This morninga highlights were 2 adult Whooper Swana over high West at c 8.40, single Raven North over just after, pair of Wigeon just off the spit. c.60 Shoveler, 20 Goosander, drake Mandarin and c.30 Goldeneye in the 3 ice breaks around the flash. Around the reserve area, Single Great White Egret, 3 Redpoll, 9 Siskin and 3 Great Spotted Woodpecker.
This afternoon Most of flash frozen except for small area around Horrocks spit and car park area. Lots of birds concentrated in small areas:
300+ Mallard
2 Great egrets
34 Shoveler
144 Teal
64 Gadwall
34 Goldeneye
10 Goosander
3 Snipe
8 Grey herons
1 Kingfisher on Westleigh brook
2 Willow tit sightings Bunting hide
Sightings this morning included a pair of Shelduck, 2 drake Pochard, single Little egret, c.100 Lapwing on the reappearing spit and the Oystercatcher also there
This morning's highlights included 4 scattered sightings of Great White Egret which could feasibly have all related to one roaming bird, at least 3 Little Egret. 8 Pink footed Geese flew west c. 10am, 23 Greylag geese on the spit. c. 20 Siskin over the west end of the ruck, and small numbers of Redwing in various locations around the site. A lot of paths flooded but the water moving about the area very quickly so some were passable an hour after being under a foot or so of water.
Mandarin 2, male and female at Plank lane marina, seen copulating
Great white egret 2
Little egret 3
Goosander 7
Goldeneye 15
Pochard 1 drake
The drake mandarin has been mainly at Plank lane marina but occasionally on the flash for at least two years. When it first arrived it had a purple ring but that must have dropped off because it's not had it for at least 18 months. I think that the male was most likely an escape from a collection, because of the ring but also because it will approach quite close when people start chucking bread. The female appeared at the beginning of September and has been much more sparodic in it's appearances, in fact before Thursday I hadn't seen it since the end of October. It doesn't have a leg ring and is much more wary, today it was the only duck that didn't swim towards a child with bread. I suspect that this is a wild bred bird from some local population.
This morning a pair of mandarins were displaying at Plank lane marina. This is presumably the long staying male and and the female from a few weeks ago. I'm assuming that this also the same male that was seen displaying to a pair of mallard in Ramsdales yesterday.
Also this morning, single great white egret and little egret.
3 Pochard 1 Little Egret, on the brook near Lapwing Hide 2 Kingfisher, 1 on the Canal and 1 in Pengys. 3 Cettis Warber, all heard only 3 Willow Tit 17 Redwing 11 Redpoll on the canal.
1 Great White Egret flew across the length of the flash and dropped into the western end
An excellent gull roost (positionally as they were all just off Sorrow Cow) but with worsening rain I left 15 minutes before dusk and gulls were still piling in, though nothing scarce/rare was picked out before that
Two skeins of Pink-footed Geese over west, with 160 at 15:04, quickly followed by 130 at 15:05
4 drake Pochard
First winter Caspian Gull seen briefly early then disappeared and only refound close to dusk, certainly not the Moses Gate CP bird (very record photos attached but some, still pretty poor, videos on the website)
2 adult Yellow-legged Gulls, including the small bird from the 30th November and a new bird which showed well until it fell asleep as soon as I decided to take photos of it!
3210 Herring Gulls
78 Great Black-backed Gulls (75 of which were adults)
The presumed Siberian chiffchaff tristis was with a flock of long-tailed tits on the ruck near to the 5-bar metal gate just west of the leaning posts, where you can get a good view of Ramsdales reedbed. I initially had a very brief view of a chiffchaff with a distinct pale supercilium in a birch tree. It then flew over my head and landed in a tree 3m behind me on the ruck, but unfortunately I was looking right into the bright sun, so I could get no colouration on the bird. It was just a tail-pumping silhouette. The bird called twice, a bullfinch like call quite unlike a common chiffchaff collybita. Then it was gone, it flew over the pond and into the trees. I didn't see it again. I'm saying presumed rather than definite just because I didn't see it as well as I would like and the call doesn't completely rule out other races of chiffchaff, though how likely they are to be seen in the UK I couldn't say. Perhaps rarer than tristis!
