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Thailand Diary

11/02/2025 - 07.30 am - Nam Phong Nat. Pk. Khon Kaen Province.

Paul and Pen made a very early start on a twitch west through Roi Et and Maha Sarakham into Khon Kaen where Andy Pierce yesterday found a challenging Bluetail species (photos attached courtesy of PP).

Sharp eyed Pen generally finds the bird in this situation and true to form she found the Bluetail once Paul had asked her to check everything foraging and making flycatcher-like sallies down onto the ground. At this point they ceased listing any more species they had already noted (18) and spent their time patiently allowing the bird to settle in their presence.

In the U.K. this plumage would automatically be identified as a Red-flanked Bluetail but in Thailand a female/ immature bird such as this could be Himalayan Bluetail (following a split some time ago) and either way is a good record for central Isaan.

A female/imm. Himalayan Bluetail supposedly shows a brighter blue rump and colder brown tones generally than Red flanked (as per fieldguide) though this can be problematic in different photographic and light conditions with the fieldguide illustrations offering no real comfort.

Attached is a decent series of Pauls photos from this morning - so any opinions welcome please.


Mike P.

-- Edited by Mike Passant on Tuesday 11th of February 2025 02:57:50 PM


Challenges are inevitable, but failure is optional.

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10/02/2025 -11.13 am - Saharuang Sugar Factory Ponds Mukdahan Province.

Paul enjoyed a run out east to this site (which I have never visited nor heard of previously) and logged a respectable total of 39 species in 47 minutes the best being:-

30 Black- winged Stilts

3 Little Ringed Plovers

5 Common Sandpipers

4 Wood Sandpipers

16 Spotted Redshanks

2 Temmincks Stints (scoped up alongside wagtails but flushed by workmen before photographic opportunity. I think these were province ticks for Paul as his total has increased by one).

Notably among the passerines were :-

2 Brown Shrikes

4 Amur Stonechats

12 Asian Golden Weavers

5 Eastern Yellow Wagtails

25 White Wagtails (as he doesnt state otherwise these would all be the common Amur Wagtails -(leucopsis) which winter in Thailand).


Mike P.





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06/02/2025  - 06.42 am - Nong Bo - Maha Sarakham.

The team met quite early spending just over 2 hours to log 62 species with the main focus on duck species. Noteworthy were:-

75 Lesser Whistling Ducks

50 Cotton Pygmy Geese

100 Garganey

1 Ferruginous Duck (photo courtesy of Shaun Green)

30 Eurasian Moorhens

45 Eurasian Coots

56 Grey-headed Swamphens

9 wader species which included a Marsh Sandpiper and 2 Temmincks Stints half a dozen heron/egret species.

A fine spread of passerines included:-

1 Thick-billed Warbler

1 Black-browed Reed Warbler

2 Pallass Grasshopper Warblers

2 Bluethroats

1 Asian Golden Weaver

By 09.02 the team arrived at Ban Nan Dan reservoir where they spent an hour and a half logging 29 species with obvious overlap with the first site; - the best here being :-

2 Tufted Ducks (a good find in Thailand - photo courtesy of Paul P.)

1 Plaintive Cuckoo

50 Little Ringed Plovers2 (a remarkable total)

12 Temmincks Stints (equally impressive total)

Later at 11.51 am they reached Bo Yai for a 30 minute check logging 28 species adding a couple of Greenshanks and a Pied Harrier to the days tally.

Their next stop was a brief call in at Nong Kra-tae (Ban Don Nong) where the stand-out birds were several Northern Pintails  (photo courtesy of Shaun Green) among 400 Lesser Whistling Ducks and just 4 Garganey.

The final stop of just 11 minutes in Maha Sarakham was back at Nong Bua where a conservative estimate was of 1000 Lesser Whistling Ducks 40 Cotton Pygmy Geese and 200 Garganey.

A brief twenty minutes in Nong Thueng in Kalasin at 16.00 came up trumps with the discovery of the elusive Common Pochard (photo courtesy of Shaun Green) - a fitting reward for all.


Mike P.






Challenges are inevitable, but failure is optional.

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05/02/2025 11.30 am - Nong Thueng Marshes- Kalasin Province.

Paul undertook a leisurely cruise north-west up into Kalasin on reports of a Common Pochard on the marshland lakes as the species was a potential Thai lifer. He had already made arrangements for the following day to meet with Paul Farrell and Shaun Green for a blitz around Maha Sarakham in a joint quest for some province ticks in the form of scarce winter diving duck species, so a slight digression into Kalasin slotted in nicely with that plan.

Three hours birding yielded 42 species but alas however no sign of the Pochard. Significant sightings were:-

1500 Lesser Whistling Ducks

30 Cotton Pygmy-Geese

50 Garganey

Also noted was the usual mix of common waders and Egrets with a support cast of passerines and a male Eastern Marsh Harrier.

By 14.20 Paul had arrived in Maha Sarakham for a short half hour session at Nong Bua for a quick scan around the lake checking the ducks but found only Lesser Whistling Ducks though noteworthy were 11 Grey-headed Lapwings 32 Spotted Redshanks and 3 Purple Herons.

His final stop for the day was at 15.20 where he spent 90 minutes scouting the excellent Chi Long Forest Park where we logged some good species together last year. The best of 27 species here were:-

1 Asian barred Owlet

1 Racket-tailed Treepie

2 Hainan Blue Flycatchers

5 Taiga Flycatchers 

The support cast consisted of the usual common doves with Yellow-browed, Dusky and Raddes Warblers and assorted Bulbuls and Mynas and 2 Ruby-cheeked Sunbirds to end the day spending the night close to the following mornings meeting point.


Mike P.





Challenges are inevitable, but failure is optional.

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31/01/2025 - 8.00 am - Tanon Tee Maimi Shue - Mukdahan province.

Paul called in here spending a brief 15 mins. en route north east to Nakhon Phanom logging 12 species, the best of which were two White-browed Crakes (photo of one) though with nothing new for his province list.

He arrived at 8.45. am at Khlong Kam where in 2 hours he logged 45 species, the pick of which being:-

500 Lesser Whistling Ducks

30 Cotton Pygmy Geese

17 Indian spot-billed Ducks

1 Purple Heron

1 Eastern Marsh Harrier

25 Asian Green Bee-eaters

There were only a few common waders and the usual mix of herons/Openbill storks with the best of the usual passerines being an Eastern Yellow Wagtail.

Later fifteen minutes spent scanning the Mekong sandbars turned up 8 species including 20 Small Pratincoles 2 Grey Herons and a Black-winged Kite (photo) and as usual hereabouts 5 Wire-tailed Swallows. 
Im not sure which species was a new province tick but one certainly was as he regained the joint lead for Nakhon Phanom with Andy P. as top province listers both now on 151.

Cheers Mike P.


