River Irwell south of Kersal Wetlands: - c 7 'redhead' Goosanders along a long stretch of the Irwell - 2 adult Little Grebe - seen from Broughton footbridge - 1 Kingfisher - seen from Broughton footbridge - 3 House Martin
River Irwell south of Kersal Wetlands: - 1 juv Little Grebe - 1 Sparrowhawk - c10 House Martin - 2 Swallow plus usual Corvids and small passerines
Broughton footbridge, (where the gravel bank is) yesterday
1 Kingfisher hunting, 2 late swift with 2 swallow, a few sand martin, 4 lapwing, several lesser black backed gulls, 1 grey heron, 1 moorhen
Stroll from New Bridge Road to Adelphi Bridge, 1:50pm - 2:40pm
Highlights included 1 kingfisher, 20 juvenile goosanders and a family of four grey wagtails. A cormorant and seventy-four Canada geese by Broughton Bridge.
Plus usual rafts of Canada Geese, Magpies, Wood and Feral Pigeons, Carrion Crows and Jackdaws.
River Irwell
Canada Goose x 8
Goosander x 11 - all female in two separate flocks. 5 flew past and went downstream towards the city shortly followed by another 7 who were in the river. They split shortly after some hunting and going back upstream whilst others continued down stream.
Kingfisher x 1
Mallard x 7
-- Edited by Bryan Deighton on Thursday 6th of August 2020 02:53:35 PM
First trip to the wetlands with my little lad today whilst daughter was trampolining around the corner.
Highlight was two pairs of Kingfishers on the Irwell. I'm presuming parents and offspring.
One pair had an almighty kick off with a magpie and were clearly warning the other two who were perched further upstream. Watched them up and down and circling the river for a good ten minutes. Was a beautiful sight to behold.
Also seen:
2 Blackbird
1 Dunnock
22 Goldfinch, 7 of which were juveniles
2 Great Tit
2 Little Grebe (adult and chick)
Numerous Magpies
2 Pied Wagtail
1 Robin
Dozens of Sand Martin's in flight
10 Wood Pigeon
As well as huge flocks of Carrion Crows, Jackdaws,a Canadian Geese and starlings. All of which has 25 + per flock.
There was also almost all white gull type bird wading and swimming in the wetlands but I wasn't able to identify it.
-- Edited by Bryan Deighton on Thursday 30th of July 2020 03:46:17 PM
Absolute joy to watch dozens of sand martins, a few house martins and up to 10 swifts feeding over the wetlands, river and woodlands yesterday afternoon.
2 great crested grebes on the Irwell by the sports village this morning, think that's the first time i've seen this species in the area.
also 2 swifts and some house martins have joined the sand martins over the wetland.
-- Edited by James Richardson on Sunday 19th of April 2020 01:52:02 PM
Some nice birds in Peel Park this lunchtime: 3 Bullfinch - 2m 1f - my first since i started here 3 Goosander on the river - 2m 1f, no Goldeneyes or Little Grebes that are normally around 2 Great Spotted Woodpecker - 1 drumming approx 10 Redwing feeding on the ground Nuthatch Mistle Thrush
Black Redstart singing in trees within the University Campus, up the steps from Peel Park. Brief views before it flew off. Weather is sufficiently filthy that I can't see it moving far so worth a look tomorrow I imagine
Song akin to the first phrases in this item in Xeno Canto:
It is in a public space but visitors should be mindful that the park boundary is at the base of the steps and ramp, so at the top you are within the campus.
Sun 22-Dec-19 (11:30 - 14:00), Generally Mild and dry.
My first visit to this site. Shame about the irresponsible dogwalkers disturbing the Gulls, but at least it demonstrated that there were no waders present :(
I believe the proposed development area is the bit of land currently fenced off to the south of the flood basin. The wetland and route around the river will therefore probably experience a lot more disturbance in future but as for physical destruction I don't think so - it's been specifically designed to be a flood zone and wetland. see article here. https://www.placenorthwest.co.uk/news/salboy-wins-bid-race-for-castle-irwell/
7 Goldeneye from Peel Park just now, I had imagined this might be a fair sighting but reading through this thread it is to be expected. Also 4 Tufted Duck, 4 Little Grebe all catching the sun nicely.
Early morning - 7-7.45 am - to Kersal wetlands - good to see 4 spp of duck on the wetland - 1 wigeon, 3 teal, 2 gadwall and several mallard. Also 2 kingfisher and 5 little grebe
Late post from visit to Kersal wetlands yesterday just after midday. Singles of Little egret, Green sandpiper, Kingfisher, gadwall and Kestrel on the wetlands. Also 5 Little grebe and 9 Grey heron, and 2 buzzards.
My first Kingfisher in the locality today, doing a loop of The Meadow at Salford Crescent at about 14.30. Also a few Sand Martin and a singing Blackcap, plus some smart Little Grebes on the river. My list for the park and the Meadow is now 45, but running out of common birds to see now!
