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This afternoon, 21 Whooper Swans,  1 Greylag Goose, 17 Teal,  35 Gadwall,  c25 Shoveler,  1 Pintail,  c40 Wigeon, 1 drake Red-crested Pochard,  2 Pochard,  6 Goldeneye,  4 Goosander,  276 Lapwings,  1 Dunlin,  1 Snipe,  1 Common Sandpiper, 1 adult Caspian Gull  and 1 Chiffchaff. 


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Drake Red-crested Pochard on no 1, also 21 Whooper Swans


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From 08:30-10:15

Common Scoter, Pintail drake, Dunlin, Common Sandpiper, 14 Great Black Backed Gull, 6 Goosander, 20 Goldeneye, 200+Lapwing, Kestrel, 2 Little Grebe, Chiffchaff, Reed Bunting

Plus Shoveler, Gadwall, Teal, Great Crested Grebe uncounted

Nice to chat with some of the regulars


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This morning 2 Whooper Swans,  24 Teal, 28 Gadwall,  1 Pintail, 24 Shoveler,  43 Wigeon,  1 Pochard,  1 female Common Scoter,  2 Goldeneye,  4 Goosander,  1 Little Grebe. 1 Lapwing,  1 Dunlin, 1 Common Sandpiper, 1 Chiffchaff,  2 Redpolls and 1 Linnet.


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Unfortunately, there was no further sign of the Shorelark since it flew across no. 3 it seems (a few images of the bird are on the website).


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Shorelark present this morning on the causeway, then flew across no. 3 reservoir and may now be on the grass bank.


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This morning c60 Mallard (early am), 24 Teal, 30 Gadwall, 22 Shoveler,  35 Wigeon,  1 Pintail , 2 Goldeneye, 3 Pochard,  5 Goosander, 3 Lapwings, 1 Snipe,  the lingering Common Sandpiper,  1 Chiffchaff and 2 Redpolls. 


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Ringing info for a 1st winter Caspian Gull (yellow X6VV) seen last Sunday hopefully attached.

This morning from 7 to 9:30

5 Whooper Swan flew east, 4 dropped in on No3 (2 ad and 2 juvs), then probably a different family on no1, (2 ad and 1 juv) as I was leaving.
9 skeins of Pink-footed Geese heading east except for 1 of 15 heading west.
Fieldfare, Starling and Woodpigeon moving through.

The Common Sandpiper remains on No2
4 Goldeneye
3 Goosander
c40 Wigeon
c20 Gadwall
c25 Shoveler
c10 Teal
1 Little Grebe
24 Mute Swan incl. 2 juvs
2 Chiffchaff
6 Meadow Pipit
2 reed Bunting


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This afternoon the female/immature Red-breasted Merganser remains on no 3, also c50 Teal, 32 Gadwall, 25 Shoveler, 39 Wigeon, 1 Pintail, 7 Goldeneye, 3 Goosander, 123 Lapwings and 6 Great Black-backed Gulls.


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29/10/23 some sightings from 7am to 9am

Red-breasted Merganser still at north end of No3
1 juv. Whooper Swan
1 Pintail
1 Common Sandpiper
2 Snipe
c60 Lapwing
1 Little Grebe
2 Goldeneye
22 Mute Swan including 1 juv.
6 Great Black-backed Gull, 2 adult 4 juvs.
Minimum counts of 40 Wigeon, 29 Gadwall, 26 Shoveler, 60 Teal.
1 Skylark over


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This afternoon, a female/immature Red-breasted Merganser on no 3, also 74 Teal, 23 Gadwall, 24 Shoveler,  47 Wigeon, 1 Pintail,  2 Goldeneye, 8 Goosander, 3 Little Grebes and 144 Lapwings.


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yesterday evening (21st) 2 Little Gulls on no 2, 76 Teal, 34 Shoveler, 32 Gadwall, 41 Wigeon,  5 Goldeneye,  4 Goosander,  3 Little Grebes,  10 Moorhens and 2 Great Black-backed Gulls. 


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21/10/23 with 2 other regulars to 9:45

1 adult Little Gill on no2
2 Dunlin
6 Goldeneye
44 Wigeon
26 Gadwall
c35 Shoveler
60+ Teal
Skylark, Linnet, Siskin and Meadow Pipit over.