-- Edited by Mike Passant on Wednesday 5th of February 2025 11:04:11 AM


Challenges are inevitable, but failure is optional.

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26/01/2025 7.40 am - Nong Thueng Marshes - Kalasin Province.

Paul made a solo early start for the 90 minute drive up into Kalasin province, - one of those Isaan provinces in which he reigns presently as top lister. He spent in total 2 hours and forty minutes here logging a respectable 53 species but found the marsh section almost dried out with all the waders noted found here, but with ducks restricted to the eastern pools. 
Highlight sightings as follows: -

500 Lesser Whistling-Ducks

40 Cotton Pygmy-Geese

60 Gargany

4 Northern Shovelers (- photo - a province tick for Paul; - other potential additions for him had already departed though - Comb Ducks and a Ferruginous Duck).

50 Black-winged Stilts

25 Little Ringed Plovers 

12 Bronze-winged Jacanas

1 Common Sandpiper

8 Marsh Sandpipers

20 Spotted Redshanks

4 Common Greenshanks

In addition the usual spread of herons/egrets and a large retinue of the common bee-eaters rollers barbets and passerines.


Mike P.


Challenges are inevitable, but failure is optional.

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17/01/2025 7.05 am - Loeng Nok Tha airport Yasothon.

With an early start Paul and Shaun were soon on site at this abandoned airport - the best site in the province for Red- throated Pipits which are readily studied from vehicles at close range.

Here they noted 50 individuals now seemingly coming into summer plumage (photos attached courtesy of Shaun Green).

By 07.45 am they arrived at Ban Nom Klao - Boong Khla Community Forest -  Pauls favourite primary forest patch still available in his home province (where we still have unfinished business with a certain Blyths Frogmouth).

A two hour session yielded 23 species- all the regular expected culprits though perhaps with a few province ticks for Shaun?


Mike P.


Challenges are inevitable, but failure is optional.

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16/01/2025 - 11.30 am - Phu Mu Forest Park - both Yasothon and Mukdahan sides.

Paul and Shaun again teamed up, this time spending a couple of days in Yasothon, Mukdahan and Roi Et - these being basically their home patches.

They started with an hour on the Mukdahan side of Phu Mu noting 17 species, the best being the same Whites Thrush again on the approach road, a male Siberian Blue Robin, (record shot courtesy of Shaun Green).

Moving on they spent ten minutes on the Yasothon side with the best of six species there being another Siberian Blue Robin, a Raddes Warbler a Taiga Flycatcher and a Blue Rock-Thrush.

By 14.00 they were back over in Mukdahan spending 40 minutes at Huai Khee Lek where among 24 species were no real surprises.

Back in Yasothon they rounded off their day with a visit to Pauls local harrier roost at Phue Hi Where a 40 minute vigil yielded 17 species - the highlights being:-

9 Eastern Marsh Harriers

7 Pied Harriers

3 Brahminy Kites as a support cast.


Mike P.



-- Edited by Mike Passant on Wednesday 22nd of January 2025 02:07:08 PM


Challenges are inevitable, but failure is optional.

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13/01/2025 - 8.30 am - Tham Pha Nam Thip - None Hunting Area - N/E Thai Literary Botanical Garden Roi Et Province.

Paul put in a three hour stint searching for thrushes here (hes quite sure the habitat is conducive to success in view of the extensive leaf litter under the trees and the altitude, though we have never hit a bulls eye when we try here for thrushes, which seems rather odd?)

The best of 18 species noted were:-

8 Hainan Blue Flycatchers (a conservative count - 1 photographed)

2 Siberian Blue Robins (always a star bird. - Like many birders upon seeing one an image comes to mind of ones first ever encounter - in my case 26 years ago strolling uphill in the woods above Singapore with a lifelong pal and being awestruck by a stunning male bird in the leaf litter. Pauls photo of a female/ imm. attached).

2 White-throated Rock-Thrushes (photo of female/imm. attached)

1 Blue Rock-Thrush

2 Crimson Sunbirds


Mike P.





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10/01/2025 - 12.30 - a leisurely start saw Paul once more in Phu Mu Forest Park (Mukdahan side).

An hour largely spent searching for thrushes was rewarded with a Whites Thrush foraging in the leaf litter of the uphill approach road (this was a repeat of the scenario of two years earlier when we often found the odd individual performing in this way). Paul parked the vehicle and ceased general birding and stood patiently to obtain a series of shots (attached).

I notice that in my earlier post of 07/01 re Surin province - the photo of the two stints appears under date of 05/01 - further evidence of my incompetence!


Mike P.



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07/01/2025 - 6.15 am Lam Phok - Surin 

Pauls last effort of his visit involved an early start putting in three hours twenty minutes and recording an excellent 65 species, - the best being as detailed below:-

400 Lesser Whistling-Ducks (scanning through these failed to turn up any Garganey)

30 Cotton Pygmy Geese

14 Indian spot-billed Ducks

50 Grey-headed Swamphens

200 Black-winged Stilts

6 Little Ringed Plovers

2 Red-wattled Lapwings

4 Kentish Plovers

4 Pheasant-tailed Jacanas

15 Bronze-winged Jacanas

1 Common Snipe

2 Common Sandpipers 

1 Marsh Sandpiper

20 Wood Sandpipers

34 Common Greenshanks

1 Temmincks Stint (In with Long-toed Stints)

4 Long-toed Stints (photo - with Temmincks for company)

1 Oriental Pratincole

63 Glossy Ibis (in same field as reported 2 days earlier)

7 species of sundry herons/egrets

1 Pied Harrier

1 Rufous-winged Buzzard

8 Brahminy Kites

1 Lanceolated Warbler (heard just after sunrise).

200 Barn Swallows 

5 Eastern red-rumped Swallows

15 Eastern Yellow Wagtails (in with the plovers and stints)

In addition - the usual common mix of bee-eaters,rollers, barbets and passerines.

In all Paul added 27 species to his own list for Surin - 12 of which were first records for the province itself.


Mike P.







06/01/2025 - 7.00am - Still at the wildlife sanctuary.

Paul parked up and birded each of the dirt tracks off the sealed road where there was no disturbance. These trails go downhill. In a six hour session he logged 39 species (forest birding!) but nevertheless enjoyed a productive session with the best being:-

4 Orange-breasted Trogons (photo)

1 Striated Heron (flushed from a forest pond)

2 Asian Barred Owlets

2 Blue-eared Barbets

2 Greater Flamebacks 

2 Vernal Hanging-Parrots

3 Bar-winged Flycatcher-Shrikes

20 Grey-headed Canary-Flycatchers (a notable count)

12 Scaly-crowned Babblers (in two groups 4/5 Kms apart- photo)

15 White-crested Laughingthrushes

5 Hainan Blue Flycatchers (photo)

2 Siberian Blue Robins

4 Taiga Flycatchers

3 White-throated Rock-Thrushes

1 Crimson Sunbird

Several of the above were first records for this province and he decided to stay over again for a further blitz on the morrow.


