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Post Info TOPIC: Ludworth Moor (other wildlife)

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RE: Ludworth Moor (other wildlife)

Local year firsts of large skippers (18) and meadow brown (3). Best were a rather faded Painted Lady on Gird Lane and a Common Blue which is a real scarcity up here (prob about my 4th in more than 25 years).


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21 Green Veined White
1 Wall Brown near Lakeside again
2 Small Copper in the same location
3 Orange Tip


6-7 Chimney Sweeper a little back towards Gird lane in the grassy fields.




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I think I saw the same Wall Brown as Mark, along the footpath opposite Smithy Lane Farm. Also a Small Copper here. Elsewhere Speckled Wood, Green-veined White and Orange Tip.

Cheers John


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Similar butterfly species seen as Andy, only had one Wall Brown down Smithy Lane and Small Heath seen in the adjacent field. No Lizard for me though, must keep my eyes open.


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A very decent morning with 10 species of butterfly, a couple of macro moths, and first ever common lizard up here. Butterfly highlights were first small copper (2) and small heath of the year, and the best Spring showing of Wall Brown for longer than I can remember. Definitely 4, (2 x 2 seen at different spots), and perhaps up to 7. Moths included single Mother Shipton.

Over 20 large red damsels seen.

All praise to the sun.


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Green-Veined White's
Orange Tips
and the odd Small Tortoiseshell

1 Stoat running up the road from Cloughend.




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Late news for 2nd November:

Small Tortoiseshell still on the wing.

Cheers John


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Red Admiral 2

Small Copper 1

Speckled Wood 1

Cheers, John


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1 Small Copper
1 Red Admiral
1 Small Tortoiseshell

No Walls today but the minimum number in the colony was 6

Cheers John

-- Edited by John Rayner on Tuesday 6th of October 2015 01:10:55 PM


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Wall colony: A total of 2 males and 2 females now photographed plus the 5th near Hillside Farm.

Cheers, John


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Went back today to assess Wall Brown numbers but unfortunately the weather was unpromisingly cloudy and windy.

Quarry area: I managed to photograph at least 3 Wall Browns with varying degrees of wing wear. Surely more to be found in better weather.

Therefore a minimum of 4 individuals if include yesterday's outlying sighting near Hillside Farm.

Also: Small Copper and Speckled Wood.

Cheers John


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1 Wall Brown was a surprise find on the bank opposite Hillside Farm. Andy's record from the quarry on 19th is about 300 metres away so this is probably a second individual, which might suggest a small colony of an insect now thinly scattered in the north west.

The unexplained decline of Wall Brown is illustrated by a quote from the Butterfly Conservation newsletter "Wall Brown was the 6th most widely recorded butterfly in 1985 [in Cheshire] but by 2014 had fallen to 25th position. Amazingly in 1985 it was recorded in more tetrads than Meadow Brown".

Other butterflies were singles of Peacock, Small Tortoiseshell, Green-veined White and Speckled Wood.

Cheers John


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Surprised to add to my 2015 butterfly list today with a Wall seen in the quarry area. Also red admiral , green-veined white, small white, speckled wood, 4 small totoiseshells and (almost an apparition) 3 peacocks together (Gird Lane). For the moths, one silver 'Y' and a large yellow-underwing. Two southern hawker males at pond. One rested on dry land, and I got so close (lying on my stomach) that my binoculars wouldn't focus down (and they do to 0.6 meters). Hopefully some good photos came of it. Singles of common blue and emerald damsels might be the last this year (sadly).

-- Edited by Andy Bissitt on Saturday 19th of September 2015 09:04:04 PM


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5th Sep:

7 Gatekeepers. Fairly tatty now.
2 Small Tortoiseshells. Fresh and pristine.
2 Green-veined Whites

A pair of Common Hawkers, with male clasping female, repeatedly flew up to about 20 metres. Each time the female attempted to complete the coupling they tumbled spectacularly like a rapidly spinning pinwheel almost to the ground before gaining height again.

Cheers John


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2nd Sep: 1 Fox

4th Sep: 1 Toad, 1 Common Frog

Cheers, John


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Green-veined White 36
Large White 1
Gatekeeper 11
Meadow Brown 14
Small Copper 1
Small Tortoiseshell 7
Small Heath 3
Small Skipper 3
Painted Lady 1
Speckled Wood 1

Common Hawker 11
Emerald Damselfly - many
Black Darter c20
Common Blue Damselfly c15

Cheers John


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Good for odonata today (a.m.)

Emperor dragonfly
Common Hawker (pond above quarry)
Black darter (one teneral)
Common Darter
Brown Hawker
Emerald damselfly (15+) all at pond above quarry.
Common blue damselfly

Small copper only butterfly not previously seen (since first brood)


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5 Small Tortoiseshell
6 Meadow Brown
2 Red Admiral
5 Gatekeeper
1 Stoat

No doubt only a fraction of what was there but my butterfly and moth ID'ing is only in its infancy.




