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Post Info TOPIC: Drinkwater Park & environs.

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RE: Drinkwater Park & environs.

Visit to Forest Bank park and Drinkwater park today:

9 Chiffchaffs singing
1 Willow Tit
4 Goosander
1 Siskin
1 Lesser Redpoll
2 Mute swans
1 Little Grebe
1 Buzzard
2 Sparrowhawks
plenty of other common birds singing:song thrush, robin, wren etc

Z Barrett

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2 Mute Swans, Tufted Duck, Goldfinches, Long-Tailed Tit flocks, some Siskin and a Jay


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On the Irwell adjacent - 4 beautiful Mute Swan and 1 Kingfisher, lovely Autumn weather and a great day!

Keep calm and carry on birding....

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17th August.

Made a first visit to this site this morning since spring to count the waterfowl and was surprised and concerned how little there was to look at. A single Mute Swan, 2 Mallards and 6 Moorhen, including 2 independent juveniles the only birds present. Not a single Coot! Just for comparison and although these other two dates are a little earlier than this year, on 18/7/10 and 24/7/09 there were minima of 7 pairs breeding here, with young of varying ages from different broods. Not sure if I've just been unlucky today but I wonder if the Mink seen by myself and other observers on the nearby Irwell have now moved onto these two ponds and taken their toll?

A Willow Tit and Nuthatch were heard in the surrounding woodland.

Whilst on the subject of Mink and although this should be on another thread, I visited a site along the River Roch in Heywood on 14th August. This site had an small Sand Martin colony with some activity around 12 nests on 7th July. Perhaps not too surprisingly, the colony was abandoned on 14/8. But what I did notice that whilst the rest of the cliff face was smooth and unmarked, all bar one of the holes had claw/scratch marks underneath the nest holes and all appeared to have been widened. Again I suspect by Mink. Very depressing.


-- Edited by Bill Myerscough on Wednesday 17th of August 2011 06:59:48 PM


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Today, early morning from Cheetham Hill down the Irwell to 13 Arches Viaduct, then back through Prestwich Clough produced:

1 Goosander (F) probably the one I saw the other day, though this was heading downriver towards th City Centre.
4 Cormorant - two on a pylon plus two singles.
4 Great Crested Grebes
1 Little Grebe
2 Tufted Ducks (1M 1F)
4 Mute Swan
Swifts and Sandmartins over
2 Herons

1 Jay
1 M Bullfinch
1 M Blackcap

Plus the usual faces wink.gif

Keep calm and carry on birding....

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Resumed the search in the Irwell Valley and managed to, after two months as birder, open my raptor account!

I had:

2 Buzzards (over)
1 Kestrel over Forest Bank Park
1 Blackcap (Another that has evaded me so far until today wink.gif
1 F Goosander by Agecroft Bridge
2 Lapwings
1 Pheasant - I was about 7 foot away as it sauntered through the scrub
2 Swallows and a sprinkling of Sandmartin
Also: Plenty of) Goldfinch, (Lots of) Great Tit,
and also ChaffinchBlue Tit, Whitethroat, Willow Warbler - lots of Chiffchaffs singing, Wren, Robins and the usuals.

Keep calm and carry on birding....

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Went raptor-hunting to no avail.

Instead was rewarded with:

2 Goosanders M and F by Agecroft Bridge
Good numbers of blackheaded gulls
2 Mute Swans
2 Bullfinchs (males)
c6 Goldfinch
Several Great Tits
1 Blue Tit

And then the rain came - what's happened to our summer? disbelief.gif

Keep calm and carry on birding....

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Thanks for that Ivan - I'll certainly have another look and listen for Green Woodpecker when I re-visit later in this spring and summer.

Best wishes,



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Bill. not heard one for about 18 months but I have heard Green woodpecker and seen them twice in Prestwich clough- as far up as the flower park near Bury new rd.


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27th March - am.

Just 1 Mute Swan on the ponds today and also on 10/3 not sure what has happened to the other one of the regular pair? 2 Little Grebes - 1 on the ponds and 1 on the nearby Irwell.

A pair of Long Tailed Tits were nestbuilding and spent the best part of 2 mins disputing with a Wren that was also seen carrying nest material. I would guess that the Wren may well have been trying to "hijack" the nest? hmm.gif

1 Buzzard over, 1 Kestrel perched in a tree and a pair of Sparrowhawks displaying.

2 calling Willow Tits moved throught the Forest Bank area on the western bank of the Irwell.

I thought I could hear a Green Woodpecker yaffling, except it didn't sound quite right. doh.gif However there were at least 7 Jays flying noisily about and I wonder if it might have been one of them badly mimicking a Green Woodpecker? confuse.gif

2 Teal and 1 male Goldeneye on the adjacent Irwell.




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In the sewage work site
A large startled cock pheasant that erupted from the bushes
family of whitethroats
chiff chaffs
Waterdale area
Pied Wag
Green finches etc
on 13 arches viaduct kestral


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14th June.

Did my second and final breeding season Timed Tetrad Visit (TTV) for the BTO and GM atlas projects for the 2 by 2 km square that is SD80B Prestwich this morning. A stretch of the R Irwell, Drinkwater Park, Prestwich Clough and environs are all in this square.

