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100424....Heavy Rain for the most parts...

Irlam Moss

4 Stock Dove

9 Grey Partridge

1 Willow Warbler in song

1 Blackcap in song

10 Linnet

2 Corn Bunting

2 Snipe

1 Mistle Thrush Nest

Little Woolden Moss LWTNR

16 Willow Warbler in song

5 Curlew

2 Siskin

70 Lesser Redpoll

4 Teal

Little Woolden Moss

1 Wheatear

2 Lesser redpoll

16 Lapwing



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090424...brief am visit

Little Woolden Moss LWTNR

21 Willow Warbler in song

2 Curlew...Males having an Arial display flight challenge

6 Teal

3 Chiffchaff in song

2 Oystercatcher

3 Redshank

1 Grasshopper Warbler in song

1 Water Rail...on call

4 Gadwall

9 Meadow Pipit

2 Shelduck...pair

2 Snipe

1 Song Thrush in song

6 Reed Bunting

Irlam Moss

2 Grey Partridge





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Only a couple of Bramblings left this afternoon (a pal of mine saw 12 there this am)
Also an immature Marsh Harrier over,heading towards the SSSI 3 Buzzards up together and a Swallow feeding over the treetops.


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Astley Moss this afternoon:

3 male Wheatears off Moss Lane, also two Red-legged Partridges (releases for shooting)

Feeding flock of 22+ Bramblings in the hedge by Rindle Wood, also three Red-legged Partridges nearby 


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Chat Moss - am

1 Whitethroat singing
20+ Willow Warbler
5 Chiffchaff
7 Blackcap
2 Coot - pair - not a common bird on the mosses
2 Moorhen
2 Little Grebe - one seen collecting nesting material
1 Little Egret
1 Curlew in display flight
1 Oystercatcher
2 Gadwall - pair
2 Swallow
2 Sparrowhawk - pair in display flight
1 Raven over

.And worryingly still no sign of any Willow Tit in 2024

-- Edited by Steven Nelson on Saturday 13th of April 2024 12:32:11 PM


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Irlam Moss

5 Lawing

450 Woodpigeon

1 Oystercatcher

2 Lapwing on nests

Chat Moss....ahh the further joy of having two large (Greyhound Type) Dogs chasing through an area which once had no such regular (now daily) disturbance...then again it's ONLY an area that hosts ground nesting birds.... 

1 Yellowhammer

4 Lapwing in Display

1 Lapwing on nest

400 Woodpigeon

3 Teal

2 Lesser Redpoll

22 Willow Warbler in song

1 Curlew hoping to nest where dogs rule...yeah right...and we wonder why such as Curlew are on the Red Data List....

1 Oystercatcher

5 Tufted Duck...Male

Barton Moss

8 Lapwing

1 Peregrine (male) chased off by Lapwing

2 Buzzard

1 Mistle Thrush in song

Little Woolden Moss LWTNR

13 Willow Warbler in song

4 Gadwall...2 Pair

1 Marsh Harrier chased by Lapwing

2 Oystercatcher

1 Curlew...in display

1 Lesser Redpoll



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Little Woolden Moss NR

2 Grasshopper Warbler reeling
1 Yellow Wagtail - male
2 Swallow
2 Sand Martin
8 Teal - 4 pairs
1 Marsh Harrier
3 Curlew
2 Moorhen - pair


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Astley Moss

9 Male & female Summer plumaged Brambling in the hawthorn treelined approach track to LWTNR.


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Little Woolden Moss

1 Marsh Harrier

Chat Moss

1 Swallow

8 Willow Warbler in song

2 Blackcap in song

2 Bullfinch

1 Curlew in Display

2 Siskin

5 Meadow Pipit

1 Sparrowhawk

12 House Sparrow

5 Skylark in song

1 Yellowhammer

Little Woolden Moss LWTNR

10 Willow Warbler in song

1 Ringed Plover

4 Teal

2 Buzzard

2 Shoveler...Pair

1 Shoveler....a male interloper which was given short shrift by the male of the aforementioned pair...

2 Curlew

2 Oystercatcher


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Little Woolden Moss LWTNR Thursday 11th afternoon until the rain got bad...

