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Post Info TOPIC: Davyhulme Millenium NR (& adj MSC)

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RE: Davyhulme Millenium NR (& adj MSC)

Mute Swan 10 (6 well grown cygnet)
Gadwall 6
Mallard 15
Teal 3
Goldeneye 1
Little Grebe 4
Kingfisher 1
Sparrowhawk 2
Buzzard 3
Kestrel 1
Hobby 1 adult
Sand Martin 1
Swallow 30

Updated birding videos on You Tube https://www.youtube.com/c/PeteHinesbirding

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Common Tern 2, adult feeding a juvenile
Gadwall 6
Little Grebe 4
Great Crested Grebe 1
Raven 2
Willow Warbler 1
Chiffchaff 10 Cormorant 20 minimum Kingfisher 2

-- Edited by Pete Hines on Monday 22nd of August 2022 01:45:06 PM

Updated birding videos on You Tube https://www.youtube.com/c/PeteHinesbirding

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Green Sandpiper 2 flew along MSC over the locks towards Barton Bridge
Little Egret 2 ditto
Common Tern 1
Great Black-backed Gull 1 adult over
Kingfisher 1
Gadwall 2
Willow Tit 2
Linnet 4

Updated birding videos on You Tube https://www.youtube.com/c/PeteHinesbirding

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Hobby 2
Kingfisher 2
Gadwall 2
Willow Tit 1-2
Willow Warbler 1 singing

Updated birding videos on You Tube https://www.youtube.com/c/PeteHinesbirding

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Gadwall 22
Swift 9
Common Tern 1
Hobby 2 together
Raven 2-4
Sand Martin 1
Swallow 17
House Martin 2

Updated birding videos on You Tube https://www.youtube.com/c/PeteHinesbirding

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Gadwall 7
Common Tern 2
Kingfisher 2
Raven 2

Updated birding videos on You Tube https://www.youtube.com/c/PeteHinesbirding

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Peregrine 1 male
Common Tern 2
Oystercatcher 3
Kingfisher 1
Gadwall 1
Willow Tit 53.462110, -2.386324

Updated birding videos on You Tube https://www.youtube.com/c/PeteHinesbirding

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Common Sandpiper 1
Common Tern 1
Common Gull 1
Gadwall 1

Updated birding videos on You Tube https://www.youtube.com/c/PeteHinesbirding

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Hobby 1
Common Tern 2
Kingfisher 1
Gadwall 7
Lapwing 33 flying east

Updated birding videos on You Tube https://www.youtube.com/c/PeteHinesbirding

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Common Tern 2
Kingfisher 1
Oystercatcher 2
Siskin 2

Updated birding videos on You Tube https://www.youtube.com/c/PeteHinesbirding

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1 Common Tern on the Ship Canal hunting around Barton Locks this morning before flying towards Barton Bridge
1 Kingfisher along the canal
1 Sedge Warbler singing on north side of the canal


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Goldeneye 1 female on MSC by the locks
Common Tern 1 between Hulme's ferry & the locks
Willow Tit 1 at 53.462064, -2.385285
Kingfisher 1 (3 sightings of an individual)
Great crested Grebe 1 on MSC
Little Grebe 1 juvenile on the pond

Updated birding videos on You Tube https://www.youtube.com/c/PeteHinesbirding

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Couple of hours this afternoon down on the veiwpoint watching the Ship Canal.

Goldeneye female.
Common Tern, diving and hawking the water, eventually called and flew high towards Barton Aerodrome
Couple of Grey Herons
Plenty of Swallows, House Martin's and Sand Martin's
2 x Oystercatchers
2 x Great Black Backed Gulls.

There has been a Tern showing here since Monday not sure if it's the same as the ones around Irlam Locks.

Aint birdin brill......

