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Post Info TOPIC: Hindley

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RE: Hindley

Where specifically are the sightings, thanks mike


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Glossy Ibis still showing well this morning.


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Quick visit on the way home from work to see the glossy ibis, 1530- 1550. good views of the bird feeding despite the poor light.


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Glossy Ibis still present this morning.

Info thanks to Andy Makin


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Glossy Ibis giving good views again yesterday morning whilst occasionally be 'shooed' by a horse in the field. Talked to few of the locals who were all very nice and interested in what all the fuss was about. But when I went back to my car both my battery was flat and my phone was flat!

So, Hi Craig, yes it was me! Sorry I didn't stay for a chat but I was well-soaked by then and preoccupied with getting my car jump-started from a very kind young lady in the farm. The things we do for birding!  no


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Managed to add this bird to my Wigan borough list this afternoon on a tick and run mission (one of those I've criticised twitchers for before now hmmno. Many thanks to the birder who pointed out its whereabouts (sorry didnt ask your name) and if that was Martyn Jones(?) sorting his car out, then apologies again for not saying hello!

No one on their death bed ever said they wished they'd spent more time at work. http://bitsnbirds.blogspot.co.uk

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Glossy Ibis still present at 15.20, In the Paddock to the right of the gate.


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Glossy ibis flew in at 10.50am, currently feeding in corner of the field to the right.

other birds present.. 2 nuthatches, 1 great spotted woodpecker, 3 buzzards, plenty of redwings around with several fieldfares.

-- Edited by steven burke on Sunday 5th of January 2014 08:59:30 PM


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Still present at 15:30 (I popped in on way back from dire game at Blackburn )


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Glossy Ibis present by Firs Park Crescent this morning.

Info thanks to Rob Adderley


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Ibis still present showing well despite poor weather. As I arrived even before getting out of the car I saw the bird flying (it gets spooked by the horses often but always seems to land back in the same field). Got decent photos, and the bird appears to be feeding very well. When you enter Firs Park Crescent turn right to get to the field. Also present: singles of meadow pipit, buzzard and pied wagtail.


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Glossy Ibis still present off Firs Park Crescent this morning.

Info thanks to Ian Campbell


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Great views of Glossy Ibis early afternoon, also 5 redwing, 1 mistethrush, 2 bullfinch and several pied wagtail.


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Glossy ibis showed well all afternoon when I left at 3pm. A first for me and looked resplendant in the afternoon sun. :) . Also good sized flock of Redwing and Yellowhammer from footpath to Borsdane woods.


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Glossy Ibis showing well from early on this morning. Special thanks to the other birders from GM for being so welcoming and friendly ~ Karen et al. Nice to meet you all.


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Glossy Ibis flew back in at 10.50 showing well in nearest field to the gate



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Glossy Ibis still present this morning.

Info thanks to Karen Foulkes


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Glossy Ibis still feeding well in the field by the farm gate at 1.30. 

Some of my photos. www.flickr.com/photos/nickish77

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1.30pm today

Glossy Ibis present in right hand corner of the field feeding continuously and looking settled




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Glossy Ibis still present in fields behind Firs Park Crescent at 1pm.

Info thanks to Phil Rhodes


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Glossy Ibis feeding continuously in field by the gate till 11.30am at least.

Great directions and an easy tick!

I Love Birds

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Glossy Ibis present this morning from 0905


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Glossy Ibis still showing well from Firs Park Crescent, by the farm gate. I was there from about 15.20 before the light became to bad for pictures, I did take a few though if anyone would like to have a look http://austinmorley.blogspot.co.uk/


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1 Glossy Ibis still present at 13.30 as per Ian,s post.


cheers Geoffbiggrin



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Glossy Ibis present again today and as at 12:55 showing close to the road at the side of 23 Firs Park Crescent by the gate to the stables.

The bird is mobile in the immediate area though and as a result can be difficult to view due to a lack of access to some of the area. Please park sensibly when visiting the site.

-- Edited by Ian McKerchar on Tuesday 31st of December 2013 01:01:54 PM


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No sign of the Glossy Ibis this afternoon.


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Nick Isherwood wrote:

In their eagerness to churn out this 'borrowed' information some of it does get lost in translation.

Translation? Copy and paste anyone biggrin


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Ian McKerchar wrote:

Nick Isherwood wrote:

Rare Bird Alert have put this out as Pennington Flash even though the directions they've given are correct.