Western end first:

  • Mallard, Teal, Gadwall & Canada Geese on the Glaze (from the bridge)
  • Sand Martin & Swallows above the river and around
  • Redshank on the big "puddles" in the field above the Glaze and several also flying about and landing on the "puddle" in the field beyond the western end
  • 1 Oystercatcher
  • 1 Chiffchaff - I didn't see this one
  • Willow Warbler - lots, I saw some of these
  • 5 Lapwing on the field
  • Mallard duck with 12 or 13 ducklings - bit difficult to count
  • 1 Snipe - which of course I only saw after it had flushed

Then from the Eastern end - walked most of the southern boundary path and back:

  • Sparrowhawk - as I drove round, soaring above Glazebrook "village", actually I'd seen 2 soaring above the East Lancs on the way there
  • Somebody photographing something from the far side of the field next to the track to the Eastern end parking spot - they should have some great photos unless they're totally incompetent
  • Chiffchaff - in 3 different places - saw 2 of them - so that was 4 overall
  • Willow Warbler - lots more, again I saw some of these but from the amount singing there must be at least 10 for every Chiffchaff
  • Curlew - several, lots of calling and flying about - is the bit where they almost stall a display flight?
  • Gadwall - 2 pairs
  • Teal - 1 pair
  • Shoveler - 5, a pair and 3 other males, at one point the male from the pair was getting really aggressive with one of the other males
  • Tufted Duck - 1 pair
  • Lapwing - several
  • Greylag Goose - 2 flying W, landed somewhere in the Western pools
  • And of course several Mallard, Canada Geese, Crows, etc

I've never seen the water level so high, the ditch next to the track to the Eastern end parking spot was almost overflowing. The rain means that there's loads of water in most of the fields and a lot of birds will be on these "puddles" rather than in the more normal wet spots.

I'd forgotten how uplifting it is to have singing Willow Warblers all around, enhanced by the Curlews calling.




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Barton Moss

21 Skylark in song

13 Linnet

2 Yellow Wagtail...first for the year!

16 Lapwing

1 Willow Warbler in song

1 Willow Tit in song

Little Woolden Moss LWTNR

3 Curlew

6 Willow Warbler in song

2 Shoveler...Pair

1 Lesser Redpoll

5 Teal

2 Gadwall...Pair




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Little Woolden Moss LWTNR

Shoveler pair still at west end pools early afternoon.

Bus pass birdin' great innit?

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Little Woolden Moss LWTNR

3 Lesser Redpoll

11 Willow Warbler in song

7 Lapwing

3 Oystercatcher

2 Redshank

11 Linnet

1 Shoveler...Male

2 Snipe

12 Meadow Pipit

1 Marsh Harrier....Female @ 0957

2 Curlew in display

Little Woolden Moss

16 Skylark in song

51 Lapwing...4 sat on nests




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Chat Moss

11 Lesser Redpoll

12 Willow Warbler in song

4 Teal

1 Little Grebe

1 Curlew in Display

1 Little Egret

2 Tufted Duck...Pair

Little Woolden Moss LWTNR

8 Siskin

2 Lesser Redpoll

2 Shoveler...Pair

3 Tufted Duck

2 Gadwall...Pair

1 Redshank...in Display

14 Lapwing

2 Oystercatcher

23 Black-Headed Gull...2 of which followed closely the Tufted Duck...taking food from the disturbed surface when the ducks emerged from a dive...