There were over 20 swifts, dozens of sand martins, a few house martins and even some swallows over the Irwell and adjacent Peel Park/playing fields yesterday afternoon.
All feeding very low over the water/wildflowers and affording some great views.
An excellent morning before the dog walkers arrived, from 06:20 til 08:20ish. Highlights: 1 common gull early but flew off 2 lapwing 1 chiffchaff 1 willow warbler 1 whitethroat 2 blackcap 2 kingfisher 1 greenfinch several sand martin & 12 swift & 5 swallow all feeding together over river and wetland 1 treecreeper 1 grey wagtail 5 stock dove 1 collared dove 3 goosander on river 1 mute swan on river
6.40 am for an hour with Ollie Metcalfe. Similar birds to James except 2 Little ringed plover, 1 lapwing, and, unusually, a single Rook - not sure if rooks are regular round these parts
1.30- 2.50pm today - 3 Little Ringed Plover, 3 gadwall, kingfisher, 25 sand martin, 2 stock dove, 4 meadow pipit. Looked like quite a lot of water on the wetland today - the plovers seemed at home.
Cycle round from 15:30ish.
Highlights were 2 kingfisher on the river, seen fishing. Up to 15 sand martin feeding over the wetland, 1 buzzard and 1 sparrowhawk circling over.
One small wader was flushed briefly by a dog, couldn't get a positive i.d.
Several lesser black backed gulls, a few herring gulls, 2 black headed gulls, 2 mute swan.
1. The river has been in flood for several days now and the detritus you see is a reflection of the water reaching levels and areas it wouldn't normally. If you want another example of that then head down to Salford Quays and have a look at the Ship Canal where you can literally walk across large swathes of it at present
2. In terms of the plastic and indeed any other waste matter I think the topic of this type of pollution has been done to death. Plastic is an undesirable and in many cases (but not always) unrecyclable product created my modern man for our convenience. What frustrates me is that the debate never asks how that rubbish finds it way in to our watercourses in the first place. It's because sadly that same modern man can't be bothered to dispose of rubbish properly, i.e. put in a bin and not just litter the streets.
Currently cycling at kersal wetland.
1 sand Martin
1 chiffchaff singing
2 grey wagtails singing
1 kingfisher heard only
5 mute swans
1 grey heron
1 great spotted woodpecker heard
Plus usuals
The river Irwell is disgusting. The amount of plastic in the surrounding vegetation is unacceptable.
Currently cycling at kersal wetland.
1 sand Martin
1 chiffchaff singing
2 grey wagtails singing
1 kingfisher heard only
5 mute swans
1 grey heron
1 great spotted woodpecker heard
Plus usuals
The river Irwell is disgusting. The amount of plastic in the surrounding vegetation is unacceptable.
Yes, it means Eurasian teal - ebird is a US platform, I'm sure I can change the settings somehow.
Unfortunately the default view for folks who aren't logged into eBird is US names not displaying subspecies identities, so species names are prioritized by US common names - e.g. Mew Gull (Common Gull), White Wagtail (Pied Wagtail) etc - see comments here: https://manchesterbirding.activeboard.com/t64547516/help-with-manchester-urban-green-space-bird-surveys/?page=1#comment-65314596 if you have an account you can choose to display common names or scientific names as you see fit.
Yes, it means Eurasian teal - ebird is a US platform, I'm sure I can change the settings somehow. Security is OK at the moment, quite a few dog walkers around, happy enough. I imagine Spring will bring out the black-trackied ones.
Note that this is a list of birds I saw there on 1st Feb - full list on https://ebird.org/view/checklist/S52260335
My last visit, with Anna Reuleaux, was yesterday (10th) where I saw pretty much what Shannon saw - full list https://ebird.org/view/checklist/S52558168 plus a migrant skylark sat on the bund
I was cycling around the new wetland this afternoon as such I didn't have the right equipment to study al the gulls properly but there was one great black-backed gull amongst the black headed gulls, and one first winter herring type gull with a clearly very pale head and small beady black eye.
My first thought was Caspian gull but this would need verification if anyone's heading there with bins/a scope.
14 Goldeneye on the Irwell by Salford Wetland today w/ Ollie Metcalf, also 5 Lapwing and a Common Snipe there, full list: https://ebird.org/view/checklist/S50651478
Todays highlights at Castle Irwell wetland
2 Little ringed plovers over
2 Lapwing
2 Oystercatchers
1 Lesser redpoll over
1 Willow warbler
1 Kingfisher
1 Little grebe
2 Goosander
57 Meadow pipits in grass - site record
Also singing chiffchaff, greenfinch, mistle and song thrushes
No joy with the mandarin this afternoon but it was nice to see a dabchick and a grey wagtail under the bridge.
Five goldeneye (2 ducks with a drake and two single drakes) along the stretch between Broughton Bridge and Trinity Way. Also a rather nice male goosander sat on the river bank entirely unconcerned by the building work on the new flats.