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Post Info TOPIC: Garden wildlife sightings

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RE: Garden wildlife sightings

Seems to be a decent movement of large Whites today several moving through my Whitefield Garden


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1 Ringlet in my Bredbury garden.

Paul Shaw

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30/6/2018 Dukinfield

Whilst sitting in the garden waiting for bats to appear this evening a large hawker type dragonfly flew between a couple of trees for a few seconds, probaly about 20 foot up. The time was 22:10, I cant recall seeing a dragonfly on the wing after sunset before.


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Despite having no real interest in moths as such, I couldn't ignore the rather impressive (for a non-moth person anyway) Elephant Hawk Moth which found its way into my Astley conservatory this morning. Beautiful colours on its underparts in particular.




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Holly Blue active today in Irlam guarded. Seen a few (or same one) regularly this last couple of weeks.


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Cinnabar moth in my Astley garden this morning.


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The Wasps are coming!!!! Several Queens around our Hale garden/shed in today's sunshine.


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1 Common Blue butterfly in my Irlam Garden this afternoon.
Also a huge queen Red-tailed Bumblebee in my kitchen. Slightly blurred photo attached.

-- Edited by Steven Nelson on Saturday 21st of April 2018 10:38:14 PM


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We are getting regular visits from hedgehogs now in our Harwood, Bolton garden.


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A couple of Bumble Bees buzzing around our Hale garden in the sunshine this afternoon - presumably queens looking to set up home.


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Tuesday night skinner moth trap attempt in Atherton - net result 1 x common quaker and 1 x early grey


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Brimstone and two Small Tortoiseshells in my Astley garden this afternoon. 


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1 Brimstone butterfly in my Irlam garden this afternoon and 2 in a Cadishead garden this morning.


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My wife found 4 Fly Agaric toadstools in our Hale garden this afternoon; quite a surprise as we haven't seen them here in previous years.


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fox strolling down my worsley garden path at 3 pm today


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Comma and two Red Admirals still on the garden Sedum today.
The Comma's amazing disguise as a leafsmile




Rumworth List 2019, species to date: 63 Latest: Sand Martin, Reed Bunting, Redshank, Pink-footed Goose, Curlew.



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Just now:
3 Red Admirals and a Comma on my flowering Sedum.
It's been a good year for Red Admirals, from what I've seen.

-- Edited by keith mills on Sunday 17th of September 2017 05:44:37 PM




Rumworth List 2019, species to date: 63 Latest: Sand Martin, Reed Bunting, Redshank, Pink-footed Goose, Curlew.



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9.10 to 9.15 this evening in my Garden:
One possibly two Pipistrelle bats, hawking round and across our garden; often lost to view behind trees and tall hedges.
Great views against a still blue sky, at height 15- 20 feet.
Not seen them here in recent years, but were here often in the past. No idea where they roost.




Rumworth List 2019, species to date: 63 Latest: Sand Martin, Reed Bunting, Redshank, Pink-footed Goose, Curlew.



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Two Meadow Browns around the garden today and also sheltering on the neighbour's wall during a cloudburst.

Only the obsessed understand!

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Humming bird hawk moth today in my garden in Prestwich. Didn't see it feeding but it was resting in sun on fence panel


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We haven't seen a hedgehog in our garden for a long time and today we had the second one in a week!!! From the size, today's was probably a young one - we found it marooned in the shallows of our pond looking a bit sorry for itself. After getting some advice we put it in a shaded covered area, and after a while gave it some chopped up chicken, a bit of hard boiled egg and some water and it promptly fell asleep. Now that darkness is with us the little chap/chapess has just moved away biggrin


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Just had a Hedgehog on our drive in Hale as I went to put the bins out - first one I've seen for ages biggrin


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Sunday 9th July 2017

Huddersfield Road, Stalybridge


Large White
Speckled Wood


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Hummingbird hawk-moth in the back yard just.

Made up; I have never seen one of these before.

-- Edited by Shannon Llewellyn on Friday 23rd of June 2017 07:08:32 PM


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1 Rusty Dot Pearl (Udea ferrugalis) moth attracted to lights in my garden in Callands Warrington tonight (21st June 11pm).

John Williams

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Nice ichneumon wasp in the back yard just; if not an Amblyteles armatorius male then something that looked a lot like it.

Meadow brown last night; a new one.


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Female Banded Damosielle spent much of this afternoon around my garden pond in Irlam.


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Ruby-tailed wasp alighting briefly in my Chorlton back yard just. Only the third one I've ever seen, I think.


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A Holly Blue flew through my Astley garden yesterday (22nd may), first for the garden.


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A rather tatty Holly Blue visited my Irlam garden a few times today. It seems like a good year for this species this year. I've seen a few.


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Orange tip flew through twice yesterday. First butterfly for the garden this year.


While we exist, all else is at risk.

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Holly Blue in my Irlam garden this morning.
Speckled Wood yesterday.


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We've had three hedgehogs in our garden recently.  Most nights we get two, a male and a pregnant female who hibernated in a purpose built hedgehog house.  On her second night out of hibernation she mated and started to take nesting material into the house.  We are hoping for some hoglets in early May. I've uploaded several videos to Youtube under my name.


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A late Hedgehog in our garden last night. First one i've seen for a couple of years.

Gary Mills

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Irlam - 1 Red Admiral Butterfly flew into the kitchen yesterday. Perhaps looking for somewhere to hibernate? Caught and released!


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First Hedgehog sighting in garden (in Eccles) after 27 years!


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Red Admiral this afternoon


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Thanks Roger. Much appreciated.


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Dave .... they are Green shield bug (Palomena prasina) . One is adult ... the other a nymph.


-- Edited by Roger Baker 3 on Saturday 17th of September 2016 05:51:38 PM

Blessed is the man who expecteth little reward ..... for he shall seldom be disappointed.

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Hi there. Just wondering if somebody can ID the two green beetles feeding on hornbeam in my back garden near Radcliffe, Bury.

-- Edited by Ian McKerchar on Saturday 17th of September 2016 06:18:36 PM


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Silver y in the back yard; first one I've seen this year, actually.


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1 Brimstone butterfly this afternoon in my Irlam garden.


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Couple of holly blue flitting around the ivy in the back yard early this evening. Nice to see.


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At least 2 Wood mice frequently visiting bird feeders in the garden. Often climbing inside them.

Andrew & Cath

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Red-legged Shieldbug in the front garden early afternoon today

Only the obsessed understand!

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Not really a garden but a gorgeous Ruby Tailed Wasp this morning at Chorlton High School grounds. 


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At least half a dozen Diamond backed moth in garden this evening. First time I have knowingly seen these but millions arriving all over country last few days.


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Colourful Sexton Beetle Nicrophorus investigator ID by red tips to antenna seen in back garden but then scarpered before camera could be deployed


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Holly Blue this afternoon with a couple of Small Whites & a Speckled Wood in my Bromley Cross garden.


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In my Irlam garden today:

1 Brimstone
1 Peacock butterfly
1 Red-tailed Bumblebee

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