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Post Info TOPIC: Garden wildlife sightings

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RE: Garden wildlife sightings

Tony Koziol wrote:

Since the post dated 27th March a single Hedgehog has visited our Stockport garden every evening that was until last evening when we had two. Interesting behaviour occurred in that one appeared to get a bit frisky the other one was having none of it and rolled up into a ball. Mr Frisky ? then proceeded to roll the other one with its snout about two feet down the garden. Eventually normal feeding activity commenced.

We are guessing they are a pair and look forward to this evening !!

One Common Frog was seen yesterday during a pour down.



It sounds like two males. They barge each other until one submits. When a male meets a female, he circles her, sniffing her out. She on the other hand huffs and puffs at him. It can go on for quite a while.


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Butterflies in my Irlam garden today:

2 Holly Blue
1 Brimstone


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Small White, Orange Tip, Holly Blue, Peacock, Comma and Speckled Wood all in the garden today!


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Since the post dated 27th March a single Hedgehog has visited our Stockport garden every evening that was until last evening when we had two. Interesting behaviour occurred in that one appeared to get a bit frisky the other one was having none of it and rolled up into a ball. Mr Frisky ? then proceeded to roll the other one with its snout about two feet down the garden. Eventually normal feeding activity commenced.

We are guessing they are a pair and look forward to this evening !!

One Common Frog was seen yesterday during a pour down.


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1st Comma butterfly of the year in garden yesterday morning 


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Last evening the first Hedgehog of the spring turned up at 19.15 in our Stockport garden.

An hour later a fox turned up and recycled a dead Woodpigeon I had found earlier in the day.


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Hi Simon, double fingers crossed.


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In late November we had a surprise visitor to our Dukinfield garden, a Hedgehog. First one I had seen here since 1999.
I thought it looked a bit small for the time of year so we put some dog food out for it, over the next few of days the food disappeared over night but we were not sure if a cat may have taken it, however we did see the Hedgehog again so we contacted Tameside People for Wildlife they advised catching and weighing which we did. It was found to be 200g under recommended weight so they came and took it into care.
Good news is that it was released back in the garden on Sunday evening, fingers crossed it manages to thrive in the area.


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Yesterday at around 14.30 a Red Admiral in our Stockport garden again around the Magnolia.

Hedgehogs last visit was on the 25th of October.

Leaves from the Silver Birch glistened in the late afternoon sunshine looking like gold sovereigns a pity they were not real !



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Red Admiral on and around the Magnolia for at least an hour yesterday.

Hedgehog still visiting the garden every evening, how long will it be before it hibernates we wonder?


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Red Admiral on the Buddleia this morning. 


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A very strange looking T shaped insect just flew in from the garden, I was even more surprised when it was identified as

a 'Plume Moth' - it looks anything but a moth!


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The three hedgehogs still continue to visit our Stockport garden at dusk each evening.


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A new garden butterfly for us today in the shape of a Gatekeeper.  Binocular camera shot attached.


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A Meadow Grasshopper in a garden in Moston, Manchester this morning.


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Good nos. of butterflies in the garden today,most I've seen this year. Several sightings of Holly Blue ,Gatekeepers, Peacocks,Small Tortoiseshells,Green Veined Whites ,Comma and good nos. of Large Whites


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In my sister's Audenshaw garden tonight, I was fortunate to see an adult Hedgehog. No sign of any others, but my sister has seen at least one hoglet on several occasions recently.

Only the obsessed understand!

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Three Hedgehogs have been regular visitors to our Stockport garden over the last few weeks. We can almost set our watches 21.30/35.


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Volucella zonaria,  Hornet mimic hoverfly in my garden in Walshaw, Bury. Yesterday evening.


One by one the penguins steal my sanity


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3 Large White in the garden simultaneously today and a Speckled Wood in the kitchen. A Small Tortoiseshell visited the kitchen on Tuesday.

Only the obsessed understand!

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Firswood... had a quick peek outside around midnight last night to see if the hedgehog was eating the food I'd put out, and was surprised to see a fox there, which looked at me and then scarpered. Will have to get a wildlife/trail camera...

-- Edited by Chris Porter on Thursday 15th of July 2021 11:26:35 AM


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A hedgehog has been visiting our Firswood garden most nights the last few weeks. Have left some food out ('hedgehog food' from Hulme Garden Centre) and it seems to love it. I'm also pretty sure there's at least one young one as I saw what I think was a smaller hedgehog scurrying past on the pavement (surprisingly fast) while the big one was tucking in. It always visits just after it's too dark to get reasonable photos.


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A report from my sister.

A Hedgehog has been visiting her Audenshaw garden over the last few nights.

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Meadow Brown in my Astley garden this afternoon; my first of the year.


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Red Admiral and Speckled wood in my Bredury garden early evening today.

Paul Shaw

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Over our garden near Mosley Common, what I presumed to be the same Four-Spotted Chaser passed by twice in half an hour this afternoon.
A 14-Spot Ladybird in the garden last weekend was the first one I had seen here.


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I recently picked up two hedgehogs going the whole hog (pun intended) on one of my camera traps.  



-- Edited by Adrian Drummond-Hill on Sunday 30th of May 2021 07:19:09 PM


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Four species of butterfly in the garden early this afternoon.

Large White, female Orange Tip, Small Tortoiseshell and a bright male Brimstone.

