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This morning/early afternoon with Pete Hines

Chat Moss

5 x Buzzard, 2 x Rook, at least 8 x singing Chiffchaff,  2 x Curlew, 2 x large flocks of Linnet with c350 birds 2 x Marsh Harrier, 26 x Lesser Redpoll, 1 x Little Grebe (heard), 2 x Grey Partridge, 1 x Stonechat 

Astley Moss

2 x Red Legged Partridge


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Astley Moss Winter Bird Count 3/3 for LWT

300 Redwing...most in song an absolute joy sharing this moment that was surely their celebratory/courage building cusp of returning to their distant Scandinavian forest homes...

90 Chaffinch....were these too Scandinavian birds ready to return home? 

1 Chiffchaff...in song

1 Willow Tit...in song

3 Song Thrush...2 in song

17 Robin in song

11 Wren in song

5 Reed Bunting in song

28 Teal

1 Yellowhammer in song

8 Meadow Pipit...5 in display flight

4 Stock Dove

1 Buzzard

1 Woodcock...the only Woodcock Nest I ever found was in this area back in the eighties sadly these birds no longer breed here ...thus I strongly suspect this bird is too a Scandinavian visitor soon to return home

6 Lapwing....5 in display 



-- Edited by Dave Steel on Monday 18th of March 2024 08:16:11 PM


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Little Woolden Moss this afternoon

1x male Marsh Harrier, 9x Curlew flying into reserve late afternoon, 1x Shoveler


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Cadishead Moss

320 Fieldfare

800 Starling

2 Oystercatcher

4 Grey Partridge

Little Woolden Moss LWTNR

11 Meadow Pipit

4 Redshank...2 Pair

4 Oystercatcher...2 Pair

6 Snipe

17 Lapwing

5 Reed Bunting

1 Common Gull.


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Irlam Moss

1 Yellowhammer

1 Song Thrush in song

5 Snipe

13 Skylark

36 Meadow Pipit

4 Grey Partridge...2 Pair

180 Starling

2 Oystercatcher

150 Black-Headed Gull

Cadishead Moss 

12 Lapwing in display

2 Herring Gull




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Chat and Irlam Mosses this morning

4 Chiffchaff singing
2 Little Grebe - pair
5 Buzzard - one carrying nesting material
4 Yellowhammer singing
c150 Linnet
2 Tufted Duck - pair


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New Moss Wood

11 Pheasant

14 Siskin

18 Robin

1 Mistle Thrush in song

17 Wren

11 Blackbird

2 Jay

9 Dunnock

1 Great Spotted Woodpecker---Drumming

30 Redwing ...several in song

1 Buzzard

4 Song Thrush

Cadishead Moss

1 Raven flying South @ 1107

1 Grey Partridge

70 Black-Headed Gull

Irlam Moss

2 Oystercatcher

2 Lapwing in display

2 Pink-Footed Gee




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Irlam Moss

42 Starling

4 Oystercatcher

44 Lapwing...several in Display

16 Skylark

11 Reed Bunting

5 Yellowhammer

7 Corn Bunting

300 Woodpigeon

50 Stock Dove

26 Chaffinch

....and a field now 'full' of plastic after 'green waste' had been liberally spread upon it!!!

Chat Moss

120 Stock Dove.




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Chat Moss

14 Lapwing in display

240 Stock Dove

3 Redwing

Irlam Moss

2 Oystercatcher

Little Woolden Moss LWTNR

1 Marsh Harrier



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Chat Moss

13 Skylark ...6 in song

2 Grey Partridge

1 Marsh Harrier

19 Chaffinch

150 Stock Dove

1 Curlew

2 Snipe

22 Redwing...some in song

12 Lapwing

75 Fieldfare

2 Rook

1 Kestrel

Little Woolden Moss

66 Lapwing




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Astley Moss 11/03/24 Highlights..

2 Willow Tit

1 Male Sparrowhawk 

2 Buzzard

2 kestrel

1 Great spotted Woodpecker

c50 Chaffinch 

12 Redwing over west

3 Song Thrush in song

7 Robin in song

9 Long tailed Tit

1 Goldcrest

6 Blackbird...1 in song

1 Woodcock

Lapwing pair displaying

1 Greenfinch wheezing 

Also a numerous unnatural number of captive bred Pheasants obviously  meant for shooting purposes.


