Kersal Wetlands. Eighteen goldeneyes on the river including eight displaying drakes. Three goosanders, all redheads including one first-Winter drake starting to show his adult colours. A pair of dabchicks were displaying close to the river bank. Over a hundred black-headed gulls on the wetlands with handfuls of herring gulls and lesser black-backs and a couple of first-Winter common gulls, also a dozen herons. A couple of ring-necked parakeets screeching in the trees to the North.
Eighteen goldeneyes on the river including eight displaying drakes. Three goosanders, all redheads including one first-Winter drake starting to show his adult colours. A pair of dabchicks were displaying close to the river bank. Over a hundred black-headed gulls on the wetlands with handfuls of herring gulls and lesser black-backs and a couple of first-Winter common gulls, also a dozen herons. A couple of ring-necked parakeets screeching in the trees to the North.
21 Goldeneye (6m, 15f) - there have been at least a couple of Goldeneye on this stretch every time I've been
2 Goosanders - both males in full breeding plumage
Not seen a Kingfisher for a little while - I think the river's been a bit full & fast & murky recently for optimum Kingfisher fishing conditions although it doesn't appear to affect the Goldeneye
Tried photographing the Goldeneye with smartphone + adaptor through my compact spotting scope but the results are not so good as soon as it's on anything larger than a smartphone screen - think I might have to invest in a proper camera
A lunchtime walk along the river through Peel Park produced a patch tick for me, as 2 Snipe dropped briefly onto the river bank rocks just down from the Frederick Road bridge. I guess this is the sort of local movement of birds you get when the weather changes.
16 Goldeneye today (8 drakes, 8 ducks), one of each with a few signs of eclipse plumage, the rest in breeding plumage - had to wait for them to stop diving before I could be confident of the counting
10 Goldeneye (4 drakes, 6 ducks) on "my" little section of the Irwell. They even had the decency to stop diving for a while so that they could be confidently counted.
Just the one Goldeneye today, a male in full breeding plumage. Also two redhead goosanders and a first-Winter drake moulting into adult plumage. Just up river, 27 cormorants and 7 herons roosting in the trees by The Crescent.
A first for me today on "my" little section of the Irwell (Broughton Bridge to Adelphi Footbridge) - 2 male Goldeneye, one fully breeding plumage, the other almost completely out of eclipse.
Have now seen a Little Grebe a couple of times on this stretch (I'd seen them previously on other bits of the Irwell).
I've been regularly spotting Kingfishers and I think I've only had one occasion when there hasn't been at least 1 Goosander about; starting to get some male plumage back, green heads and pinky lower halves are become more frequent.
Realised the other day that I can see the top of the CIS building - now hoping for a distant Peregrine spot to add to my "site" tally.
Seeing at least one Kingfisher most days (2 today)
Watched some impressive fishing by a Cormorant in today's murky water - 2 good sized fish within a minute - absolutely no time wasted eating, just gulped down
The Greylag Goose has apparently been part of the Canada Geese flock for at least a couple of years
A first on "my" little section of the Irwell - a Little Egret
Have also seen at least 2 different Kingfishers (because once there were 2 at the same time) at various times but have only identified male so far
Sand Martins still occasionally about, but no longer seeing Swifts
Apparently, the 15-16 inch long fish are likely to be Bream
Also, I have a feeling that the Goosander may fish co-operatively, have seen several times that 3 or 4 will swim underwater together, presumably it makes it harder for fish to outflank them
Today on "my" little section of the Irwell - between Broughton Bridge A5066 and the Adelphi Footbridge - I had the pleasure of watching a Kingfisher fishing for about 15 minutes - only the second time I've seen one on this stretch (I have a quick check most weekday lunchtimes).
Apart from all the usual inhabitants (Canada Geese + the 1 Greylag, Black-headed gulls, Mallards, Goosanders) I could also see a shoal of approx 30 substantial fish - all about 15-16 inches long.
Late lunchtime today upstream of Broughton Bridge...
