, Ian, if this off-topic.

-- Edited by Thomas and Bill Jones on Monday 30th of July 2012 05:26:35 PM

"Is it a bird, is it a plane?" probably a plane (this IS Brun Clough..)

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Greenshank heard briefly in flight as I arrived but not re-located.

Not surprising really given the 2 football top clad 'birders' demonstrating all the field-craft skills of a bulldozer.


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28th July.

Greenshank this morning. Very elusive at times. I think the tally of wader species recorded at this site now stands at 20.



-- Edited by Bill Myerscough on Saturday 28th of July 2012 12:26:55 PM


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Hi Dave,

I've sent you a private message.

Best wishes,



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Hi Bill,
What a cracking little list for Kingsway. Could you be a bit more specific where you find the warblers. Did have a Bar Tailed Godwit there a few week ago couple of Reed Buntings too.
Cheers Dave Phillips.

D J Phillips

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9th July,

A brief but clear and close view of a Reed Warbler this morning. A first site record I think? Also 2 Sedge Warbler, 2 Grasshopper Warbler and varying numbers of Blackcap, Willow Warbler, Chiffchaff, Whitethroat and Reed Bunting too.

A flock of c160 Lapwing.




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Wood sandpiper still there five minutes ago.



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Simon Hitchen wrote:

The Wood Sandpiper was initially found by Gary Crowden (I think - apologies Gary if I've got your surname wrong) on his first visit to the site!

Suspect it is Gary Crowder


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Wood Sandpiper still present at 1:50pm

Info thanks to Steve Collins


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The Wood Sandpiper was initially found by Gary Crowden (I think - apologies Gary if I've got your surname wrong) on his first visit to the site! A long awaited Rochdale tick for me and appears to be the first in Rochdale since 1991!

Also this morning in the arctic conditions I briefly saw a yellow wagtail resembling a Grey- headed Wagtail - it had a dark grey head and a yellow throat - I couldn't see any supercilium but the view was frustratingly brief - wonder if it could have been the Elton bird.

Also 1 male Wheatear


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Wood Sandpiper still present and showing well at 11:30am.

Info thanks to Karen Foulkes


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Wood Sandpiper at Kingsway this morning at 09:58 and showing well.

Info thanks to Simon Hitchen

-- Edited by Ian McKerchar on Saturday 19th of May 2012 10:00:43 AM


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2 Shelduck this evening - presumably the same birds that were on Hollingworth Lake this morning
1 Redshank

Yesterday (14/5) 3 Dunlin


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0530hrs,1 Black-Tailed Godwit,1 Dunlin,1 Common Sandpiper,10 Mute Swan,1 Sedge Warbler.
Cheers Alan

-- Edited by Ian McKerchar on Friday 11th of May 2012 11:31:24 AM


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Last hour this evening:

Half a dozen Dunlin mixed with the Ringed Plover.
No sign of the Yellow Wagtails
Plenty House Martins/Swallows


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Late post for yesterday (9/5)

2 male Yellow Wagtails - a rare bird in Rochdale

No sign of the Ruff since Sunday


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No sign of the Ruff this evening but there was a single Dunlin

Ian Kimber had a Yellow Wagtail this morning but no sign this evening


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2 Ruff still present.
Also 1 Common Sandpiper

Only the obsessed understand!

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Sunday 6th May. 06.30 - 07.15 hrs

2 Ruff still present. Right at the top end.


Blessed is the man who expecteth little reward ..... for he shall seldom be disappointed.

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Grasshopper warbler reeling very loudly at approx' 16:00.



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2 Ruff showing well at 1100hrs near to roundabout.

Hundreds of hirundines over the water as the weather closed in. Good numbers of House Martins-cant remember seeing so many at once for a long time


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Yes Chris that is exactly where it was.

Cheers, Simon


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As well as the Ruff today a Grasshopper Warbler was reeling by Stanney Brook Park and showing well at times.


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Simon, is that in the rushy pasture across the road from Stanney entrance? There was one there last summer too if it's the same place.

Were you on the New Road just before dinnertime Bill? I saw an 'observer' there when I was driving past. If I'd have known it was you I would've stopped for a chat.

C. B

-- Edited by C Brown on Thursday 3rd of May 2012 09:02:37 PM

-- Edited by C Brown on Thursday 3rd of May 2012 09:03:09 PM


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First visit to see the Ruff since 27/4 and to marvel how at quickly their plumages appear to be evolving. It was quite breezy conditions this morning but two of the birds appear to be showing signs of developing their ruffs and possibly their head feathers too?



-- Edited by Bill Myerscough on Thursday 3rd of May 2012 08:04:02 PM


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4 Ruff still present at 2000hrs.


Male Whinchat
4 Wheatear
25+ Swift
House Martin
2 Mallard
Pied Wagtail


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1/5/2012 12:45-13:00

Brief visit on route home

4 Ruff feeding in the middle of water.
c6 Lapwing
c5 Swift
c5 Swallow
1 House Martin
1 Oystercatcher
2 Skylark plus one singing in the distance
1 White Wagtail
1 Pied Wagtail
1 Kestrel
2 Wheatear


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Cheers Geoff,you where spot on with second roundabout. Called today and wasn't disappointed.Good views of ruff,also present wheatear and what looked like linnet. Didn't get a look quick enough. Thanks again.

-- Edited by Ian McKerchar on Tuesday 1st of May 2012 07:46:25 PM


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The best place to park and to watch is at the second roundabout from which ever direction that you are travelling from on the Isac Newton Way. You don't need to walk - if you do you will scare off what you are going to see.
There was a good turn out of different birds there yesterday but people walking too close to them did frighten the ruff (4) off while I watched. I returned an hour or so later but there was no sign of them.


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were's the best place to park?


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Nice to see the Ruff this afternoon they really do look fantastic.There was a small fall of birds around the pool about 1500hrs.
A stonking male Whinchat,I usually have to wait till August in Rochdale.
6 Wheatear,3 Linnet,3 Little Ringed Plover,7 Lapwing at least 3 nests lost due to the wet weather of late.Cheers Alan

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