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Another 110 pink-footed geese flew south west at 9:30am.



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This morning's highlights included:

204 Pink-footed Geese in two skeins, with 132 flying in from the SE at 07:25 then splitting into two with a skeins of 76 then heading east and another of 56 heading NW towards the Ribble; another skeins of 72 also flew in from the SE heading directly N/NW towards the Ribble also, an unusual flight path from here.

1 Little Egret

1 adult Mediterranean Gull

1 juvenile Great Black-backed Gull

3 Kingfishers around Ramsdales

197 Swallows flew SE in 12 flocks up to 08:30 when passage all but stopped

3 seperate Grey Wagtails high south over the ruck

84 Meadow Pipits south over the ruck in singles or very small flocks

1 Blackcap in with a tit flock around The Point

1 Raven NW early morning

3 Rooks SE together

5 Linnets flew over the ruck together from the N/NW landing in shoreline trees but presumably flew off south as they could not be relocated later


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Late post for yesterday. Great white Egret from Ramsdales hide at 11 am


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A much quieter day today, with the highlight being 4 wigeon on the flash and a couple of little egrets. For the first time in nearly two weeks I didn't see the great white egret or the common sandpiper.


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Ian McKerchar wrote:


c15 Wigeon in a flock early morning, may have been down on the water but as I just caught them flying off west (with a few Teal mixed in) I only had seconds before they disappeared behind trees so it was a rough count


They were definitely on the water, just off the point. I counted 13 though it wasn't easy, they were against the bright  sunlight for me from the sailing club. I could have easily missed one or two. There was also a drake pochard with them.



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Sightings from this morning included:

132 Pink-footed Geese over, with 22 east at 07:45 (coming from the Ribble direction) and 110 west at 08:47 heading towards the Ribble 

c15 Wigeon in a flock early morning, may have been down on the water but as I just caught them flying off west (with a few Teal mixed in) I only had seconds before they disappeared behind trees so it was a rough count

1 Common Sandpiper still on the sailing club shore

1 Redshank

7 Swallows SE

2 Skylarks still on the ruck

9 single Grey Wagtails south over the ruck up to 9am

146 Meadow Pipits south over the ruck in small flocks and ones and twos up to 09:15, though birds were still moving south after this

17 Chiffchaffs on and around the ruck

2 Willow Tits together on the ruck in amongst a large Long-tailed Tit flock

17 Greenfinches south over the ruck with a largest flock of 16!

7 Chaffinches south over the ruck in ones and twos

7 Bullfinch down around the ruck


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Difficult viewing early morning due to thick fog, however the common sandpiper was still at the sailing club plus great white egret and at least four little egrets still.


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Great White Egret present at the western end at 5:45pm and then presumably the same bird but perhaps a second was from there Tom Edmondson hide at 7pm.

An adult Mediterranean Gull also roosted.

Info thanks to Phil Rhodes


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Other birds seen this morning included 2 Black tailed Godwit on Ramsdales scrapes, single Shelduck flew west c.9am, Yellow Wagtail flew south over the rucks c.7.50, Reed warbler in with mixed flock at the Western end. c. 30 Chiffchaff around the site and several Goldcrest in with mixed tit flocks


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A three egret day already at the flash, with cattle egret just having flown over south east. Great white on the side of the ruck and at least 3 little egrets still present. Common sandpiper and drake mandarin at the sailing club.

-- Edited by colin davies on Sunday 15th of September 2024 10:33:49 AM


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This morning's highlights:

40+ Greylag Geese in a single skein flew low NE just west of the flash

1 Shelduck

1 Wigeon over high west at 08:19

4 female/immature Goosanders flew through west

1 Great White Egret

1 Ringed Plover over high west at 08:29

1 Common Sandpiper

3 Snipe over, with 2 together North and a single bird SE

1 Mediterranean Gull

3 adult Great Black-backed Gulls

Juvenile Black Tern (found by Colin Davies)

68 Swallows though SE and some also north

34 House Martins through SE

1 Grey Wagtail over Ramsdales Ruck high west

69 Meadow Pipits south (and a single bird west) over Ramsdales Ruck up to 8am when their passage seemed to stop

11 Chiffchaffs around Ramsdales Ruck


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Also this morning, a hobby over the western end before disappearing behind the trees at Mossley Hall Farm. 


