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Post Info TOPIC: Ludworth Moor (other wildlife)

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RE: Ludworth Moor (other wildlife)

Very nice, John. Touch of caerulea punctata in the second photo.

Shame I'm stuck in work when the butterflies are out and about furious

Steve "Make your birdwatching count!"

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Still 2 Small Coppers flying. A bit of sunshine forecast for Friday so might get a November record.

1 Field Vole

Cheers John.


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Another late date for Small Coppers. 2 today including this pristine individual.

Cheers, John


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Thanks Steve,

I tried to work out which aberrations they were but gave up. I was surprised to learn there are 140 named aberrations and many others un-named.


Cheers John


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Good photo, John. Interesting variation in the size of the forewing "spots". There have been so many Small Coppers around this year and some nice abberations.

Steve "Make your birdwatching count!"

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Just to endorse Andy's comments, today I had a minimum of 9 Small Coppers in just 1 hour. Definitely a gross underestimate of the numbers around.

Cheers, John


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A bumper day for small copper up here, with frost still on the ground when I saw the first at c 9.20 a.m. In all twelve were seen, ten at the quarry and singles in two other places - all before midday. I would imagine many more were about come the afternoon. Also one common darter in the quarry area.


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Had perhaps the last dragonfly of the year up here yesterday (10th), and was pleased to get very close to this common hawker, usually a hard task. Also small coppers (5) were still around.


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08 Oct:
Small Copper 4

01 Oct:
Small Copper 8
Speckled Wood 3
Small Tortoiseshell 1
Common Darter 2

Cheers, John

-- Edited by John Rayner on Tuesday 9th of October 2018 08:11:10 AM


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A goodish list of species:

2 peacock, 1 small tortoiseshell, 1 small copper, 2 small white, 3 wall, 5 small heath, 2 speckled wood. Moths = antler moth and spruce carpet on a saw off stump where the plantation used to be!

odonata = 5 common darter, 3/4 black darter, 15+ emerald damselflies, 1 fem. southern hawker (egg laying), 2 common hawker, 1 brown hawker, sev. common blue damsels.


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Dull, breezy, warm.

Stoat 1

Small Heath 3
Wall Brown 2
White sp. 1

Common Hawker 2
Southern Hawker 2
Brown Hawker 2
Common Darter 2
Black Darter 2
Common Blue-tailed Damselfly 20+
Emerald Damselfly 4

Cheers John


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In limited sunshine (less than 1% of time I was walking) this a.m., managed to see 3 wall brown, 2 small heath, 1 small copper, 2 speckled woods, green-viened and small whites, and an antler moth. Most of the 'action' was on the last third of Chatterton Lane (e.g. path to Lower Bradfield Farm, on a couple of ragwort plants).


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This p.m. with Mark Walsh.

Wall Browns everywhere with a minimum of 16.

Quarry 4
Adjacent SBI minimum 4
Chatterton Lane minimum 4
Gird Lane 1
Footpath near Smithy Farm 2
Smithy Lane 1

Also GV White, Small Tortoiseshell, Speckled Woods, Small Coppers, Small Heaths.

Cheers John


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1-2 Wall Browns were by footpath between Smithy Lane and Gird Lan
Another Wall Brown on Gird Lane

A Weasel hunted by Quarry Pool

There are 5 Canada Geese roost by Quarry Pool and they leave lots of feathers and droppings. In amongst this today were bones/remains of what looks like a Crayfish. If I am right this is most likely to be the alien Signal Crayfish. But if they were native White-clawed Crayfish perhaps we could get SSSI status - I don't this the peaty habitat is right so this is a long shot!

Cheers, John

Quarry Pool in the foreground of this photo and the triangular patch of rough, reedy pasture behind the pylon is the one that is currently being strimmed/drained.


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Some reward for grilling the quarry and pond area with the first black darters of the season (7, inc. a pair in tandem), also 12+ emerald damsels, with a couple of pairs in tandem, 1 male common hawker, 1 brown hawker (ovipositing), and 1 fem. common darter. Water level of pond is lowest ever - rain please! 