1 Curlew in Display.


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Little Woolden Moss NR

1 Grasshopper Warbler reeling this evening


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Chat Moss

3 Curlew in display

Cadishead Moss

2 Oystercatcher

2 Lapwing in Display

1 Willow Warbler in song

Little Woolden Moss LWTNR

9 Willow Warbler in song

2 Lesser Redpoll

2 Marsh Harrier

6 Teal

1 Redshank in Display

1 Black Grouse

12 Reed Bunting

16 Meadow Pipit

1 Snipe

1 Curlew

Little Woolden Moss

37 Lapwing

2 Redshank

14 Skylark



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Irlam Moss

1 Oystercatcher

Chat Moss

1 Curlew in display flight

9 House Sparrow

4 Willow Warbler in song

3 Chiffchaff in song

2 Snipe

1 Yellowhammer

2 Gadwall...Pair

1 Raven

3 Teal

9 Stock Dove

2 Oystercatcher

Little Woolden Moss LWTNR

3 Willow Warbler...in song

2 Oystercatcher

1 Curlew....Displaying

3 Redshank...1 in Display

1 Marsh Harrier.



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Highlights from a warm but blustery Little Woolden Moss this afternoon:

2x Yellow Wagtail
1x White Wagtail
1x Common Sandpiper
1x Ringed Plover
8x Willow Warbler
2x Oystercatcher
2x Gadwall
2x Teal
1x Kestrel


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Irlam Moss

8 Lapwing in Display

2 Oystercatcher

29 Skylark

4 Grey Partridge

5 Yellowhammer

2 Bullfinch

4 Chiffchaff in song

1 Mistle Thrush on its nest

Chat Moss

8 Skylark in song

1 Curlew in Display Flight

6 Linnet

16 Lapwing

31 Stock Dove

Little Woolden Moss LWTNR

7 Willow Warbler in song

2 Oystercatcher

13 Lapwing

2 Gadwall...Pair






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Chat Moss - am:
32+ Lesser Redpoll - feeding flock
2 Siskin - in amongst the Redpoll flock
1 Little Egret
1 Marsh Harrier
2 Tufted Duck - pair
4 Teal - 2 pair
1 Little Grebe - heard
1 Curlew - heard
5 Willow Warbler singing
6 Chiffchaff singing
1 Sparrowhawk

Cadishead Moss - pm:
3 Swallow over together


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Little Woolden Moss

8 Grey Partridge....4 Pairs

27 Skylark

62 Lapwing....possibly last vestiges of hope for these birds in the breeding season on Chat Moss South of the Manchester Liverpool Railway Line now that most of the Farming Activities have ceased/virtually ceased on much of a Farmed Landscape (to the east of this Farmland) that in only recent times could 'boast' of hosting a good population of these birds in the breeding season especially when it had more wildlife friendly Spring Sowing (might have offered less money making yields---BUT  was MORE THAN compensated for  in its wildlife 'value' (sadly only monetary value is the order of the day on farmland these days)...Admittedly Farmers aren't Charities but surely if LWM can do it....????

35 Linnet

1 Curlew in Display

1 Stock Dove Nest

6 House Sparrow...extremely worrying decline in the space of a few months as this Farmstead usually had a large population of these birds...Habitat/Owners Feeders as full as ever...????????

