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Post Info TOPIC: Garden wildlife sightings

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Garden wildlife sightings

Hi Jamie. I think most people posting their moth sightings are doing it on the relevant thread as they do with other species.

-- Edited by Mike Chorley on Monday 21st of March 2016 06:55:25 PM

Bus pass birdin' great innit?

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Am I missing a moth trapping thread somewhere? I know others on here are up to it!

I've had a pair of Oak Beauties, and singles of common quaker and Hebrew characters this week.
no micros for a while, though Epiphyas postvittana a fairly common catch over the winter as well as the locally interesting Tachystola acroxantha.



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Late post from yesterday. 1 small tortoiseshell butterfly sunning it's self on my garage wall

Paul Shaw

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In the warm early spring sunshine this morning in my Irlam Garden:

1 Brimstone butterfly
1 Small Tortoiseshell butterfly
1 Bumblebee sp


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Red Admiral at lunchtime today


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A Comma found its way into my conservatory in Astley this evening.


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I opened the back door to let the dog out last night to find a young (not quite fully grown) Hedgehog wandering about a few feet away from the back door.
First one seen in my garden for a few years.


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Red Admiral at lunchtime today


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angle shades moth on cabbage in my Kearsley garden today

b. hooley

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3 Red Admiral butterflies in my Irlam garden (26th Oct) and 1 Red Admiral (27th Oct) in the warm sunshine.


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This morning in the garden

Brown Hawker
Comma and Peacock on Buddleia

Only the obsessed understand!

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doing a bit of long overdue garden work this afternoon, 30+ butterfly on and around my buddlea including 2 comma, peacock, small tortoiseshell and large white,
Monday evening a hedgehog was strolling up my neighbours driveway in bickershaw.


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A male Banded Demoiselle around my garden pond in Astley briefly this early afternoon was something of a surprise!


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Small tortoise weakly fluttering in my garden this afternoon

-- Edited by Ian McKerchar on Monday 3rd of March 2014 06:06:05 PM

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