Yesterday, at Stone Curlew was picked up on a roadside verge in Hattersley, being mobbed by corvids and taken in and kept overnight. This morning it was checked over by a qualified vet and will be released closer to its normal breeding grounds.
The Green Sandpiper and 4 Teal were on the pool On the river 1 Goosander 1 Little Grebe 1 Cormorant 1 Dipper 30+ Mallard Around the general area 150+ Redwing 200+ Jackdaw 250+ Canada Geese 2 Great Spotted Woodpecker 1 Sparrowhawk 20+ Long-tailed Tit
The long staying Green Sandpiper is still in the area, it was on the river bank late morning. Otherwise fairly quiet, Small flock of Redwing flew over. A female Sparrowhawk drifted directly over the Sandpiper which alerted me to the hawks presence by visibly shrinking in size by pulling in its feathers, crouching slightly lower and tilting its head over to keep an eye skyward.
9/10/19 very brief late afternoon visit to view the pool in the field adjacent to the River Tame in the Dunkirk area.
Fairly surprised to see a Green Sandpiper feeding along the edges especially considering that there were people in the field not too far away. Also 4 Teal 1 Grey Wagtail a few Black-headed Gulls 150+ Canada Geese, mainly in the fields behind 1 Jay
Brief visit early afternoon, mainly to have a look at the pool as it had dried out before recent rains, it has refilled quite nicely.
3 Common Sandpiper around the pool 1 Grey Heron perched at the top of a hawthorn 1 Kingfisher flew up the river 1 Buzzard overhead a few House Martin and Chiffchaff around otherwise fairly quiet
Hi Vic, Pleased to say that there is a small rookery in the front garden of Grange Farm opposite Tesco Roundabout at the junction of the M67,which is not that far away,and may explain the young birds?There may of course be others closer?
Rooks have become fairly uncommon around Hyde even on Werneth Low. Years ago people used to say "if you see one or two birds in a field then they're Crows if you see a lot then they're Rooks". This was a fairly correct assumption until the past 20 years or so. But now a field full of corvids around Hyde are always Crows with a handful of Rooks if you're lucky. Obviously this is because of the declines in rookeries in the area.
It was therefore a bit of a surprise to say the least to see an immature Rook on the ground close to the main Morrison's store entrance this afternoon. The bird was still there when I left 10 mins later. It appeared healthy and had no problem flying. A couple of weeks ago I saw an adult on the ground a couple of hundred yards away on Mottram Rd. I can't recall ever seeing Rooks in the area before, other than occasional flyovers and even those have become rare in recent years. I wonder if there could be a small urban rookery anywhere in the area?
Was in Hyde town centre at 11.30am when an Oystercatcher flew over calling frequently and flying on a direct course for Audenshaw res. Not the usual type of bird sighting for Hyde town centre.
Green Sandpiper present again tho morning, picking around the muddy bit at the back of the pool. Also 4 Teal and 3 Lapwings. 2 Teal on another pool that has formed a bit further over at the bottom of the slope.
A Sandpiper was present on the pool when I arrived. It wasn't long before it was flushed by a horse rider and I was able to confirm it was a Green Sandpiper. It didn't fly far and may well have returned to the pool later, although there are plenty of suitable feeding sites in the immediate area. Only one Teal on the pool 4 Grey Heron Sparrowhawk Mixed tit flock contained at least 8 Long-tailed Tits and 6 Blue Tits Grey Wagtail Kingfisher (heard only)
6/8/17 Dunkirk Area, brief visit to check the pool.
First returning Teal, a female was at the back of the pool at midday. Also around the pool and fields, 100+ Black-headed Gulls. 70+ Jackdaw, many juveniles. 20+ Woodpigeon, again many juveniles. c100 Canada Geese.
Yesterday at 1030 am, walking up past the Queens Hotel with my wife on our way to the dreaded weekly shop at Morrisons my mood was somewhat lightened by the sight of a Peregrine circling over Chartist House. Having seen them at Ashton, Stalybridge,Audenshaw etc this was the first one I'd ever seen at Hyde in my life despite having worked there since 1968 and lived there since 1978.
The bird may have been the one that has been recorded at Audenshaw Reservoirs occasionally this year as it flew off eventually in that direction.
A fair amount of disturbance on the river due to fishermen and 8 small boats
Chiffchaff moving silently through the trees on the riverbank, possibly a new arrival or female Kingfisher flushed several times Grey Wagtail pair 3 male Siskin singing in a sapling on path down to river. Several other birds calling along riverbank Nuthatch in SBI Hard to count Teal due to disturbance but at least 7 3 redhead Goosander flushed Grey Heron 5 pairs of Long-tailed Tit seen in the area including a pair building a nest 100+ Canada Geese
Lots of birdsong with most expected common species represented
10/3/17 Dunkirk area of River Tame and adjacent fields
5 Wigeon feeding on the river bank 3 Lapwing in display flight 8 Teal on the pool 1 Goosander 1 Kingfisher 4 Siskin around the car park 3 Buzzard c150 Canada Geese
04/02/2017 40 mins either side of midday Dunkirk area
Only 1 Teal seen on the pool, non seen on the river. Pair of Goosander 2 female Goldeneye 3 Little Grebe 1 Dipper 1 Buzzard 1 Sparrowhawk Plenty of activity in the wooded areas including a few Siskin.
