Several skiens were seen from my flat in Whitefield this morning very distant heading East over South Manchester Couldnt count exact numbers due to distance so have had to use guesstimate!
c300 @ 7.41 then 200 @ 7.44 then skiens of c400, c250 and c100 @ 7.48
last was 26 over Broughton @ 8.28. All birds heading east.
Visible from my back garden late this afternoon - 60+ Pinkfeet (probably more - no binoculars handy!) flying south-east over Chadderton and Oldham at 5.40 p.m.
c180 heading north-west before changing direction slightly and then heading west over the lower (western) end of the Piethorne Valley at 10.10 this morning.
I've re-considered my 1000 estimate and think that it was too high - I'm revising it to 500 - 600 - a huge discrepancy I know but in my defence I was looking out ofthe window at work and as a Civil Servant I'm not used to doing that until the afternoons - mornings are for drinking tea!!
This would also explain my second mistake - they were of course heading south-east, not south west....
I wonder if what I saw was the combined fllocks from Leigh?
If possible could all users post their Pink-footed Geese sightings to this thread, along with approximate numbers (exact if you have them), flight direction and time, this will give us all a better view of thier movements in the county and to possibly track them as they fly through.