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A pretty fruitful trip round the reserve this afternoon:) 1 male blackcap 1 greenfinch 2 tree sparrow 2 chiffchaff 1 great crested grebe 3 swallow feeding around the jetty and an oystercatcher chilling out on the jetty!! As seen from the large viewing platform near the docks


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yesterday 7th April 2022

20 Gadwall & 3 Teal on the MSC
1 Blackcap
Coot with chicks

Updated birding videos on You Tube https://www.youtube.com/c/PeteHinesbirding

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A singing Willow Tit was the highlight of a visit on Friday 4th (I also had a report of a pair on nearby Flixton Fly Ash tip recently).


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Walk round the reserve with my Mum and we were rewarded with excellent views of a kingfisher scanning the first pond, which we were both able to enjoy. Gadwall Tufted duck 2 male and one female teal Cormorant Lesser black backed gull


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Couldn't get to Boysnope because of it being fenced off. So tried to get a view of Ship Canal from the Flixton side. Turned out alright, except any Goldeneyes probably downstream of Boysnope towards the bend, before Irlam Locks.

Gadwall 30+
Coot 10+
Tufted Duck 13
Little Grebe 10
Mallard 18
Moorhen 3
Teal 10
Canada Goose 1
Mute Swan 3
Cormorant 6
Grey Heron 1
Lapwing 20+
Sparrowhawk 1
Common Gull 3
LBB Gull 1
BH Gull 70+
Song Thrush 1
Bullfinch 3
Coal Tit 1

Phil Greenwood

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Just as an FYI I have 4 Willow Tits on my feeders every day at the moment (backing on to Nature Reserve in area not open to the public), definite increase in numbers, normally I only see 2 or occasionally 3


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Pete Hines wrote:

Willow Tit 1 singing at 53.461525, -2.385785
Oystercatcher 4 together at Barton Lock
Gadwall 7
Cormorant 10 minimum
Coot 1 ad with 5 young on pond
Buzzard 1
Swift 9
Swallow 11
House Martin 13
Chiffchaff 8 singing
Blackcap 7 singing
House Sparrow 31 minimum

Willow Tit singing, thats almost right opposite a possible nest site I stumbled across during the WT survey I did this year....

Aint birdin brill......

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Thank you - much appreciated, first sighting in my garden after 25 years living here smile


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Willow Tit 1 singing at 53.461525, -2.385785
Oystercatcher 4 together at Barton Lock
Gadwall 7
Cormorant 10 minimum
Coot 1 ad with 5 young on pond
Buzzard 1
Swift 9
Swallow 11
House Martin 13
Chiffchaff 8 singing
Blackcap 7 singing
House Sparrow 31 minimum

Updated birding videos on You Tube https://www.youtube.com/c/PeteHinesbirding

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Female Blackcap Richard


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Looking for some assistance with identifying a new visitor to my garden yesterday which backs on to the Millenium Nature Reserve - sadly not great images buy hopefully good enough for someone to tell me what this is please .......


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Morning visit.

Willow Tit 1 calling next to bridge at SJ740 959.
Chiffchaff 7 singing.
Song Thrush 4 singing.
Coal Tit 3 singing.
Bullfinch 4
Goldfinch 5
Great Spotted Woodpecker 2
Cormorant 7
Mute Swan 1
Gadwall 2 male, 1 female.
Mallard 6 male, 2 female.
Moorhen 1
Coot 3
Jay 1
Grey Wagtail 1
Great Black-backed Gull 1 imm. flying up the canal.

Phil Greenwood

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A couple of hours out yesterday

New pair of Willow Tits right next to the bridge was a welcome arrival.
2 other birds heard around the reserve.

Peregrine Falcon flew over us on our departure with a distinctive gap in its left wing, probably a Beyond Bird, but with this feature maybe someone has seen it further a field..

Aint birdin brill......

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A quick 2 hours down at Millenium this morning..

No Kingfishers today although they have been seen again this week, having been missing for a while , with 2 on the main pond on Tuesday.

1 very pale Buzzard
4 Goldcrests
Plenty of Teal.
2 Coot mating on main pond.
1 Redpoll
Plenty of Bullfinches about
2 Sparrowhawk
1 Kestrel.