Butterflies not in great numbers, but included 2 wall brown (2nd generation), half a dozen smalll copper and a couple of peacock. Just about O.K. in terms of interest then.


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One Weasel ran across the road near Hillside this morning, first I've seen in a while.


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Wednesday 18th p.m. Sun disappeared just as I reached the quarry pond. Still found 1 male common hawker on the shrinking overflow pond, and 2 brown hawkers on the main pond. Best of the butterflies were 7 peacocks (6 around quarry area), 2 small coppers and the very scarce red admiral managed just one.


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Not really counting properly but there were good numbers of Gatekeeper, Meadow Brown and Ringlet about. Beyond that 6 Small Tortoiseshell, 5 Small Heath, 2 Small Copper, 1 Peacock and 1 Comma. In addition 1 Silver 'Y'.


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Perhaps a sign of the unseen damage that the dry weather is doing to our wildlife when I found a dead mole with no obvious signs of injury. Probably died of starvation without the worms it needs.

On a more uplifting note, 13 species of butterfly seen in the area (possible purple hairstreak not counted), with meadow brown (42), and gatekeeper (28) in greatest numbers, ringlet (15) and small white (10+) in middling numbers and, even though there was only one of each, it was good to see small copper (my first up here this year) and peacock (in trouble). Other insects seen: brown hawker, broad-bodied chaser, shaded broad-bar and silver 'Y' moths.




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An attempt at a full census covering the quarry and 4 pools, 2 either side of Gun Road.

Meadow Brown 23
Small Heath 10
Painted Lady 1
Small Tortoiseshell 4
Large Skipper 3
Small Skipper 5
Ringlet 15
Large White 1 (my 1st of 2018)
Gatekeeper 1 (ditto)

Emperor 4
Broad-bodied Chaser 2
Common Blue Damselfly 55
Azure Damselfly 3
Blue-tailed Damselfly 2

Cheers, John


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Some encouraging butterfly numbers this p.m., but these were mostly on the area rendered useless for birds by off-road bikes. It shows that if the sheep are kept out things take a big upward swing.

Down Sandhill Lane from parking area at Brown Low to Clough End Farm: 9 ringlet, 13 meadow brown, singles of large, small and green-veined white and small tortoiseshell, 3 small heath; 3 5-spot burnet.

Quarry and pond area: c20 ringlet, 50+ meadow brown, an unprecedented 18 small heath (prob an underestimation), less than 10 large skipper, c15 small skipper, 3 small torts, 8 5-spot burnet, 1 silver 'Y'. Amongst the five species of damselfly you might expect were the first two teneral emeralds of the year. Also a male emperor showed up which was not there on my first pass of the pond.

On the way out, I had to usher two sheep out of the area and back through the hole in the fence they had come through. I then made best I could to block it. They are not having my butterflies' babies for lunch!!



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Common Blue Damselfly c30
Azure Damselfly c10
Blue-tailed Damselfly 4
Large Red Damselfly - only 1 seen
Broad-bodied Chaser 1

Small Heath 9
Meadow Brown 5
Wall 1
Large Skipper 2
No whites seen

Cheers John


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27 Green-Veined White
6 Speckled Wood
4 Large Skipper
4 Small Heath
3 Wall Brown

2 Silver Y

2 Broad Bodied Chaser


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Not much doing birdwise but 7 species of butterfly:

Wall Brown 2 (my first of the year on path near Smithy Farm)
Small Copper 1 (a pristine example and another first for the year)
Green-veined White 26
Speckled Wood 6
Orange Tip 1
Small Tortoiseshell 1
Peacock 1

A few Large Red Damselflies

Cheers John


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The moment we've (well me) all been waiting for: 3 teneral large red damselflies at the quarry pond this p.m. Summer truly begins with the first odonata in my opinion.


