Possible Siberian Chiffchaff near Bollington, 14th April.
Middle wood Way is an old disused railway line - it's now a 'green lane' for bikes and walkers. I have several good detailed photographs attached. It had all the signs of the Siberian race, black legs and bill, no yellow at all on head, breast and mantle. All pale buff and light brown-grey on ear coverts, crown and nape. Breast has buff hints and no yellow traces. Rump however has hints of pale green-yellow. However the call was not unlike the 'tsweep' of a chiffchaff but with a distinctive lift at the end. It stayed low in Hawthorn. I'm new to this forum so if this posts needs to be redirected then please do so.
-- Edited by Ian McKerchar on Friday 14th of April 2017 06:18:59 PM