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Post Info TOPIC: Moses Gate.C.P.

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RE: Moses Gate.C.P.

Not much quite quite Goldeneye still present


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2 Common Tern yesterday 18th April + Goldeneye & Teal hanging around with a female Mallard.

Kane Brides

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Common tern being mobbed by gulls
Coal tit and LT tit with nesting material
Blue tit with young in a hole
Chiff Chaff x 2 Willow Warbler x 2 Black cap x 3
GS Woody
and sparrow


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goldeneye still there
though saw a common tern
blackap and wilow warblers on river and that was it


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goldeneye teal still present, Two GCGrebes one getting duffed up by the coots same every year

Two chiff chaff, coal tit, and willow warbler in wods behind lodges

pied wagtail dipper river



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AM over 50 swans 2 Oyster Catcher Rather tame Goldeneye still there lets you get to within 10 metres heard black cap in woods few swans nesting heron and that about it


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Late afternoon (after Man Utd beat West Ham 4-2).

Single male Goldeneye
One pair of Great Crested Grebes doing a little bit of their dance on the main lodge
Mute Swan pair nest building at one end of main lodge
2 Coots on nests and many others about
1 Grey Heron in trees
Several Moorhen
1 pair of Teal, male agressively seeing off anything that came near him
Loads of tufties, black-headed gulls, Canada Geese, Mallards, Mute Swans etc

Some pictures on my blog (address below)

-- Edited by Martyn Jones on Sunday 3rd of April 2011 04:29:09 PM


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50 Swans 18 Tufties 2 GC Grebes
4 Sand martins 2 Goosanders
In woods Chiff Chaff two tree creepers a pair,1 Goosander, Dipper lower weir GS Wood pecker fly over cormerant

lot of burning at nob end

-- Edited by Ian Boote on Saturday 26th of March 2011 12:52:34 AM


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Redshank, on main Lodge, 7am.


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Very sunny but frosty morning
Flock gold finchers carpark
three flocks of LT Tits River CarparK Woods
Pair of very tame Goosanders baCK OF Main lodge allowed me to get up to 8 feet to them from path.
Three Treecreeper, One a pair on tree between lodges one in woods
pied wag carpark


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Nuthatch, behind wildlife lodges.


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45 Swans seem to have reduced
35 Tufties seemed to have increased
12 Mallards in the woods seem to be hiding
5 Goosanders on lodges
2 Oyster catcher main lodge bank
2 GC Grebe displaying but will probably be bullied by the coots they always do
fly over heron
flock of lt tots very very close in a hedge
Dipper flying up and down ricer
2 goosander on river
mistle thrush


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Had a lovely walk round this afternoon in the sunshine!!
8 goosander on the lodge to the right of the main one, 4 male 4 female.

Neil Collier

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This pm :
16 Goosander on one of Crompton's Lodges. Drakes in the minority.




Rumworth List 2019, species to date: 63 Latest: Sand Martin, Reed Bunting, Redshank, Pink-footed Goose, Curlew.



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Late afternoon Crompton Lodges

17 Goosander (7 Male)
53 Mute Swan
33 Tufted Duck
1 F Pochard
2 Common Gull
Lots of Canada Geese, Coot & BH Gull

-- Edited by Alan Warford on Wednesday 19th of January 2011 05:28:58 PM


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Raven behind Cemetery. On Crompton lodges, female Teal, 2 Pochard, 2Goldeneye, 4 Goosander, +8 Goosander on river.


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Corvid roost this evening from Radcliffe road entrance opp Farmer Arms.

Jackdaws 800
crows 60.

First vist to this side of the park, looks as if it could be good.

Keep Birding


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misty morning
on mainly frozen lodges usuals at least 56 swans
woods jays GS woodpecker
2 cormerant 6 Goosander, drake manderin, dipper, treecreeper
2 coal tits


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Redhead Smew landed very briefly on Crompton Lodges around midday today before heading off east. Also Raven over.

Info thanks to Kane Brides


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Peregrine over at 12:35

Kane Brides

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Redshank at the Croal- Irwell confluence, + 2 kingfisher and 3 Goldeneye.


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female Shoveler,2 Pochard,3 Goosander + 5 more on rivers, Also 13 Goldeneye at the croal- irwell confluence and 2 Willow Tit on Kearsley park.


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Lodges mainly frozen still large hole on main lodge.
55 Swans on lodge and river
1 cormerant on river
7 goosander on river (1 Drake)
kingfisher flying up stream
tufties river and main lodge
lots of blackbirds on feeders


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130 Pink footed Geese, west at 8 25 am.18 Goosander, + Common Snipe flew off wildlife lodge.


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59 Mute Swan, 155 Canada Geese, 172 Mallard, 41 Tufted Duck, 22 Goosander, 12 Moorhen, 60 Coot, 220 Black headed Gull, 6 Common Gull, 4 lesser Black backed Gull,Sparrowhawk, Dipper on the river croal near red rocks, 2 Great Spotted Woodpecker,30 Fieldfare over, 3 Siskin, 3 Bullfinch. Over 750 birds on Crompton Lodges, not counting farmyard ducks , geese and 30+ feral pigeons.


