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Post Info TOPIC: HOPE CARR (sewage works and nature reserve)

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HOPE CARR (sewage works and nature reserve)

Mid-afternoon’s main highlights from today:

33 Tree Sparrow along Pennington Brook and the garden feeders

10 Bullfinch including a flock of 8

2 Willow Tit

17 Siskin around the UU carpark, most unseen until the flock flew off north

2 Cetti’s Warblers, a usual singing male and a nervously calling bird

1 Chiffchaff


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2:30pm to 4:30pm

A really good variety & numbers around the United Utilities Training Centre either feeding or perched in the alders :-

About 30 Redwing;  12 Siskin;  10 Bullfinch;  5 Chaffinch;  4 Greenfinch;  10 Long-Tailed Tits  &  3 Goldfinch.

Elsewhere on the reserve 3 Grey Heron;  1 Jay;  2 Mute Swans;  1 Female Goosander,  about 50 Tufted Duck with a few Teal & Gadwall - all on or around the main lake.

At least a dozen Tree Sparrow in the hawthorns along Pennington Brook regularly crossing over to garden feeders.

Another 4 Siskin, 2 Bullfinch, 5 Linnet, Male Pheasant, Mistle Thrush & a flushed Woodcock seen in various other areas. 


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Saturday am. 19 x Tree Sparrow 3 x Brambling 40+ Siskin 2 x Willow Tit 1 x Green Sandpiper 10 x Greenfinch 1 x Great Spotted Woodpecker 3 x Goosander 120+ Pied Wagtail 4 x Meadow Pipit


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Wigeon pair on main lake
Goosander 4
Water Rail 2 heard
Willow Tit 2 at 53.483480, -2.516562 & 53.484681, -2.531981
Cetti's Warbler 3, 2 singing, another seen and heard calling
Tree Sparrow flock of 25 in hedgerow along Pennington Brook
Brambling 1 Pennington Brook
Redpoll 2
Siskin 45

Updated birding videos on You Tube https://www.youtube.com/c/PeteHinesbirding

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Great to meet Phil 3 x Brambling 22 x Tree Sparrow 1 x Woodcock 7 x Siskin 1 x Water Rail 2 x Mistle Thrush 12 x Shoveler 3 x Goosander 32 x Gadwall 3 x Grey Wagtail 70+ Pied Wagtail

-- Edited by Keith Williams on Sunday 16th of January 2022 08:03:02 AM


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Just to add, I saw the finch flock on my way out of the site and they probably came from the other side of the roundabout on Greenfold Way.


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I had an hour's walk around the site this morning. It was good to meet Keith Williams (thanks for telling me a lot about the site that I didn't know). Birds of note were 1 or 2 vocal Cetti's warbler at the lagoons, 1 grey wagtail and good numbers of pied wagtail on the sewage works and a mixed finch flock at the UU Training Centre including 1 brambling, 3 siskin, 2 greenfinch and 10+ chaffinch.


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Pintail 6 (2 male, 4 female) alighted from the main pool and flew west at 11.20
Shoveler 18
Gadwall 20
Goosander 2
Pink-footed Geese 6 over south at 11.36
Willow Tit 2 together 53.483993, -2.513191

Updated birding videos on You Tube https://www.youtube.com/c/PeteHinesbirding

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Afternoon walk, of note: 1 x Snipe 1 x Woodcock 3 x Grey Wagtail 75+ Pied Wagtail 6 x Meadow Pipit 3 x Bullfinch 32+ Siskin 3 x Tree Sparrow 5 x Shoveler 6 x Gadwall 26 x Teal


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Quick hour this afternoon around eastern side of nature reserve.

Of note :-

             3 Greenfinch, male Bullfinch, Goldfinch, Grey Wagtail on Pennington Brook, mobile flock of about 50 Linnet,

             Male Pheasant, Coal Tit, Long-Tailed Tit, Pied Wagtail & Jackdaw. 

             On the main lake 3 Grey Heron, 2 Mute Swan, Gadwall & Teal.


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2 hours mid afternoon

Very quiet round the reserve with the best sightings on the main lake which included :-

2 flighty Cormorants; 2 Mute Swan; Grey Heron; Little Grebe; 4 Shoveler; a few Tufted & Gadwall & at least 50 Canada Geese.

