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Post Info TOPIC: Moses Gate.C.P.

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RE: Moses Gate.C.P.

Fly over cormorant
Fly over kestrel
Heron on lodges
Coal tits and the rest at Hide


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3 Shoveler, Crompton lodges, + 2 Goldeneye on river,


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Mute Swans 70+
Tufted Duck 6+
Shoveler Pair
Grey Heron
also lots of Coot, Moorhen and Mallard, BH Gull + 2 LBB Gull.

Difficult to count on small area of ice free water, like a rugby scrum when being fed.


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This morning,
The usual Mute Swans,Canada Geese and Mallard on main pond, plus Tufted duck
and a pair of Shovelers. With the Black Headed gulls were a few Common gulls.
Also Coots and Moorhens.
On the rivers, were 3 Goosander ( 2 male) and a Heron. Plus Mallard and Little Grebes(2) and one Teal
Overhead flying northwest 120 Pink-foots and a few Lesser Black backed gulls. Two Cormorants, one white below, flew accross.
Near Nob End, was a Sparrowhawk and some Long Tail tits and Goldfinches. Plus 2 Collared doves.
There were plenty Great Tits and Blue tits. A few Chaffinch and one Greenfinch.
Around the feeders we added Coal Tit and Dunnock.
Lots of Blackbirds and Robins

With Steve Settle and Paula

-- Edited by keith mills on Saturday 9th of January 2010 02:09:32 PM




Rumworth List 2019, species to date: 63 Latest: Sand Martin, Reed Bunting, Redshank, Pink-footed Goose, Curlew.



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Late PM
76 Mute Swan
26 Tufted Duck
Goosander Imm/Fem
GC Grebe
5 Cormorant (flew off SE at 1550)


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Of note
2 Pochard
3 Cormerant
Coal tit from hide no bulfinches for seveal weeks


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Large flock LT tits
3 Cormerant
1 GC Grebe
Gold crest


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9 Widgeon Male and Female
1 Goosander female
large flock LT Tits


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62 Swans
23 Tufted
1 pochard male
1 teal female
GC Grebe
6 long tailed tits
tree creeper


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Crompton Lodges
2 Wigeon
1 Goosander red head
2 Cormorant

Nob end/ vats
1 Redwing
1 Sparrowhawk
1 Goosander red head on river irwell


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2 Wigeon, 1 Pochard, 1 Swallow, 3 Redwing, 3 Coal Tits from the hide.


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Not much this AM
Many juvenile tufted duck
Three cormerants on the main lodge.
Heron on the back lodge
and the usual characters swan canada goose coot mallard.....
They appear to have stopped opening the hide in the morning lazy B!!!!!
Which is rather a shame


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Mind you, in my Latics days this was what we used to call Preston North End ! biggrin.gif

I didnt know you once supported Oldham, Mr.Woosey. biggrin.gif


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Rob Thorpe wrote:

Henry Cook wrote:

Nob End NR


Ha Ha Ha...it could only happen in Bolton couldn`t it ???? disbelief.gif

Mind you, in my Latics days this was what we used to call Preston North End ! biggrin.gif


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Henry Cook wrote:

Nob End NR



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14/08/2009 - A Tree Pipit flew over Nob End NR this morning, calling.


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Wet morning littlke of note
Pair of common terns were breeding on back lodge one chick hatched last week last seen Saturday and this morning fears from Monday that the the chick is no more is confirmed.
Family of black caps seen in woods and kingfisher near Rock Hall.


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On Crompton lodges, Common Sanpiper, 4 Common Tern and Kingfisher, + Peregrine Falcon on Kearsley mill chimney.


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quite day
Usual Characters
Grebe was hanging around a Coots Nest
Juveile Long Tailed and great tits, wagtails.
Jay mobbing male sparrowhawk
Chiff Chaff heard
common tyerns


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80 Swans, Common Tern + Kingfisher on the river Croal.


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Herring Gulls don't breed in Greater Manchester so not sure what you mean by chicks. Do you mean immatures from 2008?

Judith Smith __________________________________ Lightshaw hall Flash is sacrosanct - NO paths please!

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Last morning stroll
2 common terns
Bar headed Goose
There was a pair of GC grebes nesting with two eggs
They were displaced in the last 24 hours by a pair of coots who have started tio build a nest on the grebes patch and former home. More strange is they have a large coot chick with them. This does not appear to be the other brood mentioned eaerlier in the week as they are still on their nest which was also a former great crested grebe nest.
Some tufted duck
Swift Swallow House and Sand martin
two herring gull chicks
All other characters


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Last morning stroll
2 common terns
Bar headed Goose
There was a pair of GC grebes nesting with two eggs
They were displaced in the last 24 hours by a pair of coots who have started tio build a nest on the grebes patch and former home. More strange is they have a large coot chick with them. This does not appear to be the other brood mentioned eaerlier in the week as they are still on their nest which was also a former great crested grebe nest.
Some tufted duck
All other characters


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Another morning Stroll
Teal on main pond
Heron hiding in reeds
Two common terns clearly mates
Family of longtailed and coal tits.
Cormorant near bank on a post
Only two cygnets left

-- Edited by Ian Boote on Wednesday 10th of June 2009 11:19:34 AM


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Three common terns diving through the lilly pads on the fishing lodge.
The comerant is back and a Heron was seen mobbed by gulls
The family of coots seen yesterday seems to have one parenmt incubating a new clutch. The lasrge chick keeps its distance from the others but is still part of this brood.


