Hi any ideas in keeping my binoculars and scope free from condensation when I keep them in my car overnight. As I often go birdwatching after work I leave in the car. I know I could wrap them up in a duvet, didnt know if there are any products out there. Thanks
We are selling, on commission, a zoom eyepiece that will fit most Opticron scopes from at least the past 15 years. It is the HDF Zoom Eyepiece, which as a 20x-60x magnification range with 80mm objective telescopes. This range then varies according to the different diameter objectives on other scope...
There is a great video doing the rounds on youtube at the moment. Simply type in Migrating Birds on Merchant Ships and its the first one to show up - has a picture of a Long-eared Owl on the menu page. Sit back and enjoy 10 mins or so of real entertainment.
Posted on behalf of Lucy Hall: Hi all, I have an event that you may find interesting. For social historians and nature lovers alike! Supported by the Council, this promises to be a fascinating illustrated talk by two fine authors (one, our very own Henry McGhie, Head of Collections and Curator of Zoo...
We have just taken in on commission a mint condition Swarovski scope. It is the very popular, especially due to its light weight, ATS 65m and is the v.2 version so has improved optics and coatings over the v.1. It comes with the wide angle 25-50x zoom eyepiece and a Swarovski stay-on case. This outfit no...
Is Manchester Airport Airside,The airfield itself,runways,taxiways etc in the Manchester boundry.?
I ask as I am returning to work in the Monarch Aircraft hangar from 16th August and I used to see quite a few interesting birds around the airfield,
We have a Swarovski DCB II Digiscoping Adapter on commission sale at a really fabulous price. It is in superb condition and is priced for a very quick sale. The customer only wants £75for it. Please call 01925 730399 for availability. -- Edited by Ian McKerchar on Wednesday 14th of November 2018 02:46...
https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/victorian-eco-activism-manchester-and-the-birth-of-the-rspb-tickets-51292552405For social historians and nature lovers alike! Supported by the Council, this promises to be a fascinating illustrated talk by two f...
I think i've found a way to prevent squirrels getting at my bird feeders(so far anyway).I've been using this method for several months now and not had a single incident of the tree rats getting to the feeders.I've tied strong string to the feeders and made a hole in the centre of a bucket lid and threaded...
I have been considering going for the Wheatear at Meols this weekend, but have to admit to being put off by reports of people feeding mealworms to a bird that is already showing down to a few feet so they can get a 'better' photo. Then I see the text below posted on the Abernethy RSPB page on Facebook, accom...
A late post for 24th August.
7.25 to 9.25 am.
First visit to this park for at least 30 years! A nice few hours in a lovely park. Main purpose was to explore and have a look around and see if I fancied surveying this area for roving records for the GM Breeding Birds Atlas next summer, as the park straddles...
1 pm to 2.30 pm ..... 20 + goldfinches, greenfinches, pair of g s woodpeckers, 6, siskins, 1 Cormorant, 5 tufted duck, 12 song thrush,4 wrens, 3 g c grebes, , good day -- Edited by undertaker on Thursday 3rd of December 2009 09:50:45 AM-- Edited by undertaker on Thursday 3rd of December 2009 09:54:42 AM
We have on commission one of the original Swarovski TLS APO camera adapters, which allows a DSLR camera to be attached to the Swarovski ATX Scopes with the addition of a T-mount suitable for your own camera. This is boxed and in perfect condition and is a steal at ONLY £180. New the current adapters now c...
5.30-7.30pm 2 Goldcrests, 1 Buzzard, 7 Coal Tits and 1 Chiffchaff. A pair of Long Tailed Tits were carrying nesting material. 1 Swallow passed through and a Raven was heard.
For anyone wanting a cheap pair of reliable bins of a reputable make we have the ideal purchase. We have taken in on commission a pair of older Opticron BGA Classics, 8x42 model. They are well used but still optically perfect. If you want a second, spare pair or something to keep permanently in the glove...
Just a quick note from Kos, just been sat by the pool, drinking a Mythos when I heard a Bee-eater call, looked up to see 46 circling in the sky (very blue) above, it,s a tough life !! Cheers Ian ............................. Just realised in the excitement that this should definately be in out of County...
PhoneSkope iPhone 6 case in good condition, going for just £10 (plus post and packaging) You just need to add which ever dedicated adaptor fits your 'scope (not included!) and you're off and running into the world of 'phonescoping.
thought my comp was playing up for a minute there ! Had to refresh it a few times, very "summery" (if that is a word) i can't think of a bird with this colour scheme.
This is a bit of a strange one. A couple of weeks ago I was running around Byrom Wood and I heard the strangest bird call/sound. It almost sounded flutey like. Almost like a Golden Oriole, but it was a lot quicker and didn't last very long. It was like a flutey trill. Honestly I don't think I've heard anythi...
We have taken in a mint condition, boxed scope that we have added a brand new eyepiece to, to make up a great sub £300 Scope Outfit. It is an Opticron GS665 (non-ED) body, which we have matched with a brand new, latest HR Zoom eyepiece, giving 18x-54x Zoom power. This is angled and comes with a Stay-on Case...
KGVP Monday 6th August 2012 2 Noctule & 10 Pipistrelle Bats over the pool around 5am Brown Hawker dragonfly at 11am Altrincham Golf Course Red-tailed Bumble Bee
Some of you may have received a security alert message from your internet search engine this evening when trying to connect to the forum, informing you that basically the site may be being impersonated (having been hacked). I can confirm that this is NOT the case and the forum is working perfectly nor...
Visited my mate's today , Smithills Open Farm, Smithills Dene Rd and flirting around the buildings were at least 5 if not more swallows !! Is this normal ?
Tomorrow, Sat 13th Oct, there will be coffee & cake for all customers at Focalpoint, 10am-5pm, so why not pop along to have a snack & test out a few optics
For Sale: Bridge Camera - Olympus Stylus SP-100EE (used, 3 yrs old) Boxed, including everything that originally came with it plus Olympus soft case 50x superwide optical zoom (241200mm - Equivalent to a 35mm camera) 16 Megapixel backlit CMOS TruePic VII image processor (excluding SD card) You can...
BBC Springwatch presenter Chris Packham is hosting the Peoples Walk For Wildlife on Saturday 22nd September in London Everyone who cares about our wildlife is invited to participate The Peoples Walk For Wildlife is not a protest, it is a polite, very firm request for urgent action from all of societ...
We have taken in on a commission basis a mint pair of 10x42 Swarovski Binoculars. These are the EL 10x42 SV model, the one immediately prior to the current Field Pro version. There is no difference in the optical performance in these two models, the differences being cosmetic in things such as the neck...
Hi All I'm looking for some advice on a new bridge camera. I'm currently using a Canon SX40HS and was thinking of replacing with either the SX50 (or 60?), a Sony HX400v or the new Panasonic FZ1000. Anybody have any strong views about these? As I'm familiar with the Canon, that's probably my choice, but a...
Purple Hairstreak on Dark Lane where it crosses the derelict railway line (about 1 kilometre north of Altrincham Crematorium). I watched it for 20 minutes feeding on the honeydew on Sycamore leaves. -- Edited by Ian McKerchar on Sunday 8th of July 2018 08:28:19 PM