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29th March:

A vole feeding under the Larkhill feeders had rich, warm brown upper parts and was almost certainly a Bank Vole.

Cheers John


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The birds played second fiddle to this stoat during an afternoon visit today.


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A butterfly, near certain a comma, flew across my path this morning. Black ice and frost, but obviously not cold enough for it to hibernate yet!


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Birds did not seem to be on the agenda on such a day, and so it turned out.

Had to make do with c15 common darters (inc one pair in tandem), 1 southern hawker, and a solitary male black darter up the bridleway at the littered area. It's not been a great year for them, nor for many of the odonata. Butterflies limited to 4 or 5 red ads scattered about.


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Even more different individual Walls photographed today. Each one has unique nicks and cuts in the wings making them easily identifiable from decent photographs. Total over the past 2 days 8 (Quarry) + 2 (April Cottage)

Singles of Peacock, Red Admiral, Small Tortoiseshell, Meadow Brown
Gatekeeper 3
Green-veined White 3

A new Hoverfly for me - Platycheirus granditarsus (with its peg-like foot extensions).

Cheers, John


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A good count of Wall Browns today:

2 Quarry east, 2 Quarry west (all photographed and by comparison with earlier photographs the quarry colony is at least 8)
Also 2 Opposite April Cottage (this pair embarked on a 5 minute aerial display, circling and swirling around each other closely, only 6-12 inches apart)

Meadow Brown 1
Green-veined White 4
Red Admiral 2
Speckled Wood 1
Gatekeeper 1

Large numbers of Common Darters around quarry pond - at least 15.

Cheers John

-- Edited by John Rayner on Friday 1st of September 2017 05:57:53 PM


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Several different species of Butterfly seen with most in Derbyshire around Cown Edge and Coombes fm.

Along the PR path before the Picking Rods themselves;

16 Green-Veined White
1 Peacock

In Derbyshire

8 Green-Veined White
7 Gatekeeper
2 Small Tortoiseshell
2 Painted Lady
2 Red Admiral
At least 9 Peacock all in the thistles on the track to Coombes Farm.




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Wall 4 (2 pairs, one at either end of the quarry. the total colony count is now probably around 8. Each pair were displaying and dancing in tight circles)
Painted Lady 1
Small Copper 2 (including a pale washed out individual)
Small Heath 1
Gatekeeper 9
Speckled Wood 2
Green-veined White 11

Plenty of Darters including at least 1 male Black Darter and many teneral darters that I think are also Blacks (see attached photo if anyone can confirm?). There were also plenty of Common Darters, 2 Southern Hawkers and a few Common Emerald Damselflies.

Also in the nearby area 1 myxomatosised Rabbit

Cheers, John


-- Edited by John Rayner on Sunday 27th of August 2017 06:07:59 PM


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John Rayner wrote:

I have now photographed 4 individual Wall Browns in the quarry.

A male and female at the traditional site and another male and female at the eastern end of the quarry
Gatekeepers 5
Meadow Browns 2 (rather tatty now)
Green-veined White 2

A few teneral Darters flushed and flew so never got a good look - Common or Black?

Common Frog 1
Common Toad 1

Cheers John


Do you want to do your usual comparison check with this first one I saw at the quarry last week?




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I have now photographed 4 individual Wall Browns in the quarry.

A male and female at the traditional site and another male and female at the eastern end of the quarry
Gatekeepers 5
Meadow Browns 2 (rather tatty now)
Green-veined White 2

A few teneral Darters flushed and flew so never got a good look - Common or Black?

Common Frog 1
Common Toad 1

Cheers John


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Couldn't find my Sony lens cap but a 2nd Wall Brown photographed at the western end of the quarry, a female this time. Rubbishy iPhone photo attached.