Mike P.




-- Edited by Mike Passant on Monday 13th of January 2025 08:47:52 AM

-- Edited by Mike Passant on Tuesday 14th of January 2025 10:35:21 AM


Challenges are inevitable, but failure is optional.

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06/01/2025 - 7.00am - Still at the wildlife sanctuary.

Paul parked up and birded each of the dirt tracks off the sealed road where there was no disturbance. This trails go downhill. In a six hour session he logged 39 species (forest birding!) but nevertheless enjoyed a productive session with the best being:-

4 Orange-breasted Trogons (photo)

1 Striated Heron (flushed from a forest pond)

2 Asian Barred Owlets

2 Blue-eared Barbets

2 Greater Flamebacks 

2 Vernal Hanging-Parrots

3 Bar-winged Flycatcher-Shrikes

20 Grey-headed Canary-Flycatchers (a notable count)

12 Scaly-crowned Babblers (in two groups 4/5 Kms apart- photo)

15 White-crested Laughingthrushes

5 Hainan Blue Flycatchers (photo)

2 Siberian Blue Robins

4 Taiga Flycatchers

3 White-throated Rock-Thrushes

1 Crimson Sunbird

Several of the above were first records for this province and he decided to stay over again for a further blitz on the morrow.


Mike P.




-- Edited by Mike Passant on Monday 13th of January 2025 08:47:52 AM


Challenges are inevitable, but failure is optional.

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05/01/2025 -10.30 am - Lam Phok - Surin Province.

Upon arrival here Paul spent an hour checking for waders in the rice fields on the western edge of the lake, 

He noted 34 species of which the pick of the bunch were:-

30 Black-winged Stilts

10 Little Ringed Plovers

4 Kentish Plovers

1 Common Sandpiper

12 Wood Sandpipers 

7 Spotted Redshanks

1 Common Greenshank

25 Asian Openbills

30 Glossy Ibis (These in a flooded ricefield with the stilts and Spotted Redshanks)

The remaining species comprised five egret/ heron species, White- throated Kingfisher and a spread of doves and common passerines.

Moving on by 13.00 he arrived at Huai Thab Than- HuaI Samran Wildlife Sanctuary- Wat Khao Sala (still in Surin) a forest habitat - rather drier than when he last visited. He spent three and a half hours here logging 29 species with some good birds for Surin included:-

1 Grey- headed Woodpecker

2 Greater Yellownapes 

2 Red-breasted Parakeets

1 Red-billed Blue Magpie

40 White-crested Laughingthrushes

3 Abbotts Babblers and a common assortment of 4 Phylloscopus warbler species

2 Siberian Blue Robins

Paul checked into some local accomodation for the night as he had a certain momentum and further unfinished business in Surin.


Mike P.







Challenges are inevitable, but failure is optional.

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95/01/2025 - 10.30 am - Lam Phok - Surin Province.

Upon arrival here Paul spent an hour checking for waders in the rice fields on the western edge of the lake, 

He noted 34 species of which the pick of the bunch were:-

30 Black-winged Stilts

10 Little Ringed Plovers

4 Kentish Plovers

1 Common Sandpiper

12 Wood Sandpipers 

7 Spotted Redshanks

1 Common Greenshank

25 Asian Openbills

30 Glossy Ibis (These in a flooded ricefield with the stilts and Spotted Redshanks)

The remaining species comprised five egret/ heron species, White- throated Kingfisher and a spread of doves and common passerines.

Moving on by 13.00 he arrived at Huai Thab Than- HuaI Samran Wildlife Sanctuary- Wat Khao Sala (still in Surin) a forest habitat - rather drier than when he last visited. He spent three and a half hours here logging 29 species with some good birds for Surin included:-

1 Grey- headed Woodpecker

2 Greater Yellownapes 

2 Red-breasted Parakeets

1 Red-billed Blue Magpie

40 White-crested Laughingthrushes

3 Abbotts Babblers and a common assortment of 4 Phylloscopus warbler species

2 Siberian Blue Robins

Paul checked into some local accomodation for the night as he had a certain momentum and further unfinished business in Surin.


Mike P.






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02/01/2025 - 9.30 am - Friendship Bridge, Tambon Bang Sai Yai - Mukdahan Province.

Paul made a very brief stop here to check on this breeding site for House Swifts. The bridge here is a major crossing point for traffic heading over the Mekong river into Lao. He noted with satisfaction birds returning every few minutes to their nests suspended under the bridge.
 The day before he had again checked Phu Mu for any sign of thrushes but drew a blank again.

On 03/01 Paul was again in Mukdahan at Don Tan - Princess Mothers Park spending 15 minutes scouring likely spots for thrushes but with no prizes forthcoming.

Later in the day at 11 am he arrived at Kaeng Chang Mob in Ubon Ratchathani province where he spent 90 minutes logging 34 species in windy conditions by the Mekong river. Despite a pretty good list there was nothing out of the ordinary - just the usual culprits including the star speciality here a Mekong Wagtail (still a potential new bird for several of Thailands top listers who have never got round to making the pilgrimage here for this near endemic range restricted wagtail).


Mike P.


Challenges are inevitable, but failure is optional.

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28/12/2024 - 8.20 am - Tham Pha Nam Thip non hunting area- North East Thai Literary Botanic Gardens - Roi Et province.
Paul put in a three hour session here in windy conditions particularly scanning the leaf litter for any thrushes but drew a blank again. The only previous records at this promising site are of the two Rock-Thrushes.

Of 20 species recorded most noteworthy were counts of 4 Hair-crested Drongos (all together in a flowering tree) 5 Hainan Blue Flycatchers in this -(generally a good location for them here) and a Crimson Sunbird, always pleasing to the eye.

Paul and Shaun remain jointly top dogs in Roi Et province on 201 species each - with me a distant 3rd on 134.


Mike P.




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25/12/2024 - Christmas morning saw Paul searching for thrushes up at Phu Mu Forest Park (Mukdahan side) again in a fruitless search for thrushes. One thrush sp. flew across the road 100 metres before the pay booth at the entrance but despite a two hour wait it didnt reappear. I have to admire his patience! At least the staff admit him free of charge - perhaps in view of his contribution in building up the site list with his records and of course the display of his photos in the reception area.
Of 22 regular species recorded the only surprise was his first record of a Black Drongo for the site.


Mike P.


Challenges are inevitable, but failure is optional.

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On my post of 21/12 I wrongly referred to Cooks Swift as a smaller resident congener of White-throated Needletail - I should of course have said that it is the smaller resident congener of Pacific Swift. 
So much for being in too much of a rush! Sorry about that.

Mike P.


Challenges are inevitable, but failure is optional.

