8.30 Milner St
Some of the berry trees completely stripped. The trees right alongside A57 still have fruit on them and thrush/waxwing flocks were on these this morning.
Fewer birds than a few days ago, 90% of birds were Redwing. Single figures of Waxwing in with them.
There were 2 Waxwing at Milner Street, after lunch along with a large mixed flock of Redwing and Fieldfares. However about 2.45 c50 Waxwings flew in giving very good views. They were still there when I left about 3.15.
Just off A57 right next to closed B&Q opposite Post Office Depot
Fantastic close views of mixed flock of thrushes and waxwings gorging on berries.
at least 10 Waxwing and 20 plus Fieldfare 30 plus Redwing smaller nos of Mistle Thrush and Blackbirds.
This is right next to VW showroom but when waxwings here in previous years the VW staff were very unsympathetic to birders (and birds) so if anyone's planning a visit to see them best to avoid the showroom's carparks.
A slightly earlier traipse round Forshaw/Milner St area found plenty of Starlings but not much else.
23+ at Milner Street at 13.10. A bit flighty as a Magpie was in their favoured tree. Also 2 Redwing and 2 Mistle Thrushes. Lots of berries here. Beware the traffic wardens!!
Anyone in Warrington whos out and about check Milner street for Waxwings has the berries are perfect and in abundance has waxwings have been seen at Lowton this morning,so Milner street has always been the top spot in Warrington -anyone who goes please update ,I have been checking has I live close ,but am at work all week,so can't get to check .
Just seen a Magpie near Asda Westbrook, flying with it's beak full of sticks and twigs, are they still nesting, or is this early preparation for next spring?.
Saw my first Black Tern of the year today ,in the stranges of places ,1 Flying over the swing bridge on Chester Road down the Manchester ship canal towards Moore ,presumebly from Woolston Eyes,in the Rush hour at 4.20 .Who would ever thought you could see Black Tern in Almost town centre Warrington :) Always expect anything anywhere and you won't go wrong :)
Red Kite drifting NE 10.30 am over Tesco extra Warrington :) Put all the gulls up from the top of the Asda Warehouse opposite ,where it looked like there was well over 500 large gulls roosting . :)
An opportunity arose this morning of about 45min watching from the roof of Golden Square, Warrington. Birds moving between S to SW were 68 Meadow Pipit, 2 Skylark and a minimum of 6 Siskin, birds being heard but many difficult to see against blue sky before fog drifted in. Long-Tailed Tit moved through London Planes at Golden Square and a Collared Dove is sitting on it's third brood in a Flowering Pear tree
For interest, in relation to John's sighting below, a Darvic-ringed Cormorant just upstream of the town centre in spring turned out to have been ringed in Germany
Peregrine just gone over our garden in the centre of warrington being harrased by a lesser black backed gull headed towards the halliwell jones stadium. :)
-- Edited by JOHN TYMON on Sunday 5th of April 2015 04:30:49 PM
A Peregrine was perched on top of the Scottish Power building in Wilderspool for several minutes around 11.30. This building usually provides a roost for a flock of Feral Pigeons, although their numbers seem to have dropped from around 80, to about half that number since the former rugby stadium has been demolished. Needless to say then when the raptor was present, no pigeons were to be seen anywhere. The first birds back, several minutes after the falcon had departed were 4 Magpies. showing off their bravery on the roof, followed by 15 pigeons who went into a frenzy of flap and glide displaying. Take heed lesser birds, I have a feeling our "Peregrinus" friend will return.
The area were the twite are reported was a local patch of mine for almost 10 years, its very doubtful that there would be twite flocks there. The linnet flocks were always there in winter and sometimes the 1st winter birds can be mistaken for twite. I never saw twite there in the 10 years I covered the area . It was a good area in summer for Ringed plover as well as a few other waders. Also green sandpiper and good numbers of little grebes on the Brook and I had a few Pied Flycatchers and a Hen Harrier once in the valley there :)
I think you are right John. The occasional Little Grebe is still seen on the brook, but the other species seem long gone unfortunately
Sankey Valley Park, area north of new water treatment works: This morning at first light, there were 70+ Magpies in a noisy communal roost. The birds dispersed in small groups in all directions. The numbers of this species has been steadily growing recently in this area. Quite an impressive sight, but at what cost to small breeding birds this spring?
Also, apparently there have been reports (from a reliable source) of a flock of Twite on the open ground north of the treatment plant, that was until recently fenced off. I have not personally seen the Twite, but there is usually a mixed flock of Linnet, Meadow Pipit and Grey & Pied Wagtails there as well as Stock Doves. Whilst there is constant disturbance from dog walkers, this area is hardly watched, so this could potentially be a rich location for seeing interesting birds!
The area were the twite are reported was a local patch of mine for almost 10 years, its very doubtful that there would be twite flocks there. The linnet flocks were always there in winter and sometimes the 1st winter birds can be mistaken for twite. I never saw twite there in the 10 years I covered the area . It was a good area in summer for Ringed plover as well as a few other waders. Also green sandpiper and good numbers of little grebes on the Brook and I had a few Pied Flycatchers and a Hen Harrier once in the valley there :)
Sankey Valley Park, area north of new water treatment works: This morning at first light, there were 70+ Magpies in a noisy communal roost. The birds dispersed in small groups in all directions. The numbers of this species has been steadily growing recently in this area. Quite an impressive sight, but at what cost to small breeding birds this spring?
Also, apparently there have been reports (from a reliable source) of a flock of Twite on the open ground north of the treatment plant, that was until recently fenced off. I have not personally seen the Twite, but there is usually a mixed flock of Linnet, Meadow Pipit and Grey & Pied Wagtails there as well as Stock Doves. Whilst there is constant disturbance from dog walkers, this area is hardly watched, so this could potentially be a rich location for seeing interesting birds!
Raven-2.45 pm over our House very low, being chased by carrion crows almost landed in the garden at our house in central warrington-good garden tick if I did those sort of things,which I don't . I remember the days when you would have to go to Central Wales or the Lakes to see a Raven crackin' bird
-- Edited by JOHN TYMON on Sunday 11th of January 2015 05:04:06 PM