61 Goosander - 30 Male, 27 Female and 4 goosanderlings (far too cute to merely be called ducklings) all on or in-front or near the shingle bank in the photo (phone maximally zoomed so not great quality), and there were a couple more Goosanders both upstream & downstream
2 Grey Wagtail
2 Pied Wagtail - although one may be a White Wagtail (I'll post some photos on the Basic identification help! thread) - Edit: further looking at the photos I think it's just a rather grey Pied female
Plus the usual Mallard (well outnumbered by the Goosanders), Canada Geese (some goslings) and Black-headed Gulls
-- Edited by Michael Hood on Tuesday 10th of May 2022 09:55:34 PM
Quick walk along the riverside path this afternoon between Broughton Bridge and the first footbridge upstream (Linen Ct to Riverside)...
13 Goosander - the river brings down loads of unsightly rubbish but the water itself must be fairly ok if it's supporting so many fish eaters
Wagtails - at least one Pied and one Grey, possibly a White Wagtail as well (Edit: quick read tells me it's more likely to be a 1-year old Pied still in winter plumage) but didn't have binoculars with me so can't be sure - I'll have them with me next time
Just downstream from Broughton Bridge - a Greylag Goose amongst the Canada Geese, pair of Lesser Black Backed Gulls
Lots of Black Headed Gulls and Mallard around of course
-- Edited by Michael Hood on Thursday 31st of March 2022 08:55:20 PM
Pretty sure I heard a singing Black Redstart on the Meadow side of the river at Peel Park this lunchtime. Not enough time to go and look before I had a meeting though...
A quick look around Kersal Wetlands this lunchtime as I am on campus at work today. Not a lot on there, it needs some trees and bushes to grow up a bit I reckon, and maybe you'll get more stuff. I did see 4 Goldeneye bombing down the river towards Peel Park.
Clear highlight was 8-9 Siskins in the Alder trees at the end of Basset Avenue as you come onto the wider bit of the riverbank footpath, point blank views above my head, lovely!
12 Goldeneye today at about 12:00; 1 (M) upstream from Cromwell Rd Bridge, the other 11 downstream (6M, 5F) - I think, so difficult to count when they're all constantly diving but definitely more than 10
5 Goldeneye - 3 downstream from Cromwell Rd Bridge (2M 1F), 2 upstream from Kersal Wetlands footbridge (1M 1F)
2 Little Grebe - downstream from Cromwell Rd Bridge
1 Tufted Duck - upstream from Cromwell Rd Bridge
Lots of the "usual suspects"; possible Common Gull amongst the Black Headed Gulls on the wetlands but sun in the wrong direction and no binoculars (running)
This evening around 'The Cliff' and flood plain.
5 grey herons
2 mute swans with 3 cygnets
2 ring necked parakeets flew over and landed in trees and disturbed a great spotted wood pecker
1 snipe
12:45 2:40, Broughton Bridge to Frederick Road, including Peel Park and the Meadow. 26 goldeneyes, including a group of six drakes and three ducks; a couple of dozen goosanders, mostly drakes with four redheads by The Crescent. Just the one grey wagtail, with pied wagtails by Frederick Road. Interesting bookends to the walk with three mistlethrushes rattling from a treetop by The Friars Primary School and another trip in a treetop by the Art Gallery.
A walk from The Cliff to Hough End Bridge yesterday. (the bridge is closed to the public and will remain closed till 10th Dec, if I am correct. 4 grey herons 2 mute swans 6 mistle thrushs 2 female goldeneye 1 male tufted duck 6 little grebes 4 female goosander 2 kingfishers chasing each other circa 200-300 crows
A few images attached. A firework (larger banger type) was thrown over a bank into the river. It exploded about 2 feet away from the goosander you see in the image attached. The sound almost deafened me so god knows what it did to the bird. The bird was not targeted. The idiot threw the banger blind (no defence). I thought banger type fireworks were banned?