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22/12/2024 - 6.30 am Still Phu Luang Wildlife area Loei Province.

The team made an early start on this their last morning in Loei with a lengthy 4 hour stint ahead of the long drive home to Yasothon later. The pick of 29 species were:-

1 Striated Heron

1 Red-headed Trogon

1 Common Kingfisher

1 Great Barbet

1 Bronzed Drongo

8 Sulphur-breasted Warbler

1 Yellow-bellied Warbler

4 Indian White-eyes

3 Rufous-fronted Babblers

4 Blue Whistling Thrushes

2 White-crowned Forktails

1 Large Woodshrike (seen by Shaun only)

Talking briefly to Paul later on his drive home he reported a successful trip with 15 additions to his Loei list and rather more for Shaun with both adding a few Thailand ticks as well.

This will be a likely final report for 2024 so we wish for all in the Manchester birding community a Merry Christmas and a Happy and Birdy 2025.

Best Wishes from Mike P and family.



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21/12/2024 - 13.45 pm - After a break for lunch (with the girls?) Paul and Shaun put in another 3 hour session working the general area noting 19 species which included a few more additions to their province listings, - best of which were:-

1 Chinese Francolin (heard calling at a site barely 8 Kms. from their lodgings)

10 Cooks Swifts ( flying over the forest at mid elevation - this of course is the resident smaller congener of White-throated Needletail).

1 Speckled Piculet

1 Black-winged Cuckooshrike

2 White-browed Shrike-Babblers - (taxonomists seem to be reverting back to the traditional name for this species in this part of Thailand after a spell of calling it Blyths Shrike Babbler - all rather tiresome!)

1 White-bellied Erpornis

1 Grey-backed Shrike (photo courtesy of Shaun)

1 Claudias Leaf Warbler

1 Golden Babbler

3 Yunnan Fulvettas

1 Eye-browed Thrush (same location as previously)

4 Black-throated Sunbirds


Mike P.




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21/12/2024 - 6.30 am - still at Phu Luang Wildlife Sanctuary - Loei Province.

Birding the general area for 5 hours Paul and Shaun logged 29 species (excluding the sizeable mix of phylloscopus warblers seen already); - 

1 Asian Emerald Dove

1 Himalayan Swiftlet 

1 Great Barbet

1 Lineated Barbet

1 Blue-throated Barbet (photo courtesy of Shaun)

1 Speckled Piculet

2 White-throated Fantails

2 Ashy Drongos

15 Hair-crested Drongos

1 Black-naped Monarch

2 Grey-backed Shrikes

4 Grey-headed Canary-Flycatchers

4 Yellow-cheeked Tits

6 Asian House Martins

10 Nepal House Martins

15 Eastern Red-rumped Swallows

20 Mountain Bulbuls

6 Flavescent Bulbuls

6 Pin-striped Tit-Babblers

2 Golden Babblers

7 Yunnan Fulvettas

7 Blue-winged Minlas

1 Velvet-fronted Nuthatch

3 Large Niltavas (photo courtesy of Shaun Green)

3 Taiga Flycatchers 

1 Fire-breasted Flowerpecker

1 Black-throated Sunbird (a male)

1 Mrs. Goulds Sunbird (male - always a stunner and one I still need for Thailand)

2 Leafbird sp.

5 Olive-backed Pipits

3 Bar-winged Flycatcher Shrikes (seen by Shaun alone)


Mike P




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20/12/2024 - 11.23 am - Tanon Tee Maimi Shue - Tambon San Tom - Loei Province.

Paul and Pen made a very early start for the six hour drive up into Loei - the north westernmost province of Isaan which I have only ever visited once before (with Paul Farrell and PP a few years ago). Its one of those places which always holds promise with some special birds in the mix at certain times of the year at several known sites.

They met up as planned with Shaun and his wife with the first (incidental) record being a gathering of 10 Asian House Martins noted at the above mentioned site. These are regular winter visitors which are seasonally fairly common in Loei Chaiyaphum and Khon Kaen identified readily by their black lesser underwing coverts.

At 12.30 they reached their destination- Phu Luang Wildlife Sanctuary birding here for four and a half hours noting 32 species:-

1 Mountain Imperial Pigeon

8 Himalayan Swiftlets

1 Crested Serpent Eagle

3 Long-tailed Minivets

1 Ashy Drongo

12 Hair-crested Drongos

2 Black-naped Monarchs

3 Grey-headed Canary-Flycatchers

1 Yellow-cheeked Tit

1 Grey-eyed Bulbul

12 Mountain Bulbuls

2 Black-crested Bulbuls

6 Flavescent Bulbuls

4 Yellow-browed Warblers

1 Humes Warbler

2 Chinese Leaf Warblers

1 Bianchis/Martens/Alstroms Warbler (part of a nightmare split of four species - seemingly none of these three have the split at the rear of the eye ring, and all four can occur here - so perhaps best to look the other way!).

1 Greenish Warbler

1 Suphur-breasted Warbler

1 Claudias Leaf Warbler

8 Davisons Leaf Warbler

6 Black-throated Parrotbills (these at a known site for the species - photo courtesy of Shaun - for me a world tick and a target possibly for the future?)

2 Indian White-eyes

4 Pin-striped Tit-Babblers

2 Streaked Wren-Babblers

3 Yunnan Fulvettas

1 Black-backed Sibia 

1 Eye-browed Thrush (photo courtesy of Shaun) 

1 White-crowned Forktail

2 Taiga Flycatchers 

1 Streaked Spiderhunter

1 Orange-bellied Leafbird

10 Olive-backed Pipits.





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14/12/2024 - 6.10 am - Bueng Lahan Non hunting area - Chaiyaphum Province.

News broke late on 13th of a Black-faced Spoonbill in this westernmost province of Isaan which immediately put Paul into twitching mode. He headed off west arranged some convenient village accommodation and was on site early only to initially find nothing around though a trickle of birders started to arrive (15 no less- a big turnout in Thailand!).

It was pointed out that there was a nearby egret roost and sure enough birds started to glide into the site - to everyones relief the Black-faced Spoonbill was with them. This smaller congener of our more familiar Eurasian Spoonbill is a rare winter visitor to Thailand and sits high on my own wanted list. 
Pauls early start paid off as the bird didnt stick around for long so he spent the rest of the morning boosting his own province list with a mooch round the general area where another few hours yielded 52 species - the pick of the bunch being:-

1 Lesser Coucal

150 Black-winged Stilts

2 Red-wattled Lapwings

30 Bronze-winged Jacanas

1 Marsh Sandpiper

1 Wood Sandpiper

3 Spotted Redshanks

1 Greenshank

400 Asian Openbills

400 Glossy Ibises (an amazing number - photo)

5 Purple Herons

2 Black Kites (these seem to be rather more numerous generally this year).

1 Freckle-breasted Woodpecker

7 Long-tailed Shrikes (a good count of this spectacular and variable species these of the handsome black- hooded

longicaudatus form - photos)

8 Sand Martins

1 White-shouldered Starling (photo)

At 11.17 am a twenty minute stop at Ta Dam Lake produced 17 species including 2 Ashy Minivets, 2 Racket-tailed Treepies and a Thick-billed Warbler to round off his Chaiyaphum outing adding a nice 23 species to his province list.