Little Woolden Moss LWTNR

1 Curlew in Display

8 Meadow Pipit

1 Snipe

2 Water Rail Calling

2 Redshank

! Mute Swan

1 Marsh Harrier

1 Oystercatcher






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Little Woolden Moss LWTNR

3 Willow Warbler in song

1 Snipe

3 Oystercatcher

1 Redshank

12 Lapwing

1 Curlew...Display Flight

3 Chiffchaff in song




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Barton Moss

250 Linnet

24 Lapwing

9 Skylark

700 Woodpigeon

55 Starling

1 Song Thrush...in Song

Chat Moss

2 Grey Partridge

5 Skylark

3 Lapwing...displaying

2 Greylag Geese

2 Curlew...1 Curlew in Display

2 Teal

2 Buzzard

1 Female Mallard with 9 Young

2 Grey Heron.

Irlam Moss

850 Woodpigeon

3 Lapwing



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Little Woolden Moss LWTNR

2 Marsh Harrier 

10 Reed Bunting

2 Oystercatcher

1 Curlew in Display

1 Willow Warbler in song

2 Redshank

1 Cormorant Flying over

2 Gadwall

7 Meadow Pipit

Little Woolden Moss

4 Lapwing sat on nests

20 Lapwing

7 Skylark

3 Wheatear


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270324...Brief midday visit

Little Woolden Moss LWTNR

2 Greylag Geese

2 Oystercatcher

2 Curlew...1 in Display

1 Redshank

1 Little Ringed Plover



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Little Woolden Moss NR - am

1 Marsh Harrier
1 Buzzard
3 Gadwall - pair + 1m
2 Shoveler - pair
2 Teal - pair
2 Greylag Geese over east
2 Willow Warbler - singing
2 Chiffchaff - singing
2 Curlew
1 Redshank - heard only
2 Oystercatcher


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Chat / Irlam Moss this am

Grey Partridge 3
Red-legged Partridge 3
Oystercatcher 2
Curlew 1
Little Egret 1
Willow Warbler 6
Chiffchaff 10
Blackcap 3
Yellowhammer 1 (female)

Updated birding videos on You Tube https://www.youtube.com/c/PeteHinesbirding

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Chat Moss

4 Chiffchaff in song

1 Little Egret

2 Tufted Duck...Pair

2 Teal...Pair

1 Little Grebe...Trilling

1 Mistle Thrush in song

2 Grey Heron

1 Yellowhammer in song

Little Woolden Moss LWTNR

12 Meadow Pipit

3 Redshank....1 displaying

1 Raven...Flew South @ 1118

2 Gadwall...Pair

1 Willow Warbler in song

3 Chiffchaff in song

42 Lapwing

1 Marsh Harrier.




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This morning

Little Woolden Moss NR:
2 Willow Warbler singing
3 Chiffchaff singing
3 Curlew including display flight
1 Marsh Harrier
2 Gadwall - pair
2 Oystercatcher - pair
2 Siskin over
2 Lesser Redpoll over

Chat Moss:
2 Blackcap singing
1 Willow Warbler singing
4 Siskin
2 Gadwall - pair
2 Teal - pair
2 Curlew in display flight
1 Buzzard
1 Yellowhammer


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Astley Moss the early afternoon:

20 Lapwings, a singing Skylark and two Grey Partridges off Moss Lane.

Around Astley Moss itself, Marsh Harrier, single Grey Partridge, singing Willow Tit, two Siskin, a flock of 50+ Chaffinches, one Curlew, 12 Stock Doves (one flock), two singing Skylarks.

Curlew should be heard singing on Croxdens too.


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Irlam Moss

8 Grey Partridge...4 Pair

12 Pheasant

7 Skylark in song

7 Stock Dove

1 Yellowhammer

160 Fieldfare

650 Starling

9 Lapwing

1 Curlew

Little Woolden Moss LWTNR

1 Willow Warbler in song...in same area as past two years as first for summer for me...(2023 = 29th....2022 = 24th (my earliest ever on the Moss)

3 Chiffchaff

1 Black Grouse

12 Meadow Pipit

6 Snipe

1 Redshank---Displaying

1 Curlew....Displaying

1 Merlin....Female @ 1206

Little Woolden Moss

24 Lapwing...5 nests 12 Skylark

1 Wheatear.


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Little Woolden Moss NR - am

1 Shelduck - male
4 Gadwall - 2 pairs
2 Teal - pair
3 Curlew - pair + 1 - including display flight
2 Redshank
2 Marsh Harrier
1 Wheatear - male
2 Grey Partridge - pair
1 Willow Warbler singing
3 Chiffchaff singing


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Irlam Moss

200 Starling

Little Woolden Moss LWTNR

2 Oystercatcher...Mating

13 Lapwing

13 Meadow Pipit

5 Reed Bunting

2 Redshank

1 Sparrowhawk...Chased by Carrion Crows

1 Marsh Harrier

7 Curlew...Flock which moved off North @ 1258

1 Curlew in display

Little Woolden Moss

34 Lapwing...5 sat on nests...1 pair mating

1 Wheatear

Chat Moss

19 Stock Dove

13 Lapwing

6 Skylark


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White Stork high circling in a south east direction 

Approx 11.30 viewed to East of Astley Road close to twelve yards road. 

