Pectoral Sand still present 09:50 on lagoon number 7(b).
If you intend to visit then please refer to the map of hope carr on the site guide prior to it. Birders were wandering around all over the place today including some lost souls climbings gates etc. For your own safety just have a check first please and if you're lost on site feel free to give me a ring. Rather that than someone falls in a lagoon or we encounter problems with works personel.
Cheers John. 27 was a lucky number this morning for me either way, it even lessened the blow of the bill for the repairs to my car when I went back to pick it up
I noticed on an alternative bird news website that 27 Whoopers flew NE over Wombwell Ings at 09.35. Possibly Ian's flock? If so, Paul's Audenshaw arrival today had probably not split from this group.
I think one of your flock got lost because about 9ish a Whooper Swan joined the one present since yesterday at Audenshaw, before the pair eventually flew south east at 10.10
After being pooh all through autumn but still plugging away there regardless in the afternoons, I made my first very early morning visit to Hope Carr in, frankly, years this morning. I wouldn't have bothered usually only, my car was booked in for work at Victoria Garage in Leigh at 8:30am and as I pass Hope Carr to get there I called in, it was typically quiet apart from the 27 Whooper Swans that flew over SE at approximately 8:10am (overflying Pennington Flash first!), nothing to do with good birding or careful fieldcraft that one, just pure luck and coincidence, brilliant
Juvenile Black-necked Grebe- 1 main lake, elusive though spending much time behind the island and associating with the seemingly many juvenile Little Grebes there. Green Sandpiper- 1 flying around the whole reserve! Lesser Whitethroat- 1 on the western border mixed in with a small roving tit flock (mainly Long-tailed) Kingfisher- 1 on the main lake Tufted Duck- 4 very small young on the willow pool Buzzard- 1 over the main lake
Unfortunately the Green Sands are most often off limits around the sludge lagoons which are bordered by fences and barbed wire and should not be climbed over. They can occasionally be seen on lagoon numbers 1 and 4 (although 4 is currently dry) and more often flying around calling loudly. There is a site guide for Hope Carr on the website.
Missed the plover and oystercather, but large flock of swallows and martins yesterday afternoon. biggest flock of house martins I have seen in a while rough guess about 50+house martins 20 sand martins and then the rain came so did not count any more.
Nettles very high does no-one manage this site anymore very overgrown.
Two Black Terns (Hope Carr megas) dropped in all too briefly at around 7am this morning and were undoubtably some of those which then made their way to Pennington later. Single Lesser Whitethroat in the Hawthorns near the bridge over the brook (undoubtably same bird as has been present a while now) and gropper on no. 4/5.
Tree Sparrow this afternoon, in bushes near the bridge over the River Glaze, then flew south over horse fields towards East-Lancs road. Also a Chiffchaff singing between the river and Willow Pool.
Still can't find any Green Sands here, i must be looking in the wrong place!
Three pintail this evening (most probably the birds over Pennington earlier in the day).
Recently, still good numbers of Gadwall (nearly 80 on last weeks WeBS), a pair of Oystercatchers back on the island and still a couple of Green Sandpipers about though elusive.
Still at least 2 green sand present today along with 8 wigeon and over 87 Gadwall. Also plenty of flocks of small birds around but still no firecrest!!
A good look this afternoon 3 Green sands still present over 140 Gadwall but many out of site behind island on main lake 9+ wigeon but same problem as above 1 chiffchaff calling from pit no.2 in with several goldcrests and a good size flock of long tailed tits about 20 meadow pipits flying around beds
Green Sandpiper- 3 Gadwall- over 150!!! Bullfinch- 8 Buzzard- 2, one perched in a tree along the main path, then both birds circling low over the main lake and sludge lagoons. Wigeon- 8
i was there till 9.30 this morning and paul was there from first light and no sign of the phalarope must have gone last night with the skys being so clear
sorry about that date thingy, anyway grey phal still present at 18.30 friday 21/09/07 still in the far left corner so still to far away for my camera to get decent photo,s
Info thanks to Birdnetinformation pager (still not considered one of these? For a few quid a week you could have all the county and national bird news at your fingertips )
p.s. if anyone out there has any good photos of the bird which they would be willing to have put on the galleries on the Manchester Birding website or possibly for next years annual county bird report, could they contact me by email please, ta.