Over the past four or five winters I've spent a lot of time at the sewage works at Martin Mere watching and listening to the several tristis that over winter there. I have no doubt that what I heard was this race.
20 Little Egrets, nearly all on the edge of Ramsdales Scrape at one brief point before heading off one or two at a time to roost
6 Great White Egrets
Bittern flew across Ramsdales into the reedbed at around 3:30pm (from the direction of the ‘nature reserve’), for one brief second with three other ’herons’ in the same field of view
2860 Herring Gulls in the roost
Also, a leucistic adult Herring Gull at dusk (and long distance), with fairly normal looking argenteus mantle colour, slightly paler looking wing coverts and very faded darker on the very outer primaries only visible at as high a magnification as the light would allow and fortuitously as the bird very kindly wing flapped at one point but whilst Phil and I always thought the bird looked like a Herring Gull it still gave a few brief seconds of hope for an Iceland Gull!
20 Little Egrets, nearly all on the edge of Ramsdales Scrape at one brief point before heading off one or two at a time to roost
6 Great White Egrets
Bittern flew across Ramsdales into the reedbed at around 3:30pm (from the direction of the ‘nature reserve’), for one brief second with three other ’herons’ in the same field of view
Ring ouzel 1 1st winter. Possibly the most surprising bird of the year for me, it was down on the ruck, between the footbridge over the canal and trees about 200m west. It was very vocal, which is what attracted my attention to it, and quite mobile flying around a circuit which included trees on both sides of the canal. I'm assuming that on such a late date the northerly winds have brought this bird from northern Europe rather than in being a late UK bird. This is the latest ring ouzel I have seen in the UK by over a month and a first for Pennington Flash for me. Photos attached.
Fieldfare 8 on the ruck, though not with the ring ouzel.
From 10pm. Similar sightings to Colin Davies with additions of - Water rail - 1 Infront of Horrock hide . Spit- Lapwings - 6 . Oystercatcher 2. Main lake - Kingfisher -1 ( across). Gooseanders several ( no count). Lots of Cormorant. Several Grey heron. Ruck- Stonechat - 1f. Meadow pipit -15. Redwing - approximately 40 . Charlie Owen hide - Shoveler duck - 22.
Late news for 12/11/24 , 15.30 - 16.15 , at least! 3 Great White Egret and 4 Little Egret in Ramsdales bay/reed bed, also 5 Water Rail heard calling and 33 Pink footed Geese NE
Drake Mandarin along the southern shore of the ruck
A pair of Wigeon
At least one drake Pochard
12 Goldeneye, including one adult drake
11 Goosanders, also including one drake
3 Great White Egrets and at least 5 Little Egrets
Noticeable decrease in Great Black-backed Gull numbers in the gull roost, which in itself was a decent size, but also a noticeable increase in argentatus Herring Gull numbers too
Cetti's Warbler around the shoreline bushes by Sorrow Cow Pond
Highlights of a wander around this morning: 3 Great White Egrets together on Pengys, 8 Little Egrets together near the Fox Scrape, 1 Water Rail (heard only).
2 Stonechat and a Meadow Pipit on the ruck.
31 Pink-footed Geese flew east just south of the flash at 08:55 but then veered north and finally back around NW, perhaps not liking the look of the murk to the east over Manchester
2 Goldeneye
6 Goosanders
Still plenty of egret action but the too and fro of them across the flash makes counting very difficult, at least three Great White Egrets and maybe half a dozen Little Egrets
1 Dunlin flew through east at 08:51
19 Great Black-backed Gulls were on the spit first thing, left over from the evening’s roost and through the early morning a further 42 also flew over NE in small continuous flocks
Great white egret 7 (4 in Ramsdales, 1 Tom Edmondson hide, 1 east bay reed bed and 1 at the western end. The first 6 were seen within minutes of each other, the 7th was in it's usual place at the western end about 15 minutes later and I see no reason to assume that it was one of the six).
Little egret 14 a new record count at the flash for me.
Pochard 2
Goldeneye 2 including a nice adult male, my first of the winter.
Mediterranean gull 1 adult in the roost, apparently a different bird to that which has been seen recently.
Sadly no hawfinches passing over the ruck for me this morning, in fact a very quiet passage with no woodpigeons, thrushes or pipits seen or heard. I was a bit late though, probably all passed over before 8:30.