After we left another site regular had a 1st winter Little Gull drop in, so 2 present mid morning.

110 Pink-footed Geese over east.


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Late am/early pm today- c60 Teal, 29 Shoveler,  29 Gadwall,  21 Wigeon,  2 Goldeneye,  2 Goosander,  2 Little Grebes,  11 Lapwings,  1 Snipe,  1 Common Sandpiper and a Skylark. 


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This morning, a Great White Egret dropped on no 1 for 5 minutes then flew off SE. Also 43 Whooper Swans on no 1, 2 Pintail. 2nd winter Mediterranean Gull, Greenshank, Common Sandpiper, and at least 3 Rock Pipits.


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This morning- c50 Teal, 2 Pintail, 21 Gadwall, 31 Shoveler, 35 Wigeon, 1 Little Grebe  165 Lapwings,  1 Common Sandpiper,  c20 Meadow Pipits,  4 Rock Pipits,  and c10 Linnets. 


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This morning 63 Teal, 23 Gadwall, 32 Wigeon,  33 Shoveler,  9 Goosander,  32 Lapwings,  1 Ringed Plover, 1 Common Sandpiper, 1 Greenshank,  9 Moorhens,  1 adult Great Black-backed Gull, and 2 Chiffchaffs.


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This morning- 95 Teal,  28 Shoveler,  20 Gadwall,  40 Wigeon, 1 Goldeneye.  3 Little Grebes,  70 Lapwings,  2 Ringed Plovers,  2 Dunlin, 3 Greenshank,  1 Snipe,  3 Ring-necked Parakeets,  24 House Martins and 3 Swallows. 


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Not on the reservoir, but cycling along number 1 and 2 on the roads near, at least 11 Sand Martin making a bed line for the reservoirs in the gale. 


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This morning- 4 Pintail early flew off west at 8am, c100 Teal, 34 Shoveler,  21 Wigeon,  20 Gadwall,  1 Goldeneye. 16 Goosander, c40 Pink-footed Geese east, 9 Lapwings,  2 Greenshank,  at least 4 Little Grebes,  c50 House Martins,  1 Sand Martin, 13 Swallows,  c30 Meadow Pipits and 3 Tree Sparrows.


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22/9/23 some sightings from 7am to 9am

An Osprey flew SE across nos.1 and 2 at around 8:30
1 Black Tern over no2
1 Knot
3 Greenshank
2 Ringed Plover
Ducks about the same as yesterday.
19 Mute Swan
Light movement of House Martins, Swallows, Meadow Pipits, Chaffinch and Skylarks through.
12 Ring-necked Parakeet
1 Sparrowhawk
A Jay was on the wall between nos.1 and 3

-- Edited by simon ghilks on Friday 22nd of September 2023 03:02:05 PM


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This morning so far, c100 Teal, c30 Shoveler,  24 Wigeon, 16 Gadwall, c50 Pink-footed Geese over E, 5 Little Grebes, 41 Lapwings,  3 Ringed Plovers,  5 Dunlin,  1 Knot still, 2 Greenshank,  1 Ruff,  3 House Martins,  2 Sand Martins,  2 Swallows, 1 Skylark,  c10 Meadow Pipits and a Redpoll over. 




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This afternoon a Knot showing well on no 1, 107 Teal,  16 Gadwall,  27 Shoveler,  28 Wigeon,  3 Little Grebes. c50 Lapwings,  4 Ringed Plovers,  7 Dunlin,  1 Greenshank and a Wheatear. 


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16/9/23 From 6.30am with 3 other regulars

Little change in sightings from yesterday
2 Greenshank
1 Great White Egret
1 Curlew
2 Dunlin
4 Ringed Plover
1 Little Egret
1 Garganey
c100 Teal
Steady, light movement of Meadow Pipit, Swallow and House Martin through
2 Skeins of Pink-footed Geese, c70 and c50 generally west to east.