-- Edited by Kevin Cook on Friday 29th of March 2024 12:56:13 PM


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Irlam Moss

42 Meadow Pipit

17 Skylark...12 in song

7 Snipe

1 Yellowhammer

2 Grey Partridge

Cadishead Moss

1 Buzzard

2 Lapwing when there used to be at least 20...Good Old Winter Cereal Sowing---its ability to eradicate Lapwing Breeding knows no bounds....

240 Starling

8 Herring Gull

Little Woolden Moss LWTNR

18 Black-Headed Gull

1 Oystercatcher

2 Chiffchaff in song

5 Herring Gull

3 Snipe

Little Woolden Moss

2 Lapwing on nests



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Wednesday 27th March 2024.

Walk from New Moss Wood Cadishead - Little Woolden Moss NR - Little Woolden Moss - along River Glaze - and return.
Sightings included:

Marsh Harrier (2)
Buzzard (2)
Wheatear (4) in ploughed field just north of Little Woolden Moss NR
Goosander (2)
Grey Heron (1)
Fieldfare (12)
Skylark (3)
Grey Wagtail (1)
Pied Wagtail (1)
Chiffchaff (2)
Gadwall (2)
Lapwing (20)
Oystercatcher (2)
Black-Headed Gull (25)

-- Edited by Steve Judge on Wednesday 27th of March 2024 09:30:21 PM

-- Edited by Steve Judge on Thursday 28th of March 2024 07:05:00 AM


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Chat Moss

2 Shoveler...Pair

9 Chiffchaff in song

9 Teal

1 Marsh Harrier flushed off juncus...only item of note where it had been was a few 'clumps' of Frogspawn

1 Little Grebe...Trilling

2 Buzzard

1 Peregrine...Male

12 Lapwing...1 sat on nest

18 Skylark....6 in song

210 Stock Dove

14 Linnet

4 Snipe

2 Curlew...1 in display

2 Kestrel

Irlam Moss

2 Oystercatcher

18 Stock Dove




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Little Woolden Moss NR - am

1 Willow Warbler singing
6 Chiffchaff singing
2 Mediterranean Gulls - pair over in full breeding plumage noisily calling to each other.
5 Sand Martin over
2 Marsh Harrier - females - constantly harassed by crows.
1 Redshank
2 Curlew
20+ Lapwing
2 Gadwall - pair
2 Teal - pair
4 Reed Bunting singing
4 Redwing over

-- Edited by Steven Nelson on Tuesday 26th of March 2024 07:44:50 PM


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Two swallows on the telephone wires by the Landscape company on Astley Road at 2:40pm.