Also the cotoneaster has been covered in bees and other pollinators over recent days

Only the obsessed understand!

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just as I was prepering to visit the land of nod, I could hear a kind of barking outside the window in my Radcliffe garden. I went and had a peep, and to my amazement, a pair of hedgehogs were flirting with each other.

With great care, I managed to get some pictures of them (now on my Flickr page). They weren't the slightest bit bothered at all.


Which bird is ideal for keeping cakes in? I asked. The answer: a Bun-tin. http://www.flickr.com/photos/135715507@N06

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sid ashton wrote:

At about 11 this morning had a fox strolling around our Hale garden.

Reading up on foxes it is apparently, not unusual to see foxes during broad daylight hours but twas a first for us biggrin

 It is definitely not unusual to see foxes in gardens in our road during daylight hours at the moment!!

Neighbours on both sides have seen them recently, in one case his lawn had been excavated in patches, fox worm-hunting I guess.


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At about 11 this morning had a fox strolling around our Hale garden.

Reading up on foxes it is apparently, not unusual to see foxes during broad daylight hours but twas a first for us biggrin


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A queen Tree Bumblebee was in our Tyldesley garden today visiting Crocus flowers


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Checking our garden camera traps today, it looks like we had four hedgehogs visit us last night. The first of the year. 


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A queen Buff-Tailed Bumblebee dropped in to the garden this morning, before continuing on its Sunday morning mooch


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Lez Fairclough wrote:
Adrian Drummond-Hill wrote:
Lez Fairclough wrote:

Let the cat out at 19:30 tonight to be surprisingly met by a small hedgehog helping itself to the cat food.

I thought hedgehogs hibernated during the winter months - especially in these temperatures & conditions.

 They do but they need to be at least 750 grams to survive the winter. Keep feeding it and if it's very tiny it will need to go to a rescue centre.

 Thanks for the advice Adrian - I'll be hedgehogging at night & birding during the day but definitely keeping an eye on things.

 Lez, if you can, it's worth catching it and weighing it. There are several, local rescue centres and if you want to know the nearest, just let me know.


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Adrian Drummond-Hill wrote:
Lez Fairclough wrote:

Let the cat out at 19:30 tonight to be surprisingly met by a small hedgehog helping itself to the cat food.

I thought hedgehogs hibernated during the winter months - especially in these temperatures & conditions.

 They do but they need to be at least 750 grams to survive the winter. Keep feeding it and if it's very tiny it will need to go to a rescue centre.

 Thanks for the advice Adrian - I'll be hedgehogging at night & birding during the day but definitely keeping an eye on things.


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Lez Fairclough wrote:

Let the cat out at 19:30 tonight to be surprisingly met by a small hedgehog helping itself to the cat food.

I thought hedgehogs hibernated during the winter months - especially in these temperatures & conditions.

 They do but they need to be at least 750 grams to survive the winter. Keep feeding it and if it's very tiny it will need to go to a rescue centre.


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Let the cat out at 19:30 tonight to be surprisingly met by a small hedgehog helping itself to the cat food.

I thought hedgehogs hibernated during the winter months - especially in these temperatures & conditions.


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We had a hedgehog visit last night. It's been quite a while since we'd seen one so extra food has gone out in case it returns. We have high hopes as it had a feed last night and spent almost an hour in the garden.


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Today, I saw one Grey Squirrel, but before 4pm there was a Pipistrelle bat flying around the garden. It flew around for about quarter of an hour despite the rain and then landed somewhere near the gutter on the side of the house.

Only the obsessed understand!

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Three Grey Squirrels were the first I've seen for a while in the garden over the weekend.

Also the ivy flowers are full of pollinators whenever there is any sun.

Only the obsessed understand!

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Quite a few butterflies this morning feeding on Michaelmas Daisies:

1 Painted Lady
2 Small Tortoishell
1 Red Adirmral
1 Large White


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Originally posted today by Ivan Ellison:

Have just had a hornet mimic hoverfly in my Prestwich garden. Never seen one of these in uk before. Grabbed camera but it had flown off when I got back outside.


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2 Pipistrelle bats hunting over the garden yesterday evening.

This morning a Cricket sp was calling a few times from the plum tree but I couldnt see it.


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A Common Blue butterfly in the garden this afternoon


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An amazing Swallowtailed Moth this morning resting on the Magnolia a first for us, what a sight, just magic.


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In my Irlam garden today:

Emperor Dragonfly
1 Comma butterfly


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Couple of years back, my next-door neighbour found a wasp nest in his front garden, hanging from a twig on a shrub, and with a hole on the side. He has 3 kids, so had to get it removed. Pest control chap said it was the most perfectly shaped one he'd ever seen

We get many prospecting queen wasps each spring, though curiously none this year

Many queen bees though this year, don't often see them - had to trap & release half a dozen. They're enormous !


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Late on yesterday afternoon, Saturday 9th, we had a large "swarm" of wasps, no other way to descibe it, around the front of the house with probably a dozen or so inside, not nice. Luckily I had new can of wasp spray.  A bit strange spraying outside but fortunately the wasps appear to have taken the hint and are not present today.  I don't like killing living creatures but we don't like being stung either. Never seen such a big group of wasps together and was wondering if anyone else has had a similar experience.


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An early Heart & Dart plus Flame Carpet, Oak-tree and Common Pugs in my Swinton garden moth trap this morning.

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