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Other recent sightings within the SBI area:

Ringlet (29 Jul) and Small Skipper (1 Aug)

Cheers John


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Meadow Brown 21
Gatekeeper 2
White sp. 1

Cheers John


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Painted Lady 1
Large Skipper 2
Small Tortoiseshell 4
Small Heath 5
Meadow Brown 1

Cheers John


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1 Weasel
2 Small Heaths

Cheers John


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SBI/Quarry area

1 Weasel
1 Field Vole

Cheers John

-- Edited by Ian McKerchar on Saturday 13th of September 2014 01:13:44 PM


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33 Speckled Woods
1 Large White
1 Short-tailed Field Vole

Cheers John


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One Short-tailed Field Vole
2-3 Gatekeepers

Cheers John


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An emergence of Gatekeepers since my last visit plus 2 Small Skippers.

Also Green-veined Whites, Meadow Browns, Small Tortoiseshells and a single Small Heath.
Emerald Damselflies seem to be doing well with some paired in tandem.

Cheers John

-- Edited by John Rayner on Thursday 31st of July 2014 08:19:40 AM


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Ten species of butterfly today including brimstone (a first for the Ludworth sites) and a Wall Brown, still hanging on at about one sighting per year in the last 4 years.


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Excellent yesterday, especially around Brown Low, with the years first small heaths, and my first small copper and holly blue up here. Also still the same green hairstreak (on the same bramble patch). A Mother Shipton moth was a first for here, and a cinnabar plus three common heaths also seen. Perhaps pipping them all were at least 4 broad-bodied chasers, all spanking new copies!! Also found small heaths in the quarry area with another Mother Shipton in the SBI area. Some places up here continue to hang onto their semi-wilderness despite the best efforts of landowners. Orange tips and green-veined whites everywhere.


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2 Green hairstreaks the pick of things. 1 near Brown Low (not really accessible), but one up the path east of Larkhill as well (just over half way up where the bilberry is very evident). Also lead belle moth near quarry was a first for me (at least locally, I think). Disturbed a sleeping fox also in the Brown Low area.

-- Edited by Andy Bissitt on Friday 16th of May 2014 08:44:59 PM


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Weasel and Badger - both near Far Bradshaw

Cheers John


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The first damselfly of the year - a Large Red Damselfly near Cloughend Farm.

Cheers John


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Only 1 butterfly (Peacock) in a 3 hour walk.

Cheers John


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1 peacock, and 1 or 2 small tortoiseshell around the place. Great to be back amongst insects. Lots of frog spawn in pond overspill.

-- Edited by Andy Bissitt on Sunday 9th of March 2014 08:41:48 PM


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Stoat near Smithy Lane Farm

Cheers, John


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Small Copper 3
Peacock 3
Small Heath 1
Speckled Wood 8
Large White 1
Green-veined White 4

Cheers, John


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Fewer butterflies in colder and windier conditions

Red Admiral 1
Speckled Wood 2
Small Heath 1
Green-veined White 3

Cheers John


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Gatekeeper 2
Small Copper 4
Peacock 2
Green-veined White 9
Speckled Wood 5
Small Heath 1

4 Spot Chaser 1
Black Darters c12
Common Darter 1
Southern Hawker 1
Common Hawker 2

1 Frog and 1Toadlet

Cheers John


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Late sightings for last Saturday, 27th July included a 4-spotted chaser on the pond (only 2nd or 3rd ever here), as well as 3 teneral black darters, and a brown hawker on the lane nearby. Butterflies included 3 small heaths and a red admiral ('rare' this year).


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c30 Small Tortoiseshells
c20 GV Whites

Large Red, Common Blue, Emerald Damselflies in tandem
At least 3 Common Hawkers including a pair in tandem

Cheers John


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Many Damselflies flying.

c50 Azure Damselflies
c30 Large Red Damselflies
c5 Emerald Damselflies (newly emerged)
2 Blue-tailed Damselflies

Also minimum 11 Green-veined Whites

Cheers John


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Female Palmate Newt in pond near quarry

Cheers John


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1 Field Vole in quarry area

Cheers, John


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Young Badger (dead near Larkhill)
1 Field Vole
1 Toad

Many Black Darters and Common Emeralds
4 Common Hawkers

Cheers, John


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Toad 2

Green-veined White 32
Meadow Brown 8
Gatekeeper 6
Small Skipper 4
Small Tortoishell 4

Silver 'Y' 1

Brown Hawker 2
Emerald Damselfly c8
Azure Damselfly 2

Cheers, John


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Around the Quarry area

6 Small Heaths
Many Azure and Large Red Damselflies

Cheers, John


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Back on the butterfly trail today with six species, as follows-

Small tortoiseshell
Orange Tip
Speckled Wood
Green-veined white
Small Copper

You have to take what you can get at the moment.


While we exist, all else is at risk.

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15th October:

Small Tortoishell 5
Comma 1
Red Admiral 2

Cheers, John

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