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Some highlights from this morning:

218 Pink-footed Geese over in 3 skeins, with c130 SE at 08:19, immediately followed by anther 31 both skeins from the Ribble direction, then anther 57 E/SE at 08:33 from the Mersey direction. Another skein heard at 09:30 but I was in thick tree cover at the time so couldn't see them.

8 Greylag Geese east at 07:45

176 Tufted Ducks

1 Great White Egret in Ramsdales

4+ Little Egrets

Coot have increased fairly dramatically since August and now number just over 1000 in total

1 Redshank

2 Common Sandpipers on the sailing club shore

1 Swift feeding over the western end for at least 15/20 minutes

4 Kingfishers with 2 at the western end and at least 2 in and around Ramsdales

160+ Swallows gathering on telephone wires around Whittles Fields on the south side in the early morning

41 Meadow Pipits over south up to 09:20, with a largest flock of 8 birds

16+ Chiffchaffs around Ramsdales Ruck with some in full song

5 Jays on Ramsdales Ruck


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This afternoon, 

Common sandpiper 2 at the sailing club

Common scoter 2 still

Great white egret 2

Little egret 4



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This morning 6:45 - 8:30

Pink-footed geese 27 heading west

Common sandpiper 1 at the sailing club

Common scoter 2 females / immatures

Egyptian goose 6

Swallow 21



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A full circuit this afternoon,

Common scoter 2 still in the middle. One bird raised itself out of the water to reveal a brown belly so presumably a female

Shoveler 31 in Ramsdales

Great white egret 1 at the western end reedbed



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This morning's highlights included:

157 Tufted Ducks

2 female/immature Common Scoters still present

1 Great White Egret

1 Peregrine over south

1 Redshank flew in from the east or up off the spit just prior to 7am and circled calling for a while, looking to land on the sailing club shore at one point but eventually headed off west

6 Great Black-backed Gulls with 3 on the water and another 3 though NW together

1 Swift through SE at 08:22

2 Swallows SE

3 House Martins SE

4 individual Grey Wagtails high south over Ramsdales Ruck

21 Chiffchaffs, with 18 on and around Ramsdales Ruck, including a tight little flock of 11 birds feeding tree to tree together and a further 3 around the SW reedbed area

Flock of 7 Greenfinch south over Ramsdales Ruck

25+ Goldfinch moving west at the western end of Ramsdales Ruck



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This evening, Great White Egret, 2 Common Scoters and 6 Great Black-backed Gulls roosted.

Info thanks to Phil Rhodes 


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This afternoon, 2:30pm, two juvenile common scoter in the middle. This is the 3rd consecutive day that I've found scoter in the afternoon having not seen them in the morning.


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This morning, 

Knot 1 juvenile at sailing club 

Common sandpiper 2 at sailing club

Great white egret 1 on side of ruck 



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This morning at 6.45, common sandpiper at the sailing club, this evening 5.30 3 common scoter, male, female and probably a juvenile. 

Great white egret now seems a permanent fixture on the side of the ruck.


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Mid-morning today:

7 Egyptian Geese off the main car park

144 Tufted Ducks

2 Great White Egrets

1 Black-tailed Godwit, flew in and tried (unsuccessfully) to land on the spit before heading off west

26 House Martins W/NW

2 seperate Grey Wagtails SW over Ramsdales Ruck

1 Willow Warbler and at least 7 Chiffchaffs mixed in with a large tit flock at the western end



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Early afternoon, 

Common scoter 5, 4 drakes, 1 female

Great white egret 1

Egyptian goose 5



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A morning of some movement it seems with visible migration counts made from Ramsdales Ruck up to 08:45:

Drake Common Scoter

7 Egyptian Geese still (5 by the sailing club and 2 on the spit)

2 Great White Egrets, together at one point

5 Little Egrets

530+ Lapwings disturbed from the spit and Ramsdales early morning, some of which flew off west

3+ Ringed Plovers appeared to fly east at 07:05, though I wasn't convinced more could have been involved as I was fairly obscured and only saw three but it sounded like there could well have been more

1 Redshank flew through west

1 Common Sandpiper

5 Great Black-backed Gulls

2 Great Spotted Woodpeckers flew separately east across Ramsdales Ruck and down into Ramsdales/the 'nature reserve' area

543 Swallows mainly SE in 29 flocks, with a largest flock of 77 birds

78 House Martins SE in 2 flocks

5 single Grey Wagtails flying high over Ramsdales Ruck pre-8am, 4 heading due south and 1 SE