Around the reserve :- Willow Warbler; Goldfinch; Long-Tailed Tit; Kestrel mobbed by crows & the usual blast from a Cetti's Warbler

along the path from the United Utilities Training Centre.

Ongoing work at the sewage works meant there were no Gulls or Crows but a dozen Grey Wagtails & a couple of Pied Wagtails were

seen hitching a ride on the filter bed stirrers.

Also a dark looking Buzzard size raptor with a long slim tail that flew over but was unable to get a decent pic for identification.  


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Blackcap near the bridge over the river.
Chiffchaff x 3 near Blyths bramble
Shoveler x 19 on no 8 lagoon
Pochard x 1 on no 8 lagoon
Only birds of note, no blast from a Cettis.


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Afternoon visit for a couple of hours.

Willow Warblers calling all around the reserve brightened up a rather dull day.

The main lake was very quiet with only a juvenile Little Grebe of note with three calling juvenile Kestrels circling the trees. 

Plenty of Swallows & Swifts screeching overhead & a Cetti's Warbler belted out a song very close by but unable to locate.

Workmen on the sewage works meant there were hardly any Gulls but a Pied & Grey Wagtail were seen with a Jackdaw.

Also seen :- Kingfisher flying down Pennington Brook; Tree Sparrow; Greenfinch & Goldfinch.




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Late morning today:

2 Oystercatcher

2 singing Cetti's Warblers

8 singing Reed and a single Sedge Warbler

7 singing Blackcap

1 drake Pochard

3 female Shoveler

Some wildfowl appear to have bred quite well


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1 x Mediterranean Gull still present, same filter bed as last week

-- Edited by Ian McKerchar on Saturday 26th of June 2021 11:19:21 AM


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2 Mediterranean Gulls still there, back left filtration bed in front of conifers.

-- Edited by Ian McKerchar on Saturday 19th of June 2021 08:27:41 PM


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Late news for yesterday when a pair of Mediterranean Gulls were on the filtration lagoons, one of which was ringed, and two singing Cetti’s Warblers

Info thanks to Phil Rhodes


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Two fully fledged broods of Tree Sparrow out today, 4 Bullfinch, 13 Tufted Duck, 2 singing Cetti’s Warblers.


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Morning mooch 8.15am - 11am, 47 species including:-

2 x Tree Sparrow
Little Grebe with chick
Willow Tit family party
2 x Sparrowhawk
2 x Bullfinch
1 x Oystercatcher
5 x Chiffchaff
6 x Blackcap
4 x Willow Warbler
3 x Cetti's Warbler
2 x Sedge Warbler
2 x Reed Warbler
11 x Common Whitethroat


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Exploratory first visit to this site. 09.00-10.30

Highlights :2 singing Sedge Warblers, a family party of 5 Common Whitethroats, 1 Raven and 1 Buzzard.

John Williams

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Excellent 'swarm' of feeding hirundines over the filtration beds within the sewage works this afternoon, obviously a good hatch of insects, with 180 Swallow, 220 House Martin, 30 Sand Martin, 110 Swift and also c80 Jackdaw and plenty of Black-headed Gulls joining in.

2 singing Cetti's warblers

5+ Tree Sparrow

Nice to see a healthy looking population of a variety of young birds emerging too.


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Just walking off Hope Carr, no sign of Ruddy Shelduck or Shelduck on any of the waters.
3 x Cettis in good voice.


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Ruddy shelduck still present early afternoon, calling a lot and chasing off the drake of a pair of shelduck. I'm not sure if the female shelduck is impressed or not, she seems to be sticking to her mate but the new guy is pretty persistent and a lot bigger.

I've started a thread on the status of ruddy shelduck on the birding discussion forum.

Also raven over, Cetti's warbler singing 2 goosander (m&f) and 8 tufted ducks.


-- Edited by colin davies on Thursday 13th of May 2021 03:49:49 PM


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Ruddy Shelduck currently presently on the main lake with 2 Shelduck.

