Short visit to the Vale this morning produced a Kingfisher just upstream of the viaduct, we sat on the bench had a brew and watched as it dived into slack water, perched on a low branch, shook itself then preened we watched this for 15 minutes or more as it went through the same procedure twice per minute it was exhausting....
Two female Bullfinch were the other highlights amongst the 28 species recorded.
Whilst fishing on the River Tame yesterday two Dippers landed almost at my feet, one was so shocked to find a dinosaur on the bank it actually fell in the river, panicked then managed to compose itself and flew upstream the other flew the opposite way but a few minutes later passed me heading upstream. A priceless encounter for me but not sure about the Dippers.
Still largely iced over but in the clear water area:
3 Shoveler (2m, if). Pair in circling display plus a spare male Wigeon (1m) Black Swan taking bread Little Grebe Mute Swan 3 Mandarin Ducks 13 Plus usuals
A reliable report (with photo) of a Cetti's Warbler last Tuesday (16th) in the river bank vegetation adjacent to Sunnyside Wood
Temperature on arrival at 09.05 was a welcome 0C on departure at 10.30 a more welcome 1C.
Black Swan on Main pond in just a small area of open water other birds of note single male Eurasian Wigeon and one female Bullfinch, lots of the expected usuals.
12 Mandarin Ducks (my first time ever seeing them! :D) 1 Buzzard 2 Goosanders (A male and a female) 2 Cormorants 3 Ring-necked Parakeets 1 European Goldfinch 1 Treecreeper 1 Heron
Plenty of robins and blue tits
-- Edited by yuliababiarz on Saturday 9th of December 2023 03:52:15 PM
Sat 6th May. A very productive afternoon adventure with Lucas after his football class.
Of note.. - 1 Cormorant over - 1 pr Little Grebe - few Mandarin around - 1 Great Spotted Woodpecker - 2 Stock Dove near visitor centre - 1 pr Goldcrest up close - 2 Ring-necked Parakeets - 1 Grey Wagtail - 1 Willow Warbler - 3 or 4 Chiffchaff - 3 or 4 Blackcap - lots of Swift, Sand Martin, and a few Swallow over the lodges
-- Edited by Rob Creek on Monday 8th of May 2023 05:40:48 PM
-- Edited by Rob Creek on Monday 8th of May 2023 05:54:30 PM
-- Edited by Rob Creek on Monday 8th of May 2023 09:18:32 PM
This morning between 09.15/12.15, temp was 0C on arrival and 4C on departure, two of the ponds were still frozen over but the main pond was 20% clear. We walked from Reddish Vale school down to the Visitor Centre and over to the motorway bridge near Denton and then back again.
38 species recorded with the highlights being Greenfinch (not often seen here by us) Redwing 13, Fieldfare 1, Song and Mistle Thrush 2 of each, all seen opposite the farm. Two Nuthatch seen on feed tray by Sunnyside Wood.
This morning 10.30/12.30 we had a lovely walk around and found 31 species with the highlights being four Bullfinch, one smart looking male in particular, one Grey Wagtail and a Sparrowhawk on the hunt.
Today 10.00 /12.00 on arrival temperature was -5C on departure -2C with only a small piece of open water on the bigger pond.
Just upstream of the viaduct on the River Tame the Little Egret was stood on the exposed gravel run catching some sun.
A new tick for the week was a single Goldfinch then some twenty minutes later a small charm flew over.
As I walked further up towards Denton three Lapwing flew over towards Stockport another tick for the week after a short stop at the visitor centre for a brew six Collared Doves were located at the Community Garden huddled together. Finally the last notable of the morning was a Peregrine being escorted off the reserve by six Jackdaw.
Today 11.30/14.00, temp was 0C on arrival and had gone up to 1C on departure, mainly a fishing visit on the Tame but had a quick walk around the ponds which were nearly all frozen over.
Managed another new species in the form of a very vocal Jay then around 13.00ish about 100 Canada Geese dropped in on the larger pond. I scanned through them before departing but could find no other species of goose.
A chap told me he had photographed a Goldcrest near the visitor centre earlier in the day, he had also seen a singe Fieldfare and he had heard told of a Common Sandpiper.
Several Robins visited me whilst I fished this was because I was feeding them maggots for a few hours.
This morning 09.15/11.30, temperature 0C on arrival and a tropical 2C on departure !