On or around the pool 1 Shoveler, female 4 Teal 3 Lapwing 1 Grey Heron
On the river 33 Mallard 1 Goldeneye, female 10 Teal 2 Cormorant 7 Moorhen 1 Little Grebe 2 Grey Heron
In the fields and woods 50+ Redwing 1 Buzzard with prey item (looked to be a Woodpigeon) 1 Sparrowhawk 25+ Long-tailed Tit in 2 flocks 1 Goldcrest Great Spotted Woodpecker and Nuthatch heard only
12 Teal on pool and a confiding pair on the river Red head Goosander Grey Heron Cormorant over 6 Lapwing 3 Siskin with c12 Goldfinch Great Spotted Woodpecker Nuthatch (heard only) 8 Redwing At least 20 Blackbird in general area, but mainly in hawthorns Mixed tit flock containing at least 15 Long-tailed Tit at least five each of Blue and Great Tit Song Thrush 6 Moorhen (Four on riverbank and two on canal)
Female Sparrowhawk flew through wood at far end of Dunkirk Lane towards canal
-- Edited by Karen Foulkes on Sunday 27th of November 2016 05:55:33 PM
-- Edited by Karen Foulkes on Sunday 27th of November 2016 05:56:18 PM
6 Teal on pool 8 Lapwing, flew off in the direction of Dunkirk Farm presumably to roost Cormorant flying downstream Great Spotted Woodpecker c40 Redwing with 6-8 Mistle Thrush c40 Goldfinch, 30 of which were with the thrushes and the other 10 or so were feeding elsewhere
16/10/2016 brief visit at around 9am to Dunkirk area.
On the pool in the horse field 1 drake Shoveler in eclipse or possibly a first winter. 1 Teal. (17 is the maximum count I have had this autumn) On the river 4 Teal on the short stretch I looked at. 1 Cormorant c10 Mallard On previous visits recently 2 Little Grebe, Goosander and Kingfisher have been seen.
21 Teal on the pool. On the river 12 Teal 1 Dipper 2 Little Grebe 1 Grey Wagtail 25 Mallard 1 Cormorant In the surrounding woodland 38 Siskin 1 Treecreeper 1 singing Goldcrest 1 Great Spotted Woodpecker
14/2/2016 1.10-230 Dunkirk area and Jet Amber fields.
Nuthatch,3 Chaffinches,goldfinches heard,2 goldcrests, great spotted woodpeckers and one drumming. 3 lapwings,heron,thrushes and 60+ Canada Geese near pond.1 teal,2 drake goosanders,mallards,little grebe and moorhen on river.
Nothing on or around the pool On the river c16 Teal 3 Little Grebe 30+ Mallard 1 Grey Wagtail In the woods adjacent to the treatment works c20 Siskin Goldcrest Treecreeper 3 Great Spotted Woodpecker in a noisy territorial dispute followed by lots of drumming. 2 or 3 Song Thrush singing 1 Mistle Thrush singing
1/2/2016 late afternoon visit to Dunkirk area fields and River Tame
64 Teal were on or around the pool 5 Grey Heron roosting at the back of the pool c30 Redwing 4 Mistle Thrush 1 Sparrowhawk 150+ Canada Geese on the river 30+ Mallard 3 Little Grebe 6 Moorhen 1 Cormorant
44 Teal mostly resting on the bank around the pool 5 Grey Heron at the back of the pool On the river were 34+ Mallard 1 Little Grebe 1 Goosander 1 Grey Wagtail 1 Dipper between the footbridge and the sewage works 5 Moorhen 100+ Canada Geese and 5 Mistle Thrush were on the fields. Also, a Kingfisher was seen by Karen Foulkes near Dunkirk Wood at around this time.
38 Teal on the pool, but there could have been a few more tucked away and birds were also flying onto the river 2 Little Grebe together on the river and a probable third on the meander Pair of Goosander near the island 10-15 Siskin flew away from the alders near the car park 11 Mallard on river and 16 on canal 120+ Canada Geese 1 Grey Heron 3 Moorhen Great Spotted Woodpecker calling Bullfinch calling Song Thrush singing again
-- Edited by Karen Foulkes on Tuesday 29th of December 2015 07:12:54 PM
27/12/2015 late morning visit to Dunkirk area and River Tame
34 Teal on or around the much expanded pool in the horse field 3 Grey Heron roosting in the tree behind the pool 11 Redwing in the same field The river is probably only suitable for Torrent Duck at the moment. A small flock of Siskin were feeding in the trees around the car park Song Thrush singing nearby.
9/12/2015, Pair (M&F) of Goosander on the canal near Haughton Dale. Female appeared to have a fish but was spooked as I passed and dropped it as she flew off