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Irlam Moss

19 Black-Headed Gull

17 Fieldfare

45 Starling

Little Woolden Moss LWTNR

2 Sand Martin

102 Black-Headed Gull

1 Redshank

31 Lapwing

Barton Moss

400 Woodpigeon

140 Linnet

28 Stock Dove

11 Skylark

90 Starling

3 Chiffchaff

1 Nuthatch

2 Bullfinch



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Little Woolden Moss LWTNR

13 Meadow Pipit...7 in Display Flight

2 Redshank

24 Lapwing...2 in Display

2 Chiffchaff in song

1 Curlew in display

Cadishead Moss

38 Black-Headed Gull

2 Herring Gull

1 Yellowhammer in song

2 Curlew...1 in Display

2 Oystercatcher

6 Fieldfare

Little Woolden Moss

1 Snipe

34 Lapwing

1 Mediterranean Gull Flying North @ 1108

17 Skylark

1 Wheatear

Irlam Moss

1 Yellowhammer in song.

18 Linnet


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Little Woolden Moss NR - am

1 Sand Martin
1 Marsh Harrier - female
1 Redshank
2 Oystercatcher


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Chat Moss

1 Curlew...in display

5 Skylark in song

1 Grey Partridge

1 Marsh Harrier

Little Woolden Moss LWTNR

52 Lapwing

1 Redshank

1 Curlew in display

2 Oystercatcher

Little Woolden Moss

2 Lapwing Nests

45 Lapwing

1 Wheatear chased off by a Skylark 

6 Skylark

22 Linnet


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Chat Moss late am

2 White Wagtails with 3 Pied Wagtails
1 Wigeon - male
2 Tufted Duck - pair
1 Marsh Harrier - female trying to catch a Mallard but gave up.
1 Sparrowhawk


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Highlights from the mosses this afternoon:

Little Woolden Moss NR:
1 Black Grouse - male briefly sat on a bund wall
1 Marsh Harrier - female
2 Curlew
2 Oystercatcher
2 Chiffchaff

Chat and Irlam Mosses:
2 Little Grebe - pair
2 Tufted Duck - pair
9 Teal - some displaying
1 Water Rail heard
2 Lesser Redpoll
3 Yellowhammer
2 Grey Partridge


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Irlam Moss

450 Linnet

60 Fieldfare

1 Nuthatch

1 Treecreeper

1 Peregrine...Male @ 1000

5 Lapwing

Chat Moss

1100 Woodpigeon

11 Chaffinch

3 Fieldfare 

4 Lapwing in display

4 Greylag Geese

5 Snipe

1 Chiffchaff in song

3 Reed Bunting

9 Buzzard in sky at same time

Barton Moss

14 Lapwing...4 in Display

11 Skylark

220 Jackdaw

110 Carrion Crow

Little Woolden Moss LWTNR

1 Curlew in display




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Late post for yesterday

Little Woolden Moss NR:

10 Curlew
2 Oystercatcher
3 Marsh Harrier
1 Grey Partridge
Good numbers of Lapwing - many displaying
Numerous Meadow Pipit in display flight


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Irlam Moss

130 Starling

2 Oystercatcher

1 Nuthatch

Little Woolden Moss LWTNR

38 Lapwing

2 Redshank

110 Black-Headed Gull

8 Meadow Pipit

2 Oystercatcher

1 Chiffchaff in song

Little Woolden Moss

66 Lapwing

1 Lapwing nest...I believe this is the earliest Lapwing Nest I've noted on the Moss

22 Skylark

4 Grey Partridge...2 Pair

250 Fieldfare

85 Linnet

300 Starling

2 Oystercatcher

28 Chaffinch

2 Tree Sparrow

Chat Moss

12 Lapwing

190 Linnet




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Chat Moss

2 Yellowhammer

5 Redwing

3 Chiffchaff in song

3 Skylark in song

5 Buzzard

9 Mallard

1 Marsh Harrier Attacked by a Carrion Crow @ 1300

2 Tufted Duck...pair

1 Little Grebe...Trilling

2 Lesser Redpoll

10 Lapwing in display

12 Stock Dove

Little Woolden Moss LWTNR

11 Meadow Pipit

4 Snipe

7 Reed Bunting

2 Curlew...in Display

10 Pied Wagtail

3 Redshank

1 Yellowhammer

1 Marsh Harrier @ 1137

2 Teal

3 Oystercatcher

Little Woolden Moss

200 Fieldfare

Irlam Moss

450 Starling

2 Lapwing in display

1 Buzzard



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150324...brief am visit

Irlam Moss

1 Buzzard

7 Skylark in song

5 Yellowhammer

31 Lapwing

90 Starling

12 Magpie

1 Chiffchaff in song

Chat Moss

8 Lapwing in display

10 Stock Dove






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