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RE: Hindley

Seven Buzzard soaring and displaying over the estate north of Hindley Leisure Centre just after midday today


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late news for yesterday morning when a Marsh Harrier drifted SW past the PPG factory at 9:35am, plus 46 Redwing and 5 Fieldfare.

Info thanks to Phil Rhodes


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51 Whooper Swans flew east at 08:30 this morning.

Info thanks to Phil Rhodes


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Willow Tit on garden feeders on Long Lane today.

Info thanks to Andy Makin


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Osprey heading north over Long Lane at 6:40pm, being mobbed by Black-headed Gulls.

Info thanks to Andy Makin


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Ian McKerchar wrote:

A Short-eared Owl hunting behind Brecon Drive at 2:30pm this afternoon.

Still present this afternoon.

Info thanks to Phil Rhodes


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A Short-eared Owl hunting behind Brecon Drive at 2:30pm this afternoon.

Info thanks to Phil Rhodes


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Originally posted today by Jimmy Meadows:

While inspecting a culvert at hindley golf course, a Dipper flew out of a hole in the side of the culvert

Info off John Aspinall 



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A Red Kite was over Hindley town centre 16:36-16:40, watched from Tesco car park. It arrived from the east and circled over the Borsdane Brook area behind Market Street before heading off north pursued by a Black-Headed Gull.


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Osprey heading north over a Hindley garden at 4:45 today.

Info thanks to Andy Makin


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In woodland between Winscar Road and Hockery Brook Minewater Treatment Site today 40+ Redwing, 10 Bullfinch, Nuthatch, Goldcrest


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Red Kite flew E/SE over Hindley today.

Info thanks to Andy Makin


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Osprey flew SE being mobbed by several gulls moving at pace over a garden at 3:35pm, heading in the direction of Leigh.

Info thanks to Andy Makin


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Friday 25 August 2017

A Hobby flew south over the fields just north of Bradshaw Hall while I was cycling up Hall Lane, early afternoon.


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49 Lapwing north over Hindley green playing fields this am, also 2 Chiffchaff singing in trees to the south.


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3 Yellowhammer seen on Hall Lane going Rivington on Mountain Bike today. At least 6 Lapwing seen over fields also.

Scott robinson

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Another football match at Hindley Green, Sedge Warbler singing, 2+ Whitethroat and single yellow wagtail over.


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2 Grasshopper Warbler singing in bushes to south of Hindley Green School this morning. 1 almost constantly and 1 intermittently between 11am and 12pm


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Singing Grasshopper warbler in bushes next to the hospice on Kildare street 0530 this morning, surreal it being their in the middle of one of this mornings blizzards .


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Display of around 800 starlings swirling behind St Peters church before dropping like stones into nearby trees.
They have been gathering like this for a number of days between 530pm and 630pm


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Sunday 6pm
1200 Starlings grouping up over Liverpool road hindley giving great Ariel displays before disappearing towards nature reserve.


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Darby lane filter beds and area surrounding Hindley arlfc
Canada geese 4 also accompanied by one white goose possible escaped farm goose.
Carrion Crow 4
Magpies 6
Buzzard 2 over
Cormorant 4 over
Mistle thrush 2
Moorhen 2
Coot 2
Starlings 28
Longtailed tit 6
Great tit 2
Blue tit 2
Blackbird 2
Robin 2
Woodpigeon 14
Reed bunting 2
Goldfinch 6
Black headed gull 18 over


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21 Siskin this afternoon at Deep Pits, Highfield Road. Also singles of Lesser Redpoll, Goldcrest and Willow Tit


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This afternoon 3 Black-tailed Godwits flew low North over Hindley Road, Daisy Hill.

Info thanks to Andy Makin


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A pair of Hobbys were together over the Long Lane area of Hindley today.

Info thanks to Andy Makin


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whilst waiting for grandson outside mornington road high school, 60+ starling and 8 pied wagtail on grass just inside school grounds.


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The Glossy Ibis was present again at Pennington Green at 14:00 today at the far end of the horse paddock from Fir Tree Crescent. The views were good with the sun catching it. Nice to finally catch up with one.

L Hindley

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Glossy Ibis present at Pennington Green at 13:00 today in the horse paddock off Fir Tree Crescent


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dave broome wrote:

Glossy Ibis still present today at 1pm by Fir Tree Crescent, Pennington Green. Still feeding in the first horse paddock near the compost heap, viewed from gate.

The ibis flew over Amberswood Flash at 9.30am on Saturday morning heading towards Hall Lane.


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Glossy Ibis still present today at 1pm by Fir Tree Crescent, Pennington Green. Still feeding in the first horse paddock near the compost heap, viewed from gate.


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21 jackdaw on the roof of a neighbours house 0900.


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Tawny owl calling 0545 today, just south of station.


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The Glossy Ibis was showing really well again this afternoon and it's colour was vibrant in the glorious sunshine. Nice to meet Alison as well. A very enjoyable afternoon.


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1glossy ibis present and correct 11.52


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Glossy ibis still present in the first field also 15 redwing over 11:10 am

Scott robinson

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Driving past on way back from Worthy lakes at 15-40 so couldn't resist calling great views of Glossy Ibis down to 10yds, 2 Mute Swan flew over field,no sign of the Grey Partridge would have been nice to see some from the front, i generally see them on Bickershaw with my dog Charlie so only see them retreating.smile


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Yes it flew in at 12:30pm as I was about to leave so got my photo's.
Nice to meet fellow twitchers, Norman and friend and hopefully it came closer for them.




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Glad my directions helped you find the place, Keith, just need the bird now!! Pager reports it back there at 12.51pm, good luck smile

-- Edited by Doc Brewster on Friday 17th of January 2014 01:02:45 PM


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No sign of Glossy Ibis this morning at 9:15am or 10:30am but the grey partridge were in the second field to the right, hard to tell how many as they were huddled and very low.


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The Glossy Ibis was still in the same place, very close to the gate late yesterday afternoon smile OOps nearly forgot, 8 Grey Partridges a few paddocks back from the gate too, great bonus bird smile

-- Edited by Doc Brewster on Thursday 16th of January 2014 02:33:37 PM


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Dave Tennant wrote:

Glossy ibis still feeding away when i left at 1100, in the muddy horse paddock near the gate. also 2 grey wagtails landed briefly , before flying off north. Presume that was you Neil who i chatted to, nice to chat with you.

Yes, that would be me, Dave. Nice to meet you.


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Glossy ibis still feeding away when i left at 1100, in the muddy horse paddock near the gate. also 2 grey wagtails landed briefly , before flying off north. Presume that was you Neil who i chatted to, nice to chat with you.


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Glossy Ibis still showing well in the horses' paddock at 10.30 am this morning. Also a small flock of Redwing present.


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Glossy Ibis still feeding in first horse paddock off Fir Tree Crescent at 12:30 today


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Glossy Ibis flew in and landed 20ft away from gate @ 14.20 perfect timing as I arrived 5 mins earlier


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Ian McKerchar wrote:

Glossy Ibis still showing today though slightly more distant in fields further south (towards Hindley) but still visible from the farm gates off Firs Park Crescent.

Info thanks to John Tymon

 Glossy Ibis back in the field to the right of the gate to 1pm



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Glossy Ibis still showing today though slightly more distant in fields further south (towards Hindley) but still visible from the farm gates off Firs Park Crescent.

Info thanks to John Tymon


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Glossy Ibis still showing well today.

Info thanks to Andy Makin


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Thanks for that ian, regards mike


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Mike, the posts on December 31st and 3rd of January sum it up pretty much to be honest.


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