CREATING A BUZZ IN MANCHESTER! Manchester has had many big events over the years, but this festival is THE most buzzing festival youll ever have been to guaranteed ! A bee themed Guinness World Record attempt is happening the organisers are aiming to get around 3,000 people dressed up as bees togethe...
We have taken in on commission sale a smart little travelscope, the Opticron MM4 50 ED angled body with HDF eyepiece and luxury green stay-on case. This is a cracking little scope, perfect as a travel companion and for use on a monopod. The seller wants £450 only for this kit, which is in excellent condi...
Dave Wilson and Paul Richardson were interviewed on Warrington radio recently they spoke about the society's history, what role it plays in fighting the corner for wildlife today, green spaces, housing, and brownfield sites, Its education programme for youngsters and much more. fascinating, f...
We have received notification that as of 1st July 2019 Swarovski Optik UK will be increasing prices on most of the optical products in its range. If you are considering a Swarovski purchase in the near future then this is worth consideration. Anyone who knows they will be buying but cannot get out befo...
Some ferns found in centre of Bury not uncommon unless in cente of Bury Wall-rue - Asplenium ruta-muraria, Hart's-tongue - Asplenium scolopendrium Black Spleenwort - Asplenium adiantum-nigrum Maidenhair Spleenwort - Asplenium trichomanes-- Edited by Ian McKerchar on Friday 15th of January 2...
I'm in my 70s and in all my life do not ever recall seeing a Cinnabar Moth in my garden. I used to see masses of caterpillars on ragwort locally until about 10 years ago but not since. On occasional visits to the Formby to Southport sand dunes I still see plenty and sometimes the moths. For the past few weeks...
This is simply a clear out to find a good home for the following old reports should they be of interest. I am not looking for any money. Bardsey Obs. reports for 1963, 1964. Birds in Northumbria 1988. Hilbre Bird Obs. report for 1988 Cheshire Bird reports for 1965, 1972, 1973, 1974, 1975. Spurn Bird Obs...
We have just taken in on a commission basis a cracking pair of Opticron Binoculars, these early Opticrons are rare and very smart and have recently been back to Opticron for a full service. They are the Opticron 8x30 HQC as verified by Opticron but show no results on a Google Search! The are a roof prism,...
The Sound Approach to Birding. A guide to understanding bird sound by Mark Constantine and The Sound Approach. This book, if you haven't read it or even read it over a dozen times, will change your birding and the enjoyment you can achieve from it ten fold! For me, it was without doubt the most groundbre...
We have on Commission sale a Hawke Endurance 68 ED Scope which comes with the 16-48x Zoom Eyepiece and a green stay-on case. This is in very good condition and at the price is well worth a look as it would suit lower budgets. The customer only wants £200 for this, so please call 01925730399 for availabili...
Simpson Clough / Botany Wood
Goosander - pairs x 2
G Wagtail x 1
Mistle Thrush x 3
Long tailed Tit - pair with nest material
Treecreeper x 1
Nuthatch x 2
Great Spotted Woodpecker x 1
Goldcrest x 1 - in song
Goldfinch x 3
Wren x 5
If you really want to "grip your mates off", when scanning a large gull flock for Med Gulls, find said gull then jump about like a mad (wo)man waving ones arms above your head shouting "got one" at the top of your voice. It tends to do the job as large flock of gulls takes to the air at o...
I have the full set of 10 CDs (with case and contents guide) of the Birds Sounds of Europe & North Africa for sale. Songs and calls of 481 species with a playing time of almost 12 hours. I'm loathed to let it go but frankly, I have nothing to play them on anymore! £30 to a good home -- Edited by Ian McKercha...
I have the following collectable books for sale, prices low compared to internet selling sites, just need to go to a good home who will appreciate them! SOLD Bird of the Western Palearctic, concise edition- immaculate condition- £30, excellent resource with updated plates from the old BWPs but I al...
Nikon 50 ED and zoom eyepiece- gives magnification of 13-40 on a 50 mil scope, stay on case included. Super little scope that will fit in your pocket. Bought to use when out doing photography, but in reality only used once as you become too engrossed in taking the picture and binoculars will suffice. Id...
Couldn't see a thread for this area - popped up on a blatant twitch this morning to see the Iceland Gull - showing very well down to 5m away [for bread!] I was first there this morning and found the gull quite easily with the relative size difference to the BHG and colour variation with the LBB in the same ar...
After our cruise/pelagic(see below)we spent 8 days in the Vancouver area,4 of these days were spent on Vancouver Island as my missus wanted to see Orcas and Bears,both being seen well on the island as well as a few Grey Whales and Humpback Whales on the two pelagics we did from there. As we had spent some...
We have a Mulepack in on Commission, this is, in my opinion, the best 'tripod & scope' carrier on the market. This is in excellent condition and will save the buyer over £20 on a new one, as the buyer wants £40 for it. Call 01925730399 for details and look at the link for a pic: https://www.focalpoint...
We have just taken in on Commission a rare item, a pair of Swarovski 8x30 CL Africa Limited Edition binoculars. They are the first model (the v.1) of the CL, but have the difference that they are dark brown, have a dark brown strap with a leather neck band and a suede carry bag, all very smart. Originally t...
We have just received a fabulous piece of kit that again I am sure will sell really quickly, we have it on Commission Sale and it is at a great price. It is from a known custmer who treats his kit with kid gloves and so this looks and IS like new. The scope kit in question is the Travelscope, the Opticron MM4 60...
The following items were stolen out of a van up at Horwich yesterday. If you should be offered them, see them advertised on social media or anywhere else or have any information which could assist in their recovery, please contact Ryan on Canon 1dx Tamron 100-4002 tripo...
Birds present this afternoon - Goldfinch 44 (at one time). Earlier - Blue tit 2 (always 2). House sparrow 1 only - getting to be a street rarity. Blackbird 1 eating berries from a nearby rowan tree. Note: there are 4 Sorbus trees adjacent the feeders, all with a good crop of berries as are numerous other t...
We have on Commission a really nice tripod, hardly used at all and a real steal. This is a model with full leg spread and a splittable centre column. It is in black and has the PH-157Q Head too. It is boxed and had the carry bag with it. I usually don't recommend buying 2nd hand tripods and we don;t take many i...
Well shared on social media, a very showy singing Wood Warbler, which appears to be singing in vane? Also 5+ singing Willow Warblers and the usual common stuff.
1pm-4pm Saturday 1st June 2019 @ Fletcher Moss Jenny Hackland, RSPB Mersey Valley Project Officer said: We are so proud of the RSPBs Manchester roots. The organisation was founded by the wonderful Emily Williamson from her home The Croft at Fletcher Moss back in 1889. At the time it was fashionable f...
Delighted to find Green Hairstreaks on my BBS square in Mossley today. Been looking for them for the past month and thought I might have to go up to Diggle or Brushes to see someone else's, so nice to find "my own".
First proper summer visit ever to site and a great start with discovery of a single white-letter hairstreak feeing on umbellifers in a clearing in the wood. This sun trap also had 30+ ringlets, c15 meadow browns, comma, red admiral, large white (rare this year), & 3 small skippers, as well as an im...
Great first visit to Potteric Carr with Simon,it's a lovely reserve,fab' reed beds and huge wetland area unfortunately we didn't see any Bitterns,although one did fly over the 'beds' once we'd left the hide ,did get to see a Little Egret flying over though.Amongst the wooded walk-ways all the usual...