River Irwell south of Kersal Wetlands: - c 7 'redhead' Goosanders along a long stretch of the Irwell - 2 adult Little Grebe - seen from Broughton footbridge - 1 Kingfisher - seen from Broughton footbridge - 3 House Martin
River Irwell south of Kersal Wetlands: - 1 juv Little Grebe - 1 Sparrowhawk - c10 House Martin - 2 Swallow plus usual Corvids and small passerines
Broughton footbridge, (where the gravel bank is) yesterday
1 Kingfisher hunting, 2 late swift with 2 swallow, a few sand martin, 4 lapwing, several lesser black backed gulls, 1 grey heron, 1 moorhen
Stroll from New Bridge Road to Adelphi Bridge, 1:50pm - 2:40pm
Highlights included 1 kingfisher, 20 juvenile goosanders and a family of four grey wagtails. A cormorant and seventy-four Canada geese by Broughton Bridge.
Plus usual rafts of Canada Geese, Magpies, Wood and Feral Pigeons, Carrion Crows and Jackdaws.
River Irwell
Canada Goose x 8
Goosander x 11 - all female in two separate flocks. 5 flew past and went downstream towards the city shortly followed by another 7 who were in the river. They split shortly after some hunting and going back upstream whilst others continued down stream.
Kingfisher x 1
Mallard x 7
-- Edited by Bryan Deighton on Thursday 6th of August 2020 02:53:35 PM
First trip to the wetlands with my little lad today whilst daughter was trampolining around the corner.
Highlight was two pairs of Kingfishers on the Irwell. I'm presuming parents and offspring.
One pair had an almighty kick off with a magpie and were clearly warning the other two who were perched further upstream. Watched them up and down and circling the river for a good ten minutes. Was a beautiful sight to behold.
Also seen:
2 Blackbird
1 Dunnock
22 Goldfinch, 7 of which were juveniles
2 Great Tit
2 Little Grebe (adult and chick)
Numerous Magpies
2 Pied Wagtail
1 Robin
Dozens of Sand Martin's in flight
10 Wood Pigeon
As well as huge flocks of Carrion Crows, Jackdaws,a Canadian Geese and starlings. All of which has 25 + per flock.
There was also almost all white gull type bird wading and swimming in the wetlands but I wasn't able to identify it.
-- Edited by Bryan Deighton on Thursday 30th of July 2020 03:46:17 PM
Absolute joy to watch dozens of sand martins, a few house martins and up to 10 swifts feeding over the wetlands, river and woodlands yesterday afternoon.
2 great crested grebes on the Irwell by the sports village this morning, think that's the first time i've seen this species in the area.
also 2 swifts and some house martins have joined the sand martins over the wetland.
-- Edited by James Richardson on Sunday 19th of April 2020 01:52:02 PM
Some nice birds in Peel Park this lunchtime: 3 Bullfinch - 2m 1f - my first since i started here 3 Goosander on the river - 2m 1f, no Goldeneyes or Little Grebes that are normally around 2 Great Spotted Woodpecker - 1 drumming approx 10 Redwing feeding on the ground Nuthatch Mistle Thrush
Black Redstart singing in trees within the University Campus, up the steps from Peel Park. Brief views before it flew off. Weather is sufficiently filthy that I can't see it moving far so worth a look tomorrow I imagine
Song akin to the first phrases in this item in Xeno Canto:
It is in a public space but visitors should be mindful that the park boundary is at the base of the steps and ramp, so at the top you are within the campus.
Sun 22-Dec-19 (11:30 - 14:00), Generally Mild and dry.
My first visit to this site. Shame about the irresponsible dogwalkers disturbing the Gulls, but at least it demonstrated that there were no waders present :(
I believe the proposed development area is the bit of land currently fenced off to the south of the flood basin. The wetland and route around the river will therefore probably experience a lot more disturbance in future but as for physical destruction I don't think so - it's been specifically designed to be a flood zone and wetland. see article here.