En route driving back home a Black Kite was a fortuitous chance addition to his list for Roi Et.


Mike P.

-- Edited by Mike Passant on Sunday 15th of December 2024 05:22:08 PM


Challenges are inevitable, but failure is optional.

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12/12/2024 -6.30 am Huai Hin Taek -Roi Et province.

Paul met up again With Shaun in the lathers home province logging 33 fairly common species species in a ninety minute session before both heading into Yasothon and spending another ninety minutes working the Loob Nong Nor reservoir area and the Phon Ngam and Dong Por Community Forests finding 38 species - all the usual suspects the best being a heard only Lanceolated Warbler and with Shauns photos of a pair of Ruby-cheeked Sunbirds (attached).


Mike P.


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14/12/2024 - All about Thrushes.

Today I want to backtrack to that magic week (the first week of January 2023) - almost two years ago when prolonged north easterly winds brought some notable thrush species to Phu Mu Forest Park on the Yasothon/ Mukdahan boundary.

The four of us - Pen and Paul Barb and I were seeing if anything had arrived at this hilltop location on these winds when Pen noted an Orange-headed Thrush which turned out to be of the form maculata - later confirmed as a new sub species for Thailand no less.
As we were watching this thrush Pen was trying to draw our attention to another bird rather closer to hand and largely obscured in the grass. When we eventually looked at her bird it became the main focus of our attention - another new species for the province which we tentatively identified as a female/immature Black-breasted thrush.

Barb then pointed out a Whites Thrush foraging further away in the leaf litter and much closer to hand we noted a confiding male White-throated Rock Thrush. After enjoying the spectacle for an hour or so we headed off and after informing Paul Farrell that evening we all joined up for a return visit on 10/01 2023 when the attached photos by both PF and PP were taken.

Later in the year Paul was asked by Phillip Round if we had eliminated the possibility of our Black-breasted Thrush being a female Grey-backed Thrush - a potential new species for Thailand! 
Of course we had not; Grey-backed Thrush wasnt even on our radar and is not even shown in the latest Thai fieldguide. My only experience of the species is of a single male in China 2002 which was in loose association foraging with a Whites Thrush which appeared to dwarf it.

Last week Thailands first Grey-backed Thrush (a female) was found in Nakhon Ratchasima at a restricted site and has been well photographed so far by a handful of observers fortunate enough to see it. Accordingly I have been scrutinising all of these photos and comparing these with those of our 2023 bird.

Paul has been requested by Phillip Round to forward as many photos as possible of our female Black-breasted Thrush for critical assessment by leading authorities to eliminate it as far as possible from being the first record of Grey-backed Thrush.
Although the similarity between females of these two species is striking I am hoping that our original identification might stand based on what appear as consistent differences in mantle tones and bill colour; - however because of our inexperience and not having any clear idea of the variation parameters within each species as regards ageing sexing or moult strategy for us it remains a case of wait and see. We hope for the finders of last weeks definate Grey-backed Thrush that their bird will stand as the first record.


Mike P

-- Edited by Mike Passant on Sunday 15th of December 2024 10:05:33 AM


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07/12/2024 - 9.50 - Lam Phok, Surin

Paul enjoyed a very productive session of three hours twenty minutes and logged 67 species - far too many for me to type in individually.

The birds were logged in the Chi River area on and around the river sandbars. (I think the river here forms the boundary with Si Sa Ket).

Highlights and notable counts were :-

500 Lesser Whistling Ducks

60 Grey-headed Swamphens

1 White-breasted Waterhen

300 Black-winged Stilts

50 Bronze-winged Jacanas (many juvs- one photo)

1 Little Ringed Plover

1 Black-tailed Godwit

4 Common Sandpipers 

2 Marsh Sandpipers

12 Wood Sandpipers

30 Spotted Redshanks

3 Greenshanks

12 Small Pratincoles

1 Oriental Darter

20 Little Cormorants

93 heron/egrets of five species


1 Shikra

1 Black Kite

15 Brahminy Kites

3 Rufous-winged Buzzards (all together)

Among the other 40+ species 8 Eastern Yellow Wagtails were evenly split between adults and juvs. (photo attached is of sub sp. macronix).

Paul added about seven new species for his own province list to reach 152 - still some 25 short of the leading eBird list of 177 by a birder who last surveyed here some 13 years ago.

Also - same day 2.00 pm - Kud Noi - Wat Pa Na Bun - Si Sa Ket Province.

Paul returned here in the early afternoon spending a productive hour logging 42 species which included a party of 16 Grey-headed Lapwings as the highlight especially as Andy Pierce had found the first two for this province only days earlier. This particular location is set alongside the Chi River (Thailands longest river wholly within the country and which further downstream joins the Mun River which further east flows into the mighty Mekong).

The waders were photographed on one of the river sandbars.

Other wader species were:-

3 Little Ringed Plovers

1 Common Sandpiper

18 Spotted Redshanks

8 Greenshanks

Pick of the rest were:-

1 Shikra

8 Brahminy Kites

Along with the expected set of egrets bee-eaters etc. was the usual mix of commoner passerines.

En route home a female Pied Harrier was noted and photographed - an incidental record to increase his province list here to 157.


Mike P.



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06/12/2024 - A late morning call from Andy Pierce saw Paul headed south on a twitch into Si Sa Ket; - Andy had found two Grey-headed Lapwings, - a new species for the province.

Paul arrived on site at Klong Siao Horshoe Bends - a location which rings no bells with me (but which sounds like a riverine area of perhaps oxbow lakes?).

A ninety minute session yielded 38 species including the target birds- best of which were:-

2 Grey-headed Lapwings (record photo)

4 Asian Openbills

1 Yellow Bittern

3 Purple Herons

1 Black-winged Kite (photo)

2 Racket-tailed Treepies (photo of one)

1 Oriental Reed Warbler

3 Dusky Warblers

1 Two-barred Warbler

1 Yellow-browed Warbler

1 Brown Shrike

Later en route home (still in Si Sa Ket) a half hour stop at Tanon Tee Maimi Shue produced 11 species including a vocal but unseen Lanceolated Warbler and four Hoopoes - one of which flaunted itself for a decent photo opportunity.


Mike P.





-- Edited by Mike Passant on Saturday 7th of December 2024 10:35:05 AM


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01/12/2024 - 6.45 am - Khlong Kam Nakhon Phanom Province.

