thanks for posting ian, quite a good hour or so round reserve yesterday. the 2 redpoll flew into area around viewing screen with 6 goldfinch just before 3pm there were plenty of birds feeding in this area, including 3 tree sparrow a chiffchaff, several goldcrest, 4 willow tit, 3 bullfinch, 18+ chaffinch and plenty of greenfinch and house sparrow. the redpolls stayed for c.15 mins(when flew towards car park area,again with goldfinch, but were not seen there later) giving very good views at times (one is a very pale male bird other a duller imm) Also present 13 cormorant and 3 goosander on glaze 1 prob 2 water rail on ice on main lake and 4 jay around car park. Cheers Andy
Meadow Pipit- 106. Having been quietly (secretly ) watching these pipits for the past couple of weeks as they feed on the actual filtration beds within the sewage works itself, my high hopes and expectations for a Water Pipit have not materialised yet! Their numbers have fluctuated day to day (they are very difficult to count at best!) but today was my highest count yet.
Also present on the filter beds:
Up to 16 Grey Wagtails recently Around 250 Pied Wagtails daily Single Green Sandpiper (present today also)
2 Green Sandpiper 2 Buzzard (locked in combat on one of the tracks between the sludge tanks) 1 Snipe over 1 Wigeon 1 Willow Tit 3 Goldcrest 2 Coal Tit 2 Little Grebe 3 Grey Wagtails & c15 Pied Wagtails round the sewage works 1 Bullfinch small numbers of Teal, Gadwall and Tufted Duck.
Apologies for the late post (been very busy at work tonight!) but;
12 Green Sandpipers present on the late evening of the 30th, the highest count anywhere in the county so far this year.
It appears that they are currently roosting at Hope Carr and using Teal Scrape at Pennington during the day. Of course Teal Scrape affords the best views in the county at present and too many birders visiting Hope Carr in the evening will only disturb their attempts to roost so please aviod disturbing them here if possible. Cheers.
Info thanks to Andy Isherwood
-- Edited by Ian McKerchar on Monday 31st of August 2009 01:23:50 AM
Still 8 green sands this evening and 2 common all on 16a (this and 16B seem to be the favoured beds at present as most of the rest are pretty full with little/no mud) Green sands did get up to 9 last night (a nice site all together roosting on 16a) also single juv siskin in trees between willow pool and main lake yesterday
-- Edited by Andy Isherwood on Wednesday 29th of July 2009 08:41:34 PM
Was in the area,so, thought I`d have a good look around in wet conditions,2 hours later I had seen:- 4 Little Grebe,1 Cormorant,2 Grey Heron, 4 Teal, 20 Mallard, 2 Shoveller, 30 Tufted Duck(incl ducklings),6 Pheasant, 20 Moorhen,6 Coot, 4 Lapwing, 1 Ruff(flushed off sludge lagoon and flew off north) 5 Green Sandpiper,1 Common Sandpiper, Lots BH Gulls(WTWorks), 3 LBB Gull, 18 Wood Pigeon, 12 Swift, Large mixed flock of hirundines over WTWorks, 3 Pied Wagtail, 2 Wren,6 Dunnock, 5 Blackbird, 2 Sedge Warbler, 2 Blackcap, 1 Jay,10 Magpie,Lots Jackdaw(WTW)60 Starling,2 Chaffinch,6 Goldfinch,8 Linnet,7 Reed Bunting. 35 Species seen between 7-30-9-30am. Regards, Dave Ousey.
Quick look round beds this afternoon 3 green sand still about only 52 lapwing but not much dry areas now for waders due to all the rain a peregrine took a feral pigeon over the sewage works then flew off low north.
A sandwich Tern overflew here at 5:25 today, heading fairly low east calling, not surprisingly a site first.
Info thanks to Andy Isherwood
Unfortunately it never made it over the air space above my garden despite a very prompt text from Andy, much frenetic scaning with bins and my house being only a couple of miles due east of the site
Oddly, Tree Sparrows are regular in the fields immediately south of Hope Carr, around the rugby pitch there (and also the pitches at the actual club at the bottom of Hand Lane, you can see why my defense is so poor ) but they rather rarely stray across the Glaze and onto the reserve
4 broods of Gadwall here on the main lake today - 9,9,1 all new, and 2 well grown. Also 2 Common Terns with fish, flying off towards Pennington Flash. Reed Warblers, Sedge Warbler, Whitethroat family, the whole place developing into impenetrable scrub, keeps the yobs out. Also an assembly of at least 60 Jackdaws including juvs.
Judith Smith
Lightshaw hall Flash is sacrosanct - NO paths please!
definately negative from 3.30-5.00pm but brilliant all be it brief views of a hunting hobby chasing a swift which made up for not finding the pec sand such is birding .Nice to meet you Paul hope Vernon didnt get on your nerves too much im used to him now LOTS OF HIRUNDINES ABOUT AND PLENTY MIDGES
This is the 4th Pec. I've seen at Hope Carr including 2 together on the same sludge beds as this bird.Has anybody got any recollections of any other Pecs here,must be something of a county record?.
I checked the County list last night as I couldn't remember if i'd seen 2 or 3 here before, I think I dipped the first one (have to trawl thru ancient notebooks) and I was clambering all over the place trying to view the lagoons, these birds do tend to hide away though. Anyway I printed off the site map and saw my 3rd or 4th for here today before work, c11.00-11.30 no probs feeding out in the open. Something of a Pec hot-spot for GM eh
-- Edited by Pete Hines on Thursday 7th of May 2009 11:56:43 PM
-- Edited by Pete Hines on Thursday 7th of May 2009 11:58:06 PM
Updated birding videos on You Tube
Took my daughter Toni, she's really getting into these trips out, even though was a challenge to get the scope low enough down for her to see the bird. She was very good even carrying the tripod.
This is the 4th Pec. I've seen at Hope Carr including 2 together on the same sludge beds as this bird.Has anybody got any recollections of any other Pecs here,must be something of a county record?.
Showing very well at 7.30am this morning and thanks to John and Mike for taking the trouble to literally point me in the right direction and for the other tips! I got some record shots with 300mm plus 2x extender but they wont be winning any competitions...
Also apologies I didn't properly say hello to some other watchers who I presume were Judith and two other chaps from here - I was uncharacteristically shy due to feeling daft using a camera lens to view and not a scope...
Fantastic bird at another great spot and friendly birders to boot! Cheers, Peter
Pectoral Sand still present with 2 Dunlin (which apparently had gone by 2:30pm) on number 7 lagoon by 2:45 atleast.
Also present single Common Sand.
John, it's too far for anything other than a record shot with DSLR's I'm afraid.
Please keep to the path when visiting. If it is out of view it always come back to that lagoon sooner or later and often is simply hidden in vegetation (it really doesn't take much to hide it either).
cheers ian may save me a trip that,ill call in tomorrow ont way toot flash if its still there
Pectoral Sand still present with 2 Dunlin (which apparently had gone by 2:30pm) on number 7 lagoon by 2:45 atleast.
Also present single Common Sand.
John, it's too far for anything other than a record shot with DSLR's I'm afraid.
Please keep to the path when visiting. If it is out of view it always come back to that lagoon sooner or later and often is simply hidden in vegetation (it really doesn't take much to hide it either).
anyone let me know how close the pectoral is from the lookout position,trying to work out if its close enough for pictures?not digiscoped,with my 300mm lensanyone?im at work so will have to dash this evening if its fairly close
-- Edited by JOHN TYMON on Thursday 7th of May 2009 01:27:33 PM