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This morning’s sightings included 4 Pintail (which flew off west), also a juvenile Garganey  (different to the bird a couple of weeks ago). Other birds included 52 Teal,  24 Gadwall. 27 Shoveler,  18 Wigeon. 1 Goldeneye,  25 Goosander,  1 Great White Egret,  c70 Cormorant, 3 Little Grebes, 72 Lapwings,  5 Ringed Plovers, 2 Dunlin,  3 Greenshank,  2 Snipe,  4 Swallows,  4 Ring-necked Parakeets and a Grey Wagtail. 



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Late news for early afternoon yesterday, c60 Teal, c30 Shoveler,  21 Gadwall,  20 Wigeon,  77 Goosander,  1 Great White Egret, 3 Little Grebes,  90 Lapwings,  6 Ringed Plovers. 5 Dunlin,  2 Greenshank,  26 House Martins. 1 Swallow and c10 Meadow Pipits. 


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This morning c60 Teal, 15 Gadwall. 29 Shoveler,  17 Wigeon, 1 Goldeneye. 64 Goosanders, 1 Great White Egret,  3 Little Grebes. 152 Lapwings. 1 Grey Plover straight through NW, 6 Ringed Plovers,  6 Dunlin,  2 Greenshank, and a Skylark.


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Other birds on no 1 this afternoon included at least 13 Wigeon, the 2 Great White Egrets, c250+ Lapwings,  5 Ringed Plovers,  6 Dunlin,  and 2 Greenshank.


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Ian McKerchar wrote:

3 Curlew Sandpipers on no. 1 at 14:15 at least. 

 All three still present at 16:15


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3 Curlew Sandpipers on no. 1 at 14:15 at least. 


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Early this morning, 2 Curlew Sandpipers briefly, up to 18 Wigeon. 2 Great White Egrets still, 3 Greenshank. 2 Ringed Plovers,  1 Little Ringed Plover and 2 Snipe. 


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This morning 68 Teal, 43 Shoveler,  18 Gadwall,  6 Wigeon. 1 Goldeneye,  78 Goosander,  2 Little Grebes,  2 Great White Egrets, 187 Lapwings,  5 Ringed Plovers,  1 Little Ringed Plover,  1 Dunlin,  3 Greenshank,  1 Common Sandpiper, 5 Snipe, 1 Ring necked Parakeet, 1 Wheatear.


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2/9/23 Some sightings from numerous regulars

1 Great White Egret
1 Garganey
1 Black-necked Grebe
2 Little Egret
3 Greenshank
4 Common Sandpiper
4 Dunlin
3 Ringed Plover
5 Snipe
1 Little Ringed Plover
1 Wheatear
1 Pochard
1 Goldeneye
45+ Teal
35+ Shoveler
2 Wigeon
17 Gadwall
18 Heron
35 Goosander


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Great White Egret and Garganey both still present on no. 1 this morning.


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This morning c40 Teal, 11 Gadwall,  30 Shoveler, 3 Wigeon , 1 Goldeneye,  21 Goosander , 4 Little Grebes,  the Great White Egret,  148 Lapwings. 1 Ringed Plover, 1 Common Sandpiper, 2 Greenshank, and 4 Swifts. 


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This morning- 44 Teal,  1 Garganey,  27 Shoveler,  2 Wigeon,  10 Gadwall,  1 Goldeneye,  22 Goosander,  4 Little Grebes,  1 Great White Egret,  164 Lapwings,  5 Ringed Plovers,  1 Dunlin,  2 Common Sandpipers,  2 Ring-necked Parakeets, 15 Swifts,  c25 Swallows, 12 House Martins and 5 Sand Martins. 


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25/8/23 Some sightings from 4 Regulars this morning.

1 juv. Marsh Harrier landed on the large island briefly
1 Great White Egret
5 Little Egret
2 juv. Black-necked Grebe
1 Garganey
10 Knot flew through
4 Redshank
1 Greenshank
1 Green Sandpiper
1 Common Sandpiper
3 Ringed Plover
1 Little Ringed Plover
c150 Lapwing
31 Shoveler
5 Wigeon
35 Teal
16 Gadwall


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2 Sandwich Terns this morning, the Black Tern,  the 4 Black-necked Grebes and 7 Little Egrets


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Great White Egret present this morning, also the juvenile Black Tern and four Black-necked Grebes.