Normally I pick up a few Willow Tits, but today was a record day for me..
12 seen and 2 heard as well.

Wonder if Peels destruction over the ship canal has forced a few over to the sunny side if town...


Aint birdin brill......

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A very warm afternoon walk round from 2 until half 3. Highlights being;

Several female chaffinch along the Brook as viewed from the bridge

Plenty of gadwall 

1 x great-crested grebe

And as I was leaving, near the main pond and the trees next to the exit sign, lots of interesting song and I was rewarded with my first willow tit. I would say at least three birds being very active.

And in the same area a female and male bullfinch 


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Two Peregrines over late morning, assume these are those seen at Beyond frequently


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A chilly mooch around Millenium this morning before the hoards of dog walkers descended produced

6 Willow Tits seen. 4 & 2
3 Willow Tits heard only sadly
1 Lesser Redpoll appeared briefly with the WT
4 Common Gulls
2 Great Black Backed Gulls
1 Buzzard
1 Sparrowhawk
1 Kestrel

And Peel seemed to clearing the opposite embankment as all the trees have gone missing...

Aint birdin brill......

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A lovely winter walk in the snow as the sun came out...I think my peaceful moments down at the dock waiting for birds to arrive have really helped me through lockdown fever! Highlights today:

1x Great crested grebe

1x Raven making a racket from top of the pylon

3 x cormorant 

4 x gadwall 

And 1 x grey heron who i was pretty much waiting to turn up before I left! I like to see him before leaving my favourite spot...and he dutifully flew in smile


-- Edited by Natalie Clarke on Saturday 23rd of January 2021 05:24:35 PM


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Looks like I chose the wrong day to go to Carrington rather than Millenium..... heyho

Nick Hilton wrote:

Sunday 3rd, around mid-day (typically, not being a WeBS survey day, all the duck were out in force!);

Blackbird 7
Black-headed Gull 36
Blue Tit 5
Carrion Crow 13
Chaffinch 1
Coot 12
Cormorant 3
Gadwall 53
Goldfinch 6
Great Crested Grebe 2
Great Tit 4
Grey Heron 2
House Sparrow 30
Jackdaw 2
Lesser Black-backed Gull 2
Little Grebe 4
Long-tailed Tit 4
Magpie 10
Mallard 20
Moorhen 14
Mute Swan 5
Pochard 1
Robin 6
Sparrowhawk 1
Teal 27
Tufted Duck 112
Willow Tit 1
Woodpigeon 4
Wren 2

Aint birdin brill......

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although sadly stuck in the office now.....

Natalie Clarke wrote:

Hi Steve,

No, of course not!

It was at the Dock viewing ledge. So slightly to the right of that thing that pumps out water (looks iike a giant plug socket biggrin) he was feeding in the overgrowth. Quite well hidden. I actually think I caught sight of him the on NYE as well but couldn't be sure but had a better view yesterday!

Aint birdin brill......

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Sunday 3rd, around mid-day (typically, not being a WeBS survey day, all the duck were out in force!);

Blackbird 7
Black-headed Gull 36
Blue Tit 5
Carrion Crow 13
Chaffinch 1
Coot 12
Cormorant 3
Gadwall 53
Goldfinch 6
Great Crested Grebe 2
Great Tit 4
Grey Heron 2
House Sparrow 30
Jackdaw 2
Lesser Black-backed Gull 2
Little Grebe 4
Long-tailed Tit 4
Magpie 10
Mallard 20
Moorhen 14
Mute Swan 5
Pochard 1
Robin 6
Sparrowhawk 1
Teal 27
Tufted Duck 112
Willow Tit 1
Woodpigeon 4
Wren 2


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Hi Steve,

No, of course not!

It was at the Dock viewing ledge. So slightly to the right of that thing that pumps out water (looks iike a giant plug socket biggrin) he was feeding in the overgrowth. Quite well hidden. I actually think I caught sight of him the on NYE as well but couldn't be sure but had a better view yesterday!