31 Meadow Pipits over south in 11 flocks/singles, a largest of 7 birds together and a further 2/3 birds down on the ruck

1 Tree Pipit actually flushed from an area close to the memorial bench on the ruck at 08:42 which flew off strongly south

9 Chiffchaffs on and around the ruck

1 Linnet over west


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A quick look this morning revealed,

Common scoter 1 drake in middle drifting towards spit

Great white egret 1 on edge of ruck

Little egret 3

Egyptian goose 5 at sailing club



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This morning 6.45 - 8.45,

Tree pipit 1 calling over the ruck

Yellowhammer 1 on ruck

Great white egret 2 one at the western end, the other on side of ruck. Seen at the same time.

Little egret 3

House martin 50+ Sorrowcow farm

Swallow 10

Reed warbler 1 in sub song at the point of the ruck.


-- Edited by colin davies on Friday 6th of September 2024 03:49:12 PM


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Mid afternoon the great white egret was at the west end reedbed with a little egret. This morning a new (for me) black-headed gull with a white darvic ring EVR6, apparently ringed in Holland but I'm currently awaiting exact details.



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This morning;

1 Great White Egret

4 Little Egrets

14 Shovelers

7 Egyptian Geese (including one on the high bank of The Point)

2 Siskins south over Ramsdales Ruck

4 Meadow Pipits down on Ramsdales Ruck

53 House Martins

22+ Swallows

c500 Woodpigeons in a single flock seemingly having come up from farmland west of the flash

1 Willow Warbler and 6 Chiffchaffs around Ramsdales Ruck

4 Great Black-backed Gulls



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This morning, great white egret showed well in Ramsdales before moving to Tom Edmondson hide. Also 7 Egyptian geese at the sailing club.

-- Edited by colin davies on Wednesday 4th of September 2024 09:41:25 AM


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Great White Egret from the Tom Edmondson hide late afternoon today, making its way into Pengys. Also a Ringed Plover flew in from the east and into Ramsdales.

Info thanks to Phil Rhodes


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This morning, 

Ringed plover 1 1st winter at sailing club

Egyptian geese 7

Skylark 2 on ruck 

Willow warbler 2+ on ruck


Late news from yesterday evening, eclipse drake mandarin off the lorry park at Sorrowcow farm.



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Late afternoon today, a single Willow Warbler was in shoreside bushes near to Sorrow Cow Pond.


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This morning:

1 Great White Egret

7 Little Egrets

1 Willow Warbler on the western side of Ramsdales Ruck

114 Tufted Ducks, pushed into Ramsdales by a swimmer

1 Common Sandpiper

33 Teal

3 Great Black-backed Gulls

2 Meadow Pipits down on Ramsdales Ruck

28 Swallows heading SE


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An hour in Horrock's hide during the thunderstorm this late afternoon failed to produce the hoped for black tern but the black-necked grebe was still present in East Bay to 4.30pm at least. Attached are a couple more photos of this mornings whimbrel.

-- Edited by colin davies on Sunday 1st of September 2024 06:11:45 PM


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Yes, heard the Whimbrel calling several times when I was on Byron lane c.9.05 so must have been having a fly about then. 2 Grey Wagtails on the sailing club shore and c. 20 Swallow over this area.


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After leaving the ruck I headed to Horrock's hide and viewed the whimbrel on the spit, still present until 9am when it appeared to leave, but then returned again.

Earlier two tree pipits calling over the ruck for me which I assume must be different to Ian's one was at 7.15am, the other near the gorse at 8.30am.



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A good start to the month this morning thanks to the following highlights:

1 Black-necked Grebe in with the Tufted Duck flock off the car park early morning

1 Whimbrel flew in calling from the west at 08:04 and landed on the spit. Shortly after it flew a noisy circuit of the flash and appeared to head off east only to return, then flew off quite far and high to the SW but once again returned. 