Song Thrush was added to the growing list along with the usuals. A Sparrowhawk pursued a Blackbird across the river but missed its target and sulked in a tree for fifteen minutes.
The Visitor Centre is normally open from Wednesday until Sunday 12.00/15.30 warm drinks and snacks can usually be purchased.
This morning 09.30/11.30 temperature on arrival -2C on departure it had risen to -1C
Managed to catch up with the delightful Little Egret on the River Tame and then add another 7 species with the most notable being a Common Snipe flyover, 1 x Sparrowhawk and x 1 Common Gull in amongst the Black-headed Gulls c100.
I think that is 45 species in 24 hours for the Vale.
-- Edited by Tony Koziol on Monday 12th of December 2022 02:09:26 PM
We had 31 species this morning most notable being Goldcrest and Great Spotted Woodpecker. Managed to miss six from the list Chris had, so at least 37 species around the Vale this morning, great stuff.
Sat 16th July Nice visit with Lucas after his football class.
Of note - a single Tufted Duck - few Mandarin - 1 Kingfisher (in flight over main pond) - c20 Sand Martin - c10 Swallow - 2 Swift - 2 Blackcap - 1 Chiffchaff - 1 Common Buzzard circling over - 1 Sparrowhawk being harassed by Sand Martins - Canada Goose with golf ball size lump on its face
Sat 11th June. Lunchtime visit after Lucass football class.
Of note.. - 4 Sand Martin - 3 Grey Wagtail (2 young) - 2 Chiffchaff - 1 Blackcap - few Mandarin around - Mute Swan pair 4DND + 4DNF + 3 cygnets Very aggressive behaviour (to be expected I suppose) from Cob 4DND. He took 2 Canada Geese under and tried to drown them, and battered and nipped numerous others if they were too close to his cygnets.
The trouble is Rob, these drugged up morons are likely to be carrying weapons, far too many incidents these days regarding stabbings so I'm not ready to be a statistic just yet !! as I have six species left to get on my British List........
Too many professional "dog walkers" these days who just let the six dogs they have off the lead to run around disturbing the wildlife, seen it on the river so many times. Down the Vale they seem to think its a game to let the dogs run around chasing the wildfowl, I avoid it down there now.
Youve got to consider your own personal safety and well-being Tony, assess first before doing anything. I know if it was me chances are I wouldve challenged them, I hate things like that.
Pardon the pun but one of my biggest PET hates is dogs running at or after wildlife, especially mammals and birds. It makes my blood boil. Its even worse if the animals have young with them.
On the River Tame fishing yesterday as it was the last day of the Coarse River fishing season, two Dippers were up and down the river then two Grey Wagtail delighted me and finally a Kingfisher put in an appearance.
Sadly around 19.00 two dope smoking morons decided to light a fire at a point along the footpath where a Poplar hade been blown over by the recent gales. This poor Poplar had been set on fire a few years ago by other morons and was eventually weakened hence it been snapped at its weakest point. I would guess the Poplars along the river must be fifty years old at least, I have fished the river for 22 years and they were huge then.
I asked myself do I challenge these morons or turn a blind eye.....sadly I turned chicken and packed up at 20.00 and went home. Should I have rang 999 and wasted tax payers money on such a call?
This year seems to be worse than others for bad behaviour, dog bags in trees and bushes, dogs let free to run in newly sown arable fields and scrambler bikes wherever they wish to go .
Sorry folks rant over and out of my Victor Meldrew persona.
Whilst fishing on the Tame today: a smashing Kingfisher landed in a Ash tree 10 yards away...bliss then to top that a fantastic female Peregrine kited overhead.
Our normal New Years day walk around delayed until yesterday, 26 species with the highlights being a Song Thrush in full voice, four Siskin, Bullfinch (f), Shoveler (m), three Little Grebe, Grey Wagtail and twenty one Mandarin.
Saturday morning toddlers football cancelled so called in with Lucas whilst in the area.
Of note - 6 Mute Swan (4DND, 4DNF, 4 Cyg) - Little Grebe family (on hidden lake) - c15 f Mandarin - 1 Swan Goose - 1 Muscovy Duck - c10-15 Sand Martin - 3 House Martin - 2 Common Swift - 3 singing Common Whitethroat (near arches) - 2 Blackcap - 2 Chiffchaff - 1 Greenfinch - 1 Sparrowhawk with tailing Sand Martins - 1 Common Buzzard low over the lodges