Well what can you say; they should have looked on here first wink.

Truth is that Bird Information Ltd took the call directly from the observer of the bird and they rang me direct immediately after. They of course put the news out first, along with the correct location so I've no idea how RBA came to their own conclusion confuse

In their eagerness to churn out this 'borrowed' information some of it does get lost in translation.

Some of my photos. www.flickr.com/photos/nickish77

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Nick Isherwood wrote:

Rare Bird Alert have put this out as Pennington Flash even though the directions they've given are correct.

Well what can you say; they should have looked on here first wink.

Truth is that Bird Information Ltd took the call directly from the observer of the bird and they rang me direct immediately after. They of course put the news out first, along with the correct location so I've no idea how RBA came to their own conclusion confuse


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Rare Bird Alert have put this out as Pennington Flash even though the directions they've given are correct.

Some of my photos. www.flickr.com/photos/nickish77

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Glossy Ibis at Pennington Green (north of Hindley) off Hall Lane in fields by Firs Park Crescent this afternoon and present for two weeks!


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Darby Lane Filterbeds. 9am
Buzzard 2 resting in nearby farm field before heading off over railway.
Kestrel hunting the Filterbed boundary.


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Single lapwing again on hindley town football pitch, feeding on the edge of a flock of 24 wood pigeon, before flying off south at 0545.


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Single lapwing on hindley town football pitch 0600 . before flying off south.


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Buzzard perched in tree next to railway line, east of hindley station 1830 last night.


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Darby lane filterbeds

8 Reedbunting
4 Reed warbler
3 Moorhen
2 Coots
4 Blackbird
2 Carrion crow
38 Woodpigeon in Farm field
2 Mistle Thrush
12 Canada Geese over
2 Great Blackbacked gull over
18 Black headed gull over
6 Jackdaws over
4 Blue tit
1 Robin
5 Longtailed tits
6 Goldfinch


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Hindley Garden

Blue tits back and forth to box of noisy chicks
Magpie 1
Woodpigeon 5
House sparrow. 6
Chaffinch 1
Dunnock 2 and 2 fledged chicks
Goldfinch 4
Collared dove 2
Jackdaw. 8 over.


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Darby Lane Filterbeds

2 Oystercatchers over 930pm


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The Cricket Ground on St Peters Pavillion:
2 Pied/White Wagtails
6 Starlings
4 Jackdaws
2 Thrushes, I wasn't close enough to tell if they were song or mistle]

On the farm behind:
4 House Martins
1 Swift
2 Swallows
2 Blackbirds
4 Robins


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Darby Lane filter beds

1 Moorhen
1 Coot
2 Lesser Blackback Gulls over
1 Swift Over
Reedbeds alive with the sound of Reedbuntings
2 Carrion Crow


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Darby lane filter beds

2 Carrion Crow
1 Kestrel hunting the boundary
6 Reed bunting on feeding station.


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Cuckoo, 0600 this morning, calling from trees between hindley town fc and the school. then flew west over the football pitch, and landed in trees just west of the old railway line. calling loudly until i left for work at 0625.


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Darby lane filter beds. 2pm-3pm

4 Coot
2 Moorhen
2 Longtailed tit
6 Reedbunting
1 Buzzard over being harassed by 2 Carrion crow
1 Kestrel hunting along railway.


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Low Hall Nature Reserve Hindley

2 Mallard
2 Gadwall
4 Teal
2 Mute Swans
4 Redshank
1 Willow warbler
4 Lapwing.


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Hindley town football ground 0600 today, 6 LBB gulls, before flying off southeast.


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Darby lane filter beds

2 Great tits
2 Blue tits
4 Longtailed tits
8 Reedbuntings
2 Coot
2 Moorhens
5 Blackbirds
2 Mistlethrush
3 Lesser blackback gull over
2 Blackheaded gull over


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1 grey wagtail [ south west over garden ]


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Hindley Town Football pitches 5.30pm

1 Redwing
4 Song Thrush
2 Goldfinch


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Low hall nature reserve Hindley 4pm-5pm

2 Mallard
4 Teal
2 Mute Swan
1 Coot
2 Redshank


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Darby Lane filter beds

1 Sparrow hawk
12 Reed bunting
6 Long tailed tits
2 Great tits
2 Blue tits
3 Robin
2 Blackbirds
4 Coots
1 Pied Wagtail
6 Meadow pipit
22 Starling

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