9.10 to 9.15 this evening in my Garden: One possibly two Pipistrelle bats, hawking round and across our garden; often lost to view behind trees and tall hedges. Great views against a still blue sky, at height 15- 20 feet. Not seen them here in recent years, but were here often in the past. No idea where they roost.
Rumworth List 2019, species to date: 63 Latest: Sand Martin, Reed Bunting, Redshank, Pink-footed Goose, Curlew.
We haven't seen a hedgehog in our garden for a long time and today we had the second one in a week!!! From the size, today's was probably a young one - we found it marooned in the shallows of our pond looking a bit sorry for itself. After getting some advice we put it in a shaded covered area, and after a while gave it some chopped up chicken, a bit of hard boiled egg and some water and it promptly fell asleep. Now that darkness is with us the little chap/chapess has just moved away
We've had three hedgehogs in our garden recently. Most nights we get two, a male and a pregnant female who hibernated in a purpose built hedgehog house. On her second night out of hibernation she mated and started to take nesting material into the house. We are hoping for some hoglets in early May. I've uploaded several videos to Youtube under my name.
At least half a dozen Diamond backed moth in garden this evening. First time I have knowingly seen these but millions arriving all over country last few days.
Am I missing a moth trapping thread somewhere? I know others on here are up to it!
I've had a pair of Oak Beauties, and singles of common quaker and Hebrew characters this week.
no micros for a while, though Epiphyas postvittana a fairly common catch over the winter as well as the locally interesting Tachystola acroxantha.