Info thanks to Phil Rhodes


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Sightings from around midday today included:

1 Hobby drifting slowly over north

1 Raven flying over low south

2 Shelduck

8 Tree Sparrow

20 Tufted Duck

2 Greylag Geese

2 singing Cetti's Warblers

10 singing Reed Warblers

3 singing Sedge Warblers

17 Blackcap, including 13 singing males




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Friday - 51 species walk including:-

5 x Cetti's Warbler
2 x Sedge Warbler
1 x Reed Warbler
5 x Blackcap
9 x Chiffchaff
8 x Whitethroat
5 x Reed Bunting
4 x Shelduck
4 x Tree Sparrow
24 x Gadwall
33 x Tufted Duck


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Late post for Saturday - 48 species amble including:-

2 x Common Whitethroat - first of the year
2 x Willow Warbler
3 x Blackcap
2 x Cetti's Warbler
12 x Chiffchaff
32 x Gadwall
23 Tufted Duck
2 x Teal
2 x Shelduck
5 x Tree Sparrow
3 x Oystercatcher


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Just outside the NR, where the A574 crosses Glaze Brook

2 Sand Martins
2 Little Egrets dropped in (seen from moving car: couldn't stop, chips were getting cold)


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Sunday morning walk - 48 species inc.

Willow Tit x 1
Tree Sparrow x 4
Willow Warbler - 1st of the year, in the same tree as last year
Blackcap x 3
Cetti's Warbler x 1
Oystercatcher x 3
Mediterranean Gull x 2
House Martin x 3 (very early in the morning).
Sand Martin/Swallow x mixed flock of approx. 100 bird
Little Grebe x 3 (different pools)
Greylag x 4
Shelduck x 2
Tufted Duck x 21
Gadwall x 22
Teal x 4


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51 species including

Mediterranean Gull 4 adults (2 pairs) on the filter beds
Tree Sparrow at least 8
Cetti's Warbler 1 singing
Willow Warbler 1
Chiffchaff 9
Blackcap 6
Sand Martin 64
Swallow 4
Oystercatcher 2
Shelduck pair
Shoveler 3
Gadwall 20
Teal 5
Tufted Duck 36

Updated birding videos on You Tube https://www.youtube.com/c/PeteHinesbirding

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pair of Mediterranean Gulls on the filter beds
Pair of Shelduck
3 Blackcap


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This morning's highlights included:

1 Green Sandpiper

4 Tree Sparrow

1 Nuthatch

4 Greylag Geese

2 Siskin

5 Bullfinch

1 Willow Tit

1 Raven over

83 Tufted Duck

4 Willow Warbler

3 Blackcap

16 Chiffchaff


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pair of Mediterranean Gulls on the filter beds

Pair of Shelduck

100+ Sand Martin

2 Swallow

4 Tree Sparrow

Info thanks to Phil Rhodes


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Early afternoon:

Sand martin 50

Kingfisher 1

Tufted duck 44

Goosander 1

Perhaps most surprising, no willow warblers given that there were several singing at Pennington Flash this morning.


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29 Whooper Swans flew over Bents and hope Carr North at 10.55 this morning 



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48 bird morning stroll

Swallow through at 8.30am.
3 x Cetti's singing
2 x Blackcap (m&f)
1 x Greylag
3 x Oystercatcher
1 x Linnet
38 x Gadwall
26 x Tufted Duck
13 x Chiffchaff
8 x Jay


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Saturday am, 46 species including.
2 x drake Shoveler
40 x Tufted Duck
19 x Gadwall
1 x long staying female Pochard
7 x Goosander
Definitely 3 but up to 6 Oystercatcher
At least 1000 Black headed Gulls, most Ive seen on here. All lifted with a great racket and would not resettle, no idea why.
2 x Buzzard
2 x singing Cettis Warbler
7 x Chiffchaff
4 x Little Grebe
8 x Tree Sparrow


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Fantastic afternoon walkaround included:

2 Cetti's Warbler,

1 Merlin,

2 Shelduck,

2 Greylag,

4 Chiffchaff,

8 Tree Sparrow,

1 Linnet,

6 Oystercatcher




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Couple of hours late afternoon when the weather picked up :- of note

Only 1 of the resident 4 Mute Swans today on main pool.

Also 2 Oystercatcher on the island, 2M + 2F Goosander, a few Teal & Gadwall plus a Buzzard very low over back pool with a Cetti's Warbler singing nearby.

Never seen as many Long-Tailed Tits - they were everywhere, at least 50 seen unless the same gang were following me around!

Also seen M & F Bullfinch, Goldfinch, Tree Sparrows, 15 Linnet & a Grey Wagtail on Pennington Brook plus a Pheasant heard.