Cheers, John


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1 Wall Brown at the eastern end of the quarry (exactly where Andy said it would be)
A few faded Gatekeepers in the same area

1 large hoverfly - Sericomyia silentis

Cheers John

-- Edited by John Rayner on Sunday 20th of August 2017 04:11:22 PM


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John. They're back! Two Wall this morning (one at 8.15 !). One on wall of garden of 'new' house next to Larkhill, the other in the quarry area (at extreme eastern end, not in main quarry). Also singles of small heath, small skipper, and the two 'rarities' peacock and small tortoiseshell. Meadow browns and gatekeepers in fair numbers, and green-veined white all over the place.

Other notable thing was the first black darter of the year, as well as 5 common darters. All of this was without my close-focus bins as it was really supposed to be for birds. I should have known better. 


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1 Common Toad.

Very few butterflies about in blustery conditions.
(I have regularly checked the quarry area for Wall Browns but have seen zero there so far this year. Only a single Wall sighting for me this year with 1 at the Gird Lane lay-by on 31/05/17).

Cheers John


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31st July:
Gatekeeper 17
Meadow Brown 28
Speckled Wood 2
Green-veined White 11
Small Skipper 3
Red Admiral 2
Small Tortoiseshell 1

Weasel 1

Cheers John


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19/07/2017 Quarry area and adjacent fields.

Green-veined White 29
Meadown Brown 16
Gatekeeper 9
Ringlet 8
Small Tortoisshell 6
Small Skipper 4
Small Heath 2
Red Admiral 1

Common Hawker 1
Azure Damselfly lots
Common Emerald Damselfly 3

Cheers John


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Quite a lot about even though I wasn't really looking for it;

17 Red Admiral's
18 Meadow Brown
11 Ringlet
5 Large Skipper
Then Singletons of Speckled Wood, Small heath and Small Tortoiseshell

A more concerted look would have turned up more.


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Not bad up there this afternoon, although numbers seem depressingly small.

5 large skippers, 5 speckled wood, 1 each small heath, green-veined white, meadow brown. At the pond highlights were 4-spotted chaser and an emperor; a broad-bodied chaser female was also in the meadow opposite April Cottage. Also seen: 2 agapanthia long-horn beetles, 1 or 2 six spotted burnet moths, and a probable northern spinach. 


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First Small Heath of the year
Green-veined White 12
Red Admiral 1
But the highlight was a pristine 1st generation Wall Brown at the top of Gird Lane near the lay-by

Common Toad 3
Common Frog 4

Cheers John


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The Wall Browns seemed to be doing well in the quarry with at least 4 individuals but possibly more. Other than that;

21 Green Veined White
13 Gatekeeper
2 Small Tortoiseshell
7 Speckled Wood
11 Meadow Brown
1 Large White

1 Antler Moth in the quarry




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18 Green Veined White
11 Meadow Brown
19 Gatekeeper
3 Small Skipper
2 Speckled Wood
1 Red Admiral

1 Yellow shell moth

Wish it had been a bit less windy.




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Gatekeeper 17
Meadow Brown 22
Small Tortoiseshell 8
Green-veined White 21
Comma 1
Speckled Wood 2
Small Skipper 1
Small Heath 3

Emperor female ovipositing
Emerald Damselfy c10
Common Blue Damselfly c15
Black Darter 3
Brown Hawker 2
Common Darter 2

Common Frog 2

Cheers John


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Quite a good day for different butterfly species;

Lots of both Meadow Brown and Green Veined White
15 Gatekeeper
5 Small Skipper
1 Large Skipper
4 Small Tortoiseshell

Surprisingly I came across a few Comma while out as well, either 4 or 5 (even managed a photo).

Also saw a blue of some variety, must work on my ID'ing.




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Butterflies in medium average numbers, as follows:

52 Meadow Brown

22 Ringlet (first records away from Glossop Rd)

3 Small tortoiseshell

7 Small Skipper

4 Large Skipper

1 Common Blue

5 Small Heath

1 Green-viened White

1 Large White

3 Gatekeeper

a few whites went unidentified, but not many.


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3 ringlets, an emperor dragonfly and a stoat is a selection of the best non-birding stuff this afternoon.


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