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Little Woolden Moss LWTNR

1 Redshank

3 Snipe

2 Oystercatcher

70 Fieldfare

Little Woolden Moss west Plus the Glaze

16 Teal

130 Fieldfare

180 Black-Headed Gull following the Plough

1 Common Gull

10 Lesser Black-Backed Gull

2 Herring Gull

19 Chaffinch

4 House Sparrow where up to very recently there were and have been for years there were always 20-30 plus....Puzzling this rapid decline in numbers...



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Irlam Moss

2 Grey Partridge 

1 Song Thrush in song

Little Woolden Moss LWTNR

15 Reed Bunting...Several in song

2 Lesser Redpoll

3 Snipe

9 Meadow Pipit...2 in Display Song

1 Curlew

2 Oystercatcher

1 Redshank

1 Marsh Harrier

2 Buzzard



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Chat Moss

3 Lapwing in Display

1 Curlew

18 Redwing...some in song

7 Reed Bunting

3 Yellowhammer

1 Little Egret

2 Tufted Duck...Pair

16 Stock Dove

Barton Moss

52 Lapwing

45 Starling

11 Stock Dove.



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Little Woolden Moss NR

12 Curlew
3 Oystercatcher
3 Marsh Harrier
1 Stonechat
120+ Fieldfare
4 Redwing


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Little Woolden Moss LWTNR

12 Meadow Pipit ...some in Display Flight

9 Reed Bunting

15 Mallard

3 Lesser Redpoll

1 Redshank

3 Oystercatcher

7 Snipe

1 Curlew

1 Marsh Harrier 

Little Woolden Moss

15 Lapwing several in display


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Irlam Moss

300 Linnet

4 Lapwing in display

2 Buzzard in display

Chat Moss

50 Linnet

2 Woodcock

35 Redwing

2 Grey Partridge

1 Tree Sparrow

2 Meadow Pipit in Display Flight

1 Buzzard attacked by Corvids...

1 Song Thrush in song

Barton Moss

82 Lapwing

80 Linnet

40 Stock Dove



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Irlam Moss

120 Fieldfare

300 Starling

Chat Moss

1 Marsh Harrier

3 Lesser Redpoll

6 Snipe

3 Teal

2 Pink-Footed Geese

2 Great Black-Backed Gull

750 Linnet

130 Fieldfare

Barton Moss

900 Woodpigeon

250 Jackdaw

58 Lapwing

90 Stock Dove



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Little Woolden Moss LWTNR

4 Pink-Footed Geese

1 Curlew

2 Snipe

Little Woolden Moss

125 Lapwing

7 Grey Partridge

1 Sparrowhawk....Female

350 Linnet

32 Skylark




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Some highlights from the mosses today

Chat Moss:
2 Tufted Duck - pair
1 Little Egret
4 Buzzard
c80 Linnet
5 Grey Heron
3 Herring Gull

Little Woolden Moss NR:
7 Curlew
2 Oystercatcher
3 Marsh Harrier
1 Woodcock
c60 Lapwing
2 Stonechat - m & f


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Irlam Moss

160 Pink-Footed Geese...Flying West @ 0925

1 Oystercatcher...Flying Over

6 Skylark in Song

5 Lapwing in Display

1 Yellowhammer

Chat Moss

12 Lapwing in Display Flight

75 Stock Dove

2 Yellowhammer

18 Lesser Redpoll

2 Redwing

2 Tufted Duck


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Chat Moss 9-11:45

Single Corn Bunting, 3 Yellowhammer, female Marsh Harrier, 20+Lapwing, 15 Reed Bunting, 10+Linnet, Meadow Pipit, 14 Fieldfare, 1+ Common Buzzard, 30 Stock Dove were the highlights.


