Good news, today CRT have (finally) committed to setting up a direct communications channel with our voluntary ecology and environmental management group. We brought up a lot of concerns today, but over the coming weeks if theres anything specific that anyone thinks ought to be mentioned to them, please let us know and we'll relay it. We don't know yet the extent to which they'll communicate with us their future plans, but when we do hear of anything we will be sure to let everyone here know.
The works are still in preparation at Elton. Apparently the disturbance is going to continue for an estimated 8 to 10 weeks and it is heartbreaking to see some of the most loved shrubs have been greatly cut back. One of which (below the wall) has always been great for migrants such as Spotted flycatcher and other Autumn warblers and Song thrush and others.
I cannot understand why so much disturbance is needed as this is the 2nd landslip (in a different section) that has occurred in the last few years. The first of which was repaired with little disturbance and destruction and was further "harder to reach" than this current slip
I'm hoping this won't affect the spring migration too much and all depends on the level of noise etc.
Which bird is ideal for keeping cakes in? I asked. The answer: a Bun-tin.
Just updating, that the men at the carpark area with the bright jackets are out this morning, Though I'm suspecting that this is for the landslip on the wall side because there is a small digger on a trailer near the canal close to where Bennie's was.
Which bird is ideal for keeping cakes in? I asked. The answer: a Bun-tin.
Disturbance at the carpark area has begun, they oddly were working on the reservoir side of the bridge, which I can't understand of what benefit this would have?
Which bird is ideal for keeping cakes in? I asked. The answer: a Bun-tin.