For local customers in Northwich a special arrangement may be possible to collect items for the time being. Please call 01925730399 if you are in this category.
From tomorrow (14th Jan 2021) Focalpoint is sad to say that we have to suspend our Click & Collect service that we had been running during Tier 4 and Lockdown periods. Scotland today announced a suspension of Click & Collect for non-essential retail outlets and the feeling is that this will also be implemented in England very soon. It has been a bit of a loophole with customers being able to travel much further than they would otherwise be advised to do under the current rules. To help stop uneccesary travel in the current high infection rate period we have decided to suspend this service now.
We are continuing to offer a mail order service and will be at the end of our phoneline to continue to help. Please call 01925730399 during normal opening hours (but preferably just Monday to Friday please). We will then answer all queries and arrange mail order if you need it. Please bear with us during this unprecedented period and we will still be there for all when things start to get better