Quite a few singing Chiffchaffs dotted around the site also.


-- Edited by Lez Fairclough on Tuesday 16th of March 2021 10:27:06 PM


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This morning:

2 singing Chiffchaff

3 Oystercatcher

2 singing Cetti's Warbler

5 Grey Wagtail

8 Bullfinch

2 singing Goldcrest

1 Curlew over NE

6 Tree Sparrow

8 Meadow Pipit over north in one flock

54 Redwing resting in tree tops

4 Lesser Redpolls feeding in tree tops along the sewage works

500+ Black-headed Gulls on the filter beds


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But it is a gem of a site when you get to know it, has given me 90 species since lockdown, not bad for a run down little looked after site just a stones throw from Leigh Town Centre.

Late post for Saturday am, 48 species incl.
First singing Chiffchaff of the year though at least one has been present over winter.
2 x Oystercatcher
3 x Goosander
6 x Tree Sparrow
2 x Grey Wagtail
1 x Meadow Pipit
1 x Pochard
37 x Tufted Duck
1 x Water Rail flushed from the path
3 x Cetti's Warbler in full voice

-- Edited by Ian McKerchar on Sunday 7th of March 2021 08:12:29 PM


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Thanks Ian for the info... It's a shame though. Will call back in a few weeks.


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Unfortunately, this site merely hangs on to its ‘nature reserve’ title for prosterity only, it is no longer, nor has been for years now, any form of nature reserve.


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9-11 this morning. First time here for me. The whole site needs tidying up considering it's a nature reserve... plenty of cans, plastic and general rubbish. However I heard my first Chiffchaff of the year and saw 2 male and 3 female Goosander on the main lake along with plenty of Tufted Ducks. Around the site saw several Bullfinch and plenty of Long Tailed Tits.Also 2 Oystercatcher over site.


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Afternoon walk around the site. Of note:-

Tree Sparrow

2 Oystercatcher at main lake

Goosander 2 female, 1 male on main lake

1 Chiffchaff calling 



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Late post for Saturday morning, 46 bird walk including :-

2 x Green Sandpiper flushed by UU workers in the sewage works.
1 x Oystercatcher, returning, last seen on site 18/07/20.
26 x Gadwall, numbers continue to swell
30 x Tufted Duck.
2 x Male Reed Bunting on post.
6 x Tree Sparrow.
9 x Bullfinch seen throughout the site.


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2:30 to 5:15pm - a very pleasant spring-like afternoon.

Main lake - Gadwall; Teal & Tufted Ducks. The resident family of Mute Swans came off the lake & stood right beside me begging!   

Also a single Little Grebe & 3 Fieldfare in the nearby trees which is a site first for me.


Elsewhere on the reserve :- 3 Buzzard; 4 Sparrowhawk one of which was soaring very high (thanks to Dave Shallcross for I.D.)

Jay; Female Pheasant; Song Thrush; 2 flushed Woodcock within 10 yards of each other; Male Chaffinch; M & F Bullfinch; 

Goldfinch; Female Linnet; Tree Sparrow; Long-Tailed & Willow Tit & a blast from a Cetti's Warbler from a pool reedbed.


Sewage works - Hundreds of mostly Black-Headed Gulls with a few Jackdaw & Pied Wagtails mixed in. 


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51 bird morning including:-
Bullfinch x 6
Buzzard x 2
Gadwall x 26
Goldcrest x 1
Grey Wagtail x 2 (sewage works and river).
Kingfisher x 1
Little Grebe x 3
Meadow Pipit x 1
Pochard x 2
Raven x 2
Redwing x 3
Reed Bunting x 2 (singing males).
Shoveler x 2
Treecreeper x 1
Tree Sparrow x 2 (gardens hadn't been fed).
Tufted Duck x 36
Whooper Swan x 2 (flyover towards Little Woolden)


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15 Tree Sparrows present along the western edge by the Pennington Brook today, 2 Willow Tit, 2 Bullfinch (1 singing) and 3 Goosander on the main lake. Plenty of birds singing, especially Dunnock and Great Tit, around the site. Also, around 500 Black-headed Gulls feeding on the filter beds in the works.


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Just off Hope Carr Reserve, a Little Egret flew fairly high east over Warrington Road early afternoon, following the course of Glaze Brook

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