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Late evening yesterday saw three Little Egrets and three Common Terns.

Info thanks to Phil Rhodes


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This morning then early afternoon, 6 common terns and 4 little egrets.



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So far this morning, two adult Mediterranean Gulls, one Little Egret and one Curlew over south.

Info thanks to Bill Harrison


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This morning common sandpiper at the boat club, 3 common terns and a little egret.



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This morning, Common Sandpiper on the spit, Little Egret and two Common Terns.

Info thanks to Barry Hulme


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A third Common Tern this morning headed over towards Bickershaw.


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Common sandpiper on the spit this morning, two common terns flying around the flash and a single little egret in Ramsdales.


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This morning,

Little tern 1 flew straight through heading west

Mediterranean gull 2 adults flew in calling and landed briefly on the spit

Cuckoo 1 rufous (hepatic) female flew low over the ruck

Little egret 2 

Common tern 3


-- Edited by colin davies on Thursday 20th of June 2024 11:29:15 AM


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This evening, single Mediterranean Gull and Common Sandpiper plus three Common Terns.

Info thanks to Phil Rhodes


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This morning, 

Common sandpiper 1 at the sailing club

Common tern 6



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Four Common Terns and 160 Swifts this morning.


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I'm not sure, it was open up to 10.30ish


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Scoter present at 13 45, why is horrocks hide locked up?


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This morning, 8:15 to 10:45,

Common scoter 2 drakes. The second bird may have arrived later because first thing I could only see one bird.

Redshank 2 on the spit

Common tern 3

Little egret 1



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Common scoter still present at 2.30pm, also little egret still and one common tern. 


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Drake Common Scoter present this morning, also a single Little Egret.

Info thanks to Bill Harrison


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Two common sandpipers on the spit at 8.30am.



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1080 Swifts early morning, also two Common Terns, four Shovelers and an adult Great Black-backed Gull.


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Pair of Mediterranean Gulls present around the spit again this morning, two Common Terns and 660+ Swifts.


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This morning a full circuit produced just two common terns. However, I did see a small wader with a wing bar just as it disappeared behind vegetation on the end of the spit. Could possibly have been a common sandpiper but it didn't seem to have that kind of flight. Unfortunately I couldn't relocate it. I'll try again later.



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Juvenile ringed plover at the sailing club this morning during a brief visit. 

First bird of the autumn return migration? I hope you all enjoyed summer smile


-- Edited by colin davies on Tuesday 11th of June 2024 11:34:00 AM


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This morning:

First summer Ringed Plover on the sailing club shore

Pair of Mediterranean Gulls around the spit briefly before flying off south

Male Cuckoo still singing on the south side

610 Swifts

205 Canada Geese


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Hopefully this is the correct thread, it's certainly close; yesterday around 11:50am driving up the Atherleigh Way (A579) near the Flash (between St Helens Road and the Sports Village), hundreds of swifts overhead.


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First summer Ringed Plover on the spit late morning but no sign of the first summer Arctic Tern after mid-morning.

Info thanks to Phil Rhodes


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This morning's highlights:

First summer Arctic Tern, appeared over the flash early morning (not present first thing) and still present at 10am

Four adult Common Terns (only one present first thing in the morning)

Three Ringed Plovers flew in from the W/NW early morning and flew low across the flash, alighting only very briefly on the sailing club shore

Three Redshanks on Ramsdales Scrape

Four drake Shovelers on Ramsdales Scrape

Male Cuckoo singing from the south side again throughout the morning

Swift numbers remain high, with just over 800 over the eastern side pre 7am, birds then spreading across a wider area before the onset of rain around 8:30 when two large feeding flocks over the eastern side numbered 1150

c70 House Martins

Two adult Great Black-backed Gulls


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Seven Sanderlings flew west at 08:56 this morning and the Cuckoo was still singing on the south side.

Info thanks to Phil Rhodes


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This early morning’s highlights:

Male Cuckoo still singing in the East Bay area

830 Swifts feeding over trees at the eastern end of the site in an impressive flock, dispersing slightly later on over the south side and some over the water too

34 Swallows at the western end

3 Common Terns

Plenty of warblers now feeding fledged young


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This morning, two adult Mediterranean Gulls, three Common Terns and four Black-tailed Godwits flew SW.

Info thank to Bill Harrison


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This evening saw highlights of, six drake Pochard, a Redshank, Little Egret flew SW, two Oystercatchers and 144 Swifts.

Info thanks to Phil Rhodes


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Drake common scoter this morning, at times apparently displaying to coots! Also 2 common terns.


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Male Cuckoo on the south side this morning, also two Common Terns and at least 80 Swifts.

Info thanks to Bill Harrison


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There was a singing Sedge Warbler showing well about noon at the western end of the flash: on the path to Mossley Hall. I often get Sedge here.