With an early start Paul undertook a solo outing up into this north easterly province (albeit just into the southern portion which is not too far from Yasothon). 
In two and a half hours he logged a good mix of 45 regular species with just one of these (Chestnut Munias) edging his own leading list for Nakhon Phanom onto 150.

Pick of the bunch would be :-

1 Lesser Coucal

1 Purple Heron

3 Pied Harriers

1 Brown Shrike (photo;- we still await one of these in Durham as no doubt you do yourselves in Manchester).

10 Chestnut Munias (in with a mix of 25 White-rumped Munias - all feeding on rice)


Mike P.


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27/11/2024 -7.27 am - Phu Si Than ranger station 9 - Mukdahan Province.

Paul met up with Paul Farrell and Shaun Green on site up in the north of Mukdahan where the two Pauls have previously done pretty well (with woodpeckers especially).This was a first visit for Shaun who was accordingly looking forward to the trip. However to the surprise of all they were denied access by the rangers in spite of Paul Farrells fluency in Thai explaining that they had visited previously without any problems at all. Perhaps there was some project underway and in place a temporary bar on entry for safety reasons - who know?

I hope the situation here is only temporary as Barb and I have yet to visit this site which among other attractions holds Great Slaty Woodpecker - a species I still need for Thailand.

However the team managed to salvage some birding in a three hour session which yielded 32 species - generally the usual predictable mix with the only woodpecker being a single Common Flameback with 2 raptors - an Oriental Honey Buzzard (photos) and a Crested Serpent Eagle.


Mike P.


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20th to 22nd November - various sites in Surin Province.

Paul returned last week from a journey of further exploration and several nights camping in Surin province which lies a little to the south east of Yasothon.

We have birded in the province before (as recently as earlier this year); - however even though it borders Cambodia and must have undiscovered avian treasures it is rather off the beaten track and like virtually all of Isaan visited by no bird tour groups - but just by a few diehard individual birders.

Paul recorded 109 species across nine locations which I am not listing here chapter and verse otherwise I should be typing all day - these included 27 new species for his own province list to take him onto 145 and into second spot in the rankings. Several species (Im not sure which) were first records for Surin.

Highlight birds were : -

1 Pied Harrier

2 Black Kites (photos)

1 Peregrine (photo)

2 Pied Kingfishers

8 Red-breasted Parakeets

6 Chestnut-headed Bee-eaters

1 Bluethroat

6 Brown-rumped Minivets

2 White-bellied Erpornis

4 Ashy Drongos (white-faced form)

3 Black-naped Orioles

1 Lanceolated Warbler

Sulphur-breasted Warbler

2 Pale-legged Leaf Warbler

4 Bar-winged Flycatcher-Shrikes

White-crested Laughingthrushes - many small groups across 3/4 of the sites visited.

1 Siberian Blue Robin.

Several sites involved negotiating with army personnel deployed here in view of the proximity of the border and all but one group denied him access to frustratingly attractive forest locations in the views ahead - one such episode cost him several hours of wasted driving. However his explorations paid off on 21st at Khao Sala with the discovery of the best bit of forest in the whole province which we shall no doubt visit quite soon.


Mike P.


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14/11/2024 - 17.00 pm - Phue Hi Yasothon.

Paul drove the few kilometres to check the local harrier roost site where the ideal viewing spot was again blocked by the tethered buffalo which impeded us when we last visited. He logged 26 species in a 20 minute session the most noteworthy being:-

50 Lesser Whistling Ducks

1 Plaintive Cuckoo

5 Little Egrets

10 Chinese Pond-Herons

20 Eastern Cattle Egrets

5 Grey Herons

3 Purple Herons

3 Eastern Marsh Harriers

4 Pied Harriers

6 Harrier sp.

2 Brahminy Kites

25 Asian Green Bee-eaters

Plus a support cast of common passerines.

Photos attached: - record shot of a male Pied Harrier and of the Brahminy Kites - taken against the sun - thanks to the buffalo!


Mike P.




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With reference to Pauls outing in Roi Et on 13th Nov. he has added a Pale-legged Leaf Warbler to his day list and added a photo of the single Raddes Warbler for the day.


Mike P.


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13/11/2024 -11.30 am. Tham Pha Nam Thip non hunting area n/e Thai Literary Botanical Gardens -Roi Et Province.

4 hours spent trudging through leaf litter seeking winter thrushes here produced 29 species but only a single thrush sp. flushed for Pauls efforts. As some consolation he did enjoy some Olive-backed Pipits - best were:-

1 Shikra

2 White-bellied Erpornis

1 Asian Brown Flycatcher

6 Taiga Flycatchers

3 Hainan Blue Flycatchers 

4 Yellow-browed Warblers

1 Raddes Warbler

8 Olive-backed Pipits


Mike P.




-- Edited by Mike Passant on Thursday 14th of November 2024 11:06:16 AM


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11/11/2024 -10.15 am Ban Nom Klao/ Boong Khla Community Forest - Yasothon.

Paul drove over to his best local forest patch spending a couple of hours and recorded 27 regular species with nothing much out of the ordinary. Best species were:-

6 White-nest swiftlets (formerly Germains Swiftlets)

Drongos : 1 Black 2 Ashy 3 Hair-crested 4 Greater Racket-tailed.

3 Black-naped Monarchs

1 Brown Shrike

12 Grey-headed Canary-Flycatchers ( - The commonest flycatcher in the forest at this time of the year).

Bulbuls:- 5 Black-crested 3 Streak-eared 3 Puff-throated and 1 Stripe-throated.

3 White-rumped Shamas

2 Hainan Blue Flycatchers

1 Taiga Flycatcher

3 Amur Stonechats


Mike P.




05/11/2024 9 am - Phon Ngam & Dong Por Community Forests - Phu Mak Prik Temple - Yasothon Province.

With the focus still very much on raptor watching Paul spent 90 minutes here logging just 14 species and largely ignoring forest birds. A few raptors were noted and photographed:-

6 Oriental Honey Buzzards (one in primary moult)

1 Black Kite (seems to be black-eared form - any Yasothon records of these are notable).


Mike P.


-- Edited by Mike Passant on Tuesday 12th of November 2024 01:41:15 PM

-- Edited by Mike Passant on Wednesday 13th of November 2024 01:34:29 PM


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06/11/2024 8.45 am A return visit to the same site as yesterday yielded no raptors - just 12 common species among which-

8 Asian Green Bee-eaters

4 Little Grebes on adjacent lake (photo)


Mike P.


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05/11/2024 9 am - Phon Ngam & Dong Por Community Forests - Phu Mak Prik Temple - Yasothon Province.

With the focus still very much on raptor watching Paul spent 90 minutes here logging just 14 species and largely ignoring forest birds. A few raptors were noted and photographed:-

6 Oriental Honey Buzzards (one in primary moult)

1 Black Kite (seems to be white-eared form - any Yasothon records of these are notable).


Mike P.