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Little of note usual characters
Common terns x 2
bull finch coal tit at hide
plenty of young blackbird blue tits etcParent Coot seen with two chicks definately part of the same brood. The largest of the two chicks was continually chased, pushed under water, and attacked by the parent and younger chick. Then parent would occasionally feed it. This carried on for 20 minutes and then they all returned to the nest. confuse.gif

-- Edited by Ian Boote on Monday 8th of June 2009 11:58:31 AM


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Not much of note but counted
65 Mute Swan 5 Cygnets in One brood
12 Tufted duck
Over 30 Mallard 3 ducklings one brood
Over 30 BHgulls
Over 30 Coot with two broods and others sitting
8 Moorhen one brod of two chick
Plenty of Canada Geese two broods
Mistle Thrush
Hide closed

-- Edited by Ian Boote on Thursday 4th of June 2009 09:17:32 AM


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early morning amble
Tufted duck
2 Coot 1 Moorhen 1 mute swan 1 great tit brood
Jay seen robbing eggshell from, swan nest
Chiff chaff heard


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Common tern on lodge, Swallow, House Martin, and Swifts over main lodge, Moorhen chick seen, Green finch Bulfinch from hide, Chiff Chaff heard GS Woodpecker seen in Woods.


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Common Tern over Crompton Lodges, also Kingfisher on river.


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Not much on a very wet morning
Nothing at all on the lodges most seems to have flown including tufted duck.
From ther Hide Black cap GS Woodpecker Bullfinch pair Greenfinch Chaffinch Great Tit Coal Tit Blue Tit Wren Robin Blackbird ETC.


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Willow Tit + 7 Siskin on Kearsley Park.


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4 Goosander, Kingfisher, Dipper, all on the river Croal. Also a Swallow over Crompton Lodges.


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Green Sandpiper at the Croal-Irwell confluence, Around Crompton Lodges, 70 Swans, 25 Tufted Duck, 2 Great Crested Grebe, 10 Sand Martin, 1 House Martin, 2 Blackcap,4 Chiffchaff, 3 Willow Warbler, Treecreeper, Linnet, Bullfinch.


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2 Kingfisher, 2 Blackcap, Chiffchaff, + 4 Goosander on Irwell at confluence.


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Early morning stroll
2 Gt Crested Grebes seen and although the nest in the middle of the main lodge appears to have been taken over by an old coot, the Grebes could be nesting well hidden in the reeds on the south side of the main lodge. The commorant was absent. 30 Tufted duck on all lodges. Large number of usual.
Two old coots are sitting on nests on seperate lodges.
Walking on the board walks surprised a female Goosander out ofthe reeds on the back lodge and she propelled herself at a fast velocity three feet in front of me into the water. Few wrens seen in reeds.
The Hide was quite but the usual Chaffinchs Greenfincest Blue Great and long tailed tits, bull finches still present.
Heard a woodpecker behind the fishing lodge but this was too far away to identify.

-- Edited by Ian Boote on Tuesday 31st of March 2009 08:54:44 AM


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Dinner time
Pair of Bullfinches, Greenfinches, Chaffinches, Great Tit Coal Tit Long Tailed Tit Robin Dunnock Blackbird from Hide
On Lodge Coot sitting on nest, Cormorant, Gt Crested Grebes could have moved on as coot seems to have taken over their nesting sight. Tufted Duck other usual lot
Heron 2 Female Goosanders on back lodge
Pied Wagtail and two Mistle thrushes near river

-- Edited by Ian Boote on Monday 30th of March 2009 05:14:58 PM


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Curlew, over Cemetery.


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Early Windy Morning
on the lodges
Approx 56 Mute Swans
Not many Canada Geese
Plenty of Black Headed Gulls, mallard, coot, moorhen
16 tufted duck
2 GC Grebe nesting out in lake
Female Goosander
King fisher
From the Hide
8 Greenfinches
2 Blackbird
4 Chaffinch
4 Great Tits
2 Blue tits
LongTailed Tit
Hedge Sparrow

-- Edited by Ian Boote on Monday 23rd of March 2009 07:55:28 PM


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62 Mute Swan, 3 Pochard, 40 Tufted Duck, 8 Goosander, Great Crested Grebe, + Oystercatcher over.


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Nuthatch, behind cemetery.


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64 Mute Swan, 9 Pochard, 41 Tufted Duck, 5 Goosander, From the Hide, 5 Long tailed Tit, 3 Coal Tit, 6 Chaffinch, 5 Greenfinch, 2 Bullfinch.


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70 Mute Swan, 7 Pochard, Goldeneye, 9 Goosander, Kingfisher.


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Nice male goldeneye this pm plus all the usual.


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68 Mute Swan, 4 Pochard, 3 Goosander, Kingfisher, 6 Mistle Thrush, 15 Goldfinch, 7 Bullfinch.


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63 Mute Swan, 80 Mallard, +30 on river Croal, 5 Goosander on river, 2 Coal Tit, Treecreeper, 2 Bullfinch.


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Yesterday (25th) 16 Goosander and a Kingfisher.

Kane Brides

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65 Mute Swan, 3 Pochard, 45 Tufted Duck, 1 female Goldeneye, 7 Goosander, all on Crompton Lodges, also a Nuthatch behind Farnworth cemetery.


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10 Wigeon on Crompton lodges, + 130 Goldfinch at Nob End.N.R.


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95 Mute Swan, 90 Canada Geese, 162 Mallard, 7 Tufted Duck, 2 Great Crested Grebe with 3 young, 16 Moorhen, 75 Coot, Kingfisher, Common Whitethroat, 30 Goldfinch at Nob End.N.R. 2 Bullfinch.

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