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If you don't mind me asking where was the shoveler ?

Not had one down there before that's all


Aint birdin brill......

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Very quiet afternoon walk around with my Dad but still enjoyable!

1 x heron on the dock. 

1 x cormorant 

1 x male shoveler who lifted his head briefly for me to admire!

Tufted duck seen further down the canal, on the way back to the car park and  a great creasted grebe. Who almost looked more like a winter red-throated diver! But I am trying not to take my guide out with me at the moment. So I think I would have to commit to a winter great crested grebe!

-- Edited by Ian McKerchar on Sunday 3rd of January 2021 06:58:02 PM


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A lovely, winter walk this afternoon!

A heron flying over and landing on the dock 

1 x cormorant flying  over but didn't see him land

1 x pochard amongst the tufted ducks 

1 x great crested grebe

1 x wren

2 x bullfinch 

And lots of noisy house sparrow near the car park


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Male and female gadwall and male goosander  spotted on the river.

Firsts for me!!


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4BUU ringed as a female cygnet on 23/9/2015 at Chorlton WP.

Thanks for reporting it, Phil.


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Just realised I missed the Mute Swans, which were 4 imms and 2 adults, one with a blue ring, 4BUU, which I think was a female.

Phil Greenwood

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Friday, November 13th pm:

Mistle Thrush 1
Grey Wagtail 1
Great Crested Grebe 3
Mallard 10
Gadwall 16
Moorhen 3
Coot 8
Cormorant 4
BH Gull 50+
Common Gull 1

Phil Greenwood

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Spent a couple of blustery hours here yesterday morning.

Kingfisher hunkered down in Willow the back of the first pond.
Little Grebe also on first pond, as was a nest building Moorhen, Spring must be here...

Willow Tit calling from the area around the 1st bench on back path when coming back from veiwpoints, couldnt find it though.

Goosander (Male) on Ship Canal adjacent to bridge.

Cheers Steve

Aint birdin brill......

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Really interesting bird that Steve. Can't say I 've ever seen any aberrant Willow Tits before, although a quick google shows a similar bird on Surfbirds.

The BTO have an aberrant plumage survey, could be interesting data to upload;


A good number of birds seen as well, the Willow Tit population at Davyhulme MNR never seems to grow, for last 10 - 15 years only seems to be a max of two pairs and you would have thought there was plenty of suitable habitat in the back closed off section. I've seen them being pushed off potential nesting sites here by both Great and Blue tit.

Highlight of the BTO's WeBS count at the NR today was 44 Gadwall all taking shelter in the Sludge Loading bay. The current down the canal was fierce and there was plenty of debris being taken west. No birds were on the actual canal on the whole stretch adjacent to the NR. 4 Great Crested Grebe were also in the Sludge Loading Bay along with 1 Little Grebe.

Another Little Grebe was on the larger of the two ponds.


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Spent a couple of hours here yesterday morning

Chuffed to find 2 pair bird, s of Willow Tits and one pair seemed to be feeding a youngster, much smaller than the 2 feeding it.

Loads of Bullfinches and Nuthatches around, must have been a good year last year for them.

Aint birdin brill......

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Nuthatch made a rare appearance this morning too 


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Usual pair of Willow Tits in my garden backing on to the Nature Reserve this morning, Goldcrest also sighted but highlight was the return visit of 2 Red Kites over the Reserve


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Very quiet, plus low visibility of the canal due to vegetation growth.

Moorhen 2
Cormorant 2
Grey Heron 2
Great Crested Grebe 1
Mute Swan 7
Black-headed Gull 8
Lesser Black-backed Gull 1


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17/08/19 1000-1100

Highlight was definitely the juvenile Hobby that circled the new pond area and followed a flock of Swift west down the Manchester Ship Canal.

A first for me in 20 years wandering the reserve and my 95 species recorded.


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A pair of Kingfisher around the larger pond today gave good views and a pair of Grey Wagtail at Barton Locks.

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