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02/11/2024 6.15 am - Dong Hua Kong & Dong Bang Ee Community Forest  - Phu Sing Amnat Charoen Province.

This early morning start saw Paul scanning over the forest canopy from the cliff tops. We have visited this spectacular overlook before and Paul has never found any access from the cliff top to the extensive forest below so we always can imagine that exciting discoveries here await us - if only

A three hour session yielded up 29 species; best being:-

2 Red Junglefowl (here certainly wild birds)

2 Green-billed Malkohas 

1 White- nest Swiftlet 

4 House Swifts

1 Jerdons Baza (record shot. Another good record and obviously end of October/early November seems to be a good time this year at least for migrants of this scarce raptor).

1 Blue-winged Pitta (calling from the forest below the cliffs - begging the question is this a late migrant here or possibly even a wintering bird ?).

8 Ashy Minivets (All heading south - one photo)


Mike P.






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01/11/2024 9.50 am Kutchum garden -Yasothon.

November got off to a cracking start this morning when sharp eyed Pen drew Pauls attention to a raptor soaring ever higher over the garden. Paul scrambled for the camera in the car and shot off some photos of a first for Yasothon - unmistakably a Jerdons Baza. At the Chumphon raptor watchpoint down south last week Paul saw but one of these so this is an excellent find by Pen on their home patch

Photos attached:-


Mike P.


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25/10/2024 - 11.58 am. Arun Prasert road Tambon Pa Lan - Maha Sarakham Province.

While driving east with Pen within a couple of hours of home Paul noted a passerine harrying a buzzard sized raptor but with his birding brain starting to kick in he was already slowing down to stop as it dawned that the passerine was a big one - a Large-billed Crow and that the buzzard was an eagle species.

He quickly rattled off shots to confirm his identification - a Greater Spotted Eagle and a new addition to the province list; - photos below.

In later contact with the raptor watchers down in Chumphon it transpired that after their departure Common Buzzard Short-toed Eagles and Booted Eagles had been recorded so a repeat visit next year may well be set for a week later in the calendar?

Paul and Pen had chalked up 2000 kms on this latest outing - Thailand has good roads but is not a small country.


Mike P.



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25/10/2024 - 6.00 am - Animal Nutrition Research and Development Centre - Nakhon Ratchasima Province.

This is always a good site for birding comprising arable fields and grasslands hedgerows and a scatter of large trees relatively undisturbed due in part to the R&D factor. We normally drive straight in at the checkpoint gates looking authoritative and official and have never been challenged as we behave respectfully and with smiles if we encounter anyone on site (which is almost never).

Shaun Paul and the girls spent an hour and three quarters here on the homeward leg of their travels, recording 42 species - best of which were:-

13 Chinese Francolins (a prime site - though mainly heard rather than seen)

2 Greater Coucals

1 Lesser Coucal (photo courtesy of Shaun Green)

15 Red-wattled Lapwings

1 Spotted Owlet ( - very site faithful here and seen on just about every visit)

1 White-throated Kingfisher

1 Black-naped Oriole

45 Ashy Woodswallows ( - common enough but this is a large number)

3 Brown Shrikes

7 Indochinese Bushlarks

1 Lanceolated Warbler

200 Barn Swallows

4 Chestnut-capped Babblers

1 Siberian Rubythroat

1 Taiga Flycatcher

5 Amur Stonechats

60 Baya Weavers

16 Red Avadavats


Mike P.





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24/10/2024 - Pak Thale nature reserve - Phetchaburi Province.

Its difficult to pass north through this province without calling in to this location for the almost overwhelming winter waderfest to be enjoyed so Shaun and Paul succumbed to temptation with a four hour session here which yielded up 55 species - highlights being:-

1 Slaty-breasted Rail

100 Black-winged Stilts

15 Black-bellied Plovers

1 Pacific Golden Plover

8 Little Ringed Plovers

200 Tibetan Sand-Plovers (photo courtesy of Shaun Green)

20 Greater Sand-Plovers

2000 Bar-tailed Godwits

35 Black-tailed Godwits

100 Marsh Sandpipers (photo courtesy of Shaun Green)

15 Common Redshanks

1 Nordmanns/Common Greenshank

6 Great Knots (photo courtesy of Shaun Green)

20 Red Knots

2 Ruffs

12 Broad-billed Sandpipers

5 Curlew Sandpipers

200 Red-necked Stints

3 Sanderlings

15 Brown-headed Gulls

30 Little Terns

10 Gull-billed Terns (photo courtesy of Shaun Green)

1 Caspian Tern

1 Whiskered Tern

2 Black-naped Terns

40 Painted Storks

50 Little Cormorants

2 Pacific Reef Herons

5 other common heron/ egret sp.

50 Spot-billed Pelicans


Mike P.







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23/10/2024 - 13.40 - Thong Chai Mangroves - Prachuap Khiri Khan Province.

With the Greens and Passants heading back north the opportunity was taken to call in again at this special site for the main attraction - Pale-capped Pigeons where a 20 minute stop rewarded with two of the species seen in flight between the mangroves amid 13 commoner species the best of which being:-

1 Striated Heron

5 Blue-tailed Bee-eaters

1 White-throated Kingfisher

1 Indochinese Roller

6 Golden-bellied Gerygones (aka Flyeaters)


Mike P.




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22/10/2024 16.50 - Saphli Chumphon Province.

Later on the same afternoon Paul and Pen met up with friends Shaun Green and his wife enjoying a short session to round off their day and perhaps boost their province listing a little :-

1 Tibetan Sand-Plover

1 Common Sandpiper

50 Little Egrets (these comprised small parties all heading south some 50 metres out over the bay)

6 Purple Herons

2 Asian Barred Owlets

3 Indochinese Rollers

1 Lineated Barbet

5 Barn Swallows

1 Streak-eared Bulbul

5 Common Mynas

3 Vinous-breasted Mynas (photo)

3 Great Mynas

2 Ornate Sunbirds


Mike P.



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22/10/2024 - 9.00 am - Kromluang Chumphon Wildlife Sanctuary. HQ vicinity - Chumphon Province.

Paul and Pens first visit here since August of 2022 - arriving rather late so they moved on to the main watchpoint after 25 mins and with only 7 species logged: -

3 Spotted Doves

1 Oriental Honey Buzzard

1 Crested Goshawk (photo)

1 Grey-faced Buzzard (photo)

1 Scarlet-backed Flowerpecker

1 Ruby-cheeked Sunbird

2 Ornate Sunbirds

Later at 11.50 Paul and Pen arrived at Khao Dinso raptor centre where they spent 90 mins enjoying a somewhat bewildering first experience (Pauls own words) of raptor migration logging 14 species:-

1 House Swift

1 Jerdons Baza

800 Black Bazas (photos)

15 Oriental Honey Buzzards

4 Crested Serpent Eagles

2 Besras (photos)

20 Japanese Sparrowhawks

4 Shikras

3 Chinese Sparrowhawks

100 accipiter sp.