It was an excellent morning but one that started off badly.....I'm not pleased to report that I managed to beat Alex's count of mink, when 2 were clearly visible just upstream of Agecroft Bridge. cry.gifangered.gif

46 species recorded on this late visit - same number as the early visit although they were not the same set of species on both visits. Highlights included a female Mallard with 9 well-grown ducklings on the Irwell, a pair of Grey Wagtail with a single fledged juvenile,aww.gif a family party of Whitethroat including a minimum of 2 begging juveniles,aww.gif family parties of 6,6 and 5 for Coot, Goldfinch with independently feeding juveniles, a brief sighting of a single Treecreeper with a single juvenile, aww.gif a female Great Spotted Woodpecker feeding a single juvenileaww.gif. Fledged Jackdaws and I have never, ever been so pleased before to see a Starling visiting a nest site and be able to confirm breeding for this species here........at last! clap.gifclap.gif Plenty of juvenile Woodpigeons and 3 independent juvenile Pied Wagtails feeding on the mud on the Irwell. Also 4 Cormorants, Nuthatch, Little Grebe, Great Crested Grebe, and several species of warbler and hirundine.

Keep atlasing!



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Mink could be the reason why there are no breeding waterfowl at Ringley - not even coot or Mallard!

Bury year list - 136 latest - Whooper Swan

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Originally posted by Alex Lewis-Gough today, 11th June:

had a little wander down drinkwater park and along the river hoping to spot a kingfisher and the gooseanders. i saw neither of those but did see what i think was a mink running along the side of the river with a fish in its mouth. it scared off a load of canada geese that were sat with their young and i lost it as it ran off down stream. ive read that they need controling cos they are bad for our native wildlife and cause destruction.
birdwise i saw mostly the usual like whitethroat, great crested greebe, lots of hirundines, kestrel near 13 arches hunting and attacking a magpie in a tree. also coots nesting on the river with a load of eggs


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9th April.

8.30 am to 10.30 am.

Did my first breeding season Timed Tetrad Visit (TTV) for the BTO and GM atlas projects for the 2 by 2 km square that is SD80B Prestwich this morning. A stretch of the R Irwell, Drinkwater Park, Prestwich Clough and environs are all in this square.

A beautiful morning to be out and there was plenty to look at. 46 species recorded over the 2 hours - could have been even higher as there was no Nuthatch, hirundines, Kingfisher and not even a single Starling! Highlights were a Green Sandpiper happy.gif - presumably the one that was seen below Agecroft Bridge on 21/1 and 26/1 this year but thankfully this morning upstream of the bridge and in my square! Also a pair of Gadwall, a pair of Stock Doves, a Buzzard, 5 singing Blackcaps - some showing well - 1 was seen eating ivy berries. The area is very good for Song Thrush and several pairs were seen.

Jays put on a cracking spectacle all morning with several decent sized parties seen - the largest of which was of 9 birds. They were extremely vocal and frequently criss-crossed the area in very noisy parties. I presume this must be some form of display/pair forming activity? - as I have seen this a few times before at Piethorne and other GM locations in spring.

The ponds at Drinkwater, in my opinion, have been spoilt for birds by the clearance of far too much of the vegetation that surrounded around them. angered.giffrustrated.gifThere are now, what I presume to be, cycle tracks absolutely everywhere........managed to see the grand total of 1 cyclist all morning!!! confuse.gifconfused.gif

Keep atlasing,


-- Edited by Bill Myerscough on Friday 9th of April 2010 08:06:51 PM


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Kate Rice wrote:

Drinkwater is the latest part of the LIVIA project. see www.forestry.gov.uk/website/forestry.nsf/byunique/infd-7qmccb

Hi Kate,

Many thanks for taking the time to post this information. It's appreciated. thumbsup.gif

Best wishes,



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Drinkwater is the latest part of the LIVIA project. see www.forestry.gov.uk/website/forestry.nsf/byunique/infd-7qmccb

Kate Rice

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Posts: 1025

23rd January.

I have put previous postings for this site on the Odds and Sods thread but seeing as I have taken on this area for this winter and the coming summer for coverage for the BTO 2007 - 2011 Atlas and GM Breeding Birds atlas projects then I thought I might as well start a new thread!!

I visited Drinkwater Park many times last summer and I really enjoyed all of my visits and was really surprised how good it was for birds, particularly with a stretch of the Irwell running alongside the park and some good scrubland nearby.

Very disappointed to visit today and see that since my last visit on 13/11/09 that some substantial "improvement" works has been and is currently taking place to the site. frustrated.gif Very reluctant to criticise when money is being spent and time and effort being expended but just to say I was most unimpressed, looking at it from a birds viewpoint, to see what has been done. Even more worried worry.gif that they may be only part way through the works and that it may get even worse!fear.gif

Anyway today - the ponds were still largely frozen over - although 19 Coots were obviously getting pretty stressed out fight.gif by the close proximity of each other on the small expanse of open water! In the surrounding woodlands (what's left of it!) 11 Long-tailed Tits, 5 Bullfinch(2m,3f), 12 Goldfinch, 3 Goldcrest, 1 Redwing, 1 Great Spotted Woodpecker and 3 Jays. On the stretch of Irwell adjacent to the park - at least 6 Little Grebes, 1 Goosander, 4 Cormorants. Also in the general area - 1 Kestrel and 3 Reed Buntings.



-- Edited by Bill Myerscough on Saturday 23rd of January 2010 05:14:30 PM

-- Edited by Bill Myerscough on Saturday 23rd of January 2010 06:52:21 PM

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