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Post Info TOPIC: Glaslyn Ospreys

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RE: Glaslyn Ospreys

Looks like the ospreys have left on there 1st migration good luck to you all


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No sightings of the female in the last 4 days ,may she have a safe journey back to Africa. See you next year


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Both chicks ringed today ,OH1 and OH2 both males


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2nd chick hatched today watched them grow live on YouTube


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1st chick hatched in the early hours of this morning


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2nd egg laid at lunchtime today


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The new female has been named Elen after a mountain nearby, and this morning at 1030ish she laid her 1st egg. Long may this story run


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Sadly Mrs G didn't come back this year it would have been her 20th year which is some record. Aran came back early April and was alone for a while, then he was joined by a unhinged female, but after a couple of days she moved on. There is now another female on the nest ,mating has taken place and just awaiting eggs to be laid Over on the Pont Croesor nest there's eggs.


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The long journey has begun for the ospreys only Aaran and 497 remain around the nest 


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497 took its 1st flight 17th


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The chicks have now been ringed  blue 497,498 and 499 looking like 2 male 1 female


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Chick number 3 hatched today full house


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2nd chick hatched Friday at 20 40


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1st egg hatched at 01 25 am today


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The 3rd egg was laid last night at 21 45 . Egg number 60  for this amazing lady


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2nd egg laid last night


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1st egg laid to day


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Both pairs are back in the Glaslyn valley


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Aaran  arrived back on the 10th ,let's hope this year is better than last year


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The lady is back arrived 26 th


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The last chicken sadly died this evening sad times indeed


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The 2nd chicken has sadly died, Aran has not been able to catch fish so after advice fish are placed on a favourite perch and the parents can feed


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Aran has not brought a fish back since Thursday he has 2 primary fathers missing from a wing unfortunately the eldest chicken died this afternoon


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3rd egg hatched at 8..05 this morning


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2nd egg hatched at 02.16 this morning


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1st egg hatched at 00.08 today


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Cheers Sid, I was.


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Rob Creek wrote:
Graham Smith wrote:

Today is day 36 after 1st egg was laid except to see 1st chicken soon


Hi Graham, you mean the egg was rescued then?

Rob the site where the Osprey platform was chain-sawed down, if that's what you're thinking about, was Llyn Brenig Reservoir, not Glaslyn.


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Graham Smith wrote:

Today is day 36 after 1st egg was laid except to see 1st chicken soon

Hi Graham, you mean the egg was rescued then?


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Today is day 36 after 1st egg was laid except to see 1st chicken soon


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John Watson wrote:

re Brenig, apparently an egg was laid yesterday. That may have triggered this hideous crime

I really hope the police find them - penalty is unlimited fine and/or 6 months pleasing HM. For a popular site, the penalty could be at the high end

Thanks for that info John,
I hadnt seen that in the original report on Twitter, it just said 3 birds regularly using the platform with 2 looking as though they were going to start breeding for the 1st time at the site.
Police need to get tough on this and make an example of these horrible people, its a heinous crime and a vile thing for anybody to even think about doing. I hope there are other cameras nearby with vital timed footage that can put suspects in the immediate vicinity, and also whatever footage may be held on the nest camera too.


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re Brenig, apparently an egg was laid yesterday. That may have triggered this hideous crime

I really hope the police find them - penalty is unlimited fine and/or 6 months pleasing HM. For a popular site, the penalty could be at the high end


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Shocking news this morning regarding the Ospreys at Llyn Brenig near Denbigh, North Wales.
Vandals have felled the potential nest site platform with a chainsaw. 3 birds had been filmed using the platform form with a pair looking to start breeding.
Absolutely disgusting!


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3rd egg laid today at 1630 number 57 for this amazing lady


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2nd egg laid today at 1420 thats egg number 56


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1st egg laid at 1705 today


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Arran arrived back today at 9 48 his 7th year Mrs G was 1st seen in 2003


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Day 3 of world osprey week and Mrs G has returned to the nest welcome back


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3rd chick hatched this morning 24th at  12.54 pm full house smile


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2nd chick hatched at 17.59 on 21st  you can always watch the live feed on you tube now theres chicks on the nest 


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All these updates much appreciated, even though we can't go to see them !


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1st egg hatched 20th at 10 52am


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1st egg due to hatch in the next couple of days check out the nest on you tube live feed just look for Glaslyn osprey


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3rd egg laid at 19.01 on 19/04  Mrs Gs 54th egg


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2nd egg laid 16/04  at 16.17pm


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1st egg laid at 19.50 on Sunday


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The live feed is up and running enjoy https://www.glaslynwildlife.co.uk/live/


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Today at 12.08pm Aran finely returned to the nest

Numbers of Osprey sightings up until 2nd April are down only 117 seen so far normally numbers are  around 160 this may be down to birders staying at home  


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Still no sign of the male returning but 2 females have both been seen on the nest one un ringed the other being Blue CS8 a Scotish bird 


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Mrs G has returned to the nest on 20th 1st seen at 936am

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