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Late post for 28th Feb:

Flock of c200 Chaffinch on Barton Moss


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Some highlights from today:

Little Woolden Moss NR:
12 Curlew - feeding flock - new high mossland count for me
3 Oystercatcher
1 Woodcock
1 Snipe
1 Moorhen

Chat and Irlam Mosses:
60+ Lesser Redpoll - feeding flock
1 Little Egret
5 Shoveler
1 Marsh Harrier - female
2 Buzzard
2 Goldcrest
6 Canada Geese - 3 pairs
8 Lapwing - 3 displaying
1 Grey Partridge
1 Cormorant
35 Pink-footed Geese over west


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Irlam Moss

35 Fieldfare

10 House Sparrow

1 Buzzard

4 Song Thrush...2 in song

1 Whooper Swan flying east @ 1000

10 Skylark...8 in song

2 Grey Partridge

4 Yellowhammer

6 Pink-Footed Geese Flying North @ 1028

27 Reed Bunting

2 Snipe

Chat Moss

16 Fieldfare

42 Pink-Footed Geese Flying West @ 0842

1 Great Black-Backed Gull Flying North

45 Redwing...some in song

1 Song Thrush...in song

14 Chaffinch

230 Stock Dove

4 Grey Partridge

24 Skylark....6 in song

11 Reed Bunting

1 Lesser Redpoll

54 Lapwing

50 Starling

Little Woolden Moss

9 Lapwing

3 Grey Partridge

26 Pink-Footed Geese flying West @ 1230



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Little Woolden Moss NR - quick early evening visit

9 Curlew flew in as a flock - my highest mossland count
1 Merlin - male hunting
1 Marsh Harrier - female
1 Tawny Owl
60+ Pink-footed Geese over west
15 Lapwing
2 Oystercatcher
1 Woodcock
1 Snipe


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Chat Moss

1 Marsh Harrier

16 Lapwing

90 Stock Dove

70 Linnet

Little Woolden Moss LWTNR

2 Golden Plover flying over...1 @ 0900...very High 1 @ 0915....which came in lower in response to my return whistle....checked me out a couple of times then dashed off south...

12 Lapwing

4 Reed Bunting in song

2 Oystercatcher

165 Pink-Footed Geese Flying West @ 1018

1 Marsh Harrier hunting @ 1050....flew SW @ 1100...assume on its way to Woolston Eyes...

42 Lesser Redpoll

Little Woolden Moss

16 Lapwing in Display...sadly their once spring sown crop field is these days Silage which has achieved the dubious success of destroying a large breeding population of Lapwing over recent years...and I suspect that this 12 will be reduced once they encounter the too tall to nest in 'grass'...hmm I wonder why Lapwings are in such decline....!!!!

175 Fieldfare

9 Skylark

350 Starling

Cadishead Moss

23 Fieldfare

1 Sparrowhawk....female




-- Edited by Dave Steel on Thursday 29th of February 2024 11:31:07 PM


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Irlam Moss

210 Fieldfare

3 Song Thrush...1 in song

43 Meadow Pipit

6 Snipe

3 Grey Partridge

120 Starling

2 Stonechat...Pair

Chat Moss

800 Pink-Footed Geese

40 Linnet

13 Fieldfare

4 Skylark in song

11 Reed Bunting

150 Stock Dove

1 Marsh Harrier....Female

95 Pink-Footed Geese Flying North @ 1215




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Barton Moss

55 Skylark

65 Redwing several in song

3 Lapwing in display

19 Chaffinch

2 Goldcrest...1 in song

14 Rook

135 Linnet

4 Snipe

18 Reed Bunting

1 Mistle Thrush in song

2 Willow Tit

3 Yellowhammer

350 Jackdaw

Irlam Moss

200 Linnet

750 Woodpigeon

15 Chaffinch

6 Lapwing...in Display

Chat Moss

610 Pink-Footed Geese...most taking their ease

7 Skylark in song

2 Oystercatcher

10 Lapwing

25 Linnet

1 Barnacle Goose...dozing

1 Merlin...Hunting





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A couple of images of the Barnacle Goose in F52 from yesterday, Sunday 25th

Updated birding videos on You Tube https://www.youtube.com/c/PeteHinesbirding

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Little Woolden Moss LWTNR....Film Crew on site (West)...British Film Institute  funded positive film about peat...LWT Staff on site

Below in my opinion...

...all positives for me, for from the devastation of Peat Milling (sanctioned by the local council* at the time) the natural world phoenix like rises (thanks to the LWT) bringing back hope for nature because the area wasn't totally destroyed...



 *the same council which is  now supporting the concreting over of large areas of Barton Moss to build  Warehouses for a (in my opinion) 'so called port' sadly once this is passed there will be NO returning to nature once the, in my opinion, mistake of destroying green belt is realised by more enlightened generations to come which will hopefully recognise the real worth of Nature for our survival....how history teaches those who seemingly wish not to learn from it.......absolutely NOTHING...