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Also kingfihser patrolling nature reserve lodge today


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from Day break

Main lodges
25 Goosander 8 Drake
18 tufties
GC Grebes Coots etc

few winter thrushes
flocks of LT tits
small flock of goldfinches
2 pied wags
treecreeper gold crest on trees between lodges

-- Edited by Ian Boote on Tuesday 23rd of November 2010 09:32:00 AM

-- Edited by Ian Boote on Tuesday 23rd of November 2010 09:32:30 AM


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15 Goosander on crompton lodges, also 5 Bullfinch around.


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12 Tufties
Female teal
Fly by Cormerant Heron Sparrowhawk
mixed redwing blackbird flock


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Wet damp
14 Cormerants more flying over
Female teal
Only 6 tufties
Coal Tit


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Not much so counted the fowls
58 Mute Swans
15 Tufted
55 Coots
57 Mallards
1 GC Grebe
1 Greylag
Great Blue Long tailed tits
Robins, Song thrush Wrens ETC
2 Gold Crest
4 Cormerant
1 Heron


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Not the excited visit of last week
Just Tufties, Heron, Male Teal, Sparrow Hawk, Jay, Coal Tit, Grey Lag Goose GC Grebe, Pied Wag, Bullfinch


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Also worth mentioning from this morning were the 57 Mute Swans concentrated on what is quite a small patch of water.

Cheers, John

-- Edited by John Rayner on Wednesday 29th of September 2010 04:00:38 PM


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One of the birders present this morning is actually a vet and it was he who placed his 'healing hands' on the dead Gannet.
None of us present were expecting to witness such a miracle.
If your fictitious cat ever suffers from a serious illness, then I suggest you get in touch with me and I will put you in contact with him.wink.gif


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Arrived at 9.45 only to discover a little later what had happened. Remind me never to ask any of you guys for a second opinion if my cat is looking a bit peaky. You'd have it buried in the garden before it knew what had hit it!!! wink.gif

P.S. I don't have a cat but the 'joke' wouldn't work without it, and I needed a laugh after missing out. furious.gif


While we exist, all else is at risk.

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Seen flying earlier RSPCA were/are in attendance at the ready
other birds widgeon & teal


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At 9:30am the Gannet flew off strongly to the north (ish).

Info thanks to Paul Heaton and Andy Makin

-- Edited by Ian McKerchar on Wednesday 29th of September 2010 09:39:51 AM


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The Gannet has been seen to fly off with Canada Geese on a couple of occasions now but has always flown back and has also been seen diving underwater too. I believe thus far a decision has been made not to attempt a stressful 'capture' at this point but hopefully that visiting birders and the site's local watchers will keep a close eye on it and any obvious change reported so that a rescue can be made if and when necessary.

Info thanks to Paul Heaton

-- Edited by Ian McKerchar on Wednesday 29th of September 2010 09:26:10 AM


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Arrival at first light and the Gannet was drifting with it's head under it's wing. With a lack of any movement and it slowly drifting to the lake side, we started to fear the worst. After some deliberation and the fact that the bird was now just a yard from the shore,we decided to retrieve its corpse.

As a member of the watching group stooped to pull the dead Gannet from it's watery grave, it suddenly came back to life and flew a few yards towards the centre of the lake. It is still alive as of 0810hrs but not looking very strong!


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Yeah I was thinking that probably like most people. Hope its not or if it is it, if poss., gets taken in asap.

-- Edited by Steven Astley on Wednesday 29th of September 2010 07:46:31 AM


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Juv Gannet still present 7.10, doesnt look well though.


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Just in case anyones wondering what the fuss is about,I hang my head in shame every time the 'watergrove gannet' is mentioned,My excuse was pure innocence as i decided to 'wait till tommorow',I haven,t checked but seem to remember that gannets turn up about once every preston guild,so if you can gofurious.gif get there at dawn,Bragging rights last a long timebiggrin.gif

cheers geoffbiggrin.gifbiggrin.gif



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How wierd a gannet and my local patch, surreal biggrin.gif
Hope it doesn't try any dive bombs on the lodge it will break its neck!wink.gif


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John, the gates should be open at first light, if they are not you can park on road by gate and walk down.


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Anyone know if the gates will be locked early tomorrow. Or is there pedestrian access anyway? Sunrise is at 07.05 yawn.gif

Cheers, John


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Ian McKerchar wrote:

Even the current county year lister managed to get across the county in time!

Just as it was going dark(it was virtually black!!) the peace was shattered as a maniac year lister, screeched into the car park, then walked over casually and took a look through my scope, I dont know these twitchers!wink.gif

-- Edited by Simon Warford on Tuesday 28th of September 2010 08:35:21 PM


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Gannet still present until dusk, looking settled and ready to roost.

Info thanks to Dennis Atherton

Even the current county year lister managed to get across the county in time!


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Gannet still present at 19:10 and showing very well.

Info thanks to Simon Warford


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juvenile gannet at 18.30
Info from Kane Brides


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AM Not Much
2 Herons chasing each other
1 GC Grebe (1 seems to have disappeared)
Plenty of tufties, swans CGeese
woods GS Wood Pecker Jay usuals

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