1 Ringed Plover, heard only quite high over the flash (I thought it was flying east and Andy Isherwood thought it was flying west biggrin)

3 Tree Pipits south together over Ramsdales Ruck at 07:28

1 juvenile Wheatear on Ramsdales Ruck

1 Great White Egret, showing well in Ramsdales (including on Ramsdales Scrape) early morning and then later towards 9am presumably the same bird flew across and landed on the south shore

1 Common Sandpiper on the south shore of Ramsdales Ruck, later flew into Ramsdales

110+ House Martins in a single flock SE at 08:32

38 Swallows SE

2 Sand Martins SE

6 Chiffchaffs on and around Ramsdales Ruck

6+ Little Egrets

7 Egyptian Geese on the spit early morning

1 adult Great Black-backed Gull



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Two Great White Egrets together in Ramsdales at 6:40pm at least this evening.

Info thanks to Phil Rhodes


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Also this morning, a 1st winter black-headed gull with a white darvic ring AFE43, a new one for me,  apparently ringed in Germany. I'll post details here when I get them.

-- Edited by colin davies on Friday 30th of August 2024 09:20:31 PM


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This morning's highlights included:

3+ Tree Pipits south over Ramsdales Ruck, with a single fairly low at 7am and at least two together at 7:45

7+ Little Egrets

2 Redshank flew in at 08:28 and appeared to continue west

40+ Greylag Geese flew in and then presumably flew out again as I couldn't see them on the water and couldn't get a more accurate count due to me being obstructed by trees!

Single Meadow Pipit flew low west over Ramsdales Ruck and could well have dropped in

Juvenile Cetti's Warbler attempting to sing on the south shore of Ramsdales Ruck just west of The Point

14 Chiffchaffs and 11 Goldcrests on and around Ramsdales Ruck

7 Egyptian Geese, though now with 4 on the sailing club shore and 3 on the spit

63 Swallow feeding south of the flash with some moving off SE but some remaining

Kingfisher low across Ramsdales Ruck, cutting the corner off to get to Ramsdales!

1 adult Great Black-backed Gull


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A Greenshank was heard this morning, a Raven flew over and 4 Little Egrets were present.

Info thanks to Barry Hulme


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Other highlights this early morning included:

1 Merlin fairly high fast S/SE over the eastern side of the site at 07:46

32 Swifts SE up to 9am in small flocks, the largest of 14

87+ Swallows SE in several flocks up to 9am

6 House Martins SE

1 Whitethroat on Ramsdales Ruck

9+ Chiffchaffs on Ramsdales Ruck

1 Linnet W over Ramsdales Ruck at 08:47

1 juvenile Great Black-backed Gull on the spit


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This morning 6.30 - 10am, partly with Ian,

Wheatear 1 on the ruck, my first at the flash this year

Peregrine 1 flew east distantly from the ruck

Little egret 7

Swift 14

Egyptian goose 7

Tufted duck - a quick scan of the flash from outside Horrock's hide produced 81 birds which included 76 males and the nasal saddle female CH1

Also the black-headed gull with the white darvic Norwegian ring J3260 on the car park.

-- Edited by colin davies on Wednesday 28th of August 2024 10:34:15 AM


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Groundhog Day at the flash this morning,

Ringed plover 1 juvenile present at the sailing club until at least 4pm

Egyptian goose 7 at the sailing club

Little egret 4+

Swift 12 over the ruck

Great black-backed gull 3 (2 adults & juvenile)

Tufted duck 50+ including a flock containing 42 males & 1 female




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This evening 2 juvenile black-necked grebes still at 7pm, also 5 little egrets. 


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Adult Mediterranean Gull roosted yesterday evening.

Info thanks to Phil Rhodes


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Two juvenile black-necked grebes still present at 1pm, back in the middle of the flash, despite three yachts on the water.


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Best I could manage of the black-necked grebes in the murk at 7am. In the middle at first, then close in at the sailing club.


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Highlights from this morning:

2 juvenile Black-necked Grebes (first seen by Colin)

Juvenile Ringed Plover still on the sailing club shore

7 Egyptian Geese

2 Little Egrets

62 Tufted Ducks (including the seemingly resident nasal saddled female)

26 House Martins

14 Swallows

8 Swifts

5 Great Black-backed Gulls (3 adults and 2 juveniles)



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This afternoon just as the light rain started,

Ringed plover 1 juvenile still at the sailing club

Common tern 2 at the western end

Swift at least 25 swirling around western end

House martin 30

Sand martin 10

Little egret 1



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