44 Lesser Redpoll

14 Reed Bunting...8 in song

4 Great Black-Backed Gull...Flying over

6 Snipe

5 Skylark in song

1 Woodcock

3 Oystercatcher

2 Corn Bunting

The Glaze

10 Gadwall

30 Teal



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230224....very heavy rain to start

Irlam Moss

900 Linnet

45 Fieldfare

80 Starling

70 Chaffinch

2 Grey Partridge males fighting...

1 Snipe

140 Stock Dove

Chat Moss

4 Rook

80 Redwing

13 Skylark in song

12 Lapwing in Display

250 Linnet

100 Fieldfare

1 Marsh Harrier....Female

160 Starling

650 Pink-Footed Geese

Barton Moss

30 Lapwing

350 Jackdaw

130 Starling

2 Kestrel

850 Pink-Footed Geese

1 Barnacle Goose...most likely the one first noted by Ian Jenkinson/Loz Thompson on FN52 on the 20th




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Single Barnacle Goose with the Pink-feet flock in F52 currently

Updated birding videos on You Tube https://www.youtube.com/c/PeteHinesbirding

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Some highlights from the mosses today:

3 Marsh Harrier - all female
8 Buzzard - including a pair displaying
1 Sparrowhawk
3 Kestrel
c450 Pink-footed Geese in f52
2 Canada Geese
1 Little Egret
4 Grey Heron
2 Nuthatch
1 Stonechat - male
2 Oystercatcher - pair
16 Lesser Redpoll
c80 Linnet
18 Skylark - some singing
47 Lapwing - some displaying
1 Greenfinch - singing
1 Yellowhammer - singing
c60 Stock Dove

-- Edited by Steven Nelson on Sunday 25th of February 2024 12:36:42 AM


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Cadishead Moss

130 Fieldfare

7 Stock Dove

90 Starling

6 Lapwing

Little Woolden Moss LWTNR

53 Lapwing

6 Reed Bunting

1 Marsh Harrier

1 Curlew in Display....the last of the 'few' has returned for another fraught breeding season ....if ONLY persistence paid...

Little Woolden Moss

101 Lapwing....36 in Display

4 Grey Partridge....2 Pair

2 Pink-Footed Geese

74 Skylark

180 Jackdaw

600 Linnet

150 Chaffinch


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Little Woolden Moss NR - brief visit

1 Woodcock
1 Marsh Harrier
1 Snipe
2 Teal
100+ Fieldfare
2 Oystercatcher
16 Lapwing


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210224....Heavy Rain for the most parts

Chat Moss

13 Skylark....6 in song

14 Lapwing back on territory

90 Stock Dove

10 Linnet

2 Tufted Duck...Pair

2 Gadwall...Pair

1 Marsh Harrier...

2 Great Black-Backed Gull

5 Shoveler

8 Pink-Footed Geese Flying North

26 Herring Gull

9 Redwing

2 Grey Heron

6 Pink-Footed Geese Flying East

21 Pheasant

7 Reed Bunting

9 Lesser Redpoll

2 Greylag Geese

1 Snipe

Irlam Moss

280 Black-Headed Gull

250 Starling


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Irlam Moss

700 Linnet

34 Chaffinch

170 Pink-Footed Geese

14 Lapwing...some in Display...once more (thank goodness) a time to reflect on my earliest years when the fascination with this emphatic display caught...captured...captivated me and has NEVER Ceased to thrill....even at this latter stage of my life...THEY ARE BACK on territory....Yippee...

8 Skylark in song...ahh the memory of spud picking days on FN52 (Chat Moss)  (now owned by Natural England)  and the fact that even out of the breeding season these birds gave song...magical...

90 Fieldfare

1 Marsh Harrier

Little Woolden Moss LWTNR

12 Skylark

3 Oystercatcher

2 Curlew

39 Lapwing

5 Snipe

Cadishead Moss

350 Starling

120 Fieldfare

16 Lapwing.

Chat Moss

900 Pink-Footed Geese in from the east and milling about the area 



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Irlam Moss
2 Woodcock together flew over me this evening and landed in one of the fields.