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This morning 34 Teal, 37 Shoveler and 14 Gadwall. The juvenile Black Tern still present,  4 Black-necked Grebes and Greenshank also, plus a Little Egret and Turnstone were seen very early. Other birds included single Pochard and Goldeneye,  13 Goosander,  3 Little Grebes,  218 Lapwings,  3 Little Ringed Plovers,  2 Redshank,  3 Common Sandpipers,  2 Snipe,  4 Ring-necked Parakeets,  c50 Swifts and 13 Swallows.


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This morning the juvenile Black Tern remains now on no 2, also 10 Gadwall,  18 Teal,  28 Shoveler,  1 Pochard,  14 Goosander,  4 Black-necked Grebes,  3 Little Grebes, 70 Lapwings,  3 Little Ringed Plovers,  1 Greenshank,  1 Snipe,  3 Common Sandpipers and 35 Swifts. 


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20/8/23 Some sightings from site regulars from 6am

1 Black Tern
4 Black-necked Grebe
3 Little Grebe
1 Ruff
2 Greenshank
1 Dunlin
1 Snipe
5 Common Sandpiper
3 Little Ringed Plover
1 Pochard
27 Shoveler
10 Gadwall
15+ Teal
1 Sparrowhawk
1 Tree Sparrow in flight and calling over the Central Well
4 Ring-necked Parakeet
2 Willow Warbler
c 25 Swift


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Juvenile Little Stint still present on no. 1 at 2pm.


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This morning, a juvenile Little Stint on the west bank of no 1, Black Tern still on no 1 late morning and a female/immature Marsh Harrier was over the west side of the causeway,  circled gaining height and was chased by corvids until lost to view flying west.

Other birds included 12 Teal, 27 Shoveler,  4 Gadwall,  1 Pochard. 4 Black-necked Grebes ,  120 Lapwings,  7 Ringed Plovers,  2 Little Ringed Plovers,  3 Dunlin, 2 Snipe, 1 Redshank,  1 Greenshank. c30 Swifts and a Yellow Wagtail. 


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This morning’s highlights included 1 Mandarin, 16 Teal, 10 Gadwall,  26 Shoveler,  2 Pochard,  1 Goldeneye,  23 Goosander,  3 Little Grebes,  now 5 Black-necked Grebes (with a new juv on no 3), 185 Lapwings,  6 Ringed Plovers,  1 Dunlin,  1 Redshank, 2 Snipe and up to 31 Swifts.


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This morning, 1 juv Shelduck,  10 Teal, 4 Gadwall,  20 Shoveler,  4 Pochard,  18 Goosander,  4 Black-necked Grebes,  1 Little Grebe,  1 Little Egret,  5 Lapwings,  6 Ringed Plovers,  2 Little Ringed Plover,  1 Redshank,  1 Common Sandpiper, 2+ Ring-necked Parakeet,  c90 Swifts and 2 Wheatears. 


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This morning, 10+ Teal, 4 Gadwall,  18 Shoveler, 1 Pochard,  1 Goldeneye,  15 Goosander,  1 Little Egret,  4 Black-necked Grebes,  1 Little Grebe,  11 Lapwings,  4 Little Ringed Plovers and 3 Black-tailed Godwits.


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This morning, 1 Mandarin,  8 Teal, 15 Shoveler,  3 Gadwall,  1 Goldeneye,  17 Goosander,  4 Black-necked Grebes (1 ad,3juvs), 1 Little Grebe, 2 Little Egrets (ad and juv), 21 Lapwings,  1 Little Ringed Plover,  1 Ringed Plover,  1 Common Sandpiper and 1 Black-tailed Godwit. 


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7/8/23 from 6am combined sightings from regulars

3 Black-necked Grebe, 1 ad 2 juvs.
1 Common Scoter
1 Little Egret
2 Black-tailed Godwit
1 Redshank
1 Whimbrel
2 Ringed Plover
1 Little Ringed Plover
1 Common Sandpiper
1 Pochard
17 Shoveler
4 Gadwall
6 Teal
A Tufted Duck has hatched 5 chicks in recent days


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2 Sandwich Terns on no. 1


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