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Full circuit mid-afternoon for me today, partly in a vain attempt to see Garden Warbler and Lesser Whitethroat (or at least hear to know more precisely where to look) - no joy

Warblers - a reasonable selection:

  • Willow Warbler - loads singing away
  • Chiffchaff - quite a few singing - managed to spot one but only because it was sitting at the top of a semi-dead tree, not worth trying with full leaf cover
  • Blackcap - loads singing all over the place, managed to (separately) spot both a male and a female
  • Whitethroat - only a few singing - got a brief view of one, they seemed to be skulking (a la Blackcap) rather than singing from prominences
  • Reed Warbler - actually got a good view of one singing away (from the "bench viewpoint" on the other side from the carpark - East Bay "hide"?), first time I've had a good view at Pennington rather than the usual song but no sight or fleeting sightings, I think it was also feeding a juvenile
  • Cetti's Warbler - heard several but just as I got close to the Tom Edmonson hide one "exploded" and I managed to see it fly through the trees before it "exploded" again

Most places I'm familiar with seem to have Sedge Warbler environment between the Reed Warblers and the woodland warblers - Pennington Flash seems to be missing that kind of terrain.

Waterfowl, etc:

  • Obviously Mallards, Coots, Moorhens, GC Grebe, Mute Swans, Cormorants and Canada geese - some Mallards and Canada Geese with young
  • Gadwall - lots some with ducklings
  • Tufted Duck - only a few
  • Shovelor - a few, saw one pair displaying - not seen that before
  • Little Grebe - in more than one place but what looked like a pair from the Tom Edmonson hide with one feeding a juvenile
  • Mandarin Duck - the male's still on the canal in the little Ackers Fold inlet - no sign of a female

Tits - at Bunting hide:

  • Willow Tit - kept on coming back
  • Coal Tit - at least 2
  • Great Tit - eventually
  • No Blue, no Long-tailed - funny to have the least common first and some of the others not even there

Some of the Black-headed Gulls have got big, dumpy, fluffy chicks

Several other species, but nothing of particular interest



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Full circuit mid-afternoon today, mainly for surveying breeding birds but highlights of five singing Cetti's Warblers, five family parties of Willow Tits, single Common Tern and 120 House Martins tight to the Western end reeds.


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Fairly quiet look about this morning, highlights being singing Garden Warbler and Lesser Whitethroat at the western end, 3 Little egret in trees at the west end and 3 Shoveler around Ramsdales


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This morning, 420 Swifts, 40 House Martins, 3 Common Terns, 1 Oystercatcher, 3 Shovelers.


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Cuckoo calling this morning c.6.30 on the South side of the flash and then heard just after 8 on the north side of canal from the rucks Only other bits of note were 2 freshly fledged Grey Wagtail on the sailing club shore, a pair of Greylag geese with at least one Gosling also here. Singing Lesser Whitethroat again along Slag Lane in bushes around the Borehole.


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Early this morning a singing male Cuckoo flew NW over Ramsdales Ruck towards Bickershaw, having probably flown over from the south side of the flash. Also present, three Common Terns and 130 Swifts.


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Cuckoo singing from around the nature reserve area this morning.

Info thanks to Barry Hulme


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No sign of any sanderling or dunlin at the sailing club. Unfortunately this appears to be the only shoreline available at the moment due to high water levels.

1 common sandpiper at the sailing club

3 common terns



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This morning, 

2 sanderling on the sailing club shore with a single dunlin.

1 common tern

1 goosander, female on the spit

2 adult great black-backed gulls



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Late afternoon today:

4 Turnstones still on this spit, with a single Dunlin (possibly arctica)

Two Sanderlings flew straight through with a single Dunlin at 3:35pm, quite quickly followed by another three waders (one larger than the other two, the larger bird most probably a Ringed Plover) which flashing through at speed across the southern side of the flash in the ‘murk’ defied definitive identification

2 Common Terns

860 Swifts, numbers swelled enormously at one point by a huge column of birds over the eastern side of the flash, total numbers could well have exceeded four figures 

240 House Martins, mainly low over the southern side of the flash near the East Bay (not a Sand Martin in sight?)

138 Swallows, pretty much all at the very western end

1 Redshank

Female Goosander on the sailing club shore

1 adult Great Black-backed Gull


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This morning,

14 dunlin on the sailing club shore, flushed by dog walker and may have left. All summer plumage birds.

4 turnstones on the spit

1 cuckoo calling on the ruck

1 common tern

150 swifts

100 house martins



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A Whimbrel flew north at 4:40pm today, also present 85 Swifts, 37 House Martins, 2 Common Terns and 5 Dunlin on the spit up to 7pm.

Info thanks to Phil Rhodes


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This evening, a rufous (hepatic) female Cuckoo perched briefly by Ramsdales scrape (photo on the website) and a female Pochard was resting on the spit.

Info thanks to Phil Rhodes 


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Cuckoo singing again just south of the canal at the back of Teal scrape this early morning. Also, 2 Common Terns, 2 drake Shovelers, Willow Tits with young, Little Egret and 93 Swifts.


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This morning, Cuckoo singing, 2 Common Terns, Little Egret and 21 Swifts.

Info thanks to Bill Harrison


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Whilst out on my bike ride this morning I stopped on the old railway bridge over the brook and had a brief sighting of a Dipper. It flew upstream towards the bypass bridge but I wasnt able to relocate it. 

Some of my photos. www.flickr.com/photos/nickish77

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This morning, single Dunlin on Ramsdales Scrape, adult Great Black-backed Gull, singing Garden Warbler at the western end, adult Little Egret.


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This morning, singles of Dunlin, Common Sandpiper and Common Tern, two adult Great Black-backed Gulls and 33 Swifts.


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