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...late record....again.... 080224

Cadishead Moss

22 Herring Gull

2 Common Gull

110 Black-Headed Gull

137 Lapwing

5 Grey Partridge doing the break-up the Covey---it's time to pair off discordant chase...

125 Fieldfare

8 Redwing

Irlam Moss

240 Starling

80 Black-Headed Gull

5 Reed Bunting 

1 Yellowhammer




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....Late (Late Record) 070224

Chat Moss

240 Jackdaw

4 Herring Gull

70 Stock Dove

6 Grey Partridge (3 pair---yes it's that time of the year)

48 Yellowhammer

12 Corn Bunting

120 Reed Bunting

90 Skylark

40 Pink-Footed Geese Flying West @ 0927

70 Pink-Footed Geese Flying West @ 1016

2 Song Thrush In Song

1 Great Black-Backed Gull flying west

55 Pink-Footed Geese Flying West @ 1102

4 Snipe

4 Teal

Little Woolden Moss

8 Herring Gull Flying North

140 Pink-Footed Geese Flying West @ 0936




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Little Woolden Moss NR - pm

1 Black Grouse - male sat on bund wall before taking flight.
2 Marsh Harrier - females
1 Curlew
4 Oystercatcher - 2 pairs
1 Snipe
12 Lapwing
1 Tawny Owl calling
1 Kestrel
c80 Fieldfare

-- Edited by Steven Nelson on Sunday 18th of February 2024 09:38:33 PM


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Late morning:

1 Merlin - male sat preening on fence post
1 Marsh Harrier - female
1 Sparrowhawk - female hunting
6 Buzzard
2 Kestrel
41 Lesser Redpoll - feeding flock. A couple of males in full breeding plumage.
c280 Pink-footed Geese over
4 Shoveler - 2m, 2f
c130 Stock Dove
56 Lapwing - some in display flight
1 Oystercatcher - heard
1 Redwing
42 Fieldfare
5 Skylark singing
5 Great Black-backed Gull
1 Herring Gull
2 Lesser Black-backed Gull
100+ Black-headed Gull


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This morning:

14 Lapwing - some displaying and on territory
1 Little Egret
2 Grey Partridge
1 Raven over
1 Great Spotted Woodpecker
2 Greylag over
7 Herring Gull
2 Lesser Black-backed Gull
80+ Black-headed Gull - a few in black hoods
8 Skylark - 6 singing
1 Buzzard
2 Song Thrush - 1 singing


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Highlights from a stroll from the bottom of Astley Road to the bottom of Cutnook Lane, 1425 1720. Female kestrel by Roscoe Road. Two marsh harriers, a male and a bird in silhouette from Four Lanes End, also a male kestrel and eighteen pink-footed geese. A female merlin barrelled through the mixed flock of fieldfares, linnets, starlings and skylarks by Twelve Yards Road without catching anything, also two buzzards, a female marsh harrier and an immature kestrel.


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Barton Moss

c150 Carrion Crow F46/47

c350 Jackdaw F46/47

c500 Pink-footed Geese F47

2 Mistle Thrush (pair)

Chat Moss

Peregrine...pair on the open peat (male & large female)

15 Shoveler 

11 Teal 

5 Great black backed Gull (3 immature 2 adult)

c70 Stock Dove

2 Snipe

c50 Linnet



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Quick visit this morning

1 Curlew heard
11 Pink-footed Geese over
c150 Linnet
2 Buzzard


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Chat Moss...Very Heavy Rain 

1 Marsh Harrier

6 Skylark

250 Jackdaw

140 Stock Dove

1 Little Egret

4 Teal

12 Mallard

2 Snipe

2 Great Black-Backed Gull

6 Herring Gull

5 Shoveler

Irlam Moss 

6 Skylark

7 Stock Dove

4 Reed Bunting

2 Stonechat

2 Song Thrush in song

50 Pink-Footed Geese Flying East @ 0950




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Irlam Moss

16 Collared Dove

21 Magpie

150 Fieldfare

2 Skylark in song

Little Woolden Moss LWTNR

12 Reed Bunting

6 Snipe

1 Lesser Redpoll

4 Herring Gull

2 Siskin

2 Grey Partridge

24 Lapwing


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I might have been chatting to you at LWM last night mate!

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