A trickle of passage this morning, with 22 Swallow and 26 Meadow Pipit south. Around the cattle/horse field near the BT tower, min 6 Chiffchaff, 4 Blackcap, 5 Goldcrest. 1 male Peregrine over
Little Egret on one of the (currently muddy) grassy areas near the big lake on its own, feeding, later joined by a gull. It's the grassy area north of the eastern end of the lake, the one with the semi-loop bit of path before the hill. I'd heard a report of one a few days ago in the park. Didn't hear any ring-necked parakeets today.
Mute Swans, Tufted Ducks, Moorhens, Coots, Great Crested Grebes; Herring, Lesser Black-Backed and Black-Headed Gulls; pair of Cormorants, feral geese, Canada Geese in the lake. Elsewhere: Nuthatch, Blue Tit, Coal Tit, Blackbird, Crows, Magpies.
17-Oct-2020 (10:00 - 23:30): Changeable but generally fairly bright
Extensive walk up Old Hall Lane (around the outside of the Golf Course) and then around the park. As usual (for me) I didn't see that much of interest.
- 4 Lapwing overhead towards the Reservoir - Several noisy Jay - Small flock of calling Bullfinch in the woodland between the Boating Lake and the Tram Museum - 1 Mistle Thrush - a Good fall of Goldcrest, mainly along Old Hall Lane - a flock of a dozen or so Blackbirds demolishing the berries on one particular tree - 1 calling Nuthatch
Walk from the lake car park to the garden centre and return. Birds seen as follows. Goldfinch x3 Starling x3 House Sparrow x6 Wood Pigeon x 6 Mallard x 5 Blackbird x10 Carrion Crow x 4 Canada Goose x 20 Coot x 4 Great Crested Grebe x 1 Mute Swan x 4 Magpie x 9 Grey Heron x 1 Long Tailed Tit x4 Robin x 10 Jay x 1 Treecreeper x 1 Stock dove x 2 Song Thrush x z Great Tit x 1 Lesser Black Backed Gull x 1 Blackcap x 1 Moorhen x 1 Raven x 2 Flying over the house ,cronking Sparrowhawk x 1 Herring Gull x 1 Black Headed Gull x 6
Birds near the BT Tower early morning included 1 Redpoll and c40 Fieldfare moving south and a Sparrowhawk, with a few horses joining in the search for the Swift
The side gate at the St.Margarets Road entrance is always left open for foot traffic if the main gate is shut for car access.Shortly after entering the park there is a car park on the left and just beyond a raised grassy mound which should be good for seeing the bird if it's still about in the morning and feeding over the same general area as today.
Possible pallid swift roosted on the east side of the BT tower this evening
Hopefully will be there tomo and would be great if anyone could get some pics
It was feeding over trees below the Tower and would have been best to view from within the park.
If the st Margarets road entrance to the park is closed early in the morning then acsess down bridle road which is to the north of the reservoir and between it and parrenthorn high school.
If you walk east down this track (where the red-rumped swallows were) you will eventually come to a kissing gate within the park boundary wall on your right and this will come into the field which you can walk across towards the BT tower
Sightings from the north part of the park and a vis mig watch this morning
2 Ring-necked Parakeets around the BT tower again this morning
1200 Meadow Pipits flew south 600+ House Martin flew south and a further 250 were feeding over the trees near the bowling greens 200+ Swallow south Sand Martin south 8 Grey Wagtail south 5 Cormorant SW 29 Lapwing SW Nuthatch Treecreeper several Goldcrest and Coal Tit calling from the woods 4 Sparrowhawks in the air at the same time Buzzard