1 Black Kite

1 Eurasian Kestrel

120 Blue-tailed Bee-eaters

15 Ashy Minivets

12 Barn Swallows


Mike P. 









-- Edited by Mike Passant on Sunday 27th of October 2024 01:24:30 PM

-- Edited by Mike Passant on Sunday 27th of October 2024 01:55:09 PM


Challenges are inevitable, but failure is optional.

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21/10/2024 15.25 - Thong Chai Mangroves - Prachuap Khiri Khan Province.

Paul and Pen shared the long drive south into this province spending a brief 45 minutes birding this site (which I have never visited) lying towards the top of the peninsula just south of Phetchaburi Province.

Prachuap Khiri Khan is a very narrow long expanse of land on a north/south axis and for this reason is one of the prime sites for monitoring raptor migration through Thailand.

During their stop here Paul and Pen logged 19 species including a new addition to their Thai lists: -

25 Pale-capped Pigeons (described as an uncommon to rare passage migrant and winter visitor favouring mangrove habitats) this particular site is a known haunt for the species - photographed)

6 Red-wattled Lapwings

5 Whimbrels (overhead flying south).

1 Common Sandpiper

4 Wood Sandpipers

1 Oriental Darter

1 Little Cormorant

1 Striated Heron

2 Little Egrets

1 Japanese Sparrowhawk/Besra

50 Blue-tailed Bee-eaters (in small groups all southbound)

1 White-throated Kingfisher

2 Indochinese Rollers

1 Lineated Barbet

5 Ashy Drongo

3 Greater Racket-tailed Drongos


Mike P.




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Going back a day to 18/10/2024 Paul drove into Roi Et to take son Art to the airport for the latters flight to Bangkok and took the opportunity for some birding at the Pha Nam Yoi Forest Park which straggles the border with Yasothon where a two hour session yielded 28 of the regular expected species but noteworthy among 3 Hainan Blue Flycatchers he noted one male sporting a pale orange throat - his first record of the sub species klossi - photo attached.


Mike P.


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19/10/2024 - 9.30 am - Loeng Nok Tha disused airport, -Yasothon Province.

Paul checks out this fairly local site from time to time as it is excellent for both lark and pipit species and when visiting Barb and I have enjoyed arguably our best ever views of several species using the vehicle as a hide with birds being quite unphased.

On Pauls latest visit he logged 21 species in a 70 minute session the most notable being:-

1 Barred Buttonquail (flushed from underfoot from a rice field next to the old runway)

1 Pied Harrier (a male which headed directly away before the camera could be brought to bear).

5 Hoopoes

20 Asian Green Bee-eaters

3 Black Drongos

3 Brown Shrikes

2 Indochinese Bushlarks

12 Oriental Skylarks

6 Amur Stonechats

5 Pied Bushchats

3 Plain-backed Sparrows (the males are anything but plain)

4 Paddyfield Pipits

12 Red-throated Pipits (arguably the special species for this site - photo of one bird - seemingly one with attitude).


Mike P.




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Kutchum - Yasothon province - 16/10/2024.

Paul has announced the availability of a new website which he has recently built - songnok.org which is about when and where to find the most new birds for birders in Thailand.
The system complements and expands upon data from submissions to eBird to identify and track target species for Country Region and Province for both individuals and teams.

The system is free to use with no login required and has no advertisements. The current release is best viewed from a device with a large display. Though it does work on a mobile phone it provides a better user experience on a tablet laptop or PC.

If you are a birder in (or visiting) Thailand or an existing eBird user take a look at songnok.org.

(Incidentally in Thai Songnok means looking for birds - hence the choice of name).



Paul Passant, Mike Passant


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12/10/2024 - 6.30 am. Dong Hua Kong & Dong Bang Ee Community Forest - Phu Sing. Amnat Charoen province.

This morning saw Paul making a very early start for a session of just over two hours in Amnat (the adjacent province just east of Yasothon). He logged 30 species as follows:-

6 Spotted Doves

2 Zebra Doves

1 Green-billed Malkoha

1 Greater Coucal

5 House Swifts

1 Harrier sp.

1 Shikra

1 Brahminy Kite

12 Asian Green Bee-eaters

4 Coppersmith Barbets

3 Lineated Barbets

2 Ashy Woodswallows

4 Ashy Drongos

2 Hair-crested Drongos

4 Greater Racket-tailed Drongos

1 Brown Shrike

2 Large-billed Crows

2 Common Tailorbirds

5 Black-crested Bulbuls

3 Streak-eared Bulbuls

1 Pale-legged Leaf Warbler/Sakhalin Leaf Warbler.

(Both forms migrate through Isaan. The general view is that Sakhalin winters down the peninsula, whereas Pale-legged stays to winter in Isaan; - obviously with birds appearing/passing now ahead of winter both are possible so a definitive i/d needs birds to call or at best recordings obtained for spectrographic analysis.

2 Pin-striped Tit-Babblers

3 White-rumped Shamas

1 Hainan Blue Flycatcher

1 Indochinese Blue Flycatcher

1 Taiga Flycatcher 

2 Blue Rock-Thrushes

2 Plain Flowerpeckers

1 Scarlet-backed Flowerpecker

4 Ornate Sunbirds

1 Paddyfield Pipit

At this juncture Im not sure without checking if any of the above increase Pauls province list.


Mike P.







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10/10/2024 - 8.00 am - Phu Pha Thoep Nat. Pk. Mukdahan- HQ vicinity.

Up to date on farm chores, Paul enjoyed an excursion into Mukdahan province spending a leisurely 3 hours strolling around this distinctive site with its sandstone pinnacles and odd formations of big scattered boulders interspersed with dry scrub and rank grass.
The highlight birds among 33 species were again Indian Thick-knees (4) putting in a repeat showing in the same location and showing the same consistency as regards timing; - last years birds were here on 23/10/23 and on 03/11/23. Barb and I arrived in Thailand last time and missed a potential Thailand tick by a matter of days; - we suspect that they just pass through here rather than winter here.

The best of the other species were:-

1 Oriental Honey-Buzzard

2 Crested Serpent-Eagles

2 Red-wattled Lapwings

1 Rufous-winged Buzzard

8 Asian Green Bee-eaters

1 Indochinese Roller

2 Lineated Barbets

1Wire-tailed Swallow

2 Yellow-browed Warblers

1 Asian Brown Flycatcher

1 Hainan Blue Flycatcher

1 Indochinese Blue Flycatcher

3 Taiga Flycatchers

1 Blue Rock-Thrush


Mike P.




Challenges are inevitable, but failure is optional.

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